Roleplay: Alfea! (AKA tamdizc.) Club
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 The 3 main characters: (From left to right) Harry, Ron and Hermione. [Image from the 'Chamber of Secrets]
The 3 main characters: (From left to right) Harry, Ron and Hermione. [Image from the 'Chamber of Secrets]
Well, since we might be doing a role play of J.K Rolwing's brilliant creation of Harry Potter, I thought that it would only the natural, if I were to create a guide to this magical world, for those people who don't know much about it! =D


History of Hogwarts:

Hogwarts was founded oleh 4 people: Rowina Ravenclaw, Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, and Helga Hufflepuff. Rowina, Helga and Godric, both thought that all witches a wizards, muggle born and pure-blood alike should be able to attend their school. But Salazar thought differently: Thinking that the best kind of wizards, (Pure-bloods) should only be alloyed, the four of them debated. Soon, Salazar was out ruled oleh the majority with the three who thought muggle and pure-bloods should be let in.
Salazar left, but, her did not "Come quietly". He created a chamber, a Chamber Of Secrets, where a huge Basilisk lived. And the heir to Slytherin would be the only one who were to be able to set it loose, and it would reign terror as it killed every single muggle born in the school.

Later, the four old witches and wizards died, but were not forgotten. The school was a great sucsess: With four houses, (Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff), a Headmaster (Previously, Ablus Perciful Wolfric Brian Dumbledore, Severus Snape, and now Minerva McGonagall) and a teacher for every subject thought necesairry.

Present hari History:

As most of anda all know, Voldemort (Or Tom Marvolo Riddle) rose to power, and became the most powerful dark wizard to ever roam the planet. He of course, had followers:(The Death Eaters) A group of mederous, and mainly insane people, who would do anything to please the 'Dark Lord'. They were usually accused of being Death Eaters, because one could tell if they were on atau not, due to the mark Voldemort imprinted on their right arms. (A black skull, with a black snake protruding out of its mouth) Voldemort could summon them oleh making the mark sear and burn painfully. The Death Eaters could call him but pressing one of their fingers upon the mark.
I certain cases, (Or during Harry Potter's 7th year) Voldemort has grown increasingly dangerous. If anyone mentioned his name, the Death Eaters would be summoned to that area, and kill whoever spoke the name.

baru saja events, recall of a seven tahun living hell, of a certain student: Harry Potter. Mr. Potter was invitably famous, due to that he was the only one in exsistence at the time, to have survived the killing curse (Avada Kadavra) oleh Voldemort himself. (Thus causing Voldemort to die, but still remain in contact due to his 7 other 'Horcux's')Harry's parents were both killed, and thus, Dumbledore himself, took Harry and left him at the care of his aunt and uncle. (His aunt, warna ungu tua, petunia Dursley, was his mother's sister) For eleven years, Harry was treated as scum, before the groundskeeper of Hogwarts, (Rubeus Hagrid) appeared, and took Harry on his journey to Hogwarts.

Harry Potter's First 4 Years at Hogwarts:

Harry's first year, he met his teachers, and his two best friends: Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley. They suspected that Severus Snape (Potions Master at the time) was after the Scorcerers Stone (A powerful stone with the powers for the drinker to be immortal) They went through a series of traps, until Harry found out that it was really Professor Quirrel, with Voldemort attached to his head. Harry defeated Quirrel with 'Love' and Voldemort's soul, left to find another victim.

Harry's detik year, he met Professor Lockheart (The new Defense against the dark arts teacher) and Ginny (Ron's sister). They soon realize, that the Chamber of Secrets has been opened once more, and that muggle borns were being petrified oleh the day. Soon, Harry, Ron and Lockheart went donw into the chamber. Harry moves on, to see Ginny, with a man: Tom Riddle. Harry killed the basilisk, and then stabbed a dairy (In which Tom was in as another Horcrux) and Voldemort's first Horcrux was destroyed.

