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posted by AdaLove
[Shot of Sayid sitting on a beach, looking at his photos. He looks at the menulis on the back of the photo. He looks across the pantai and notices something metal sticking out of the sand. Shot of cable in the sand with a piece of the interior exposed. Sayid carefully digs it up. Pan left to the cable going into the ocean, presumably. Shot of Sayid using the cable as a guide going toward the jungle.

[Shot of bandage being ripped off of Sawyer's arm, at Sawyer's tent.]

SAWYER: Ow, easy, Jackass.

JACK: anda want it easy, quit moaning. I've got to change these bandages.

SAWYER: Well, try not taking my skin off with them. How'd I score the house call, Dr. Quinn. Trying to ease your conscience?

JACK: My conscience is fine, thanks.

SAWYER: Of course, what do anda have to feel guilty about? I mean, anda just let that damn Arab torture me -- stood oleh and watched. anda figure anda patch me up -- buy anda a ticket into heaven? Only reason you're here...

JACK: I'm here because no one else wants anything to do with you.

SAWYER: She does.

JACK: Change your own bandages.

[We see Kate on the pantai looking worried. Jack approaches.]

JACK: Looking for someone, atau just admiring the view?

KATE: It's been two days since Sayid took off on his own. I keep looking up, thinking I'm going to see him coming back.

JACK: He'll come back when he's found what he's looking for -- the French transmission.

KATE: He isn't looking for anything. He left because of what happened -- for what he did.

JACK: It was an accident.

KATE: Well, accidents happen when anda torture people, Jack.

JACK: Sayid's a trained soldier, Kate. He can take care of himself.

[Shot of jungle floor pans up to reveal Sayid walking toward the camera. We see the jungle floor with the cable running along it. Sayid notices a tripwire and carefully steps over it. We see a rope moving through the jungle floor and Sayid's ankles are caught in a trap.]


[Shot of Sayid hanging upside down, praying. He hears something.]

SAYID: Hello? Hello?

[Shot of pisau used to cut Saying down. He falls, and sees someone wearing army green cargo pants, carrying the pisau coming toward him before he loses consciousness.]

[Shot of Jack doctoring a redshirt. Voices of people arguing (you, get him out of there, he's drinking our water)].

JACK: What's going on out there?

HURLEY: Uh, anda know, the usual -- people yelling at each other over nothing.

SULLIVAN (a redshirt): Doc, what do anda think this is, this, this, this, uh, rash. It's bad, right, like some kind of a tropical disease?

JACK: It's hives.

SULLIVAN: What's that? Is that like poison ivy?

JACK: It's a common rash, Sullivan. It's brought on oleh heat and stress.


JACK: Just try to relax; it'll clear up.


JACK: Try to keep your mind off it.

SULLIVAN: Okay, [to Sun who has a poultice] What is that? Is it like aloe? Isn't that for sunburn, atau something?

HURLEY: Try to keep your mind off it? What else has that guy got to do but stress?

JACK: I've got enough on my plate without having to treat hypochondriacs.

HURLEY: Yeah, but that's like my point, man. We're all fried. I'm mean, have anda taken a look at everybody out there? Everybody's way tense. Dude, I'm just saying, it'd be sweet if we could have, I don't know, something to do.

JACK: We're surviving here Hurley, and that's what my main concern is, keeping us alive. Things could be worse.


[Shot of an "interrogation" light. We hear a bunch of voices/languages asking "Where is Alex?" (The voice may just be one voice slowing, morphing into Rousseau's voice as Sayid is coming to. It's like the voice is becoming clearer through a fog). Sayid is tied to a metal tempat tidur frame.]

SAYID: What? Who are you?

DANIELLE: Where is Alex?

SAYID: I don't know what you're talking about.

[A figure runs across the frame and does something that electrocutes Sayid.]

DANIELLE: Where is Alex?

SAYID: Please listen...

DANIELLE: Where is Alex?

SAYID: I don't know any Alex.

[Sayid gets electrocuted again.]

SAYID: Stop.


[Shot of a prisoner being beaten oleh Sayid in Iraq.]


SAYID: Arabic Words [Subtitles: anda want me to stop, Falah? Then start answering my pertanyaan because I can do this all day. I assure anda we already know the truth. But I want anda to admit it.]

