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Elena had pulled up the sheets. She was getting cold. After Damon had left she’d started crying again and her face was wet from tears. Was this one of the many side effects chemo had? atau was this part of the cancer?
“Hi, there” a small voice berkata from the end of the bed.
“Go away” Elena berkata with heavy voice. “I don’t want anyone to see me like this” She added as she tried to dry her eyes.
“I know, which is why I brought this” Caroline berkata secretive and she lifted a bag. She walked towards the bed. “I’m going to make anda all pretty again. Now, make some room”
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Elena’s fingers touched the carpet and her eyes opened slowly. Damon’s heavy body was lying on her light one and she tried to push him off, in which she failed miserably. There was cokelat on Damon’s chin and Elena couldn’t help but ciuman it off. Her lips went up higher and kissed his. Damon groaned sleepy and cuddled up against her bosom. “Damon?” Elena gently pushed his shoulder. “Damon, I need to get up. I need to get to school” “Mm” Damon disapproved. “Call Ric” As he mumbled Elena could feel his lips soft on her breasts. “I can’t risk getting late on my third...
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Bonnie unchained Damon’s other hand and he dropped on the ground. With his unbroken and unbitten arm he tried to drag himself out of the cage, though he had no idea where the entrance was.
He felt how Bonnie grabbed his foot and dragged him back. In a reflex he kicked her and she fell backwards.
“You son of a bitch! My lip’s bleeding!” Bonnie cursed.
Damon kicked her again.
“You’re going to pay for this!” Bonnie exclaimed furious.
Then everything went quiet. Damon waited for Bonnie to do something horrible, but another aching stayed out.
Then Bonnie lifted up her feet and stamped his broken arm with her high heels. She grabbed his hair and dragged him to the wall, throwing him against it.
“You’re not playing oleh the rules, Damon!” she berkata furious. “No one told anda anda could try and get away from me!”
She knocked three times, then waited for Bonnie to open the door. It was pretty cold outside, so she hoped her plan would work. Five menit later, what took her so long?, the door went open and Bonnie appeared on the doorstep. She lifted up her chin and looked down on Katherine. “What?” she berkata short. Katherine forced a smile, which was hard enough, knowing Damon was inside there against his will. “Hi, Bonnie, I’m sorry to bother anda this late, but I need to talk to you” she said, trying to sound cheery. After all, Elena was in a cheery mood, so Katherine had to be too. “Really?...
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Round 1 - Damon Salvatore (Winner: Kirkir-"Sarcastic")
Round 2 - Stefan Salvatore (Winner: Darya96-"Caring")
Round 3 - Elena Gilbert (Tied: Darya96-"Brave" AND Rokitchichi-"Headstrong")
Round 4 - Alaric Saltzman (Winner: Madelayna-"Mysterious")
Round 5 - Anna (Winner: edwardsgirlxx-"Headstrong")
Round 6 - Katherine Pierce (Winner: Spuffydelena-"Manipulative")
Round 7 - Caroline Forbes (Winner: edwardsgirlxx-"Vulnerable")
Round 8 - Uncle John Gilbert (Winner: edwardsgirlxx-"Jackass")
Round 9 - Jeremy Gilbert (Winner: edwardsgirlxx-"Abandonned")
Round 10 - Isobel (Winner: Melissa93-"Bitch")
Round 11 - Matt Donovon (Winner: Nibylandija "Sweetheart")
Round 12 - Tyler Lockwood (Winner: Magy25-"problematic")
Round 13 - Jenna Sommers (Winner: edwardsgirlxx-"Oblivious")
Round 14 - Pearl (Winner: DaniKatZ-"Fierce")
Round 15 - Bonnie Bennett (Winner: rokitchichi-"BitchWitch")
“Damon, what are we doing here?”
Damon had parked his car in front of Ric’s loft and now a mischievous smile was playing around his lips. “You want your kalung back, don’t you?”
Elena shook her head. “No, I don’t miss it” she said.
Damon averted his head to her. “But anda need it. There’s vervain in it”
“I’ll drink vervain tea” Elena suggested.
“You can forget” Damon warned. “And it could mix with your other tea”
“And anda think my kalung is in there?” Elena asked doubtful.
“I know it is” Damon replied. “Katherine told me Rebekah has it”
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Police cars were parked in front of the hospital in such way they wouldn’t block the ambulances driving in.
“I’m going in” sheriff Forbes said. She had been informed about who the target was and knowing Damon’s a vampire she decided it best to have a chat with him herself.
“What the hell?” Elena berkata from inside the car. “What are all these people doing here?”
“They don’t know about Damon” Stefan said. “They must think he’s just some lunatic who’s lost it”
Elena saw how Liz put something in her inside pocket. “She has a stake” she berkata scared. “She’ll try...
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Jeremy’s eyes bulged as he stared at Damon like he had betrayed him. Damon let go of the obeng and fixated his eyes on the blood.
“What?” he berkata confused. He looked at his hands, which were covered in blood and he crawled backwards.
