Michael Caine Most memorable death scene?

LadyKnight posted on Feb 29, 2012 at 11:05PM
Michael has had some pretty memorable death scenes in his career but which one touched you and affected you the most?

Michael Caine 3 balasa

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lebih dari setahun yang lalu yorkshire_rose said…
It's so sad when Jasper is murdered in The Children of Men :(
 It's so sad when Jasper is murdered in The Children of Men :(
lebih dari setahun yang lalu LadyKnight said…
Awww yes, that was very sad. He was such a lovable fellow.

I also found his death in The statement pretty sad. Not for his character because that personage had it coming but for Michael himself. I really felt bad for him being on the run like that, the fear of getting caught, having to climb over rooftops and then getting shot in the end by someone he trusted, the emotions he displayed were so real that I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.
last edited lebih dari setahun yang lalu
lebih dari setahun yang lalu yorkshire_rose said…
Lovely sentiment LadyKnight <3