SAYID: [In English] And all the pain will stop. Your Shiite friends have already implicated anda in the bombing. [shouting] anda planted the device in the Baathist headquarters, didn't you? anda killed two soldiers. [lowered voice] Confess it. Confess it, and perhaps it will only cost anda your hands instead of your life.

[The prisoner throws up.]

[Shot of Sayid and his boss/friend, Omar, walking in military type surroundings.]

SAYID: He doesn't know anything. Your sources were wrong.

OMAR: Perhaps. But that's really not the point, is it? anda handled yourself very well in there.


OMAR: I'll put in for your reassignment to Intelligence Division, if anda wish it.

SAYID: Yes, sir, very much so.

OMAR: Good, now stop calling me sir when it's just the two of us.

SAYID: You're my superior officer, Omar -- for now.

OMAR: And I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

[Shot of a woman being brought in for interrogation. Sayid watches her.]

OMAR: That reminds me, Sayid. In addition to your increased responsibility... Communications officer... [the dialogue volume fades as the woman walks by.]

SAYID: I'm willing to make that sacrifice.

[Shot of Hurley sitting asleep on a log. A bag is dropped at his feet, waking him up.]


HURLEY: Yo. What's this?

LOCKE: They were in the jungle. They must have fallen from the plane.

HURLEY: What are anda guys doing out in the jungle at night?

ETHAN: Best time to hunt.

LOCKE: Ethan here has some experience -- spotted some tracks, looked like they might be rabbit atau some other rodent.

HURLEY: Rodent, yum.

ETHAN: Figured people are starting to get tired of eating babi jantan, celeng meat.

HURLEY: anda got that right. Alright, well, I'll take a look at these [indicated the suitcases], and see if there's anything useful.

ETHAN: Okay.

[Shot of Hurley digging through luggage and finding red Hawaiian shirt. We see Locke sheath his knife, and Walt wakes up.]

WALT: Mr. Locke, are anda going back out to hunt?

LOCKE: For a bit.

WALT: Can I go with you? I mean, I just want to learn what anda do.

MICHAEL: [waking up] Walt!

WALT: I was just. I was talking to Mr. Locke and...

MICHAEL: I know what you're doing. It's not going to happen, man. Get back to bed.

HURLEY: [opening a bag] Whoa, dude. [He smiles.]

[Shot of Sayid being electrocuted.]

SAYID: Please just listen to me. I keep telling anda I don't know who Alex is. I'm a survivor of a plane crash. I found a wire on the beach, I followed it. I thought it might have something to do with the transmission we picked up on our receiver. A recording, a mayday, with a French woman repeating on a loop for 16 years.

DANIELLE: Si quelqu'un m'entend, je vous en prie, venez à notre aide... Il les a tués. Il les a tous tués...[1] [coming out of the shadows] 16 years. Has it really been that long?


DANIELLE: anda just happened to hear my distress call? I know what anda are. [She knocks him out with the butt of a rifle].


[Shot of Rousseau's place, she's going through Sayid's backpack. There's a big book in it. Sayid is looking around and sees a jaket with the name Rousseau on it.]

SAYID: Rousseau.

DANIELLE: How do anda know my name?

SAYID: I read it. There, on the jacket.

[Rousseau has Sayid's foto from his pack.]

SAYID: What is this place? Those batteries -- they wouldn't be able to produce enough power to transmit your distress call all these years.

DANIELLE: I broadcast from somewhere else. But they control it now.

SAYID: They?

DANIELLE: You. And the others like you.

SAYID: I don't know who anda think I am. I've already told anda I'm not...


SAYID: How do anda know my name?

DANIELLE: My name was on a jacket, your's is on the envelope anda carry. Who is she? The woman in the photographs.

SAYID: Nadia. Her name is Nadia.


[Sayid and Omar in Iraq.]

OMAR: We cannot tie Noor Abed-Jazeem directly to the bombing, but we know where her sympathies lie. She's a known associate of Kurdish and Shiite insurgents.

SAYID: anda think she knows who orchestrated the bombing?

OMAR: That, my friend, is exactly what anda will find out.

[We see Sayid in a room with the woman he had watched being escorted into the building in the sebelumnya flashback.]