Harry's third year, he meets Professor Lupuin (New D.A.D.A teacher) and masked murderer, Siruis Black, had escaped from Azkaban (Super hyped up prison), and was headed for Harry. During the year, threats risked the lives of Harry, Hermione and Ron. At the end of the year, Sirius finally shows himself, proving to Harry that he loves him and is his god father. They see Lupin transform into a wherewolf, while Hermione and Harry use a time turner to save Sirius from receiving a 'Dementors Kiss' where he was to die. They save him, and the tahun goes on.

Harry's fourth year, her meets Professor Moody (New D.A.D.A teacher). Harry is mysteriously entered in the 'Tri Wizard Tournament' after 3 other candidates had been selected. He beats the fist and detik task, but in the third task, he and Cedric Diggory, confront Voldemort himself, as Cedric is killed. Voldemort has risen to power once again.

Harry Potter's Five though Seven Years at Hogwarts:

Harry's fifth year, her meets Professor Umbridge (New D.A.D.A Teacher), and Luna Lovegood. (Friend of Ginny) She literally takes over the whole school, and even becomes the new headmistress. Harry recieves constant visions of Voldemort trying to find something, and he creates 'Dumbledore's Army' so he and other students, could learn about the dark arts. Eventually, he receives a vision that Voldemort is harming Sirius. He, and members of the D.A (Dumbledore's Army) (Preferably Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Luna and Neville) head off to the ministry of Magic, and find no Sirius, but an orb labeled with Harry's name. It for tells a prophecy, and Death Eaters tampil up. (We also meet Bellatrix Lestrange: Sirius' cousin) They all fight, and soon, Harry and others, find a room with a mirror. The Death Eaters attack them all once more, but everyone but Harry is put at death point with wands. The Order of the Pheonix, comes and rescues them, but Bellatrix ends up killing Sirius sadly. Harry, in a rage, runs off to kill her, but Voldemort shows up, as does Dumbledore, and the two duel. In the end, Voldemort leaves, letting Harry and the others go peacefully.

Harry's sixth year, he meets Professor Slughorn. (New Potions master. Snape takes over D.A.D.A) Harry is suspicious that Draco Malofy, has become a death eater. Hermione and Ron don't believe him, and Harry spends most of the tahun trying to prove so. During the year, Dumbledore asks Harry, to get a very important memory from Slughorn. Eventually, Harry sucseeds, tampilkan that Voldemort (Or Tom in the memory)has already planned to make Horcruxes even before he was who we was today. He had also managed to make 7. Harry and Dumbledore set out, and find one. Dumbeldore, weak from the journey, tells Harry to fetch Severus. During that time, death eaters corner Dumbledore, making Draco kill him for the Dark Lord. Draco can't do it, and Snape does it instead. Harry, furious of Snape's betrayl,chases after him and Harry learns that he is the Half-Blood Prince. Soon, Harry learns that the locket that he and Dumbledore had recovered, wasn't real, just a fake, but with a not signed R.A.B

