Invader Zim FanCharacters Club
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posted by zgfangrl
In this world, humans posses at least one spectacular and unique talent. Not regular talents, like bernyanyi atau cooking. But abnormal talents. Telekinesis, seeing the future, running faster than light, flying. Those types of talents. However, after discovering such power, we discovered a much darker one. The power of our own minds. One that can ultimately alter the course of history as we know it. There are many groups that say to have power over this, saying that they can kill anyone with just one blink. But that's not true, they just want people to fear them. To leave them alone so they may carry out their unimportant lives. Most of these groups are junkeys and addicts. And then, there are the reapers. A rather large group of geniuses, able to actually do what others claim. In this world, they hold everyones life in the palm of their sweaty, greedy, power-hungry, hands. 

Another group does exist. a group dedicated to stopping the reapers, and ending their reign of terror. Sadly though, it's only a group of disgruntled orphans. It's only me and six others. Children of unknown origin and of poor homeless people. We live down in Brooklyn, a tiny run down orphanage on reaper way. No one here has a full name, nothing lebih than a first one. None of us have any education whatsoever. But the school system failed years ago. Back when THEY first took over. And none of us have any plan  or direction other than  stopping the reapers. 

"can I help you?" a man growled from behind the store counter. He was dressed in a large black jubah and none of his flesh was visible. 
"yeah anda can," I grumbled, emptying the food stored in my light blue backpack. I'd stolen it a while yang lalu from REI. "ring this up."
"hey would anda like to-" he began. 
"hey! Would anda like to tampil a little respect to me! I'm not tampilkan your scum any courtesy! Freaking reapers. anda think anda own this world don't you?!" I snapped, cutting him off. 
"if anda don't clean up your act, the penalty is death." he berkata calmly. People like him made me sick, believing they owned everyone. Believing they owned the world. 
"sorry," I berkata fakely. "please ring up my purchase." 
"that's lebih like it. This will be twelve devs. Enjoy your day." the man sighed. He threw the assortment of fruits, vegetables, and hostess snack cakes into a plastic bag. Impatiently, I swiped the thing up and strode out. 
"and anda yours." I snarled, throwing a few pieces of paper at him. 

The walk back to my mundane and rotting orphanage was like every other; painful. Each homeless man and drug addict lay on the gray streets. They begged for money and food. But that didn't matter to me, the only thing that did was stopping the reapers. I knocked on the door and a large chunk of it fell off. Maggie ripped it open from the inside. 
"did anda bring me coke?!" she cried. 
"Maggie, anda can't buy cocaine at a grocery store. Plus, anda need to stop doing that stuff. It's bad for you." I replied. She pouted and then dropped to her knees. 
"but I need it Astor! I need it!" Maggie begged. 
"Maggie! Your ten! Stop!" I threw her down to the floor. Standing above the girl I could see the pain, the hopelessness, the hurt, flooding through her eyes. Her body was shaking constantly, vibrating from years of drug use. Maggie was small, very frail and jittery. She had long blonde hair that fell to her waist and normally kept it in one large ponytail. 
"it helps me run faster!" she would say, bouncing about. but that was back far before the reapers lost their heads. I suppose that happens to people who have to much power. Soon, their thirst for world domination became clear. Recruiting signs were diposting everywhere. Anyone who came to their main office, a huge building in the shape of a pentagon, was accepted and diberikan a job. Those are the ones with black capes, mundane, boring, brainwashed into doing nothing but ordering people around. Aside from them are the ones with red capes. anda don't see them around town, they stay in the main office. The red capes are the highest ranking ones. Ones that can kill anda with the blink of an eye atau the twitch of a finger. They rule this world. It used to be called earth. But now, it's known as pandora's box. A name that signifies hidden insanity covered up oleh a beautiful and attractive outside. 
"I know... But I-I run faster with it." Maggie whimpered, breaking my train of thought. 
"you can run fast enough now Maggie. Come on then," I lifted her up, glancing at her blue eyes quickly. "let's go tell the others it's makan malam time." 
"okay... Thanks." she mumbled. I patted the girls head slowly and then we strode up the stairs. 