SAYID: Noor Abed-Jazeem, I'm going to ask anda some questions. If anda refuse to cooperate I'm going to hurt you. anda understand?

NADIA: Nobody calls me Noor, Sayid. anda of all people should know that.

[Sayid is startled.]

NADIA: What? anda don't remember me? Am I so different from the little girl in the school yard who used to push anda in the mud?

SAYID: Nadia?

NADIA: And your mother would tell my mother, "why must anda pick on little Sayid." And I'd answer, because he ignores me.

SAYID: anda had enough attention with your family's wealth and your charm.

NADIA: Such things matter little to children. But then anda always were older than your years, weren't you, Sayid?

SAYID: Not old enough to understand that being pushed in the mud was a sign of affection. Now you're a traitor to your country. Tell me what anda know about the bombing in Najaf. Tell me, atau I swear I will hurt you.

NADIA: Oh, I know Sayid. This is not my first interrogation oleh the Republican Guard. This is where they burned me with acid -- they pierced my hands with a drill. Would anda like to see the soles of my feet? Where they flayed the skin off? These are the handiworks of your friends. The people anda swear allegiance to.

SAYID: If anda were innocent, I am sorry. But this bombing is a different matter, Nadia.

NADIA: Go on, Sayid, do your work. I'm not going to tell anda anything.

SAYID: Then I'm going to hurt you.

NADIA: I know.

[Shot of a old bullet wound on Sayid's leg back at Danielle's place.]

DANIELLE: anda have a bullet wound.

SAYID: I was a soldier.

DANIELLE: anda were. And are anda still?

SAYID: That was a long time ago.

DANIELLE: Tell me lebih about her, the woman -- Nadia.

SAYID: Alex. Who is he?

[Shot of Michael with a sketch book.]

WALT: I'm bored. Can I take Vincent to the beach?

MICHAEL: I'll take anda later, man. I'm in the middle of something.

WALT: But there's nothing to do around here.

MICHAEL: Well, you've got to figure out stuff to do. anda know what I'm saying? You've got to find a way to entertain yourself.

[We see Hurley looking for something.]

HURLEY: [rummaging suitcases in cari for something, speaking to himself] Come on. Come on. I know I saw it. [He finds what he was looking for.] Yes.

JACK: Hurley, uh...

HURLEY: Hold on, man. I'm busy.

[Hurley sees Michael holding a long stick.]

HURLEY: [to Michael] Dude, can I borrow this?


HURLEY: [takes the stick] Thanx, man.

JACK: Hurley, what are anda doing?

[Hurley just laughs.]

[Shot of Danielle at her place.]

DANIELLE: So, anda heard my transmission -- came looking for me, for answers?

SAYID: I didn't know anda were alive.

DANIELLE: Still lying.

SAYID: I'm not lying.


SAYID: Nothing...

DANIELLE: Like this plane crash which anda survived. anda claim there were others?

SAYID: lebih than 40, yes.

DANIELLE: Then why are anda alone?

SAYID: I left them.


SAYID: There was -- I did something, something I'm ashamed of.

DANIELLE: But Nadia, anda left her, too?

SAYID: She wasn't on the plane. She's dead -- because of me.

DANIELLE: I'm so sorry. I want to tampil anda something.

[Shot of Michael's sketch book.]

MICHAEL: See, this junction here -- re-route some of the spring's water flow into a couple of suspended basins, pop in some hose, anda got showers. This way anda keep the drinking water separate.

JACK: This is -- anda drew this?

MICHAEL: I was an artist in a sebelumnya life.

JACK: I thought anda were in construction.

MICHAEL: I am. I mean, I was -- long story.

CHARLIE: Hey, Jack. Hurley's all worked up about something, berkata we should come see it.

[Shot of plateau on mountain.]

HURLEY: Welcome, to the first, and hopefully last, Island Open.

JACK: What?

HURLEY: It's two holes for now, 3 par, and no waiting.

JACK: Hurley, anda built a golf course?

HURLEY: Rich idiots fly to tropical islands all the time to whack balls around.

MICHAEL: All the stuff we've got to deal with, man -- this is what you've been wasting your time on?

HURLEY: Dudes, listen. Our lives suck. Everyone's nerves are stretched to the max. I mean, we're lost on an island, running from boars and monsters -- freakin' polar bears.

