Total Drama Island Fancharacters Club
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Ronnie : (in confessional) Instead of checking out the hotel, I'm gonna go get my Snickers back. T.T

Ronnie : *by the elevator of floor 1 and mutters to herself* What did Brooke say? Team 2 gets what room for the girls? Hmm.... *thinks* Ah ha! Room 200 of floor 4. *pushes the "up" button on the elevator*

Elevator : *opens*

Ronnie : *goes into it and presses "4"*

Elevator : *closes and goes up* *"Transform Ya" oleh Chris Brown and Lil' Wayne comes on*

Ronnie : *gasps* OH SNAP! THIS IS MAH JAM!!!! *starts breakdancing*

Elevator : *opens*

acak Rich Snobby Lady : *outside of the elevator* *raises eyebrow*

Ronnie : *notices the lady staring at her and stops dancing* Jealous?

acak Rich Snobby Lady : *rolls eyes and walks into the elevator*

Ronnie : *walks out*

Elevator : *closes*

Ronnie : Room 200.... *walks down the hall* *sees the room* TUT *peeks in*

(In room 200)

Riley : *sitting on her tempat tidur while playing her gitar and singing*

Gabriella, Autumn, and Lilyth : *unpacking*

(In the 4th floor's hallway)

Ronnie : *whispers to herself* There's that little thief. T.T

itik jantan, drake : *walks out of room 201 and sees Ronnie* What are you-

Ronnie : *jumps on itik jantan, drake and covers his mouth* Shhhhhh...

itik jantan, drake : o_O

Ronnie : *slowly takes her hand off of his mouth*

itik jantan, drake : *whispers* What are anda doing?

Ronnie : *whispers back* I'm planning to get my Snickers back- But how could I get in there?

itik jantan, drake : *whispers* I don't think they'll let the other team in there..-

Ronnie : *whispers back* NO! I WILL get in there!! Somehow! Someway! *jumps off him and runs to the elevator* *goes to the 3rd floor*

itik jantan, drake : o.O

itik jantan, drake : (in confessional) Surely Ron won't get into the room, so I guess I can help her get her Snickers back. It's what a gentleman would do.

(In room 123)

Molly : *has a small bump on her head from Ronnie and Riley's fight* *reading War and Peace*

Trinity and Ember : *arguing*

Ronnie : *goes into the room* Girls, we have to get my Snickers!

Molly : *looks up at Ronnie* But we have to practice for the play. If we go to find your Snickers-

Ronnie : We'll have time!!

Molly : *raises her eyebrow*

Trinity : *stops arguing with Ember and looks at Ronnie* I'm in! This will be a great adventure! I remember when Goku-

Ember : *turns to Ronnie* I can help, too.

Ronnie : YAY!! *turns to Molly* Come on, Molly. For the Snickers!

Molly : *sighs and closes her book* Fine. I suppose I can help.

Ronnie : YAY! Now here's the plan..

(in room 124)

Marcus : *cooking some fancy lobster dish*

Jason : *walking around and sees Marcus* Dude, are anda cooking?

Marcus : O_O Uhhhh... No. Cooking's for girls. I'm just.. Examining this. Blaine asked me to. He's cooking this. Mhm. Yeah. >_>

Jason : Okaaaaay. Whatever anda say. /:T

Marcus : (in confessional) Okay. Fine I WAS cooking- but I don't want anyone to know I'm good at it. I mean.. Cooking's for girls.

EC : *talks all nice and sorry* Hey, Blaine?

Blaine : ? *turns to EC*

EC : *talking in the same tone* anda know... I'm sorry for the way I acted in the RV. I'm so sorry, I made a song for you. Care to hear?

Blaine : Sure?

EC : *in the tune of "Rain Rain Go Away"* Blaine, Blaine, you're a hobbit. No one even likes anda one bit. No one here wants anda to stay, so pack your bags and go away. *laughs* anda really thought I was gonna apologize to you? Sorry, I only apologize to humans, not hobbits.