Ecstatic pings and beeps came flying out the crumbling door. I knocked a few times before coming in. The boys, Jackson, Mitchell, robert, and Dylan, were happily playing a racing game. I glanced down at the shiny system. It was called an 'xbox'. I had stolen it from a acak store years before. The glistening metal reminded me fondly of the way they had reacted. Smiling, happy faces, hugs and joyous shouts. 
"food?!" Robert clapped. He was the youngest, a tiny boy of five. 
"yep, food Robert." I smiled. He clapped ecstatically and then grabbed the bag out of my hand. 
"cool, food." Dylan yawned. He is fifteen, my age. So are Mitchell and Jackson. 
"so... I have, a twinkie and a cupcake for everyone, some sandwich materials, and I mencuri some mayinose? Mayoniss? Mayonnaise? And some... mooseturd?" I grumbled staring at the labels on the cans. I'm not exceedingly smart atau educated, none of us are. Except Dylan, he's a techo-nesis. atau someone who can control technology with their minds. 
"mustard and mayonnaise." Mitchell corrected. He pushed the goggles up the bridge of his nose and stretched his arms out. Mitchell can talk to animals. He's constantly chattering with squirrels and raccoons. They get in our "house" pretty often. We barely have walls anymore. 
"right... So, let's eat I guess. Anyone seen mica?" I asked. Mica was the other girl in our group. She could tell a lie and it would come true. But she never talks anymore, Mica was a compulsive liar. She couldnt stop whatsoever. So we cut out her tongue one night. Now, she just sits around and sleeps. Robert thrust his hand out and the roti went flying into it. 
"no, haven't seen her today actually. Probably working the corners." Dylan smirked. 
"stop!" I laughed, pushing him backwards. 
"that's what she should do man, she's a whore!" Dylan cackled. He put his hands up as if to say "I'm innocent". 
"she's only done it twice! And we need the money. The only people who have that now are reapers." I growled. Robert greedily spread the white contents of the mayonnaise jar onto a piece of bread. He then pulled out another piece and coated it with mustard and meat. Robert lifted the sandwich up, using his mind of course, and took a bite. 
"but it's okay because she has a rockin bod." Dylan winked. I kicked him in the groin and stared at him blankly.
"great! So now Maggie and me can become prostitutes too! Robert! Don't anda think about that! Forget I berkata anything!" I smiled. Dylan always had a way of making us all feel better. 
"I know Maggie could, but you? No chance of that." Jackson interjected in between ravenous bites of sandwich. I smacked him over the head and tried to give my most intimidating look. 
"I was wondering about your silence," i grumbled. "now I know, anda were thinking about something mean to say!" 
"oh come on Astor! Dont be butt hurt! We're just screwing around with you." Dylan grinned. He smoothed down his jet black hair and then yawned. 
"I'm thirsty..." Robert mumbled, toying idly with a crumb. 
"alright, who wants to go down to the abandon school yard for some water? The fountains are down but the tillers there still work. We'll have to take our chances with disease... But at least we won't be thirsty." I sighed. The water fountains there used to work, but recently we'd been having to drink from the toilets. Maggie and Jackson had gotten stomach flu last week. That had extremely hard on them and Maggie nearly passed on. 
"not again..." Dylan rolled his hazel eyes. 
"it's a possible stomach flu atau it's dehydration." I huffed. Dylan slung a bright red back pack over his shoulder and cracked his knuckles. I readjusted the blue pack on my back and grabbed Dylan's arm. 
"you guys stay here, we'll be back soon." he grumbled. I could tell he didn't really want to go, but I needed backup. If any reapers caught us hanging around there, sucking water out of toilets, they take us and kill us. In pandora's box, every crime is one punishable oleh death. I ripped the front door and it snapped off it's hinges. The crumbling heap of wood fell to the ground and I cringed. 
"you just had to break it didn't you?" Dylan berkata blankly. 
"I didn't mean to! This goddamn place is just so unstable!" I snapped. Bad things always happened to me. Broken doors, abandoning parents, murderous actions, I was always around to either cause atau witness such things. 
"it's fine, I'll just grab a piece of plywood at the dump. Let's get out of here." Dylan berkata reassuringly. He put a hand on my shoulder and led me out. 

