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posted by CielXlizzy19
When I opened the door, I saw his red eyes screaming at me. As I stood there, rendered motionless, my mom came running up behind me. I thought she was going to yell at me for opening a door to strangers, atau just shoo him away but she did neither. She merely just greeted him with a smile and berkata "Hello! anda must be the new butler!!". He returned her kindness with a smile, but when he looked at me, his grin was lebih sinister than Dante's Seven Layers of Hell.

Even though chills went down my spine, I had a feeling this was going to be a very special birthday...

"So...why do we need a new butler?...
continue reading...
added by rupsa
added by anisebastian
added by bouncybunny3
added by KaterinaLover
added by michellepotter
added by CielXlizzy19
Source: Yana Toboso's Blog
added by KaterinaLover
added by Miyuki_13203
added by LidiaIsabel
If anda have read the whole link then anda can read the Book of Murders side story (manga)

Continues link
added by Lisseth
added by CielXlizzy19
Source: Zerochan.net
added by CielXlizzy19
Source: Yana Toboso's Blog
added by Lisseth
Source: dream-otaku @ Tumblr
added by bouncybunny3
Source: reishikiz.tumblr.com
added by MrsBraginski
added by CielXlizzy19
Source: Zerochan.net
added by anisebastian