Blaine : *growls*

Blaine : (in confessional) To think EC was trying to be my friend! That first part didn't even rhyme right!

Jason : *runs to where they are* EC, why do anda always bother Blaine?

EC : Because he's a lame hobbit. If anda saw in my eyes, you'd think the same. *walks out of the hotel room*

Blaine : Thanks again, JC.

Jason : Mhm. And I heard anda were cooking.

Blaine : I was?

(in the hallway of the 3rd floor)

EC : *knocks on the door of 123*

EC : (in confessional) Since the room was beginning to smell like hobbit with Blaine around, I decided to flirt on the girls. If I had girls on my side, I'll make it to the finals easily. Oh, and it's not like I'll have any feelings for them. They'll just be apart of my little game I call "Winning". *evil laugh*

(in room 123)

Molly, Trinity, and Ember : *playing Twister*

Ronnie : I'll get it. *walks to the door and opens it*

(in the hallway of the 3rd floor)

EC : Hello, Ronnie. May I talk to anda out here?

(in room 123)

Ronnie : Ummm... Sure? *walks out of the room and closes the door behind her*

(in the hallway of the 3rd floor)

EC : anda know.. Me and anda are alike. We're both smart and we know how to win this.

Ronnie : Wait, how did anda know?

EC : Again, we're alike. Now, I think we should be in an alliance.

Ronnie : I don't know, EC. There's something about anda I don't trust...

EC : anda could trust me.

Ronnie : Hmmm.... Well I'll think about it.

EC : Why can't anda think of it now?

Ronnie : Because I need some luar angkasa to think. >: .

EC : Just think now!

Ronnie : Okay. NO!

EC : No?!

Ronnie : Yes! 'Cuz you're a PSYCO! *tries to walk off*

EC : *grabs her oleh her wrists and turns her back towards him*

Ronnie : Care to get off?

EC : *mind controls Ronnie*

Ronnie : @_@

EC : (in confessional) Yes I can mind control others. The easiest to mind control is simple-minded humans and animals. This ability will make it easy to get people to vote others off with me.

EC : So, I'm going to ask anda this again: Do anda want to be in my alliance?

Ronnie : Yes. @_@

EC : *grins* That's what I thought you'd say. Now go along and do your idiotic activities with your women.

Ronnie : Yes, EC. @_@

EC : Wait, how about.. "Master"?

Ronnie : Yes, Master. anda have a great mind, Master. I would have never thought of that name, Master. @_@

EC : Offffffffffffffffffffff course anda wouldn't. Now run along.

Ronnie : Yes, Master. @_@ *walks into room 113*

EC : *stops mind controlling her*

(in room 123)

Molly : What happened out there with EC, Ron?

Ronnie : Honestly, I don't even remember.

Molly : Hmmm...

Molly : (in confessional) That EC did something to Ron! I KNEW there was something up with him! I have to inform all the campers!

(in room 201)

Liam : *trying to bite a picture of Jake with his teeth in an apple*

Jake : *writing a song*

Rio : *drawing*

itik jantan, drake : Guys, I think we should gather the girls so we could pick the parts of the play.

Jake : Now?

itik jantan, drake : Yeah. It's good to get it out of the way. Hey, Jake. anda should go get the girls.

Jake : Fine. -.- *walks out of the room and knocks on room 200's door*

(in room 200)

Autumn : *opens the door*

(in the hallway of the 4th floor)

Jake : Hello. ^.^

(in room 200)

Autumn : ._.

(in the hallway of the 4th floor)

Jake : Uhhhhh.. Yeah. Well we're picking parts, so gather the other girls.

(in room 200)

Autumn : Okay.

Gabriella and Lilyth : *walk out and go into the ballroom*

Autumn : *follows*

(in the hallway of the 4th floor)

Jake : *counts them* Uhh... Hey, Autumn? Where's the 4th girl?

Autumn : *stops* Riley?

Jake : Yeah.

Autumn : Oh. She went to go swimming in the pool.

Jake : Interesting...