We walked for a while before reaching a drab, gray, schoolyard. Trash littered the ground and walls were falling apart. A few jalan, street lamps hung vacantly, lightbulbs missing. The two of us quickly surveyed the area, to assure there weren't any black capes around. 
"we're good, I'll go first." I whispered. Dylan nodded and glanced about. 
"make it quick... I'll keep watch outside." he replied softly. 
"alright, if anda see any black capes, say something." I ordered. Silently, I dashed over to the nearest bathroom. Tile was falling off the walls and the roof had nearly caved in. I knelt down near a toilet and filled up a few bottles of water. 
"Astor! Get your pantat, keledai out here!" Dylan screeched. I flung the water back into my backpack and then clumsily threw it over my shoulder. Dylan snatched my hand and ripped me along. Murmurs and hushed curses rippled through my ears. Behind our fleeting bodies were about three reapers, scythes drawn. Every black cape carried one, it was necessary for them. The reapers broke into a sprint as Dylan hauled me along. One of them slashed at me, cutting a strap on my backpack and creating a gash in my shoulder. Blood poured from the new wound, soaking my mud covered tank puncak, atas and floaty skirt. I growled to myself and peered at Dylan. The two of us were streaming around the desolated school yard. His hair was flying in the breeze and for a moment, I smiled a little bit. The gravity of the situation soon brought me back though. 
"GET THEM!" a black cape shouted. He threw his hand into the air and a tempat sampah came flying at us. Dylan jerked me to the side as the heavy metal box slammed into the ground. 
"why aren't anda torching them?!" Dylan grunted in between exasperated gasps. 
"because! I can't get a good look at them!" I shrieked. He was referring to my power. It was a very rare one, it was the power over fire. If the conditions were right, I could shoot fireballs out of my hands. It may sound ridiculous, but we humans have learned that some minds are so strong they can concentrate all the heat in their body to one dingle point. That's exactly what I can do. However, it's a little hard to focus like that while you're running at full speed, stumbling over debris, and being attacked oleh reapers. 
"well get a good look at them!" he cried. 
"hey! Why don't anda kill them instead?!" I snapped. 
"because there's no technology around here!" Dylan growled. Another tempat sampah went flying for us. Dylan pulled me to safety once again. If it weren't for our predicament, I probably would have kissed him. That was twice now he'd saved my life. I suppose I'd better start keeping a count. We continued sprinting about before reaching a fence. 
"it's to tall to climb! Theyll get us for sure! I can blow a hole in it if anda stall them!" I shouted. 
"okay, let's do this." he nodded. 

