Rosario Vampire Will There Be A Season 3?

nmc400 posted on Dec 27, 2008 at 12:12AM
i wanna know if theres a season 3, im gunna one sad panda bear if there isn't

Rosario Vampire 20307 balasa

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lebih dari setahun yang lalu supervampire said…
AND NO he didnt lose my respect because he complimented you.He lose my respect because he just came out of nowhere insulting me.I mean at least you had a good reason for arguing with me.Also you do have my respect because you gave me a reasonable explanation for everything you said and you proved that you are intelligent and dont insult people just because you can unlike some people(Robis).
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Danman2327 said…
lol ok. But that would have been funny though.


lol harsh.

also you cant expect their to be people online every time you go on lol.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Danman2327 said…
lol he probably wont figure out what that means.

also again japanese is a hard language to write. it would probably take me at least ten minutes to write that and I can probably write a whole essay in english in the same amount of time. lol it looks so complicated
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lebih dari setahun yang lalu supervampire said…
WELL he deserved it.HE SHOULDNT DO THAT if he acts like that nobody will like him
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Danman2327 said…
lol are you in a bad mood. what he said isnt a very big deal
lebih dari setahun yang lalu supervampire said…
oh ill stop doing that then.AND i saw what you said about why should i go to a site with only 4 fans.EVERYONE HAS TO START SOMEWHERE.I DONT SEE YOU WITH YOUR OWN CLUB
lebih dari setahun yang lalu supervampire said…
IM NOT IN BAD MOOD.What would make you think that?I never have a bad attitude.THANK YO VERY MUCH
lebih dari setahun yang lalu supervampire said…
YOU should really learn to type faster,
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Danman2327 said…
lol the Danman2327 club. at least robis will be a fan. for some reason he admires me

lebih dari setahun yang lalu Danman2327 said…
lol im doing multiple things at once and its not like a chatroom where you constantly type messages
lebih dari setahun yang lalu supervampire said…
Quit saying lol.Yo. probably dont even have alot of fans anyway
lebih dari setahun yang lalu supervampire said…
lebih dari setahun yang lalu supervampire said…
Im looking at files and typing at the same time.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu supervampire said…
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Danman2327 said…
now that you said i have to type faster i have to take a speed test to so how fast i am
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Danman2327 said…
i went back on like 10 seconds ago jeez
lebih dari setahun yang lalu supervampire said…
you know something maybe i am being a little mean
lebih dari setahun yang lalu supervampire said…
maybe i should relax.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Danman2327 said…
lol i only got 230 characters(40 words) per minute. but its different cause i have to read and type at the same time
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Danman2327 said…
lol i did it again and got 46 words
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Danman2327 said…
lebih dari setahun yang lalu supervampire said…
i have to go see you tommorrow
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Danman2327 said…
lebih dari setahun yang lalu supervampire said…
lebih dari setahun yang lalu jordanVAMPIRE said…
cmon mann i cba reading 29 pages that are mostly arguments so can any of you just tell me the if there will be a season 3 and its air date?
lebih dari setahun yang lalu taiske01 said…
tey will be until season 5, if u whant more information add me my msn is "" or in facebook "Taiske Abara"
lebih dari setahun yang lalu jordanVAMPIRE said…
so when is the air date of season 3?
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Namorock said…
Can you guys stop spamming this fucking thread, I come here for up dates, not random quarrels about fake employees seriously dude your fake don't pester this forum any more no employee would waste their time with a bunch of randoms trying to prove that they are an employee for who they say they are.

This whole game of wit is rather annoying and taking about a lot of space and fooling me to believe that perhaps a person has found a trailer or something along those lines of the the currently discussed anime, but instead I come and see kids bitching at each other...... seriously stop being retards.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Buddha_2 said…
Hello, been gone for a while on a trip to see a friend.
When i come back and check the forums i need to read like 10 pages of arguments and i have to agree is it not neccessary. i mean really, this a forum about an anime we all like and want to know if it will continue why fight about. Just put the facts down as to what u want to say and say it. then if other people ask questions answer them politely. also as for the all those Japanese translations, why even right them; i mean really if your going to say something, say it so everybody understands it. i mean its as easy as pie to look up a translator and copy, paste, click, done. And also if u don't have a translator(or are to lazy to open google and look one up **that's me if your wondering, very lazy**) here is one.


i find it useful because it translates many languages; and is very accurate(outsmarted my Spanish teacher with it lol) and i must say its irritating to even have to open it.

Also i don't know if vampires comments are real or not, but i have a friend who just became an exchange student to japan and she says that theirs no word on a chu3. so whether what vampire says is true or not I'm not sure i guess we will all find out when it (Airs/or does not Air) in December when she says it will be released.

