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When it comes to the Sonic games it is often frowned upon when discussing that of the plots. Now while there have been quite a few Sonic games that were enjoyable story-wise, each one had one problem atau lebih that held it back in some regard.

~Sonic Adventure had a very interesting and lore-filled story which even dived into the culture of Knuckles’s ancestors, and gave us our first 3D Super Sonic. Unfortunately it was weighed down oleh its execution, and various pointless characters and/or scenes.

Sonic and Tails getting the emeralds was pointless because they could almost never keep one and only needed one for the Tornado Plane. If they were varied in how the emeralds were taken it may have worked but they all are taken oleh Eggman oleh some trick.

Big was not needed, and the subplot of his frog having Chaos’s tail was almost completely unrelated to the plot also. If anda took them both out, Chaos would have his tail, and the main plot could go on.

The voice-acting and model of the characters also made it hard to emotionally invest, particularly in the scenes involving the Chao and Tikal being attacked. anda know what is happening, but the style and graphics make it very hard to take seriously.

Now personally I cinta the story of Sonic Adventure, it’s probably my detik favorite, but because of its time and how many characters it had to juggle I can’t say it was a great story execution-wise. I don’t count Amy atau Gamma’s stories because while I deeply enjoyed them, they were their own, and did not affect the plot. Every scene they have that is needed for the plot could be from someone else’s perspective, save the one scene where Gamma sets Amy free.

~Sonic Adventure 2 had a VERY gripping story, much better acting, better graphics, and better execution. Unfortunately it also had so many plotholes that while I have never counted them up myself, it seriously might have near the amount that Sonic 06 did.

Again, I really enjoy this story, and they did a great job with it, but too many coincidences and things that didn’t add up simply held it back.

~Sonic heroes had a good story, but it wasn’t deep atau thought-provoking most of the time. It didn’t have any flaws that I can see (except for that NO ONE TELLS SHADOW ANYTHING) but it had nothing that could emotionally invest you.

~Shadow the Hedgehog suffered from trying to build on something that was resolved and thus was neither an interesting story, nor a coherent one.

~Sonic 06 while having an EXTREMELY interesting and enjoyable plot… in concept, it was also littered with plotholes and had some of the most (if not the most) STUPID story choices in the series’ history (Blaze’s origin being changed, Elise, Eggman doing almost nothing but turn into Bowser, Mephiles not joining with Iblis, etc.). This always upset me because there are ACTUAL really cool ideas that were used in that game.

~Secret Rings had a great story concept and the execution was pretty good as well, but unfortunately it was only interesting at the beginning and end, with MAYBE the only other eye-catching scene being the Ifrit-bomb cutscene which was pretty thrilling. There’s plot throughout the game, but it’s very bland and directional, having little to no impact on anything. We meet some characters but we don’t get to emotionally invest with them (again until the end).

~Sonic Unleashed had a VERY great story involving some mystery, lots of adventure and action, but at the same time it was very selective with its characters, and even lebih selective with it’s emotional-investments. That’s not a bad thing because the relationship between Sonic and Chip was handled AMAZINGLY in my opinion, but we don’t get emotional scenes with Tails, Pickles, atau Amy. We get an emotional reaction because of something Amy DOES, but it’s about Sonic, and just Sonic.

~Sonic warna had an extremely simple plot and was not trying, nor was it, anything special.

~Sonic Generations was the same as Colors.

~Sonic lost World tried to be a bit deeper but instead fell on it’s face, giving us the WORST villains EVER in the franchise of Sonic, Tails with Bipolar-spasms, Sonic akting like an idiot atau a jerk, and Eggman being the only one we care about.

Now I could daftar other games like the Rush series atau Sonic Battle, and those had good plots, but secara keseluruhan, keseluruhan the game that handled it the best to me was Black Knight.