Harry's seventh year, is the most important, adventerous and hectic.Voldemort is now totally in power, making Harry and his friends in even lebih danger. Hermione leaves her home, going to Ron's home. Harry stays, his aunt and uncle leaving, as he awaits the arrival of the Order. They finally arrive, and take a potion to all transform into Harry so that the real Harry wouldn't be detected oleh the Death Eaters. Somehow, the death eaters found out, and attacked them all as soon as they went into the ar oleh their brooms. Two people die in the process: Hedwig (Harry's Owl) & Moody. After all the hell, they have a wedding for Bill (Ron's oldest brother) and Fleur. The wedding is interrupted oleh a Patronus sent oleh Kingsley, saying the Death Eaters were coming. Harry, Hermione and Ron get to safety, and apparate to Grimmlaud Palace. (Sirius' original home) There, they figure out that 'R.A.B' is Regelus Artourus Black. (Sirius' little brother) They ask the house elf, Kreacher, if he had ever seen the lockette. He replied yes, but berkata someone mencuri it. He goes off, and soon comes back with Scrimegour and Dobby. Scrimegour tells them that he had sold it to Umbridge. They all set off to the ministry, desquise themselves, and get the lockette. Later, Ron becomes so frusturated, he leaves. Harry soon decides that it would be best to go to Godric's Hallow where he was born. There, the 2 encounter Bathilda Bagshot (Famous witch). Harry soon finds out that it is not her, but Nagini, Voldemort's snake in disguise. The leave, and that night, Harry follows a doe patronus to find the sword of Gryffindor at the bottom of a lake. (Only known weapon to destroy a Horcrux) Harry gets it, with Ron appearing suddenly and helping him out. Ron destroys the lockette. The 3 kept seeing this sign, and since Mr. Lovegood (Luna's father) was wearing a kalung with the symbol, they head off to his house. The find out that it is the symbol of the 'Deathly Hallows'. They leave, but soon get caught oleh 'Snatchers' who take them to Malfoy Mannor. There, Harry and Ron are thrown into the dungeon where they find Luna, Ollivander (Wand maker) and Dean Thomas (Friend at Hogwarts). Dobby soon appears, and apparates the 3 to Shell Cottage, where Bill and Fleur live. Ron and Harry soon ambush the crowd of Death Eaters, and all soon escape, with two deaths: Pettigrew (By Voldemort) and Dobby (Being stabbed oleh Bellatrix) Harry buries him, and the three find out that Bellatrix was hiding a Horcrux in her fault. They all go to Gringrotts, (Wizard Bank) where they steal the cup of Helga Hufflepuff, destroy it, and escape oleh a dragon guarding the cell. The 3 decide that it would be best to return to Hogwarts, due to that a Horcrux may be there. They are correct, as Harry and others, find and destroy the tiara of Rowina Ravenclaw. The battle of Hogwarts has started, due to that Harry will not come out of the kastil, castle to surrend himself to Voldemort. lebih people die, as Harry is taken to the Shreiking shack, where Voldemort kills Severus. (Nagini stabs her fangs into his neck) Harry recieves his memories, and goes up to Dumbledore's office, and looks through them. Soon, he goes off and faces Voldemort, but not before Neville kills Nagini oleh cutting her head off. (She was also a Horcrux) Harry faces Voldemort, with Harry 'Fake Dying'. Narcissa (Draco's mother) lies to Voldemort saying that Harry was dead. They leave to go and fight some more, with Hagrid finding Harry's 'dead' body. Harry soon revives himself, bringing hope into everyones minds. Bellatrix, in all the exsitment, tries to kill Ginny, but Mrs. Weasley (Their mother) kills her just before she could kill her only daughter. Voldemort soon realizes that Harry was not dead, and the two confronted, sending spells flying as Harry emerged victorious. Many people died in the battle: Lupin, Tonks, Colin, Severus, Moody, fred and many more...18 years later, Harry and Ginny were married, and had 3 children. Hermione and Ron married, having 2. Draco married also, having one child, Luna married, having none, and George married having none.

Main Creatures:

Unicorn: Well, I'm pretty sure anda all know what that is! =D

Hypogriff: A half eagle, half horse creature. Very prowd of themselves and can be very dangerous when angered.

Acromantula: Huge spiders that are rarely seen.

Cornish Pixies: Mischevious little pixies who are very annoying when in packs.

Sphinx: Half woman, half lion creature who is very wise.

Dementor: A cloaked, evil creature that guards Azkaban. They suck out happy thoughts at punishments.

Pheonix: A bird that is bright red with long red feathers. These birds have healing powers oleh their tears, and they can also be reborn out of the dead Pheonix's ashes.

Basilisk: Huge, green snake, with huge fangs. Is the moster berkata to be hidden the chamber of secrets.