Autumn : *continues walking*

Jake : *goes back into room 201* Yeaaah. Uh.. Riley went to the pool.

itik jantan, drake : But we have something lebih important on task!

Jake : Well let's go to the ballroom. *walks out of room 201 and goes into the ballroom*

Drake, Rio and Liam : *follow*

(in the 4th floor's ballroom)

itik jantan, drake : *pulls out a paper* Okay. So there's 8 characters.

Gabriella : Since I'm a WAY better actress than all of you, I suppose I will be the lead role.

itik jantan, drake : Ummm.. anda know anda have to be a good singer and dancer, too.

Gabriella : *raises eyebrow* Drake. I'm an actress. I can act like I'm good at that.

itik jantan, drake : Okaaaay. Then you're... *reads the paper as he talks* Naomi Bickens, a city girl who's extremely classy and only owns expensive stuff.

Gabriella : Fantastic.

Gabriella : (in confessional) This character will be easy to act as.

itik jantan, drake : Also, she's the main female role. *reads the paper as he talks* The 2nd lead role is Louis Baha, a homeless man who eats from trash cans. I guess I can be him.

itik jantan, drake : *reads the paper as he talks* The 3rd lead role is Chef Q., 
a chef that actually introduces Naomi and Louis to turkey and beans. It says here that the chef can be any gender.

Lilyth : Ooh! I can be the chef!

itik jantan, drake : Okay. And now we're the supporting characters atau background characters. I'll be Mr. Bickens, Naomi's dad. One other supporting role is Alice Walker, Chef Q.'s daughter. And I think Riley could possibly do that. The rest of us are background characters.

Autumn : (in confessional) I think itik jantan, drake made me a background character because I'm quiet. :\ I would appreciate if he actually gave me an important role.

itik jantan, drake : We'll start practice tomorrow at 6 o' clock in the morning.

Gabriella : 6 o' clock?! That's too early!

itik jantan, drake : Early bird gets the worm. *walks out of the ballroom and goes back to room 201*

Jake : *shrugs and follows*

Liam : *follows Jake*

Gabriella : Well I better get my beauty sleep. *walks out of the ballroom and goes into room 200*

Lilyth : *follows*

Autumn : ....... *goes also*

(in room 200)

Riley : *comes in* Guys! Ya should o' been there! This huge guy went on their biggest slide and totally broke it!

Autumn : /:T

Riley : So how was the lame practice?

Gabriella : I'm the lead role, Lilyth is Chef Q.-

Autumn : And I'm a crumby old background character. <:\

Riley : 'Ey, at least your somebody. Now who am I? A background character?

Lilyth : Actually your my daughter. :D

Riley : (in confessional) ARE YA KIDDIN' ME?? I bet that Chef's daughter is an important character that has a whole bunch o' lines! D:<

Riley : Fabulous. T_T

Gabriella : We're going to practice tomorrow at 6 o' clock. -.-"

(in the hallway of the 4th floor)

Nicole : *knocks on their door*

(in room 200)

Riley : Comin'! *goes to open the door*

(in the hallway of the 4th floor)

Nicole : Room service.

(in room 200)

Autumn : We didn't call room service.

(in the hallway of the 4th floor)

Nicole : I know. Ms. Brooke makes the interns deliver anda guys breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

(in room 200)

Riley : Free food? Cool!

Autumn : Wait.. Did Chef make that?

(in the hallway of the 4th floor)

Nicole : Oh no. He only makes food when there's no other food sources.

(in room 200)

Riley : All right, then! Come on in!

 (in the hallway of the 4th floor)

Nicole : *comes in while pulling a food gerobak, keranjang along with her*

(in room 200)

Nicole : Bon appetite. *takes the covers off of the food*

*the food looks WAY better than Chef's food*

Riley, Gabriella, and Lilyth :  Mmmmmm..

Autumn : I hope anda have utensils.