MICHAEL: Polar bears?

CHARLIE: anda didn't hear about the polar bear?

HURLEY: Look, all I'm saying is, if we're stuck here, then just surviving's not going to cut it. We need some kind of relief, anda know. We need some way that we can, anda know, have fun. That's right, fun. atau else we're just going to go crazy waiting for the selanjutnya bad thing to happen.

[Back at Danielle's we see her musik box.]

DANIELLE: It's a musik box, but it's broken. It has been for a long time. It was a gift from my cinta for our anniversary.

SAYID: anda mean Alex?

DANIELLE: Robert. This was such a comfort to me in the first few years here.

SAYID: I could fix it for you. I could take a look at it, if anda freed my hands. [Danielle gets up quickly.] I'm very good with mechanical things. I need my hands.

[Danielle gets a syringe, scrapes it with sandpaper, and fills it with some medication.]

DANIELLE: What is written on the back of your photograph?

SAYID: What are anda doing?

DANIELLE: Did she write it? atau did you? Perhaps anda don't want to tell me because it causes too much pain.

SAYID: Rousseau, anda don't need to do that.

[Shot of Danielle giving him the injection.]


[Shot of Michael and Jack, close up on their faces.]

MICHAEL: This is a problem, man.

JACK: Yeah.

MICHAEL: I mean, I know what I'd do, but it's got to be your call.

JACK: Okay, give me a seven iron.

MICHAEL: anda got it.

JACK: [to Hurley and Charlie who are taunting him] Hey, heads up over there.

CHARLIE: No Jack, anda won't get anywhere near us.

SULLIVAN: [off camera, interrupting Jack's shot] Hey, Doc? There anda are. Somebody berkata anda went this way. Listen, that rash of mine, it's starting to spread. It's like the size of a grape. What are anda guys doing? Are anda playing golf?

JACK: Yeah.

SULLIVAN: Can I play?

[We see Sayid unconscious, chained to chair. He suddenly wakes up.]

DANIELLE: Sorry about the sedative. It was the only aman, brankas way for me to pindah you. anda offered to fix my musik box after all I've done to anda -- striking you, shocking you. Why?

SAYID: Do anda want me to fix your musik box, atau don't you?

DANIELLE: Yes. Yes, please.

SAYID: Then I want to know your name. Your first name.

DANIELLE: Danielle. My name is Danielle.

SAYID: [working on the musik box] And how did anda come to be on this island, Danielle?

[Danielle sighs and looks like she doesn't want to talk about it, but she will as if for the price of the musik box.]

DANIELLE: We were part of a science team.

SAYID: A science team armed with rifles? Was Robert on the team?


SAYID: And Alex, was he, too?

DANIELLE: Our vessel was 3 days out of Tahiti when our instruments malfunctioned. It was night, a storm, the sounds. The ship slammed into rocks, ran aground, the hull breached beyond repair. So, we made camp, dug out this temporary shelter. Temporary. Nearly 2 months we survived here, 2 months before --

SAYID: Your distress signal? The message I heard, anda said, "It killed them all."

DANIELLE: We were coming back from the Black Rock. It was them. They were the carriers.

SAYID: Who were the carriers?

DANIELLE: The others.

SAYID: What others? What is the Black Rock? Have anda seen other people on this island?

DANIELLE: No, but I hear them. Out there, in the jungle. They whisper. [Long Pause.] anda think I'm insane.

SAYID: I think you've been alone for too long.


[We see Sayid going into Nadia's solitary confinement cell.]

SAYID: [giving her bread] I'm sorry, this is all I could find. I'll try and bring anda some buah-buahan later on. Are anda ready to talk?

NADIA: That depends on what you'd like to talk about, Sayid. Books, weather? Since I've seen neither locked in this cell for weeks, I'm afraid my conversation will suffer.

SAYID: We have two suspects in custody. Have a look at these photographs. All anda need to do is nod. If anda prove anda are willing to cooperate, I think I can get them to free you.

NADIA: Then I won't have these visits to look meneruskan, ke depan to anymore.

SAYID: This isn't a game, Nadia.

NADIA: Yet, anda keep playing it, Sayid -- pretending to be something I know you're not.