Centaur: Half human, half man atau woman creature that lives in the 'Forbidden Forest'.

Wherewolf: Human, that undergoes a excruciating transformation once every full moon. Once a wherewolf, he atau she, will not care if they are killing their family, friends atau enemy.

Main Magical Terms:

Animagus: A witch atau wizard, who can transform into an animal at their own will.

Metamorphugus: A witch atau wizard who can change their hair, face atau appearance to anything they wanted to change.

Wand: A stick usually made out of wood, and has the core of a certain magical creatures tail feather atau tail.

Broom: Their are many different kind of brooms: The Nimbus 2000, the Nimbus 2001, the Firebolt, and many more. These are of magical creation that can levatate off of the ground, and follow the movement of the rider. These are one of the many things that are used in the magical game: Quidditch.

Quidditch: A magical game, where they're are 5 players: 2 beaters, 1 seeker, and 2 keepers. They're are 3 balls: The Snitch, the Quaffle, and the Bludger. To win the game, one team catches the Snitch.

Pets: Students there can have either one of three pets: An Owl, a cat atau a rat. Either of them can carry out duties: Send messages, and help out.

Death Eaters: Followers of Voldemort who will do his evil bidding. They usually where cloaks and silver masks while they always are called upon oleh their marks.

Muggle: A 'Wizard Term' for a non-magical folk; AKA: Humans.

Horcrux: An object in which someone has concealed a part of their soul inside.

Mud-blood: Insult towards muggle borns. (Calling them 'Filthy Blood')

The Sorting Hat: A magical hat at Hogwarts, that tells one which of the 4 houses that they are sorted in.


Avada Kadavra: One of the 'Unforgivable Curses'. It kills anything instantly in a flash of green light.

Crucio: Another 'Unforgivable Curse' which tortures a person until death atau insanity.

Imperio: Another 'Unforgivable Curse' which puts a person under someone's control.

Accio: A normal spell that makes an item come to that person.

Reducto: A spell that causes something to explode.

Expeliarmus: A spell that causes the opponents wand to fly out of their hands.

Aquamentia: A spell that brings water.

Finite Incantatum: A spell that puts an end to any spell.

Lumos: A spell that lights up the tip of ones wand.

Alohamora: A spell that unlocks locked doors.

Bad- Bogey Hex: A spell that causes bogeys to grow wings and attack the opponent.

Protego: A spell that causes a shield to appear and blocks most spells.

Expecto Patronum: A spell used to create a 'Potronus Charm' which can only stay in tact, if anda think only about your happy memory.

Incendio: A spell that causes something to catch a flame.

Legilimens: A spell used to penetrate one's mind and use their memories against them.

Levicorps: A spell that dangles one oleh their ankles.

Petrificus Totalus: A spell that causes one to become totally immobolized.

Reparo: A spell that can repair anything broken.

Wingardium Leviosa: A spell that causes objects to Levitate.


Well- Hoped anda like this! =D
 The D.A (Or, Dumbeldore's Army) [Image from the 'Order of the Pheonix]
The D.A (Or, Dumbeldore's Army) [Image from the 'Order of the Pheonix]
 The Order of the Pheonix (From left to right) Moody, Tonks, Sirius, Lupin & Dumbledore
The Order of the Pheonix (From left to right) Moody, Tonks, Sirius, Lupin & Dumbledore
 The Death Eaters (From left to right) Bellatrix, Voldemort and Lucius
The Death Eaters (From left to right) Bellatrix, Voldemort and Lucius
 Diva ♥
Diva ♥
Well- Phoebe introduced the idea, and of course, she stated that she wanted to start a trend, and I don't want to let her down! So- Here's my version! :D Enjoy!


1. I was originally born in Haiti, a french speaking country, and coinicidentally, even though me father was from Pittsburg, and my mother from Limoges, I spoke french first! I was a strange child: I laughed at my reflection in the mirror, slept selanjutnya to two anjing most of the time, and I always carried around this little beruang I had named Pinkie.

