Kuchiki Byakuya Club
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Jamie didn' t even look behind her she just kept zipping down the street. If anyone in her family would have seen her, they would have told her that she was being a coward. Perhaps she was but confronting the facts of what accepting the truth of the matter would be. She just wasn't ready, maybe it was because he looked like what her Byakuya had on that fateful day. Now 3000 yrs plus his descendant somehow had the ability to make her his mate. How else could it be? God only knew where her gloryflower had found its final resting place. Maybe they had even thrown it out, the fact that she was still alive....well maybe that wasn't even true. Over 3000 years was really a very long time to keep walking around if one's gloryflower was no longer. Her legs decided to walk on thier own instead of using the newly found powers. They kept her walking til her ears picked up her name on Ichigo's lips.
"Jamie! Jamie wait!" She stopped and then stiffened. He wasn't the only one coming towards them. Not in the least. There was a reaper and an ugly hollow, big, bad and nasty. Unclean. She licked her lips hungrily.
Her mind splayed out in all directions thinking of how to do all the things she needed to do. Ichigo gasped and saw the hollow diving down on Jamie. Both him and Kenpachi jumped into action. Jamie turned her eyes on the reaper and smiled. The concrete below suddenly became liquid and encased his feet in its sticky hold and dragged him back to the earth. Just holding him. Kenpachi looked towards her and saw her grabbing Ichigo in a hold too rough to be intimate as the hollow's mouth closed over the both of them.
"Jamie!" Ichigo screamed as her hold made him immobile while death clamped down around them. As their feet found purchase on the beast's teeth, she opened her mouth and let out a stream of pure light too bright not to lose one's sight to. Then it was gone. The two of them safely unharmed and she at least was very full. "Ichigo, anda alright? I'm sorry about that it was lebih instinct then modern hari thinking." Ichigo blinked and found his sight was fine. Actually better then fine. It was perfect. "Yeah but what was that!" Kenpachi coughed loudly keeping her from answering Ichigo. Jamie frowned and shook her head. " This will be your first lesson kiddo. Come with me over to the reaper." Ichigo then noticed Kenpachi stuck, how had he been stuck in concrete? He was still standing still when she grabbed his ear and pulled him after her. "Youngsters are always forever hard of hearing. No matter what age anda find yourself in the youth are always the same." She stopped in front of the reaper and let go of the ear to fold her arms. "Are anda insane Jamie this is Capt. Kenpachi Zuraki he's dangerous." Jamie raised her eye brow. " This turd is a captain? He can't even get out of my simple concrete hold. Pathetic. My pertanyaan is can he keep his big mouth shut enough to keep a secret atau not." Zuraki growled his bells ringing off the hook. "Your a Smith...no your the Smith." Jamie put a sarcastic smile across her lips. "Oh how bright anda are. Hmmm I always seem to bring out the opposite of some people. Like you. From my understanding anda like to fight near unbeatable foes, hard cases. Like me. Impossible if I determine to be, as anda saw I ate that hollow. A little on the pahit side, a murderer oleh trade had no regrets. I guess he'd have been called a serial killer at one time. But enough about my dinner, I'll give anda two options. One is an oath, not much of one but enough to keep our secret. atau I can simply make anda forget what anda saw completely. Which will it be." Zuraki blinked and tried to pindah his feet but they held. He looked at the both of them. He smirked and then laughed til tears dripped from beneath his eye patch. "You're family. Now that is funny. I will take the oath." Jamie blinked and found herself liking the brutish looking reaper. She smiled and laid her hand his shoulder as he repeated the small oath. "Say your name and then repeat these words. Not even death shall make me tell that Ichigo Kurasaki and J, no Shanni Kura Gloryflower are Soul Smiths. My toung nor my hands will betray my oath atau may my soul be lost in the ever eithers after." Jamie saw the reaper study her judging her and settling in. "I like you, kid, you've got guts. Most would have just settled for a re-arranged memory. Though its been over 3000 years since I pulled that off, and one should never try it on a parent. Mom certainly was gentle but not when she found out I'd made her forget to take me to the dance at my grandfather's. oleh a week. Whoof just thinking about it makes my butt hurt."
Ichigo poked her in the side. Jamie lifted her eyes to Ichigo. "Oh, sorry I forgot. O.K. Let go of his feet." The concrete hesitated for a moment and then eased off the reaper's feet. He gripped her. "Then I'll just take anda with me. I won't tell that Ichigo is one of you. They only want you." Jamie laughed. "Oh, I do like you!" Ichigo had drawn Chameleon oleh then. "Let her go atau I'll be made to fight you." Jamie shook her head at Ichigo. "Hands release me." Zuraki found his hands prying his arms away from Shanni's body, just enough for her to slide out from beneath. "Your oath is your bond, even if anda found a loophole so did I. anda thought you'd just drop me off in front of all your pals to get the pat on the back like some little kid doing good. I've known plenty like you. They will never accept you. anda aren't royalty. anda are just like Ichigo, like me. We don't fit in, we stand out. We don't need their acceptance atau respect." Zuraki found his child self on the verge of tears. How had she known?
"Jamie lets go. We need to go. They're looking for you."
Jamie looked at the reaper and shook her head. "I can't let this be the end. Close your eyes, young one." Zuraki shut his eyes and the selanjutnya he knew, he had just walked out of his favorit bar after knocking back a few with his new fighting friend. His mind looked across the jalan, street and felt remnant's of a power he couldn't say belonged to anyone he knew. He shrugged and sighed thinking of how he would have liked to have fought that power. There was always selanjutnya time. He simply walked to the nearest bus stop as driving his bike was out of the pertanyaan as he'd never make it without crashing. His new bike was still being made and far from being done. Jamie and Ichigo lept a block without a thought. "Are anda nuts!" Ichigo yelled. "Well yes, yes I am and I'd advise anda to keep your voice down its way passed midnight. We need to get some sleep." She took his hand and flashed them to his home. Issin frowned as they came into the apartment, relief showed around his eyes. "He's alright, don't let him out at night. No matter what. They only know about me. Not your family. Keep it that way at least for now." Jamie turned to leave and found her way stopped oleh Issin's arms around her. "You can't leave either. That bastard changed his story Keisuki was here earlier, he'll keep your people aman, brankas if I can somehow keep anda safe. Plus it would be nice to have anda here. Your family after all."