Upstairs Alaric was finally liberated from the invisible force and he raced downstairs to the kitchen. His face went pale when he saw Jeremy lying on the ground, bathing in blood. He saw Damon, sitting in a corner, his expression shocked and confused.
“What have anda done?!” Alaric yelled, paying no attention to Damon’s wounds. He ran to Jeremy,...
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An gajah was walking between Kelsey and Amber, while they headed to an unknown destination. “Where exactly are we going?” Amber asked. “We’ve been walking for hours. I’m hungry” she complained.
“There’s plenty of food around” Kelsey said, waving her arm. “You mean like a rabbit?” Amber asked disgusted. “Yes, Am, like a rabbit” Kelsey confirmed. “Come on, we have to get moving”
“Where are we going?” Amber repeated her most urgent question.
“To a aman, brankas place” Kelsey answered, with a whiff of fear in her voice. “I need to get anda somewhere safe”
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He didn’t have to say anything. She could read it on his face. He walked passed her to the stairs. “I’m sorry, Damon” Katherine berkata soft. If he wouldn’t hurt so much he might have been surprised how sincere she sounded. “I tried to stop him” she continued. Damon nodded, but refused to look at her. “She’s not in her right mind, Damon, it’s because of what Bonnie did” Katherine berkata desperate. Damon walked upstairs, pretending not to hear what Katherine was saying. He walked into his room and let him fall on his bed. He felt something underneath his back. He touched with...
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The selanjutnya morning
Caroline arrived in the kitchen, where the breakfast meja was set. Liz was making some coffee and it seemed as if she tried to avoid looking at her daughter.
“Mom?” Caroline said, sensing something was wrong. Liz didn’t react, but pretended to be busy. “Mom, what’s going on?”
“You want some coffee?” Liz asked, avoiding the question. Caroline got up and walked towards her mother. “Mom, what’s wrong? Why are anda akting like this?”
Liz turned around and leaned against the sink. “I’ve been having flashes”
“Flashes of what?” Caroline asked.
“Of things...
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Ronnie was sitting on the hospital tempat tidur while the doctor carefully pulled out the fragments and disinfected the wounds. Tyler was standing with his back towards her.
“I’m really sorry” he berkata for the umpteenth time.
“Yeah, I got that from the first zillion times” Ronnie berkata with a small voice. “Ouch”
“Please sit still, I don’t want to make these wounds any worse” the doctor said.
“Right, sorry” Ronnie said. When all fragments were removed and all wounds disinfected the doctor turned around at Tyler.
“Can anda leave us alone for a second?” he asked.
“Yeah, sure”...
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Tyler followed Matt into the men’s restroom. He first checked if no one else was there and then grabbed Matt’s arm.
“What the hell is your problem?” Matt asked surprised.
“I can ask anda the same question” Tyler hissed.
“I don’t get it” Matt berkata confused.
“You need to knock it off” Tyler said. “Caroline doesn’t want anda anymore, so anda can stop with the annoying taxes”
“What taxes? Tyler, I have no idea what you’re talking about” Matt said.
Tyler pulled out his phone and showed Matt the tax he just got.
“Dude, that’s not even my number” Matt said.
“I know it’s hard to see me and Caroline together, but akting like a jealous ex-boyfriend isn’t going to put anda back in her good books. So I think it’s best for both of us if anda would just knock it off” Tyler threatened. He let go of Matt and left the restroom, leaving Matt dumbfounded.
posted by Katherine_girl
hey i live in sydney and i am only up to episode 3x12. would anda guys in america plz tell me what happens in 3x19? i saw in the promo elena kisses damon? IS THIS REALLY TRUE!!!!!!!!!!I HOPE IT IS!!! anyway so if anda guys find out can anda tell me? i am really desperete to know! and has 3x19 come on amreican TV?? i am really deseperete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please help me!!! btw do anda guys find it unfair how austarlia is soo behind?? i wish i lived in america!! anyway whats gonna happen in 3x20?? i heard some stelen scenes.! i have been waiting.!!!! oleh the way i am team stelena and delena i cant chose so lol. thats why i am curous. please answer and help me!
“You’re too kind”
Even if his current state Damon found the strength to be sarcastic. “Can I ask anda something? Why did anda have to bring Stefan into this?”
“Oh, Stefan. Good, old Stefan” Bonnie sighed. “It’s not like he was involved right from the beginning. When Katherine pretended to be Elena and Stefan brought her to the hospital after taking some sleeping pills, I told Stefan there was a way to bring the real Elena back instead of waiting for it to happen”
“And that involves torturing me?” Damon asked.
“No, that’s just for fun” Bonnie berkata shameless.
“And me...
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posted by vampirefreak_26
Chapter 2: Katharina Meigham