2. I am absolutely terrified of spiders! They're...
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 And this is what i look like when i wake up on a monday morning! (the picture is actually of a basset hound. but i can compare my face to that on the first hari of the week.)
And this is what i look like when i wake up on a monday morning! (the picture is actually of a basset hound. but i can compare my face to that on the first day of the week.)
Well, im hoping to start a bit of a trend thing with the tavettes here, i thought the best way to get to know each other is oleh (drum roll please) Random, pointless, weird pieces of information which has nothing do with anything about each other! I'll like to see everyones acak stupid pieces of info! :) Heres mine:

1. "I cinta pandas!" (note username)
And i swear i was one in a past life....I know because im freaking lazy, i like to sit around all hari sleeping and eating bamboo flutes....just without the bamboo bit.

2. "I have basset hounds for pets"
In case anda havnt heard of the giantic dogs...
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added by lovebaltor
Song: Black Eyed Peas: Imma Be
black eyed peas
added by lovebaltor
Source: Me!
added by lovebaltor
Source: Me & golden-fantasy-voice (For the base)
added by Elie_star
Source: me
added by Elie_star
Source: me
added by Elie_star
Source: me
added by Elie_star
Source: me
added by Elie_star
Source: me
Well- Since anda wrote us all that adorable and sweet article, I thought that it would only be fair if I gave anda something to tampil my appreciation! And here it is! A song dedicated to you! <3 [Song by: Christina Aguilera]
christina aquilera
thank anda
posted by CyD12
 We will be Best friends For Life! ♥
We will be Best Friends For Life! ♥
hey Tavettes! Well uuumm...I want to tell anda all just one thing: Thanks...

I...will tell anda something I had never told anyone (well just to my family).
I will tell it to anda cause I really feel that anda are a blessing for my life.

before I signed to the roleplay I was having troubles at my school, my friends stopped to talk to me because someone who hated me put all my friends against me. They all celebrated their B-days and didnt invited me, they never told me anything, and they left me apart from all the activities they did.
All that hurted me. I act like if I didnt care but deep inside it...
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added by Elie_star
Source: me
added by Elie_star
I'm so sorry that Atlantis hasn't got a song... but I found this video about Kida, and it's nice! I hope youlike it WinxL2!
added by Elie_star
Musera is the fairy of cinta and sound... and don't anda think that Aurora is the most romantic (and with the best voice) among the Tav princesses?
Vibbie is a perfect Cinderella. What dream will she dream about? I hope anda like this great classic!
added by Elie_star
I've chose this song from Enchanted, because Chloe's disney alter ego is Giselle. And I think that Chloe is the fairy of "words"... and this song could fit! (and I cinta it! I hope anda like it Agy!)
posted by Elie_star
It's like a play: you've these 50 words, and you've to write a sentence on each word. A sentence: this means anda can use a dot only once, at the end. Are anda able to write them all on your carachter?

[I've found it funny, and this is my list, all about Miele and Co.! If anda want, anda can try!]

1. Shoes
She doesn't like heels, because she loves the stroke of the rumput on her ankles.

2. Stage
The firs time she went on the stage she was in a blue funk... but then she smiled to her friends and she became full of determination!

3. Night
She knows that when the night hides the light, a great magic light...
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Hi tavettes! Pandawinx here giving anda my oppinion of my six main fairy and specialists characters and why i cinta playing roleplay: alfea!
Enjoy! :)

princess telemira (or "tina") was the first character i created for the roleplay and also one of my most inspirational. I wanted to make a character that was completly oppisite to me, apart from that we like gem stones, bintang signs and the like....I enjoy playing tina because she is basically the voice of reason among my characters, and probably the least likely to do something reckless and dumb (See, oppisite to me! XD), make she'll sacrifice...
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