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100 Ways to Annoy People at Walmart:

(Beware, some of these stunts just may get anda kicked out of Walmart. Be Cautious!)

1. Jump into a acak person's gerobak, keranjang and scream. "Push me, push me!"

2. Jump onto someone ELSE'S back and yell, "Giddy up, Horesy!"

3. Go get a Dora toy and skip around saying, "We"re going on an adventure!" If a worker comes and try to take away the Dora toy for you, yell " Swiper, No SWIPING!"

4. Go get a spoon then go to the Frozen foods section, then get a tub of ice cream and start shoveling it in your mouth.

5. Scream, "BRAIN FREEZE!!!!!!!" (Goes along with #4)

6. Play tag in the store

7. Play hide and seek in the store and hide in a dressing room that is occuped. Have fun annoying the worker that comes.

8. Call a worker "Mother Load" and meninju, pukulan him/her really really hard. Then, say "I've hit the Mother Load!"

9.Get a blanket, tie it around your neck and run around the store like your flying and say "I am Super Man/Woman!"

10. Go get a skateboard and ride it around the store. If anda don't know how to skateboard then ride a bike atau a scooter.

11. Bring your dog over and play fetch around the store, ignoring peoples' complaints.

12. Start rapping Kayne West songs on the loud speaker.

13. Open up permen bags and then throw the permen at people, and scream, "HAPPPPPYYYY HALLLLOWWWEEEEEEEEEN!"

14. Get a picture book and go into a worker room. When the workers try to throw anda out anda say "Shhhh!!! Can't anda see that I am reading?!"

15. Yell in the loud speaker, "All the produce, dairy items, and any edible snacks and food have (made up poisin) in them. Go to Target instead!"

16. Annoy everyone who comes through the door.

17.Put on a magic tampil for everyone to watch.

18. Steal some worker's uniform and act like anda work there

19. Get a tenis racket and tenis balls and hit the tenis balls around the store

20. Pretend that anda are robbing the place

21. Hide in the clothes rack and jump out and scare people.


23. Go up to a worker and ask where anda can find some walls. When they ask they don't sell walls, scoff and say, "Well, it IS WALL-mart!"

24. Take all the fudge, whipped cream, atau anything like that, and make a slip 'n' slide.

25. Walk up to any guy with his girlfriend and slap him crying out "but anda berkata you’d cinta me forever and ever!!!"

26. Paint a 'mural' with the nail polish, and when yelled at oleh a worker, ask them why they hate art.

27. Sit in the ice cream isle and (while eating all the ice cream from the carton with your hands) yell at anyone passing oleh that they cant have any, and to make your point, throw some ice cream at them.

28. Hide in the clothing racks. When someone starts searching through the clothes, jump up, saying, "Pick me!!!"

29. Take all the money out of the cash registers and put it in a big pile and roll in it screaming “I’M RICH!!”, when the security comes, tell them that anda inherited Wal-Mart, then lecture them about respecting their superiors.

30. Set all the alarm clocks to go off at 10 menit intervals throughout the day.

31. Ride the little electronic cars at the front of the store.

32. Turn all the radios to the polka station, then turn them off, but turn the volume as high as it'll go.

33. Play with the automatic doors.

34. Walk up to complete strangers and say "Hi!! I haven't seen anda in..." etc. and see how they respond.

35. Leave small gifts in the hands of mannequins.

36. Play sepakbola with a group of friends using the entire store as your playing field.

37. Go to the musik section, put on head phones, and start screaming out the song anda are listening to.

38. As the cashier scans an item, say "Wow, magic!".

39. pindah "Caution: Wet Floor" to carpeted areas.

40. Put M&M's on layaway.

41. Set up a tent in the camping department.

42. When an employee comes and asks anda if anda need help, say "Why won't anda all just leave me alone!?".

43. Attempt to fit into very large gym bags.

44. Attempt to fit others into very large gym bags.

45. While looking at guns in the gun department, suddenly ask the clerk where the anti-depressants are.

46. Two words: "Marco Polo".

47. When a someone gives an announcement, assume a fetal position and start screaming, "No, no! not the voices again!".

48. When someone strays from their gerobak, keranjang looking at something, take their gerobak, keranjang and run away.

49. Ask newly hired employees about made up products, i.e. "Do anda have any Shnerples here?".

50. Hold shopping gerobak, keranjang races.

51. Ride the bicycles around claiming that you're taking it for a "test drive".

52. Drape a blanket around your shoulders and run around saying, "...I'm Batman. Come, Robin--to the Batcave!"

53. Randomly throw things over into neighbor aisles.

54. Couldn't think of one...

55. Drag a lounge chair over to the magazines and relax. Go to the food court, buy a drink, and explain that anda don't get out much and ask if they can put a little umbrella in it.

