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This is an extended version of a komentar I left on a link after it was revealed that morgan would be the crossover character between TWD & FTWD.

I'm not all that enthusiastic about the idea, but it is technically possible diberikan the two timelines. The way I see it, it could go down one of three ways. But first, a look at what happened when with Morgan:

-Day 60: morgan and his son Duane met Rick in King County, Georgia.

-Day 314: morgan met Rick again in the same town. Duane is gone, and morgan has set up all kinds of walker (and human) traps in town.

-Day 521-523: Morgan's bottle episode, Here's...
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This daftar is based on what the audience rated the episodes. [link]
And I'll tell anda my opinion on those episodes.

First episode of the entire series.
Aired: October 31st 2010
Rated: 9.2

What a great episode to start off a series! I was hooked after the first scene! And anda really know what you're getting yourself into with that opening scene. I agree that it's one of the best episodes of the series.

 Andrew lincoln as Rick, Days Gone Bye, 1x01
Andrew lincoln as Rick, Days Gone Bye, 1x01

Final episode of the detik season.
Aired: March 18th 2012
Rated: 9.2

One of my favorit episodes. Best finale thus...
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posted by Bibi69
It took me a long time to write this, but after the Carl bullshit they pulled, I really wasn't in the mood, so I decided to wait after the holidays. So here I am.

Last season ended with both Team Family and the Saviors ready to go to war.

 Season 8A Promo, All Out War
Season 8A Promo, All Out War

The premiere was so forgettable that I had to look up my own weekly review I did for it. It was really underwhelming. I did like the fighting stuff, but there was basically no depth to the episode. Just shooting and yelling and killing.

My biggest complaint is the stupid flash forward. That was so off-putting and didn't...
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Are anda guys ready for the third part of my Walking Dead Hogwarts Sorting? selanjutnya house is Slytherin!

Before we get into this house, I want to remind people that just because you're in Slytherin doesn't mean you're a bad guy atau an evil person. I don't want anyone bitching in the komentar about the fact that I put some of the "good guys" here. If I put them here, it's because I think it's where they belong, no matter which side of the battles they're on. Also, this far into the apocalypse, there are no "good guys" anymore, so it doesn't even matter.

 Slytherin, house of the Ambitious
Slytherin, house of the Ambitious

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posted by Bibi69
Well, this took long enough, but better late than never, right? Here is my (finally!) review for Season 7B.

The first half ended on a hopeful note, with Daryl reuniting with Team Family and Rick going to the Hilltop to make an alliance and to build forces to beat Negan.

 Season 7B Promo, Rise Up
Season 7B Promo, Rise Up

The detik half started strong, with Yesus taking Team Family to meet Ezekiel, which is something I was waiting for, because in the first half we haven't really seen the Kingdom again after meeting them and they are my favorit community. Bias aside, this meeting was really interesting, and Team Family's...
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James' POV

After 7 menit of nonstop recorded messages and warnings, we arrived in Pemberton. Kyle walked up to a police officer at the entry. "Oh, hello" he said. Kyle introduced himself and asked if there was any chance we could strike new wheels here.

Officers POV
"Hmm....Well one of the rangers died not long ago. His vehicle is outside the station, but you'll have to find the keys somewhere in that god-forsaken area." I told them. oleh 'God-Forsaken' I meant that army of walkers just behind the building.

Kyle's POV
"Thanks. James, stay here." I told him. I made my way to the...
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 Andrew lincoln plays "The Walking Dead" central character Rick Grimes.
Andrew Lincoln plays "The Walking Dead" central character Rick Grimes.
Darkwoods Productions, lingkaran of Confusion and Valhalla Entertainment are now in production on season five of the hit AMC horror televisi drama series "The Walking Dead" in Georgia. The show's casting directors in Los Angeles and Atlanta are casting new recurring, guest starring, and hari player roles. The extras and stand-ins are being cast throughout production on the sixteen episode fifth season. The series is based on the comic book series of the same name oleh Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard.

Starring in "The Walking Dead" is BAFTA Awards nominee Andrew lincoln as the show's...
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Ever since the Saviors appeared on the show, the writers have provided a couple of alter egos to members of Team Family.

Characters that are paralleling each other and have actually a lot in common, despite the fact that they are on opposite sides. Characters that are alike, but had different paths and that could've easily ended where the other is right now, had they had a different path.

Each pair has confronted each other at some point on the show.


 Melissa McBride & Alicia Witt as Carol & Paula ~ The Same Boat, 6x13
Melissa McBride & Alicia Witt as Carol & Paula ~ The Same Boat, 6x13

The first one we met was Paula.

Paula was paired...
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Welcome to the final part of my Hogwarts sorting for this fandom. The last, but not least, Gryffindor!

 Gryffindor, house of the Courageous
Gryffindor, house of the Courageous

One of the Gryffindor traits is that they are impulsive, and I think we can all agree that Daryl is probably the most impulsive character of this series. Very often, he acts before thinking and ends up putting himself atau someone else in trouble. When he's angry, he acts and then feels guilty about what he did, like when he punched Negan, which resulted in Glenn's death. atau when he opened the door to a bunch of walkers that nearly killed him and...
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Here is the detik part of the TWD Hogwarts sorting. Now we're gonna sort the characters into the Ravenclaw house.

 Ravenclaw, house of the Wise
Ravenclaw, house of the Wise

Let's start with the most obvious character for this house, the genius Eugene. Eugene is the smartest character on this show. He might not be a fighter atau the most courageous character; he's actually, as he calls himself, a coward. But he is a very valuable ally during the apocalypse, because he can make pretty much anything from scrap - from bombs, to fire, to even poison. He can be dangerous another ways than most characters. His weapon...
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Cohan also discusses the fact that Glenn and Maggie have been the show’s only consistent couple since the death of Lori Grimes and how they represent all the hopes and dreams for what passes for romantic bliss in the zombie apocalypse.

