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skandal to End With Season 7

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called ‘Scandal’ Ending: Final Season 7, Shonda Rhimes, ABC Set End tanggal | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Although ABC isn’t commenting, multiple sources confirm to TVLine exclusively that
‘s upcoming seventh seventh will be its last. The network is expected to make a formal announcement at its upfront presentation on Tuesday. I’m told series creator Shonda Rhimes made the call to conclude the series, and ABC accepted her decision.
The news comes with three episodes remaining in
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Rhimes has previously said that, unlike the long-running
‘s heavily serialized, high-stakes narrative necessitates a short-ish shelf life. And it seems she’ll get no argument from viewers. In a recent poll, fans overwhelmingly agreed with TVLine Senior Editor Andy Swift’s editorial that
“I feel like there is a finite amount of
to be told,” Rhimes previously told NPR. “So I know what the end of
will be, and I feel really good about that. And I can see where the end point is. And I don’t think I’m going to change that.”
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this season has been averaging 5.7 million total viewers and a 1.5 demo rating, down 20 and 30 percent from Season 4 and hitting series lows (5.1 mil/1.2) as recently as April 6. At its zenith (with the Season 4 premiere), the D.C. drama pulled 12 million viewers with a 3.8 demo rating.
Earlier this year, ABC president Channing Dungey was asked about
‘s future beyond Season 7. “We have not really talked about what happens after that,” she told our sister outlet
. “But I love the show, and I would happily keep the show on as long as she feels that she has creative runway to write the show.”
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It should have ended this season with the election and Fitz leaving the white house… The show has become such a mess…. not sure what they will do next year…
Agreed. I hope they can turn it around enough to give it a proper sendoff, but I have doubts.
I love Scandal and Grey’s Anatomy. Is Ms. Rhimes simply exhausted from work or does she really think it is in the best interest to end the show? I think there are such that can be told about Scandal. I think those who believe the show should be cancelled, should perhaps view the other 499 channels cable has to offer. Sometimes, I just do not get people. Look at another channel if Scandal is too real for you.
The thing is with Grey’s, she can run it on for 20 or so years and it still has the potential to be successful. The whole medical drama format gives it the convenience of letting chars come and go all they want while still maintaining storylines. Scandal doesn’t have that advantage.
… Good for you. Some of us have a differing opinion. Why should you care?
Yes!!! It’s already run out of even remotely logical events. Can’t believe another season will be worth watching at all.
I am curious about Fitz not being president anymore, Vermont, and all the misery.
Probably go back to the crisis-of-the-week storylines from the first couple of seasons. I miss those.
I agree! I’m watching the show in Scotland and really thought they went way off the mark in Season 4.
Agreed. LET THE SHOW DIE. Minus Joe Morton’s episode, this season has been the worst yet.
I enjoy it even when it’s not at its best. I’ll miss Scandal when it’s over but I’m glad it is getting a proper closing season.
I agree with you. I love scandal and will miss it no matter what. I am glad we will get proper closure.
I’m fine with this. Creatively peaked during S2, and while there have been flashes of that brilliance here and there, it’s time for it to end.
That’s all for the best. Can’t wait to see what the cast does next as for me, I stopped watching when they refused to kill Olivia’s serial killing dad and then boyfriend. I guess that’s when the reality of the show got away for me but I always respected the show for its achievements and I will try to tune in those last couple of episodes
ABC should have pull the plug this year.
Grey’s won’t end. It’s one of the channels most popular shows, in the us and worldwide. I see it getting a 15th and maybe 16th seasons.
GREYS is broadcast TV’s #3-rated drama, and ABC’s #1 drama. Ain’t going nowhere.
I think ABC is now looking for Grey’s Anatomy to tie or beat the season count for its longest running scripted series — The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet.
It’s for the best that it ends after next season, but it’s still sad. I almost dropped it when Olivia was kidnapped in the middle of Season 4, but thankfully it’s gotten better since then. I’ll still miss it. It’s appointment viewing.
After season five, and now season six being so sub-standard (and I loved me some Scandal) I am ready for it to stop. Kerry Washington can’t even muster a decent “What. Did. You. Do?!” with any enthusiasm anymore. The cast feels like they are phoning in the performances this season and that’s a sure sign the scripts have long since faltered. They haven’t been gladiators for way too long for my taste. I have few shows I’m still watching, so I am not happy the quality just isn’t there anymore. Time to wrap it up.
