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posted by allicyn123
Sorrowfang awoke then niext morning to a beutiful sunrise, shades of reds and oranges and even fe purples streamed into the nursery. Sorrowfang glanced down as tiny teeth gripped her belly. The five little clumps of bulu snuggled close together in such tight balls that they barely moved. Sorrowfang felt emotion rise in her throat as she spotted the one just like her and the one just like Clawface snuggling the closest together. Suddenly, Clawface was at her side his eyes glowed like the sun. "well, do anda think we can name them now?" Clawface seemed eager to get onto naming. "okay " Sorrowfang barely whispered. "So the oldest one? He's a Tom right?" Sorrowfang nodded and nudged the ball of bulu who glanced up, his eyes! They were open! "ahhhhh, such a smart little Tom! I shall give him this name in memory of my father," Sorrowfang easily remembered the cat, big and strong with the same glowing amber eyes."Feircekit!" Clawface smiled but Sorrowfang didn't like the name, so bold and strong. "the selanjutnya oldest is a she cat,?" Sorrowfang nodded and showed him the kit that looked just like her, a purr rose in his throat and emotion clouded Clawface's eyes. "Hummingkit" Clawface nodded obiousy wanting a stronger name but not saying anything. " the middle one is a Shecat too," Sorrowfang pawed the little whitish blue kit her big round blue eyes took the breath away from her and she wondered if it took Clawface's away too, "Icekit" Clawface nodded approving the name. "this one is the strongest" she held up the little Tom who sat with round wide eyes that were a brilliant green like his dads their pelts so similar anda could see no difference. "this one is strong, he shall be, Snarlkit." Sorrowfabg flinched at the rough name and held up the last kit, it's bulu was a white tabby with amber eyes and reminded her of her mother, Cringfang, Clawface glanced at her and said,"this one is the weakest, she neededs strengh, but she is a lot like your mother," Sorrowfang was hopefull but that hope crushed at the name. "Fangkit."