“I don’t know if that puts us lebih at risk of dying atau less,” says Cohan. “It’s such a necessary hope and I definitely feel that invisible bridge between Glenn and Maggie the whole time of trying to find each other, and needing that.” But will Glenn & Maggie ever menyeberang, salib that bridge and find each other?

The tampil has done a very good job of showing...
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The final season is almost here, with only a couple of days to go. It's time for death predictions!

This artikel contains comic book spoilers. Lots of 'em. You've been warned. Furthermore I only focused on big deaths.


When: If both die, it's not gonna be at the same time. Either during 11B atau 11C.
Why: Because it's still the only group unaffected since they showed up a full two seasons ago. Yumiko is pretty much taking on Michonne's story, so she's safe. I don't see them reuniting the sisters only to kill one of them off. That leaves these two.

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I'm starting a new series of artikel that will consist of me sorting different fandoms into Hogwarts houses. This is the first of what I hope will be a long series.

I will concentrate on the characters from the TV show, to keep it simple. There's going to be one artikel per house, so this is the first of four.

We'll start with the best house, my own house, Hufflepuff.

 Hufflepuff, house of the Loyals
Hufflepuff, house of the Loyals

Glenn is a very loyal character, which is the biggest and most important quality of a true Hufflepuff. He's always been there for his family, doing everything in his power to protect and...
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So I don't know if anyone else caught this while watching. I noticed a long time yang lalu but saw a video I made on Snapchat. When she met the group she thought she was hallucinating. She requested for them to tell her something she didn't know. The Capitol of Pittsburgh. Eugene replied with Harrisburg. Her then confidently with confusion saying yeah, yeah I think I knew that. When asked oleh the captors about the group she was with and about herself she mentioned she was from Pittsburgh. Get it? I laughed to hard when she berkata she gave her home.
This daftar is based on what the audience rated the episodes. [link]
And, like with the puncak, atas 10 best episodes, I'll tell anda my opinion on those episodes.

Premiere of the mid-fifth season.
Aired: February 8th 2015
Rated: 7.9

I personally liked this episode. I'm surprised it's on that list. I agree it's not the best one, but there was worst episodes than this. I actually loved the 'link' aspect of it. It was kinda cool and interesting. It was new.

 Chad L. Coleman as Tyreese, What Happened and What's Going On, 5x09
Chad L. Coleman as Tyreese, What Happened and What's Going On, 5x09

Sixth episode of the fourth season....
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I've already berkata it in the poling section, but I'm 100% sure Abraham is the one that got Lucilled and let me tampil anda why.

So, I've watched the scene over and over for about 20 times now (I know I'm crazy, but I can't help it). And, let's break this scene down now, shall we?

First of all, let's take a look at the lineup.

In order, from Negan's POV we have:
Glenn, Rosita, Daryl, Michonne, Abraham, Maggie, Rick, Sasha, Aaron, Carl, Eugene

Like my dear friend Dasm pointed out, every other character is a woman and Carl. They are strategically placed.

Now, Negan's speech, at the end, actually gives...
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Inspired oleh a komentar Bibi69 made after "The King, The Widow, and Rick".

Best if read to the tune of The Lonely Island's link.

Hey y'all
I've got somethin real important to tampil you
So just sit down, and start hummin'

Guys anda know we've been watchin', such a long long time (such a long time)
And now I'm ready, to lay it on the line
You know it's season 8 and my patience is wearin' thin (wearin' thin)
Gonna tampil anda a solution so anda know what I'm thinkin' (what I'm thinkin')
A thang real special, so poke a hole in the side
Take a look inside - it's a Prick in a box (it's in a box)

Not gonna lock...
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posted by Bibi69
I've decided to write a review of every half seasons. And as I have already written a review of the entire series from season one to season 6A, I'll do a throwback and do one of 6B before I do 7A.

 Season 6B Promo
Season 6B Promo

The season started back on Valentine's day, which is really ironic diberikan the fact that Rick pretty much chops his girlfriend's arm off. After the shitty cliffhanger of episode 8, at least the payoff of that cliffhanger was great. It did take a really long time, but it payed off.

The death of the entire Anderson family was epic and true to the comics, and y'all know how I cinta it...
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posted by Bibi69
I almost forgot to write this. I kept telling myself I needed to write it before February 10th, and that's in two weeks. So I kicked my butt and sat down to finally write my review.

Let's remember that the last season ended up Negan being defeated, though not killed. Dwight was cast away. Daryl and Maggie were plotting a revenge.

 Season 9A Promo, A New Beginning
Season 9A Promo, A New Beginning

I'm still mad about the whole "Casting Dwight away because Daryl Fucking Dixon berkata so". Even lebih now that I read the rumor about him maybe being transferred to Fear *sigh*. It really feels like a demotion for Amelio,...
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posted by larryisa_styles
Last time at "The Zombie Apocalypse":
anda went to the window to see if the coast is clear to go other place, but the school is surrounded of zombies!

-Chapter 2-
After that anda heard people whispering. anda went to check what it is about when anda saw Rick with his son Carl!. anda spied what they're talking about when anda heard that they will stay in your school about in a month. When anda were about to leave Carl saw you, anda just froze there like anda saw a white lady just passed you. Rick came towards anda and say this line
"What are anda doing there?" he berkata while looking at anda sternly. " I...
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