Teen Pregnancy Club
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posted by cici1264
Facing pregnancy alone can be an overwhelming experience even for the strongest women. There are so many things for a pregnant woman to deal with, from choosing between her pregnancy options to telling her family and friends about her situation. Once the initial shock of your pregnancy wears off, making a plan for your pregnancy can be helpful. The following tips will help anda navigate life when anda are single and pregnant.Seek Support and Advice

You may think that anda are facing your pregnancy alone but chances are that anda are not as alone as anda think anda are. Even if the father of your baby...
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So what do anda think about teen pregnancy. Funny atau sad, Sad would be a good answer. But if anda think this is funny,You won't be funny when anda are preangent. So what do anda are preangent. anda still do wat a normal girl will do. But just differnt things. 1st usalley for a couple of days anda will have moreing sickness,2nd anda will have bad burns in your stomatch but I don't know when though. anda will be with contraions in thourgh the mouths. so tht's what happans but not the whole time but some
If anda are a pregnant teen atau college student dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, anda may think that your education has come to a screeching halt. Fortunately, this does not have to be the case. There are many ways for young mothers to continue their education during pregnancy. In fact, now lebih so than ever before it is acceptable for girls to continue going to school while pregnant.Sadly, 80% of pregnant teens will end up on welfare at some point atau another during their life. This can be attributed to the fact that only one third of pregnant teens graduate high school and less than 2% of...
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Each tahun in the United States, lebih than 750,000 teens get pregnant. Of those pregnant teens, 445,000 will go on to give birth to their child. Teen pregnancy is not without its risks. Being a pregnant teen carries physical, emotional and even social risks. If anda are a pregnant teen atau the parent of a pregnant teen, it is important for anda to know and understand those risks so anda can do your best to minimize them.Physical Risks of Teen Pregnancy

There are a number of physical risks that anda need to be concerned with if anda are a pregnant teen. Many of these physical risks can be avoided if...
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It is hard enough to deal with an unplanned pregnancy without having to worry about public opinion. However, social stigmas and unplanned pregnancy seem to go hand-in-hand. Everyone seems to have an opinion on the situation and it can be tiring to worry about who is whispering behind your back. Whether anda are pregnant and alone atau dealing with teen pregnancy, the following saran will help anda deal with the social stigmas of unplanned pregnancy.The first thing anda need to remember when anda are dealing with an unplanned pregnancy is that your business is just that: your own business. Nobody...
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Experts estimate that one in three girls in the United States will deal with a teen pregnancy. Being a pregnant teen is difficult emotionally, socially and even physically. If anda are a teen dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, anda have some tough decisions anda need to make and some hard consequences with which anda will have to deal. Before anda can do any of this it is important that anda carefully explore your situation and your pregnancy options. Regardless of which choice anda ultimately make, it is a choice that will affect the rest of your life.Keeping your Baby

It is not uncommon for a girl...
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If anda are dealing with an unplanned pregnancy and anda have decided to carry your baby to term, anda will need maternity clothes. There are many lebih places that sell maternity fashions now than there were even just a few years back. In fact, entire stores dedicated to selling maternity clothing are popping up in increasing numbers. Just because a woman is pregnant doesn't mean she wants to put on a sweat suit and call it a day. If anda want to find maternity clothes for free to low cost, read on.
Free Maternity Clothes

Oftentimes when anda are dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, anda have little...
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posted by cici1264
Determining how anda will tell the expectant father that anda are pregnant will likely depend upon the situation. If the two of anda have been planning a pregnancy and trying to conceive, then anda are probably already imagining how and when anda will tell him. Some women choose to let the father know as soon as they suspect they are pregnant, when they see the positive result on the halaman awal pregnancy test atau wait until they have confirmed it with their physician.Certainly the expectant father should normally be the first person that anda tell of your pregnancy regardless of the situation. Even if this...
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posted by cici1264
anda have the right to be free from pressure to make a decision for atau against adoption.

You have the right to total confidentiality if anda choose.

You have the right to impartial counseling oleh a trained professional, so anda can review all your options.

You have the right to a aman, brankas and legal process.

You have a right to choose the parents who will adopt your child and meet them, if desired.

You have a right to make a open adoption agreement to permit anda pictures, letters atau personal contact with the child after placement. anda also have the right to a closed adoption if anda choose.

You have a right...
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posted by cici1264
Facing an unplanned pregnancy can be overwhelming, scary and confusing all at once. That is why it is important for anda to have a solid support system when anda are dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. Having adequate pregnancy support may be the difference between anda having a happy, healthy pregnancy and a miserable one. The following saran will help anda find that support during your pregnancy.Family and Friends

Naturally, the first place anda will turn for help during pregnancy will be your family and friends. These are the people who are in your life on a daily basis, so it is natural that...
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posted by cici1264
Pregnancy is a time of change, growth, and excitement. But along with that excitement comes emotional and hormonal changes. Each woman's body and emotional health reacts differently to pregnancy. Some may not notice too much of a difference from their average emotional state, while others will notice dramatic shifts in temperament. The progression of pregnancy also can affect the degree of change and the type of emotion experienced.