But other than that because i read so much i don't remember what amines you guys were talking about but the most recent one i watched was "Air Gear". its pretty good as far as being up beat and fast paced but also very funny;and a huge ecchi(just a warning). so in the mean time if u want to watch an anime check it out. Also another amine i found interesting was "Macross Frontier". its sad,funny,action packed, and has some nice vocal music. so enjoy the anime, and also before i go to sleep because here its almost 3am. Danman2327 cunning isn't always a good thing and if always think your right then you will always be in argument(knows from experience), this not a a comment to disagree that u are smart, that i do believe but continuing an argument gets silly after a while.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu iFanatic said…
@supervampire, can i request a link to your gonzo club. thx mang.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu jordanVAMPIRE said…
this is great annd all but knowone has annswerd me yet about the supposed air dates etc etc with all you people who are talking about season 4 how about confirming 3 first
lebih dari setahun yang lalu iFanatic said…
@jordanVAMPIRE ... according to Supervampire, it will hopefully be aired in december 2010.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Robis said…
big smile
Hello everyone EVEN supervampire.
I see it like this..... there will be a Season 3. Why I am so sure? Actually I'm not, I just somehow trust supervampire- thats probably because I only want to hear good news, oh yeah, and she says that she is the translator of GONZO.

I have a good idea(At least I think its good)
Lets talk about Anime- ok that sounds stupid- lets talk about YOUR favorite Anime. Why do you like it and whats good in it? Thats better.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu jordanVAMPIRE said…
lol em my favourite anime was naruto shippuden but after readinng the manga for rosario vampire there tie'd i just wish rosario vampire had as many manga chapters/episodes as naruto because it seems to me that rosario vampire is just as popular
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Danman2327 said…
She said the "air date" for season 3 will be "December if we're lucky" and season 4 will be a month later. It was like 5-6 pages back. She also said that season 3 will have Tsukune as a ghoul.

I dont see a reason the trust supervampire because i dont see why they would hire someone to do this and she's not making much of an impact on anything.

But I also dont see why she would just do it for the attention. If she is, then she has no life what-so-ever.

So I'm not sure if she's for real or not.


Lol I know that I think I'm always right. Why would you have to tell me? lol

Also sorry for spamming I was just bored.

Also I dont like naruto. I stopped liking it after they(I think FUNimation but im not sure) were retarded and thought airing it on the disney channel would be a better choice than airing it on adult swim. I dont feel like watching the subbed ones to catch up and I know all the dubbed ones will have everything cut out.

Also have you ONLY read/watch rosario vampire and naruto? lol how can they be your favorite if those are the only two you saw.

I actually like Vampire Knight better than Rosario Vampire but I'm pretty sure the Vampire Knight anime is dead
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lebih dari setahun yang lalu Buddha_2 said…
Lmao i think im right alot aswell(having to older brothers and a sister that are 15 years older then you tends to do that). but im usually wrong cause i dont think things through so if u thought i was being demented or w.e. im sorry, it was 3 in the morning and i just got done drinking some Mt.Dew(dont upset it, it will find u and attack u D:<) but thats not the point. so yes im sorry if i seemed mad or angry being awake(caffeine from the dew) and tired at the same time doesn't help in the thought process in fact i think what i wrote was a bit silly and unnecessary at some parts. but on the comment of naruto shippuden im not to much into it after azuma died it was like WTF. so i trashed it, mabey ill go back not sure. but my favorite anime so far is clannad. no dought there.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu supervampire said…
HI i just got online
lebih dari setahun yang lalu supervampire said…
ouch that hurts,so never mind ill just leave,since thats pretty much what you all want.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu supervampire said…
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Robis said…
What did you expect? That everyone would believe you just from nothing? You should of known that nobody(whit exceptions) is so naive especially on the net were there are hundreds of liars.
I have a crazy thought...... If your getting paid for this you should do your job good = you would show us more proof like documents or an official announcement.

I know its like a slap in the face but come on if your getting paid do your job better, now it looks like your finding answers to questions on google - And I'm saying this because I don't want to see a person fail at there own job.

