selam scuba, menyelam Where Would anda Like to Dive Before anda Die?

huddy_aimee posted on Aug 06, 2009 at 08:26PM
Just a random forum where you can tell us where you'd like to dive before you die...this can be anywhere around the world (and enclosed water dives are NOT counted) lol

selam scuba, menyelam 2 balasa

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lebih dari setahun yang lalu huddy_aimee said…
ok...two places...
1- Ningaloo Reef on the West Australian coast. I want to go to get the experience of diving with whale sharks.
2- I want to dive all the New Zealand Navy's decommisioned ships around New Zealand that are (obviously) sitting on the ocean floor.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu bballgirl24 said…
big smile
i really want to go diving at the great barrier reef bc there is alot of fish there and everyine says that it is sooo beautiful. and i also want to go diving in hawaii, cuz its so amasing there so it has to be amasing underwater too.