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What's Your cinta Sign?



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Vixie79 said:
Your Love Sign is Taurus
You are greedy in love. When you fall for someone, you feel like you have to have them immediately.
You are both patient and stubborn. You'll wait years for the person you love to love you back.

For you, the idea relationship is comforting and stable. You don't need a lot of excitement.
You believe that love should be luxurious. You love to spoil your partner and to feel spoiled.

My husband is a Taurus.
posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu.
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Your Love Sign is Sagittarius
You have a very philosophical perspective on romance. You don't take any of it too personalty.
People fall in love. People fall out of love. That's life.

You tend to be an honest and flighty partner. You get bored easily, and you don't mind if your sweetie knows it.
Your heart is carefree, wild, and irresponsible. You tend to get in trouble with love, but it's always been a fun ride.

posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu.