LorMels Inside Life~♥ Club
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posted by LorMel
I can't help but feel like Legit is hiding something. I know that my curiosity gets the best of me every now & then...but I have this deep gut feeling that hes hiding something.
I cinta him with all my heart, I've cried over him, & when I've fallen, and been bruised, he'd be there, with me, helping me.
I know, I just KNOW that hes hiding something...Help me, no, help HIM out today, LORD.
Help him & help me.

Prayers for my Pawpaw, Robert, I pray that hes watching over me, smiling at me.

Tell Him that I miss him

A new anime I've started... enjoy
added by LorMel
added by LorMel
posted by LorMel
Please forgive me Fanpopers for not being on, God know when I'll be back....................................................................................SING A NEW SONG, TO HIM WHO SITS ON, HEVANS MERCY SEAT.......Legit.....Brennen........lightheaded..........MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMphhhhhhhhhhhhhttttttttttttttttttt
I cinta anda all
added by LorMel
Wish I had that bod!
added by LorMel
Just imagine crossing the jalan, street doing that
Emerald & the King
::Written:: by:: LorMel::

***My thoughts/ other action***

Emerald: *in a battle arena, fighting for her life* ...

***She looks forward, focused***

Emerald: {Hes strong...stronger than any other man here...}

***She waits for the masked man to make a move***

Emerald: *she dodges the mans attacks and stabs him, knocking him down* Stay down! *the swords pointed at the man*

***The King, King Galle, watches from his battle throne***

King Galle: {Shes a beautiful fighter...yet she refuses to speak her name...she goes by I AM...she'll make a beautiful, passionate wife...} *he watches her*

Emerald: *her hand raises in the air, and the crowd screams with excitement and some booing.*

[To be Cont.]
added by LorMel
added by LorMel
added by LorMel
posted by LorMel
An alarm woke me from my sleep. Not just any alarm. A warning alarm. I sat up, alert. Why am I so worried over nothing? Its just another test. I let out a quite sigh to myself.
I live oleh a chemical plant. Every Wednesday, they let out this alarm to test that it still works...something like that, anyway.
Laying back down, I grabbed my Wii U game pad, and hit the little red button, and watched the screen light up, almost blinding me.
The screen berkata Wii U, and stayed like that for a few seconds. When it came to the accounts, I pushed my account, and put in my password.
The game pad let me in. Almost instintly, I hit the Internet button. The screen loads itself, then shows my page. 5 new messages.
added by LorMel