[Shot of Shannon sunning on beach.]

BOONE: You're never going to believe this.

SHANNON: anda finally learned how to tie your own shoes?

BOONE: Funny. Someone at the caves built a golf course.

SHANNON: Are anda high?

BOONE: Seriously, a golf course. Apparently, Jack's playing with them right now.

KATE: Jack is golfing?

BOONE: That's what I hear. I don't know about anda guys but I'm going to go check this out.

SHANNON: Wait for me, bonehead.

SAWYER: Doctor playing golf. Woo, boy howdy, now I've heard everything. What's next, cop eating a donut?

KATE: anda want to come anda should just say.

SAWYER: I think I'll pass on that, Freckles. Not big on crowds. And let's face it, the crowd's not too hot on me, either.

KATE: One outcast to another -- I'd think about making lebih of an effort.

SAWYER: Duly noted.

[Shot of Sayid in Danielle's place with the working musik box.]

SAYID: anda see, some things can be fixed.

DANIELLE: Thank you. Thank anda so much. Thank anda so much.

SAYID: Danielle, please let me go.


SAYID: Back to the people I told anda about.

DANIELLE: anda can't. anda have to stay. It's not safe.

SAYID: Not safe, what's not safe?

DANIELLE: anda need me. anda can't leave.

SAYID: Danielle...

[They hear sounds outside and Danielle picks up a senapan and heads to the hatch.]

SAYID: Where are anda going?

DANIELLE: If we're lucky, it's one of the bears.

SAYID: If we're lucky? It might be that thing out there -- the monster.

DANIELLE: There's no such thing as monsters.


[We see Sayid and Omar at their base.]

OMAR: anda have to execute her.

SAYID: What?

OMAR: The Jazeem woman has diberikan us nothing. This will send a message to the others who will not talk.

SAYID: I just need lebih time with her.

OMAR: anda have had lebih than a month, Sayid. Now bring her outside and shoot her. atau I will. Is this a problem?

SAYID: No, it's not a problem.

OMAR: Good.

[Shot of Nadia in her cell.]

NADIA: What did anda bring me today?

[Sayid throws an execution kap, hood at her side.]

SAYID: Put it on.

NADIA: Are anda going to hurt me, Sayid?


[Shot of Sayid using the obeng from when he fixed the musik box to get out of his chains. He grabs Danielle's maps, and his pack, and a rifle. The foto of Nadia get left behind.

[Shot of golf course.]


HURLEY: Dude, I think he stuck it.

CHARLIE: Lucky, lucky.

KATE: This thing have a ladies team?

JACK: Hey, when did anda tampil up?

KATE: A while ago. I almost didn't recognize you. You're smiling.

JACK: I'll have to watch that.

KATE: So how'd anda come up with this?

JACK: Wasn't me -- it's all Hurley. I've been going crazy trying to make everyone feel safe. I haven't been sleeping because I want everyone to feel safe. And he builds a golf course and everyone feels safe.

HURLEY: [after missing the ball completely] Aw, crap, do over.

CHARLIE: It's a mulligan, mulligan. It's a gentleman's sport, you've got to get the words right. Mulligan.

WALT: Dad.

MICHAEL: Hey, come here. Check this out.

CHARLIE: [hugging Hurley from behind] anda want to -- let me.

HURLEY: Dude, get away from me.

WALT: anda left me alone at the caves.

MICHAEL: What? I left anda with Claire.

WALT: She's sleeping.

MICHAEL: Oh, man. I'm sorry. I just..., I just got caught up. I'm really sorry Walt. I screwed up. I'll make it up to you. Hey, anda want to play?

WALT: Naw, there's other people waiting.

MICHAEL: Oh no, don't worry about it, they won't mind. anda want to take a swing?

CHARLIE: Michael, it's your shot. You're up.

MICHAEL: Oh, okay, cool. [to Walt] So we'll play later, okay?

[Shot of Sayid in jungle. He levels his senapan at Danielle.]

SAYID: Put the gun down, Danielle. Put it down on the ground.

[She doesn't, she levels her senapan at him.]

SAYID: Don't.


[We see Sayid walking down a corridor with Nadia in the hood.]

SAYID: [to two soldiers] I'll take it from here.