In order to simplify, let's break it down into what anda can expect during each of the three trimesters and post-pregnancy.

First Trimester:

This is generally when...
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During pregnancy, it is absolutely necessary to eat right. For your health and that of your baby, your main diet should include the following: * Green vegetables and fruits, in place of sweets
* jeruk, orange juice, in place of soda
* Grains
* Grilled and baked foods, over fried
* susu and plenty of water
* Vitamins and minerals

While pregnant, don't try to maintain a model's figure. anda are now eating for two, and anda must eat accordingly. Discuss your diet with your doctor. Also, exercise is appropriate, especially during the early stages of pregnancy, as long as light to moderate. anda also need...
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When anda are getting ready for the baby anda got to get alot of things, Bottles if anda are not breast feeding either get a 8fl.oz atau 4fl.oz Bottles. *Diapers For your newborn baby anda will need newborn diapers in till he atau she is 10 pounds then if lebih then anda will need a number 1 diaper and on.Milk Well Your susu your doctor will tell anda Un less u our brest feeding The clothes anda will go to the store and get them.Well I can't Wait till the baby comes Have fun on your nine mouthes be carful and stay Alway from heavey objescts
posted by cici1264
Teen Pregnancy Facts takes a look at the trends in teenage pregnancy, the higher risks for medical problems in teenage mothers, and a comparison of teenagers who get pregnant to women who wait until they are older to get pregnant.

The rates of teen pregnancy have been declining in the United States, but the number of pregnant teens in the U.S. remains high. Teenage pregnancy poses a serious risk to the health of teen mothers and their babies, and to society as a whole, which has to pay the economic and social costs of teen pregnancy.

The number of teens giving birth has been in decline since...
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posted by cici1264
If anda are dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, chances are anda are not all that prepared to be a pregnant woman. This is where pregnancy education comes into play. There are a number of resources pregnant women can tap into to learn lebih about their pregnancy options, pregnancy in general and birthing. Knowing lebih about these options will help anda take full advantage of all they have to offer.
Pregnancy Books

Often, the first place we turn when we want to know lebih about a subject is a book. When it comes to the subject of pregnancy, there are dozens upon dozens of buku written from just about...
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posted by cici1264
Pregnancy is sometimes a mixed blessing for the socially anxious. On one side of the coin, it gives anda a great topic to talk about--avoiding awkward silences. But it also means lebih attention from strangers--consisting of belly rubbing and never-ending pertanyaan about your baby and your health. When coupled with the hyper-emotionality brought on oleh hormones, some women wish they could just hibernate for the entire nine months.

These feelings are normal and very common. Even women who were previously very social may feel lebih uncomfortable in social settings once they become pregnant. A lot...
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posted by cici1264
If anda have just learned that anda are pregnant but anda have been using birth control, anda may be surprised. It is important to understand that all methods of birth control can fail. Some methods of birth control are lebih reliable than others but no method of birth control is 100% reliable.

Condoms are one of the most populer methods of birth control. This is a barrier type of birth control because it is meant to prevent sperm from ever reaching the egg and fertilizing it, which is how pregnancy occurs. It is estimated that condoms are between 84% and 98% effective in pregnancy prevention. Condoms...
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posted by cici1264
There are many different types of tests which can be performed in order to konfirmasi pregnancy. anda may have already noticed a variety of signs and symptoms, including a possible missed period, which could have alerted anda to the fact that anda might be pregnant. However, it is still a good idea to konfirmasi it with a pregnancy test.

Almost all pregnancy tests, with the exception of ultrasounds, are based on testing for the presence of a specific hormone. This hormone is human chorionic gonadotropin, often referred to simply as hCG. The hormone is also known as the pregnancy hormone and it shows...
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posted by cici1264
Pregnancy is a very big change in any woman's life, especially when it is unplanned. This pregnancy guide is for women to use as a guide of what to expect throughout the nine months of pregnancy.

First Trimester- Weeks 1 to 13

The first stage of pregnancy, also referred to as the first trimester, can be the most difficult. Finding out anda are pregnant, along with the early pregnancy symptoms as your body adjusts to the influx of hormones and other changes, can be very difficult to digest.

The first trimester brings about the first signs and symptoms of pregnancy, including morning sickness and...
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Once anda learn that anda are pregnant, anda will have many decisions to make. One of them will be to choose the right practitioner to care for anda during your pregnancy.

In choosing the right practitioner, anda will need to first decide whether to have your baby in a hospital atau at home. While many women choose a hospital, many others choose the privacy of a halaman awal birth. Provided that anda have no special health considerations and there is no reason to believe that it will be a difficult birth, there is no reason why anda cannot give birth at home, provided that anda have adequate pre-natal care and...
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