I’m with you 100%. This season has suffered from a lack of Gladiatoring and an emphasis on a near-comical series of events that landed Mellie in the White House.
And Abby needs to go back to OPA. She didn’t belong in the White House, much less as Chief of Staff. I’m hoping they were hinting at that with last week’s episode when she was being passed up by Cyrus at every turn.
Olivia’s kidnapping was the beginning of the end for me. Too much emphasis on Jake and papa Pope was the last straw.
Should have ended Season 4 on that Balcony with: “Whatever we Want”…
Agreed.That was the perfect end. Instead, we got another breakup for ridiculously stupid reason. Then descent into even greater brain dead stupidity.
ABC and Shondaland need to make a similar decision on How To Get Away With Murder. I’ve been watching since season one and I’m not clear how long the Keating 5 have been in law school (which is typically a three year degree), and the storylines are starting to get ridiculous. I’m not sure they can go beyond four or maybe five seasons.
This past season was the show’s strongest yet.
I thought season 1 (The Night of the Spinning Cheerleader) was the best. Season 3 was better than season 2, mainly because they got rid of the “case of the week” element.
Each season is a semester so it will last 6 years. I figured that was always the plan.
Not surprised by this news. When the writing for the show is being this obvious that storylines & character arcs are being dragged out longer than they should, it’s time to go on ahead and end the show. I can only get continuing on if the show was going to finally move on from the tired Rowan, Jake and the secret organization stuff, but obviously they aren’t, so ending it makes more sense. Hopefully we get a good series finale.
Hallelujah! The show is long past it”s “sell by date”…Hyperbolic plot twists have compromised both the integrity of the show and the once outstanding acting by the major players. The Brits do it right… give us a finite number episodes and, then, leave while we are still in love.
It’s been running on fumes since Olivia was kidnapped and Fitz went to war to try to get her back,and it went downhill steadily since then … it’s time to go
Every character has done so many truly horrible things, they just can’t keep getting away with it! It’s hard to like or care for these people anymore; however, it was fantastic the first few seasons,
And on a more superficial note, I have to say Olivia’s fashion choices (yes I know she had some babies along the way) the last couple of seasons haven’t made me want to run out and buy that outfit or that amazing coat. Half the fun was seeing what she was going to wear. Plus way too many above the waist shots for the last three seasons. It was pretty glaring and distracting. But I have enjoyed the ride immensely, and definitely want to see an exciting wrap up.
B613, Shonda’s obsession with Papa Pope, and of course forcing the much hated Jake into leading man status played a role…also Olivia abortion caused half the viewers away. Just look at the ratings after the abortion? Scandal never recovered from that plot point nonsense. it is time to end it and I hope all the characters get happy endings, especially Olivia and Fitz. Two of the most tortured characters in prime time.
The abortion plot line was brilliant. And needs to be told in this political climate. A woman’s right to choose is an essential right we must keep fighting for.
That whole abortion story was absurd. The story may be fiction, but it highlighted the same scenario that happens every day: the Father may as well not exist since his thoughts, or feelings on it was never sought after. He never even knew until it was already done. Really made me hate the show after that.
Well that’s a biological fact of life. Men cannot carry a fetus. Until that can happen, the decision to terminate is 100% the decision of the woman whose body has to grow it and host it and birth it. No, it’s not fair. Fathers should be able to choose to be fathers if the mother doesn’t want to be a mother. But that’s not how reproduction works right now and it is grossly unfair to expect women to carry an unwanted baby for 9 months (with all the pain and physical responsibilities) for something they do not want.
If you truly believe in that argument, you must oppose child support, since the man has no say in the decision if he should have a child or not, he shouldn’t be expected to support a child a woman decided to have entirely on her own.
Real equality would being pro-choice for all people, regardless of gender.
Who says Jake is much hated? He is 80% of why I watch the show! He is leading man material more so than Fitz. With that said I don’t want to see him with Olivia but I just want him on the screen as much as possible!
How is he leading man material when everytime he’s given more to do, the episodes usually suck? The 5B arc was a huge embarrassment to the Jake character.