[The soldiers leave, and Sayid runs with Nadia.]

NADIA: [terrified] What's... what's going on?

SAYID: 40 meters outside this door there's a supply truck that will be leaving shortly. They don't check them on the way out, only coming in. Get inside. Cover yourself any way that anda can. They won't reach the city for 30 minutes, that's enough time for anda to jump out and hide yourself.

NADIA: Come with me.

SAYID: I can't. Desertion. They would kill my family. I don't have your courage.

NADIA: anda have lebih than anda know.

[She takes the foto out and writes something on the back.]

SAYID: Nadia, anda have to go.

OMAR: [off camera at first] Sayid. What are anda doing?

[Omar reaches for his gun.]

SAYID: Don't.

OMAR: [shouts] Guards!

[Sayid shoots him.]

NADIA: Sayid, now anda have to come with me. They'll kill you.

SAYID: No, anda escaped, anda mencuri my gun and anda shot him. And then anda shot me.

[Sayid shoots himself in the leg.]

NADIA: Sayid!

SAYID: [giving her the gun] Take it. Please, Nadia. Take it and go.

[Shot of Danielle.]

SAYID: Please, I don't wish to hurt you.

DANIELLE: anda already have.

SAYID: Don't.

[Sayid fires, but nothing happens.]

DANIELLE: The firing pin has been removed. Robert didn't notice it was missing, either -- when I shot him.

SAYID: But anda loved him.

DANIELLE: He was sick.

SAYID: Sick?

DANIELLE: It took them, one after the other. I had no choice. They were already lost.

SAYID: anda killed them.

DANIELLE: What would have happened if we were rescued? I couldn't let that happen. I won't.

[Sayid throws the senapan down.]

SAYID: I'm not sick.


SAYID: Then why kill me?

DANIELLE: I can't let anda go. Don't anda understand, to have someone to talk to, to touch --

SAYID: "You'll find me in the selanjutnya life if not in this one."


SAYID: The menulis on the back of Nadia's photograph. I know what it's like to hold on to someone. I've been holding on for the past 7 years to just a thought, a blind hope that somewhere she's still alive. But the lebih I hold on, the lebih I pull away from those around me. The only way out of this, this place, is with their help. Come with me. anda don't have to be alone, Danielle.

DANIELLE: Your people -- the ones you're determined to get back to -- watch them, watch them closely.

SAYID: Danielle, who is Alex?

DANIELLE: Alex was my child.


[Meanwhile, back at the golf course, Charlie is picking rumput out his way as Michael laughs.]

CHARLIE: Guys, please. I've never made par on a course before.

[He takes his shot and misses.]

HURLEY: Dude, anda were robbed.

CHARLIE: Bollocks. See that?

MICHAEL: Okay, Jack. It's up to you. Sink this anda get to wear the blazer.

KATE: No pressure.

CHARLIE: Yeah, no pressure.

HURLEY: 5 bucks says he sinks it.

CHARLIE: Hey, you're betting against me?

HURLEY: Sorry, dude, but you're a duffer like me.

BOONE: Make it 10 and you're on.

SULLIVAN: I don't have any cash, but I'll bet my makan malam on the Doc.

SAWYER: I've two tubes of sunscreen and a flashlight says he chokes.

[Everyone just stares at Sawyer for a minute.]

KATE: I'll take that action.

BOONE: Yeah, yeah, me too.

SHANNON: anda just bet on Jack, dumb-ass.

BOONE: We need the sunscreen, Princess.

[Jack takes his shot, but we don't see it. We see Locke's pisau flying into a tree, instead.]

LOCKE: Does your father know you're here.

WALT: [shaking his head] Can anda teach me how to do that?

[We see Sayid walking through the jungle. Sound of wind, birds wings, whispering voices.]

[1] If anybody hears me, please, come to our rescue... It (or-He-) killed them. It (or -He-) killed them ALL.]
added by M2K
Source: ABC
added by AdaLove
Source: http://lostconfessiontime.tumblr.com
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added by A-Gie
Source: flaky_artist @ lj
added by AdaLove
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Source: 8maja8
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added by Temptasia
Source: lost.about.com
added by Angie22
Source: www.lost-media.com
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Source: equanimousicons @ lj
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