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Long Distance Relationships How long before anda close the distance permanently?

4 fans picked:
1 year.
1 year.
6 months - 11 months.
6 months - 11 months.
No idea, there&# 39; s no end in sight as of right now.
No idea, there's no end in sight as of right now.
A few months. { atau less}
A few months. {Or less}
no votes yet
2 - 4 years.
2 - 4 years.
no votes yet
Over 5 years.
Over 5 years.
no votes yet
 NCISLuverjk93 posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
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1 year.
NCISLuverjk93 picked 1 year.:
I'm hopefully going to move in with her by next summer. :D

If that doesn't happen, then once she graduates, which is in about a year and a half. Sigh.
posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu.
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6 months - 11 months.
Jillywinkles picked 6 months - 11 months.:
Good luck! I'm kinda the same, we are spending more and more time together, but because of situation we can't officially move in with each other until after the summer.
posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu.
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1 year.
NCISLuverjk93 picked 1 year.:
Thank you! :D And good luck to you, as well! Aw, well hopefully the time will fly by, for the both of us.
posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu.
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1 year.
NCISLuverjk93 picked 1 year.:
So my situation has changed, and I won't be able to until Summer of 2014. :/

Therefore I had to switch my answer.
posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu.