padang di kutub, tundra and florists

Authored by florist

When tundra amd rocky walk in to the forest they talking to each other and then suddenly a pup comeout in to long grass and tundra was so scare and rocky said dont worry im here and 

Florist - Hi im florist nice to meet you

Tundra - Hi florist nice to meet you too and im tundra and this is my friend rocky

Rocky -Just friend?

Tundra -Ok I mean boy friend

Florist - (Laughing)you two are so funny 



When tundra amd rocky walk in to the forest they talking to each other and then suddenly a pup comeout in to long grass and tundra was so scare and rocky said dont worry im here and 

Florist - Hi im florist nice to meet you

Tundra - Hi florist nice to meet you too and im tundra and this is my friend rocky

Rocky -Just friend?

Tundra -Ok I mean boy friend

Florist - (Laughing)you two are so funny 