Nicole : Yes I do. *gives them their food and utensils*

Lilyth : Thaaaanks. *starts eating*

Riley, Gabriella, and Autumn : *start eating also*

Nicole : Enjoy the meal, ladies. *leaves and knocks on room 201's door*

(in room 201)

itik jantan, drake : *opens the door*

(in the hallway of the 4th floor)

Nicole : Room service.

(in room 201)

Jake : Good! I'm hungry!

(in the hallway of the 4th floor)

Nicole : *comes in while pulling a food gerobak, keranjang along with her*

(in room 201)

Nicole : Bon appetite. *gives them their food and utensils*

itik jantan, drake : Thanks. *starts eating*

Rio, Jake, and Liam : *start eating also*

Nicole : Enjoy the meal, guys. *leaves and goes to the elevator*

(in the hallway of the 4th floor)

Nicole : *pushes the down button on the elevator*

Elevator : *opens*

Nicole : *goes in it* *pushes the lobby button*

Elevator : *closes and goes down* *"Transform Ya" comes on again*

Nicole : /:T

Elevator : *opens*

Nicole : *walks out of it* *walks to the kitchen*

(in the kitchen)

Chef of the Hotel : Hello, Nicole!

Nicole : Hello, Mr. Chef of the Hotel. :) lebih food?

Chef of the Hotel : Of course. *puts food on the plate and puts lebih utensils under the the cart*

Nicole : Thank yooou. *walks out of the dapur and goes back to the elevator*

(in room 123)

Ronnie : Okay, girls. We strike TONIGHT.

Molly, Trinity, and Ember : *nod*

(in the hallway of the 3rd floor)

Nicole : *knocks on room 123's door*

(in room 123)

Ronnie : *opens the door*

(in the hallway of the 3rd floor)

Nicole : Room service.

(in room 123)

Ronnie : Wait.. We have ROOM SERVICE?! OMG! OMG! OH. EMH. EFING. GEE. DO anda HAVE SNICKERS?!?

(in the hallway of the 3rd floor)

Nicole : Oh, Ms. Brooke told me about you. You're the Snickers addict. Mr. Chef of the Hotel made a special meal for you.

Ronnie : (in confessional) WHOA! I JUST GOT A SPECIAL MEAL MADE FOR ME! THIS IS FREAKIN' AWESOME!!! Riley better not have set this up so she can keep all my Snickers to herself. I'm gonna still go and get my stash back.

Nicole : *comes in while pulling a food gerobak, keranjang along with her*

(in room 123)

Nicole : Bon appetite, ladies. *gives Trinity, Ember, and Molly their food and utensils*

Trinity, Ember, and Molly : *start eating*

Nicole : And for you, Ms. Ronnie.. *takes the cover off of Ronnie's plate*

Ronnie's Plate : *literally shining* *made of: PURE. SNICKERS.*

Ronnie : *0*

Nicole : *gives Ronnie her food* Enjoy, ladies. *walks out of room 123*

Ronnie : *starts eating her food like a barbarian with her bare hands*

Molly and Trinity : O_o

Ember : *throws up in her mouth a little*

Ember : (in confessional) EW! Just.. EW! I would NEVER eat that! EVER! >_<

(in room 124)

EC : Hey, Jason?

Jason : -.- *walks over to EC*

EC : *shows Jason a blank paper and a pen* Can anda get Blaine to sign this?

Jason : Why?

EC : I want his autograph since he was a bintang of that movie.

Jason : What movie?

EC : "The Hobbit"! XD *starting cracking up laughing*

Jason : /:T

(in the hallway of the 3rd floor)

Nicole : *knocks on room 124's door*

(in room 124)

Marcus : *opens the door*

(in the hallway of the 3rd floor)

Nicole : Room service.

(in room 124)

Marcus : Uhhhh-

Jason : Then come on in!

Marcus : <:T

Marcus : (in confessional) Well I kinda wanted to cook..- Whatever. Cooking's for girls anyway. T.T

(in the hallway of the 3rd floor)

Nicole : *comes in while pulling a food gerobak, keranjang along with her*

(in room 124)

Nicole : Bon appetite. *gives them their food*

Jason : Hey, Blaine! The food's here!

Blaine : *walks to where they are* My bad. I was just practicing the play. I think I'm gonna be Louis. *grabs his plate*

Jason, EC, Marcus, and Blaine : *start eating*

Nicole : *walks out of room 124*

(in room 310 of the floor 5)

Brooke : *getting her feet massaged oleh Intern 5 and has guacamole on her face and cucumbers on her eyes* eating jeli beans* Aaahhh.. How I cinta having this whole room oleh myself. -U- I bet the campers will cinta my beautiful play work. After this season, I should be a director. Do anda think I should be a director?

Intern 5 : *shrugs*

Brooke : Yeah. I need to think of that...Hey, anda should get lebih in the arch.

Intern 5 : *rolls her eyes and massages Brooke's foot's arch*

Brooke : Aaaaaaaawwwww yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhh. -U-

(in the hallway of the 5th floor)

Tyler : *knocks on the door of room 310*

(in room 310)

Brooke : Come in.

(in the hallway of the 5th floor)

Tyler : *opens the door and walks in* Hello, Ms. Brooke. <:)

(in room 310)

Brooke : Hey, Tyler. What brings anda here?

Tyler : I just wanted to bring anda a present. It's a bouquet made of Dorito's. <:)

Brooke : Uhhhh.. Thanks.. Put it in that magical box thingy that I keep all the awesome stuff in. *points to the trash can*

Tyler : Sure, Ms. Brooke! Anything for you! *puts the bouquet in the trash can, not knowing what it is* I have to go to sleep. Good night, Ms. Brooke! *goes to his room, 311, and goes to sleep*

Brooke : Hey, Intern. When your done giving me a foot massage, anda should call another intern to take my trash out.

Intern 5 : -.-"

(in room 124)

Jason, EC, Marcus, and Blaine : *in their beds*

Blaine : Good night, guys. :)

Jason : G'night.

Marcus : Good night.

EC : Shut up, Hobbit.

Blaine : /:T *claps*

Lights : *turn off*

Jason, EC, Marcus, and Blaine : *go to sleep*

(in room 200)

Riley, Gabriella, Lilyth, and Autumn : *in their beds*

Autumn : Good night, ladies.

Riley : Good night.

Gabriella : Good night.

Lilyth : Good night.

Autumn : *claps*

Lights : *turn off*

Riley, Gabriella, Lilyth, and Autumn : *go to sleep*

(in room 201)

Rio, Jake, Liam, and itik jantan, drake : *in their beds*

itik jantan, drake : Good night, guys.

Rio : ._.

itik jantan, drake : /:T

Jake : Good night.

Liam : Good night!

itik jantan, drake : *claps*

Lights : *turn off*

Rio, Jake, Liam, and itik jantan, drake : *go to sleep*

(in room 124)

Trinity, Ember, Ronnie and Molly : *dressed with black hats, black shirts, black pants, black gloves, and black shoes*

Ronnie : *gets her eyeshadow brush and dips it in her black eyeshadow* *makes horizontal lines of the eyeshadow on both of her cheeks* It's time, ladies. e~e

(To be continued...)

(Sorry this took so long! I did this on my iPhone in my "Notes", so it kinda took longer than just doing it on my laptop. Anyway, how'd anda like it? Did I express your character well? Do I need to improve on anything? Leave your komentar in the komentar boxy thingy. The selanjutnya part will come soon!)
Chris: Anyway.....our first challenge is a game of witss! Follow me.

-at the challenge area-
*Billie, Aqua, Christina, Owl, and Smiley are sitting on the benches to the left; Leon, Dawn, Tear, Claudia, and Jinx are sitting on the benches to the right*

Chris:*in the center* Now, on my left is Team Celestians. And on my right is Team Lunatics. Our trivia will be based on My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. First question, who is the ruler of Equestria?

Owl: Um, Princess Celestia?

Chris: Correct! 2 points for Team Celestians!

Team Celestians: YAY!