First off, we get Sonic in Camelot. That alone is awesome. But the game gives time to let us become invested in a lot of things, the lore, the characters, the plot, the conflicts, the action, and the storybook comic-like artstyle REALLY lets that shine.

Now I’ll start with the characters as that was what really sells me on this plot. Unlike Unleashed where we get to emotionally invest with a lot of characters, and unlike Secret Rings where we get the alternate characters with no investment, Black Knight gets us involved in almost every single one.

~We have Sonic in my favorit incarnation of the franchise. He’s brave, he’s selfless, he’s kind, and he’s chivalrous, but he’s still cocky, and hot-headed, and hip, like the Sonic we all know. He’s put in a new world that he isn’t from, but he’s so used to this sort of thing that he just goes with it, and along the way he DOES get shocked.

When we see Merlina’s betrayal anda can tell oleh Sonic’s mannerisms, tone, and actions, that he is genuinely upset, surprised, and confused. He’s doing what he knows is right and wants to help everyone no matter the cost.

A great example of this is when the little girl (not really little spoilers) tells him about the dragon. Sonic has a time-limit to prove that he is a knight, but when he sees this little girl in trouble, he doesn’t even need to take a detik to realize that he’s going to help, no matter what happens to himself.

~Next we have Caliburn, our always companion. What I really like about Caliburn is that at first we think that Merlina is going to be our “Shahra” of the game, and in a sense she is, but they throw something different at us. Now we have TWO new companions. I really like Caliburn because while he is stubborn and he is oleh the buku and he is cold, his pros always reflect off onto Sonic’s cons, and Vice Versa. When Caliburn doesn’t want to save a village from a dragon, Sonic still does it because it’s right. When Sonic is sloppy atau reckless with something, Caliburn’s advice, warnings and scolding shows his experience and wanting to help improve Sonic.

But even if anda take that away the banter between these two is pretty enjoyable. Caliburn calling Sonic “Knave the hedgehog” all the time, even to the point of to his enemies, honestly made me chuckle when I first saw it. He’s very much the mentor of the game, but at the same time it shows that just because he’s the mentor it doesn’t mean he’s perfect, and he too can learn from the others.

~Next we have King Arthur himself. Now while this villain isn’t focused on, atau diberikan emotional investment, he’s still intimidating and we still see him as a cool guy. He’s not deep, he’s not amazing, but he is powerful and he is a threat. He has an origin, both of himself and of his turn to evil, and within that we CAN see where depth was given, if not a lot.

He’s doing what he thinks is right still. He’s a tyrant and he’s ruining his Kingdom, but he’s not doing it for himself, atau purposely, he’s just trying to control things, to make a perfect land. But even without his depth, there’s a reason it shouldn’t bother because it sets us up for the ACTUAL villain which I will get to at one point.

~Next we have the Knights of the round table. Neither alone has a huge amount to do, but they still have Three-Dimensional personalities from the detik anda meet them.
>Gawain is loyal but at the same time he fears for his kingdom and he doesn’t trust what his King has become.
>Percival is dedicated and loyal as well, and also sees that the King is changing, but she still has hope in what may become, and has a similar mindset to the king, making her less troubled.
>Lancelot is berkata to be Arthur’s closest friend (though not really talked about that much in the game), and is completely dedicated to his duties no matter the cost. Whether atau not he may care, he is loyal to the end, a true Knight.

Then we have each of their defeat-scenes and each is different.

>Gawain is ashamed of himself. He feels as though he’s failed his king, and because of the doubt he feels already it clouds his judgment and he even goes to the point of almost committing suicide. He wants to be known as a true honorable, chivalrous knight, but he feels so grief-stricken that he does not feel worthy, and when anda see Sonic leaving him after yoinking the sword away anda can tell that Gawain still has doubts.
>Percival starts off her meeting with Sonic as a master of the sword would against an amateur, and she gets a bit lebih to do than the others, being treated as the most difficult. She’s angry with Sonic and while she too has doubts she wants order. When the revelation that the amateur beats her, all that doubt manifests and she is completely in shock. She doesn’t try to kill herself (though when she accidentally falls she doesn’t fight against her death). Her life, her duty, has been almost a lie. But then Sonic actually saves her. She is continuously shocked oleh his actions, and slowly is remembered about true chivalry. It’s a great scene.
>Lancelot, unlike the others, does not resort to atau accept death. He is beaten right out but he does not accept that. He wants revenge for his disgrace and is going to have it one way atau another. He’s the simplest of the group, but still has an impact.