56. Make a trail of Mountain Dew on the floor leading to the restrooms.

57. Challenge other customers to duels with tubes of gift wrap.

58. Go into one of the fitting rooms and yell real loud, "Hey.... we're out of toilet paper in here!"

59. "Accidentally" get stuck in one of the Frozen food doors. Give people strange looks and see if anyone helps anda out.

60. Add really funny things to other peoples’ carts and watch them pay for it and see if they notice.

61. Ask if anda can buy a shopping cart.

62. Bring a friend and get in a shopping cart. Have them push anda around while anda yell "ye-haw!"

63. Constantly wink at a person anda don't know. Follow them around and blow kisses to them.

64. Gather a bunch of bouncy balls and bounce them into neighboring aisles.

65. Get 20 people together and play hide-n-go-seek.

66. Go to the video game section and play one of the games for a menit the throw down the controller and start to bang on the display case when an attendant asks anda what anda are doing tell him your trying to change the game.

67. Go up to a guy and start crying saying, "I finally found you, mommy!" See what he does!

68. Go up to someone and start taking items from their basket and put them into yours.

69. Go up to the clerk and say, "Code Red!" See what they do!

70. Pretend to be a maniquin. Stay very still. When people start to look at you, jump out and scream!

71. Hide in the toy section, when someone comes close jump out at them throw a ball and yell "Pikachu I choose you!"

72. Leave Cheerios in Lawn and Garden, pillows in the pet food aisle, etc.

73. Nonchalantly "test" the brushes and combs in Cosmetics.

74. Pour bubble bath into the fountains in the garden section.

75. Roll cans of sup down the aisles.

76. Repeat whatever the store clerk tells you.

77. Act hypnotized.

79. Run around the store yelling, "I'm a princess!" while holding a toy wand in your hand.

80. Run up to a complete stranger, tag them, and say "You're it!" Then, run away.

81. Sample all the fragrances in the perfume department.

82. Start Humming the Teenage Mutant Ninja penyu, kura-kura Theme song. Whenever someone looks at an item near anda scream "TURTLE POWER" and run away as fast as anda can.

83. Set up a battle of laser tag.

84. Set up ten pineapples in the shape of bowling pins and start bowling with a coconut. Throw grapes as confetti once anda get a strike.

85. Strategically scatter fake dog poop throughout the store and wait for someone to announce, "Cleanup on aisle ___." The moment the announcement is finished, yell, "BAD FLUFFY!"

86. Take all of the free AOL cd's on the end of the check out counter.

87. Test the fishing rods and see what anda can "catch" from the other aisles.

88. Time yourself for two menit and throw as many shoes as possible onto the floor.

89. Try to fly on a broom. If anyone asks what anda are doing tell them in a very annoyed voice, "The brooms don't work!"

90. Unload then entire bin of giant bouncy balls, get in the bin, have a friend put all the balls back on puncak, atas of you. When someone walks oleh jump outta the balls causing them to fly everywhere.

91. Walk up to the automatic doors and walk back and forth through them and each time u go though look up at the sensor and yell "How does it work???? Maybe it's magic!"

92. Walk about 10 centimeters in front of a moving shopping gerobak, keranjang and yell "Its gonna get me!"

93. When there are people behind you, walk REALLY SLOW, especially thin narrow aisles.

94. Try putting different pairs of underwear on your head and walk around the store casually.

95. Hide in the clothing racks and when people browse through, say things like "the fat man walks alone," and scare them into believing that the clothes are talking to them.

96. Take shopping carts for the express purpose of filling them and stranding them at strategic locations.

97. When a woman with children walks near anda in the toy aisle, throw yourself on the floor,screaming "MOMMY, I WANT THAT TOY!"

98. Go over to the shoe department and try on every pair of shoes, not putting one pair back. Take the paper from the boxes and throw it in various aisles.

99. TP as much of the store as possible.

100. Go to an empty checkout stand and try to check people out.
added by emolove98219
Source: Thursday
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