Chris: detik pertanyaan goes to Team Celestians. Name...
continue reading...
posted by Courtneyfan214
I got really bored and i wanted to do an artikel as well.
Sabrina: *walks to school and sighs* it's my first hari of *gulps* high s-school. *stands infront of the door* well, h-here i go. *shakes a little and opens the door*

*there's a crowd of people in the hallway and some are standing at their locker, some are making out, and the others were just talking*

Sabrina: *Walks in and runs to her locker* t-this is not gonna be a good year.

Jenny: *standing selanjutnya to sabrina at her locker* i'll say.

Sabrina: *jumps up* Gah! *looks at Jenny* w-who...
continue reading...
posted by The_Black_Keys

Danny’s P.O.V.

When I got off for lunch, I realized how lonely Timothy must have been. Today had been busier than usual. He had just kind have been sitting there reading…
“Ready to go, kitty?” I said, holding his hand.
He smiled and nodded.
I opened the door for him and we walked down two doors to Dia’s coffee.
The smell inside make me ecstatic. She always had the craziest and the best flavors in the whole state.
“Hey Dia!” I called to her.
“Daniel? Is that you?”...
continue reading...
posted by ninjacupcake88
 Drawn and coloured oleh smartone123
Drawn and coloured by smartone123
Another interview-bio for the flirtatious Pierce ;) hope anda like it!
Their are some swears in this bio, and it's a work-in-progress... so...
Name: "Pierce Joshua Lyons."
Meaning of name: "Rock. Lame."
Nickname: "Damn, I don't really have one."
Meaning of nickname: *silence*
Stereotype: "The guitarist. I play gitar and sing back-up in the band "Amused and Confused."
Age: "17."
Race: "How the hell am I suppose to know?"
Hometown: "Calgary. Alberta, bitches."
Birthday: "May 22nd."
Species: "Human."
Gender: "Male,"
Religion: "Christian."
Allergies: "None."...
continue reading...
“Will anda please hurry it up Gwen!” Duncan yells while blaring the horn in the SUV, the front of it had a large silver skull on it with wings coming out the side, a little custom placing. Cody sat in the back of the large mobil van, van playing his DS as the cars motor ran. Gwen ran down the stairs of the house as she nearly tripped but held onto the banister.

“Close one.” She says to herself as she passes the dapur counter and out the door holding a towel across her shoulder. Her hair had grown down her back a little and still had that midnight blue streak in it. Her skin now had lebih color...
continue reading...

Name: Alex Clara-bell Dietze

Born in: Dallas Texas

Has lived in: Portland Oregon, Vancouver Washington.

Lives now in: Seatle Washington.

Age: 13

DOB: 2/10/98

Height: 5'4" and 7/8ths

Weight: 126.5032 lbs

eye color/glasses: brown, has no glasses

hair color/length: brown, down to elbows.

Likes: bragging, talking, standing, running, flailing her arms while talking, aliens.

Dislikes: being interupted, bullies, non-believers.

Fear: sisters hating her.

Five good things: active, outgoing, postitive, out spoken, trueful.

Three bad things: annoying, noisey, stuborn.

Bio: Ever since Alex was in diapers, she was...
continue reading...
posted by tdacrazy6
Name-Honey Taylor Wilson
Nicknames-Hon, Hannah (long story -_-)
Hometown- Springfield, Virginia
favorit song- Face Down oleh Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
favorit color-Blue
School- Virginia Reginald High
Job-Cashier at Kholes
Personality-Happy, Funny, Bookworm, Bubbly, Talented
Hobbies-Singing and Dancing
Likes- Bunnies, music, TV, and Dancing
Dislikes- Raccoon, Make-up, Jerks
Friends- Gwen, Izzy, Noah, Heather, Katie, Max, and Goeff
Foes-Harold, Duncan
Bio- Lived in a small house with her 3 brothers and her dad. She would write songs and make-up dance moves whenever she needed to get away from her problems. She doesn't like making enemies.
Pets- Her hamster, Ham
Fears- HUGE spiders, Breaking things
Total Drama Surviva': Episode 1: An accident?.. Not realeh'. ^^ 
Ellie: Jen, I'll be fine.. Okay? Besides, I think I need this trip to Alaska. *smiles falsely* 
Jen: Really? About half a detik yang lalu anda were throwin' fits about not going at all! 
Ellie: A persons view can change..—

Airplane thingy 030:"Flight 29 to Alaska now boarding...