~After that we get The Lady of the Lake. pujian for an Amy incarnation that isn’t annoying. The Lady of the Lake is also a mentor-type, like Caliburn, but she does have less character. She explains what happens, but at the same time she does feel guilt-stricken oleh what she’s done, and how much her actions have led to the fall of Camelot. She sees good in Sonic, and is a nice side-character.

~Second to last we have the Smithy, Tails. His character is the least focused-on, and he has very little character to share, hence why I berkata that ALMOST every character had involvement. Tails does get a brief cool scene where Sonic is recognizing him as his real-world counterpart, and it’s cool to see them hitting it off so quick like they normally would, but aside from that, nothing else.

~Last, and so very much so not the least, we have Merlina, our ACTUAL villain. Merlina, the descendant of Merlin; she is a young girl with magic who is being chased for rebelling against the King. She summons Sonic and is immediately impressed oleh his powers, and wants his help.

Now with Merlina, she’s not actually in the plot that much. She’s there for the first few parts, leaves, then comes back near the end, but she still has a good amount of time to make an impact.

She’s a girl who is burdened with the mistakes of her grandfather, and is constantly on the run. She has a dark secret but a kind heart. She’s not a bad person, and is genuinely likable. She talks with Sonic casually, atau in relation to the lore, atau with her own personal issues. She enjoys his company because he’s positive and upbeat, a shining bintang that looks for a better future. She on the other hand sees only darkness in the future and wants to fix that, so Sonic is her breath of fresh air.

And the cool thing is that
>She’s not a love-interest with the hero atau the villain
>She doesn’t have an annoying personality
>And anda can relate to her reasoning for what she does.

Merlina knows the future, and it ends with the Kingdom being in ruin. So she wants to save it, preserve it, keep things perfect, but to do that she has to resort to turning the world into darkness itself. She would cinta a different option, but there simply isn’t one. THAT is where a great character connection comes from.

Again, Sonic is a bright happy person. Merlina is a desperate sad person. But at the same time they are friends. Sonic is saddened oleh the betrayal, and wants to still help someone, but will not think twice about choosing to save the hari over Merlina’s plan. Merlina feels betrayed oleh Sonic because he isn’t only unable to understand her view completely, but doesn’t want to. It’s a great character-connection.

Now, the actual events, artstyle, and execution is amazing.

When Sonic first falls into the world we instantly get a good mix of his upbeat fun-filled aura, but at the same time we get an aura of the medieval setting, and a dark shadow hanging over the story. We are introduced to our enemies, and get to know both their pros and cons very quickly.

And come on, that scene with the chili-dogs was pretty funny. Sonic holding his hand out all “NOOOOOOOOOOOO!” as they fly away. I loved that.

Then we’re immediately taken out of GC and into a painted scenery and it looks GREAT. The designs of the characters fit the setting, and they look nice in their design. They express themselves perfectly with the voices, and make the plot that lebih interesting.

Now one thing though with the plot that always erked me a bit was when they find Caliburn. It’s just “Oh look a sacred artifact that has the power to defeat evil right there in the middle of nowhere. What a co-wink-i-dink”, but one could argue with that that Caliburn was just resting near a grave of his sebelumnya owner atau something. Still, clarity on that would have been nice.

We get to see soon after meeting Caliburn, our first fight with Arthur. He’s very commanding of his presences, and shows his experience. It’s cool to see that.

