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Despite the lack luster candidates and our rather low key (okay a bit too low key Bill Whitaker from 60 minutes) anda have to admit this was a doozy tonight!

The operational staff kind of got the three segments in the wrong order and at 47 menit after the jam they were playing the final round and bets - so while you're sitting there going "what the **** happened to double jeopardy" and wondering where Contestant No.2 went Yes they OOPS'd!! and ran segment 3 in front of Segment 2. I honestly don't remember this happening before and had my better half (a dyed in the wool watch every night Jeopardian) in slight melt down so it made for a rather funny close to a rather DULL show.
Sorry oh Jeopardy gods but its time to bring back Ken Jennings. okay,okay anda wanna give Levar burton - (who we all know as blind Jordy from StarTrek) a chance fine.....let's get this done and get back to regular host!! My Vote is Ken!