Ellie: Now, I have to go! *hugs her aunt Jen awkwardly and runs toward Gate 29* 
Amber: Okay, mom! I have to go! *getting attacked oleh kisses* 
Amber's mom: ... Fine. Just give your mom a hug, then give me a hug. 
Amber's other mom:*raises her arms,motioning...
continue reading...
posted by totaldramacale
Name: Cale

Age: 14

Bio: Cale grew up in the small city of Michigan City, Indiana. He goes to Elston Jr. High, where he gets decent grades there. He is also an only child, so he doesn't really have fun in his own house. He does have a computer, a Wii, a DS, and a TV though.

Fav TV Shows: Regular Show, Phineas and Feb, and others

Fav Video: Super Mario Frustration

Fav Game: Epic Mickey

Fav Song: Breaking The Habit oleh Linkin Park

lebih Info: Cale doesn't like to do chores, he hates spinach, he likes to eat, he watches TV, uses the Wii, DS, computer and all that crap. Sometimes Cale thinks he's gonna die if he does something wrong (stupid right?) and has a few friends at school
posted by bcthestrongest
 met Lizzy Izzy sister
met Lizzy Izzy sister
Chris:what u mean Lizzy isn't here yet she was suppose to be here a min yang lalu
Demon:i mean she is hiding somewhere with Geoff
Indian:she always do
Lizzy:*swings in *hey their
Chris:where have u been
Lizzy:kicking Owen in his kiwis duh
Chris:so who u like to win for the season
Lizzy:no body i shall win
Demon:your not on here girl
Lizzy:silence *sits down*
Chris:who u cinta on this show
Lizzy:no body all shall die and feel the rath of Zim muhaha
Chris:ok who u think is cute
Lizzy:no one i should win the money me me me *swings out of their*
Demon: i go get her selanjutnya is India
Lizzy:*breaks something*Duncan did it
Duncan:did not
Lizzy:*drags him*
Demon:no dont kill the poor dude
Lizzy:he dies *runs with him*catch me first
 indian and india
indian and india
posted by Fangirl99
Brooke's POV


The most populer guy in school.Not only because of his 'looks and charms',but also because he won $1,000,000,000 dollars.

The guys think he is cool,(when their girlfriends aren't flirting with him.)and the girls are all over hi(seriously,some of the are).

He has TONS of stalkers (most of them are girls)And he has this HUGE group of kids following him.

I think it's sick.

I,on the other hand,was kinda of the loner.

While all me stupid friends abandoned me for Alejandro,all I really hung out with was my sister,Zoe.

One hari at lunch,I waited at my sister to sit at our...
continue reading...
Saphira and Alejandro chatted for a bit. "Aren't anda tired yet??" Alejandro asked. "A little,wake me up if I fall asleep,and you're still here." Saphira said. Alejandro nodded. "Why did anda dye you're hair violet??" Alejandro said,staring at her ungu and shiny hair. "Because I think it describes 'Sephia' better" Saphira said. "Sephia??" Alejandro said. Saphira turned crimson again. "That's my real name,it slipped out" Saphira said. The talked and giggled for a bit more. "There was this one time---"Alejandro cut himself off,he finally noticed Saphira was sleeping. "What do I do,do I wake her...
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posted by Elkhat-Law
bc i always randomly state something and #funfacts on joim me.

basically this is the shit thats been happening on facebook and in my sexy sexy mind.

also kinda like fun facts on fun facts for some

1. Cat goes meow
-after 12 years in research we finally figured out what kucing do.

3. Veto and Eddie had birthdays.
- Eddie is now an old man (19)

4. Eddie, Kelsey and Luke have a little sister
-Sometime before Vetos 18th birthday, he got really drunk over Eddies house and Eddies mom forced sex upon him.