Count me in on the Jake character fan club. I’ve never been a huge Fitz fan. He always seemed too weak for me to find him interesting. And I agree with someone else on here who said he/she was getting tired of watching everyone doing bad things all the time. I would watch OPA-centric stories anytime and for another season. This show does “problem of the week” awesomely. It was so interesting watching Olivia come up with solutions; sticking her fingers in people’s faces, putting the bad men/women in their place. I liked OPA being heroes …. not perfect,far from it, however, I really enjoyed when they helped the little guy beat “the man”, “the government baddies”, and big,bad corporations.
I miss that. (If I never hear the words “White House” or any White House characters again, it’ll be too soon.)
Anyway, I will definitely be there for the final season. Looking forward to Shonda doing us all proud.
HE is 100% of why i stop to watch scandal. his story is so ridiculous.
If you hate Jake doesn’t mean we all do..I love him to bits. Fitz on the other end meh!
Certainly, there are those who love Jake, he’s good looking, but he doesn’t have the “presence” Fitz has. That undefinable “it” factor. Tony G is sexiness on steroids. Jake, not at all and there was absolutely NO chemistry with KW. If Fitz were to leave today, Scandal would end tomorrow.
If he had no chemistry with Olivia, it was due to that dry kissing. Who does that? It wasn’t sexy at all. Olivia had no game at all when it came to Jake.
I wish Shonda would make the call to end Grey’s. Talk about beating a dead horse.
Scandal got bad quick. Not sure how they will manage to end a series that has turned into such a hot mess.
Remind me – have we had the “Scandal – The Musical” episode yet?
LOL. I’m sorry but what?! Shonda called ABC and decided to end the show? In a day and age when overall ratings are in the broadcast toilet (please excuse the crudeness) this is hilarious. It’s still doing well compared to other shows its age and unless Ms. Rhimes can come up with a substitution, (a spin off if greys maybe? A show in its 64th year on tv with respectable ratings) she needs to get off the phone and back to the writing table and figure it out. The end date of shows is not about emotions but ratings, which equal ad dollars and money. And btw, ABC is stuck in FOURTH place. And the last time I saw, The Catch isn’t catching any ratings. And where is Star Crossed? Must be a fabulous show to have to premiere in the SUMMER. Ms. Rhimes is either out of touch with reality or setting up her end game at ABC. Ps: Obsessed with TGIT, please leave it be :)
Um it is Shonda’s show and she can do whatever she wants. And again it has been stated several times that Scandal wasn’t going to run longer than 7 years. And whatever you may think of ABC you really believe they haven’t tried to change her mind? Especially this past lousy season for ABC. No I am sure they tried to change her mind. Who is to say she doesn’t have something coming down in the future ABC can use. If she wants it to end she will end it and she is
Well stated and I totally agree to a point. In a couple of years when she’s producing dramas for TBS or some awful streaming service and pulling a .2 in the ratings hopefully a real network will take her and her ideas (and ego) back. She ruined Scandal all on her own. This was a fabulous show led by a fabulous actress (Washington). It could have had a lot of creative life left in it. I hope for her and ABC’s sake, she has a plan. I will always watch whatever she produces.
Another thought! What if Olivia Pope and HTGAWM lived in the same universe and she moved to that show?! She is a great attorney after all. That idea is free Shondaland! :)
I can see it being held till midseason and then murder being on at 9/8pm in the fall following shonda new law show
All I have to say is that Olivia & Fitz better end up making jam in Vermont!
I think it is a good decision to end it rather than it going completely off the rails. But boy I hope ABC can get some good dramas going because the way its going they will be down to Grey’s and HTGAWM as the only ones above a 1.0
Designated Survivor is close to a 1.0; averaging a 1.26 this season, and yes, recent episodes have taken it lower, but it’s close behind! :)
I love Scandal, but I definitely have come down with B613/covert ops agencies burnout. Plus the whole dysfunctional Jake/Fitz/Olivia thing has played out past its prime as well. So I am hoping that Scandal goes out with a bang and not a whimper in Season 7
I absolutely *adore* Scandal but this is the right decision.
I think Jake is infinitely more interesting than Fitz. Fitz is always complaining and whining about how he is a victim of his circumstances. Jake is edgy and doesn’t make excuses, and he is not a black or white character. He has many different shades of grey, which for me makes him much more interesting to watch.
what . jake insteresting. Jake is very boring .
Hope they kill off Papa Pope. I know that it has seen better days but I still love it. I am excited to see a white house without Fitz (but hope he sticks around).