On-topic: My favorite Anime is and I think for a long time it will be R+V. It has all that I want: Humor, Excitement, Its kind of real- not the whole monster part, etc. I would strongly suggest that you watch it because its fun to watch.
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lebih dari setahun yang lalu Buddha_2 said…
I actually have to laugh at the fact the Supervampire left because she thought we were all insulting her. Its not even that wee just skeptical and net savy, and have been lied too many times to just believe someone on a whim with no actual facts or proof to back it up. I mean think about it. if someone told you out of no where that someone was going to blow up the world, would u believe it without, seeing the person, knowing the person, or knowing whether they are sane or not. "IF" you think rationally you know off the the spot that you would not believe them without some type of proof other than there word, because of the fact that so many people joke about doing just that all the time. i mean who wouldn't want to blow up the world, i know most people don't have the power to; but who hasn't thought of it( I HAVE HEHEHEHE!!! THE VOICES IN MY HEAD WISH TO DOMINATE U ALL!!). Sorry about that but i enjoy a little humor now and then. But see just cause i said it, doesn't mean its true. Supervampire if your going to tell us that chu3 is coming out don't just be like oh its coming in December and expect everyone to believe you. bring some hard facts and proof like a photo, or a site, or a email, something so we can give you a little more credit than just your word. Plus there are to many people that enjoy this anime and have been lied to that they are defensive on who they wish to believe. im not trying to criticize which i probably did but its the truth don't expect us all to jump on your very word. Word are like Pennies and there millions in in the world. You just need to find the right one.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu wargod11 said…
well,well, seems we have a couple of jackasses here.COME ON how could you do that to her?it just isnt cool.I for one believe her.she proved to me that she worked for GONZO without realizing it And to make matters worse you idiots pissed her off.whats wrong with you people?
lebih dari setahun yang lalu wargod11 said…
WHY are you insulting her and shes not even here to defend herself?
lebih dari setahun yang lalu wargod11 said…
I MEAN THINK ABOUT IT.translators are hired by various foreign countries.they havent been working for the ame company their entire career.Companies dont give them too much information because they might end up working for a rival company and giving away classified info.SO companies only give them the info they feel safe giving them.SHE probably only knew just enough to inform you exactly what shes been saying.Shes even looked at files she was probably unauthorized to look at just so she could keep shoving the truth down your fucking throats.Thats why i think she was the genuine thing.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Buddha_2 said…
I'm not insulting her how did i do that im just saying that theirs no proof to back it up, even though i would like it to be true; doesn't mean it is. like i said just cause someone said something doesn't mean its true unless they have hard proof to back it up. I mean i love R+V but a lot of us have been lied to on its upcoming and on goings so much, a lot of us are skeptical.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Robis said…
If I where to tell you that I know who exactly you are would you believe me? Probably not. This is the same only in a larger scale.

I'm truly sorry if I hurt anyone.

Ok, this is getting old- too many people including my self have explained this already.
Its simple: Its your choice to believe her or not.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu wargod11 said…
oh and one more thing,even when she gave sensible info out you people just kept insulting her.And dont give me that bullshit about how you werent trying to insult.thats a load of shit.AND you, (DANMAN)CANT YOU SEE THAT she thought you were actually on her side finally. she thought she had finally made some progress with you and yet you basically headshotted her with a shotgun by talking about anyway.the only person that actually has some sense and respect out of all you is LELOUCH.LELOUCH your a smart guy.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu wargod11 said…
you are all truly idiots.but the biggest idiot of you all is ROBIS.yeah thats right its you.BUT THIS IS THE BIGGEST AWARD YOU CAN GET.....the biggest jackass award goes to......DANMAN(clap,clap,clap,clap,clap).i knew it would be you.ive been watching this entire thing since it started.AND GOOD JOB DANMAN,YOU EARNED IT.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Robis said…
Head-shot with shotgun- thats a good one *writing it down*
Ok, back to explaining how this is all gone terribly wrong- yeah...... nothing to say actually, whats done is done. My advice is just Chil and don't take it so personally- its not like someone called her bad names, its more like no one believed her...... ok, in my opinion thats worse but still just swallow it all down and forget it, you did your job and thats that..... except if you have to sit at this forum for like 5 hours then I suggest get proof and show everyone up(Including me- yes I would be happy if she does that because I love R+V)
lebih dari setahun yang lalu Buddha_2 said…
Wow, and u said we were insulting; and i truly meant it i wasn't trying to insult her intelligence, or the fact that it might be true. i just tend to end up insult people unintentionally with the way i think. My own friends get mad at me at times because i end up insulting their intellect with the way i answer them sometimes; and end up looking like a fool anyways when I'm wrong. So yes your right i might have insulted her but not intentionally, but that's how my mind works, and I'm smart; besides, i know how Supervampire feels because I live in Niagara Falls, NY; and every summer i get a job at the parks at the information desk because everyone that works their likes my work ethic and how i treat people( which is a lot better than i treat my friends sometimes). But that's besides the point, the fact is that i know how hard it is to convince people when they don't have proof other than your word. I mean most people don't even Believe Niagara Falls, NY exists. But then i have people calling while I'm sitting their at my booth telling me it doesn't exist when I'm 10 feet from the falls FTW! But my point is that if Supervapire job is to try and get people to believe that Chu3 will be out in December then, i say sure, why not; its possible but, ill still be skeptical. So don't tell me i don't respect her and that I insulted her on purpose; because I do have respect. If anything all you have done now is fuel the fire a bit more. All i have to say is i have respect for what Supervampire if its really her job to tell us that Chu3 will soon be out because its difficult making people believe. But i will also Defend Danman2327 because he was just speaking his mind on the fact that its possible, its not true; as i said theirs many words, u just need to decide which words your going to listen too; and theirs always more than 1 side to a story; so try and see it from all people points of view. And one more thing because i wish to be thorough. Robis their was no reason for you to be so harsh, your not the only one wanting to know about R+V3 so chill out a little; we have all been lied to at one point or another. I say believe that Supervampire is telling the truth until it is either proven or dis-proven; but don't keep your hopes up to high, because if it doesn't happen, then u will be mad and insult people for it, and their is no reason to do so.

Edit : I started writing this little monologue before Robis Said anything so, i must say i would what Supervampire says is true but like i said I'm skeptical and always will be, because that's my nature.
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