5. Eddie is dating Manny
-You know, that adoptable I got from Rawr? Yeah, I'm finally putting her to...
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Danny’s P.O.V.

I still thought Timothy didn’t want this. I thought he was doing this to make me happy. He got me so out of control. I mean, he had me almost to the point where I would keep fucking him all day.
After taking off his kemeja and his jeans I started to ciuman him all over. His neck, his chest, his lips, his cheek, and I moved to his stomach and right where his...
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added by smartone123
Source: me
So apparently its news..
NEEWWS /quickly rolls away/

So um..
I felt like I should do this in an artikel
*dramatically puts sunglasses on*

Okokoiufjdk for those of anda who didn't tampil up to my from... *insert the tanggal here* and how link

Yeah heres the daftar of characters we've decided on :DD
(oh, for the mymusic crossover thing)

IDOL- Nylee
RANYA- Pastel
PUNK- Jake
the one played oleh shane- FRANCIS
Satan- AXEL

I'm too...
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(outside of the studio)

Brooke : Okay, campers. Before we go to the detik part of the challenge anda people need to discuss what insturments you'll be playing and what genre of musik you'll be doing. anda can also just not do the instrumental yourself and I could get the interns to do it. Now huddle up!

Riley, Ronnie, Trinity, and Ember : *huddle up*

Gabriella, Lilyth, Autumn, and Molly : *huddle up*

EC, Drake, Blaine, and Marcus : *huddle up*

Jason, Jake, and Liam : *huddle up*

(in Rirotrinyem's huddle)

Ronnie : Okay, guys. We should do some rap music.

Trinity : But none of can rap.

Ronnie : Don't worry...
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posted by aprilacne
Name: Hayden Mur
Nicknames: Freak, bug-boy.
Age: 16
DOB: June 29th
POB: South Africa
Current Res: Somewhere walking on acar rd. in Ohio
Likes: His mom and his best friend, African music, African sports, African traditions, African religions.
Dislikes: God and his dad
Fear: wips.
Friends: Johanna (OC) Athena(mindy890's OC)
Skills: Can control bugs and spiders, Make other people feel what he feels.
Speech: African
Questions:*in 1st person and coments*
What do anda consider yourself as a human being?
[] Yes [X] No
I'm a freak.
Do anda want to get married?
[] Yes [X] No
Nobody loves a freak.
Do anda want kids?
[] Yes [X] No
*see above*
Do anda want to go to school?
[] Yes [X] No
Freaks don't go to school.
Do anda believe in God?
[X] Yes [X] No
I used to......
 Hayden is a mutant that controld bugs and spiders and lets people feel how he feels
Hayden is a mutant that controld bugs and spiders and lets people feel how he feels
posted by GWENxTRENT
Banditt was slumped against her wall, staring at the door. It was almost time, Nothing seemed right anymore...Everything was so dark....She wanted out, anything to get out.
"Pleeease!" She moaned, banging on the door."Let me out! Let me out!" A few streams of tears fell down her cheeks. "I don't want to!"
"Sweetie, anda have to! anda can't go out without taking your treatment."
"NO! I DON'T WANT TO!" She yelled. The male nurse sighed. It was only medication. Banditt was always like this during medication time. But the male nurse always knew she would take it sooner atau later. She was so dramatic,...
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*theme musik plays*

Chris: Welcome to Total drama Abridged the newest series in total drama History

Chris: 12 contestants will fight it out for 1,000,000 dollars but first they will be put into 3 teams of 4

*Camera goes to the bus station*

Chris: lets welcome our first team

Chris: Team Xbox!!!

*A bus pulls up to the platform*

Chris: First up for Team Xbox from Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Pedro!!!

Pedro: *steps off of the bus* hola Chris Im tan amplificado para estar en su último espectáculo

Chris: ummm can anda speak english

Pedro: oooops forgot anda only speak english

Chris: no I speak english and canadian...
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