Yay! Hooraaaaaaah! Stopped watching two seasons back. I loath Kerry!
I better get a proper 22-episode FINAL SEASON!!! None of this 15-16 episode business. I need as much SCANDAL and Kerry Washington I can get before its all over!!!
Give the girl a break! Kerry Washington was extremely pregnant while filming the first few episodes of the season, and then she needed time off for maternity leave, so that resulted in the shorter than normal season.
First Jennifer Morrison, now this. Tough week to be an ABC viewer.
It’s waaayyy past it’s sell by date. This show should have ended several years ago; talk about jumping the shark! The storyline had become absurd–the usual trope when a show lingers longer than it should. It had gone beyond ridiculous and the characters had become former shells of themselves.
What started out as a crisp, sharp, interesting storyline morphed into a hardly recognizable show that was no longer entertaining. ‘Im glad to see SR has finally come to her senses and is ending it.
I’m honestly pretty shocked. The ratings have slipped over the past few seasons, but it still rates well for ABC. That combined with ABC’s struggles to develop dramas makes me surprised they wouldn’t want Scandal around for at least a few more years.
I’m sure Shonda has a bunch of other fresh ideas for them to explore.
Shonda has fresh new ideas? Hope so because all we saw on Scandal was wash, rinse and repeat. Hardly creative.
What started out as a crisp, sharp, interesting storyline morphed into a hardly recognizable show that was no longer entertaining. I’m glad to see SR has finally come to her senses and is ending it.
Agree with others; the quality of the show is sorely lacking and no new ideas only add to the disappointment I feel as a former Scandal fan. As dysfunctional as it may have been, I only want to see Olivia and Fitz together but since I haven’t watched for several seasons, I don’t expect to get my wish.
It may have been savable had SR gone back to the “fixer” construct, but she didn’t and it isn’t.
This is okay with me. The show will get a final season to wrap things up, which I like to see. I just hope that Olivia and Fitz don’t end up together. I really hate Fitz. But if they are together at the end, oh, well, that’s that. Now that they’re working toward an end date, I think the show will improve.
As many have said, it really should end this season, but I guess I will endure through the rest of this one and one more. And yes, I know I could just not watch anymore, but for some sadistic reason, I cannot seem to stop from watching the train wreck it has become. Hopefully it gets a decent sendoff.
its time. It lost its initial plot line and isn’t nearly as good as it could have been. Its been a good run.
I have hated Scandal ever since the day Olivia Met Jake Ballard at the coffee shop. Scandal was so good until Jake & Papa Pope characters were introduced. The B613 storyline was so awful.
I think it is still seven seasons too many. At least it’s going away.
The main character slept around a lot! Could it be she has run out of bed mates
The main character slept around too much. Could it be she has run out of bed mates!
Scandal could have continued to be a trail blazer – instead, we got a show which after a while showed episodes that made absolutely no sense, that had plots that could only have been written by people with their heads fully up their behinds to be enjoyed by those who do not require much.
I am saddened that it lost its way. Perhaps SR will learn from this, but I suspect she won’t. There seems to be no end to her hubris.
WHAT!? No way can I believe this, I thought that Scandal had/has a great story line. I really do hope that Shonda will change her mind PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DON’T MAKE IT THE LAST SEASON
I TOTALLY AGREE! I live for Thursdays every week. Scandal is what motivates me to the end of the week. I agree, it would be great if they could get back to more gladiating and FIXING, than the politics of FItz and Mellie and the B16 stuff. But, anything Kerry Washington is in is great. But SCANDAL IS THE BEST> I would trade Gray’s any day for Scandal. Grays is the horse that has been beat past death, over and over! Please.
While I still enjoy the show it is time to for it to end. The show lost it way they moved away from the case of the week and Olivia/OPA being the ultimate fixers wearing the white hat while having a hard time fixing their own lives and moved their focus towards papa Pope/ Jake and B613( I mean how many jobs has Jake had to keep him around and relevant), and even more so with Olivia kidnapping and it whole aftermath they lost themselves even more. Hopefully they end this whole Papa Pope/Jake/B613 mess and the next season they focus on OPA gladiatoring again and Olivia and Fitz actually making things work the things that made the show what it is
Should have ended when Olivia had the abortion. This show lost track when B613 was introduced. Season 1 was the best. Good riddance.
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