From there we get some lebih time talking with Merlina and Caliburn. We get hints throughout this about Merlina’s true intentions, how she feels about the events, and how much it upsets her, with the finishing touch being the wilting flower. It was a good set of symbolism, both the bunga and her keterangan of it.

From then on we get just about every other scene that I’ve discussed already. Once again, the settings are great, both in GC and in the storybook artwork, with the best part being Percival’s environments. The flames and atmosphere look really cool.

Something else I really like is the twist. In other Sonic games the twist is always “Eggman isn’t the true villain” and we even see the true villain as a villain throughout the game so it’s not a surprise. However with this, had that formula not started, I don’t think anyone would have guessed that Merlina would have been the actual villain. We have no reason to believe she’d be the bad guy, and I’m sure some people were actually shocked, including myself. And It’s not just some acak twist because the monster is mindless, we have actual reasoning behind it. Even the monster form she has isn’t the main villain, it’s her power incarnated. THAT is awesome.

And my favorit scene is definitely the second-to-last cutscene with Sonic and Merlina. I know this is a bit redundant but I feel it begs repeating.

We have Sonic and Merlina’s verbal battle. They both have very good reasons behind them. Sonic would rather have a free world that strives and lives while it can. Merlina would rather have a world where things were preserved and never faded away. Both want the right thing and neither has bad intentions, and they both know that, which makes all the lebih gripping and emotionally-investing when they HAVE to fight each other.

But the highest point of the scene is when all the Knights are telling Sonic to give up, that there’s no reason to continue. His sword is broken, he’s beaten up, and there seems to be no hope, but he doesn’t care. He stands his ground. He is willing to go to the point of death if it means saving the day. And that is what shows through in the end, that Sonic has true Chivalry.

(To go off on a tangent here, THIS is why Roger Craig Smith’s Sonic annoys me so much. Jason Griffith has gotten to his highest point in his Sonic-voice-acting. anda can LIKE this Sonic. He’s a beacon of goodness, a Knight in shining armor, selfless and true, but anda can still see that he has flaws that he doesn’t shove aside but simply embraces and becomes better from. Now we have Smith’s Sonic who has reverted all that. He’s so much lebih reckless, and uncaring, and oblivious, and gets people in harm’s way. The point of Griffith’s Sonic was that his recklessness was reflected in how he got HIMSELF in harm to protect OTHERS, not because he just made a boo-boo.)

The post-fight scene is a great end to the story. Merlina is alive, and instead of being angry with her, Sonic offers her kindness. He still cares about her well-being, and wants to help tampil her a better tomorrow. She is still upset but in the end, the hari is saved and the world is good again. It ends off with “Live Life” one of my favorit Sonic songs ever, and a great example of the theme of Sonic.

Live Life doesn’t mean “YOLO DO WHATEVER WE WANT BECAUSE anda ONLY LIVE ONCE” it means “Live life to the fullest. Become the best that anda can be and spend every moment helping and making everything as good as anda can. Learn, live, and love.”

THIS is the Sonic game that I can see made into a movie. Out of all the stories this has the best handling, balancing, and ideas. I enjoyed it from start to finish and I highly doubt I’ll see a better plot in these games.

Now many other Sonic products like the comics and shows may have plots near the magnitude of this game’s, and I definitely can think of a future comic stories that come close atau even surpass it, but for me, this is the best any Sonic game plot will ever get.

I know the game as a whole isn’t loved, and that it isn’t the best oleh far for its gameplay, but while I have to disagree that it’s a bad game, the plot alone is worth going through it.

If anda all have preferences for what Sonic plot anda like the most, that’s fine, I’m not calling them bad at all. I think Unleashed is the best Sonic game of all time but my favorit is still Heroes, so anda can have both.

I hope this didn’t get anyone ticked. I also hope everyone can understand the points I used, and agree with them.

Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments.

God Bless,

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