Psych The Big Breakup

Maxymuch466 posted on Sep 19, 2018 at 02:58AM
When Shawn and Juliet broke up in Season 7, episode 7 titled "Deez Nups", it kind of threw me for a loop during its airtime. Now I'm rewatching the show for close to the 6th time and I've realized something: there break up only lasted for about three episodes and it was immediately followed by the last season of the show airing. Now look at this: usually, the opening credits/main theme section features clips of episodes that are going to occur during that season, and for Maggie Lawson's actress credit in the opening for Season 7, we see the episode "The Santabarbarian Candidate" featured with the clip of her standing by the tree where Shawn attempts to reconcile near the end. She's smiling, so this clip is obviously an outtake of some kind. See, if it weren't for this, I would tend to believe that the break up was an attempt to revitalize the show after ratings went down following Season 6 (not fact, just speculation) but according to the fact I just brought up, the original PLAN was for the breakup to only last 3 episodes. So I guess I'm confused as to what the point of the break up was other than to give an excuse for Maggie Lawson's character to know Shawn was psychic and, due to previously established traits of her character (namely with the episodes dealing with Frank and Lloyd), it was necessary to have some kind of break up because otherwise it wouldn't make sense for her to take Shawn's lying so well. So was it planned, not planned, just a formality, a way to revitalize the show? What? The only reason I ask is because it comes out of nowhere and fizzles out almost as quickly.

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