Dylan ripped a pole out of the side of a building. He swung it around to test the strength and weight before running off. I could hear growls and swipes of scythes screeching through the air. A  scream broke my concentration and I jumped back. 
"Dylan..." I whispered. His screams weren't unfamiliar to me. Way back, when we were both young, we would spar for fun. He wasn't much of a match for me though, anda can't really beat the girl that breathes fire. I jumped over to where he was. Dylan lay on the ground, clutching his leg. The black capes were cackling over his body, grinning ear to ear. Scythes raised and tension in the air, one swung down. Something went flying from my hand. A bright ball of api slammed into his chest and he fell back. I raised my hands, sticking two finger out on each. The last two reapers dropped their scythes and ran off in the other direction. Dylan moaned in pain and I Dropped down selanjutnya to him. 
"they got my leg..." he winced. 
"let me see..." I sighed, removing his hand. Scarlet liquid bubbled out, making me cringe. A large gash traveled down his calf. 
"it's bad isn't it? I can tell." he grumbled. 
"I'm going to have to do something really painful. But it's going to save your life." I frowned. 
"do it. We can't afford to be any weaker than we are already. Plus, then we'll be equal." a light smirk graced his lips and he shut his blue eyes. 
"I'm going to cauterize it, okay? It'll sting like a mofo but it'll keep anda from losing anymore blood." I took a deep breath and then shut my eyes. 
"do it. Fast. lebih are coming, it's obvious the others just left for help. We have to get out of here soon and I'll leave a trail of blood if anda don't cauterize it now." Dylan grunted. His eyes were shut tightly and his teeth were clenched. 
"one," I groaned. "two, three!" my hands slapped down on his legs and I carefully ran them across his wound. Dylan shrieked extremely loudly and I jerked back. The wound looked terrible, blood soaked and now burnt. 
"thanks..." he gasped. 
"anytime- oh shit." I said. Over the horizon hundreds of black capes were headed straight for us. Scythes raised high as possible they were sprinting towards me. I ripped Dylan off the ground and threw his hand over my shoulder. 
"what?! What's going on?!" he cried. I slapped a hand over his mouth and pointed. Dylans jaw dropped and I hauled him over my shoulder. 
"why are there so many?!" I shrieked. 
"they want you! God! anda shouldn't have shot that one! They're gonna be tracking yo down now! They're gonna use anda as a weapon!" Dylan smacked his forehead. I hobbled away as fast as I could. 
"hang on tight Dylan!" I gritted my teeth and bashed through the rusty fence. The sound of hundreds of reapers flooded my ears. 
"no! I was going to let go because that just sounded like so much damn fun!" he shouted. 
"don't have time for sarcasm right now!" I protested, sprinting off. 
"obviously." he whispered breathily. 
"I'm going to try and high jack a car okay?! We can pindah faster that way!" I suggested, not really thinking it through. 
"no! Don't! If anda highjack a car they'll have a keterangan and they'll find anda easily. It's going to be smarter to just make a run for it." dylan panted. Thoughts raced through my throbbing head and I glanced about. Nowhere to hide so far. We were in the middle of a four way intersection, reapers advancing from all sides. In desperation, I held both my hands out. Concentrating all the heat in my body to the two points I breathed steadily. A small burst of api left each and bowled over a small group. Behind them lay the meat packing area. The perfect place for us to hide. Lots of people hung out there, constantly bargaining over prices and getting high in corners. Maggie used to hang out here a lot. Plenty of cheap cocaine to get at. I threw myself through the tiny gap. Scythes cut through the air around me, whistling before hitting the ground. A hand gripped my left shoulder but I threw it off. Dylan was being jotted about like a bag full of wet kucing and he winced with every bump. 
"made a run for it happy now?" I screamed, running away. The black capes followed us in high pursuit. Every step made my jantung jolt out of my chest. 
"no, I'm really not!" he cried. I slipped through the door to a busy market and looked around. 
"where to go?! Where to go?!" I cried nervously. Reapers flooded the marketplace and any escape attempt seemed pointless. 

I know, it's a huge long shot. But I want to make this a book(with the addition of lebih of course). This is just the very beginning. I'd cinta your guy's opinions. I trust anda a lot. I'll take it down soon, sorry it's not IZ related but I also want to get it on DA.
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Source: me
added by Misty199
added by Misty199
added by Misty199
added by Misty199
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Source: me
added by Misty199
added by Misty199
added by Evading_Destiny
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added by ash123321sb1
added by ash123321sb1
added by CountTheDreams
Source: Myself
added by CountTheDreams
Source: Myself
added by Dreamlucario
Source: me
added by Dreamlucario
Source: me
added by JTHMsbabe
added by Whazie
Source: my drawings :P