"Good morning dad,good morning Leah"
"You can just call me mom dear".Katharina looked at Leah and says "Good morning Leah!" she berkata this with a sweet accent,but it was full of sarcasim.Her dad looked at her and said:"Katharina could anda a little bit nicer to Leah,she's your steph-mother"
"Yes dad,I'll try to be nicer to her".She trys to chance the subject oleh saying "I'm going out to see what this small town has to offer"
"Don't come so late at halaman awal dear,we still have to find a dress for your ballet party",said Leah with a sweet motherly tone.
"oke Leah,I'll be home...
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A new episode of The Vampire Diaries is so far away (April 7!), but that doesn't mean we should all just curl up in a ball and rock back and forth until that hari comes. We're better than that.

Why don't we take a look at what the April 14 episode ("The Last Dance") has in store for us via foto starring Stefan, Damon, Elena, and some hot make-out action? And we've got the rest of today's TV update to make sure you're on the ball with your boob tube news…

"The Last Dance" revolves around yet another theme dance for Mystic Falls. This time it's a "1960s Decade Dance," and because Elena (Nina...
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The door of the Boarding House went open, but Damon didn’t bother to go see who it was. He was washing up all glasses he had used to drink. He heard footsteps, soft, it was a female. But again he didn’t bother. He didn’t expect Elena to come back.
The glass in his hand shattered into little pieces. He felt how Bonnie came closer to him and she lay her hand on his shoulder. He shivered, but didn’t turn around.
“There’s glass in your hand” Bonnie noted. “Let me help you” She wanted to take his hand to pick out the fragments, but Damon pulled his hand away. “Okay,...
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1x22 - Hello, John. Goodbye, John. (stabs him)

2x1 - No rules, Stefan. Don't anda remember? No rules.

2x1 - Trust me Damon, When I'm up to something. You'll know it, come on. ciuman me atau KILL me. Which will it be Damon. We both know you're only capable of one. (Damon Kisses her)

2x4 - Don't fight it, Stefan. anda loved me once. anda can cinta me again. I cinta you, Stefan.

2x4 - (To Stefan) Are we really going to do this again? We both know I could rip anda to shreds and do my nails at the same time.

2x4 - (To Stefan about why she came back) 3 reasons. You, anda and... you.

2x4 - manusia serigala are practically...
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Katherine Pierce
Katherine Pierce (born Katerina Petrova) is a vampire from the Salvatore brothers' past in 1864 and the main antagonist of the first 7 episodes ofThe Vampire Diaries in Season Two. She had compelled Stefan to drink her blood, and Damon did it willingly and they got shot while trying to save her from being taken to the tomb to be destroyed. It was later revealed that she created most of the tomb vampire and later sent her friends and family to their deaths just to fake her own.
This character is a member of the Pierce Family.

Early Life
Katherine's human life is vague other than...
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