Gwen and Geoff ♥ Club
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posted by TDIlover226
Gwen walked down the faded wood chip path that she'd followed every night, now, for about a week. She had it memorized, every rock, every small twig, she could recall from the sebelumnya night's walk. She was now competing in the forth season of Total Drama Island, which was called Total drama Reloaded. Her, some old cast mates, and many new competitors had returned to the island in which the first season had taken place.
Gwen had taken a fancy to taking walks in the woods early in the morning, before the sun rose. It got her away from the new ones.
Gwen winced at the thought of the obnoctious new competitors that she'd met. It seemed like they'd all had strokes when they met her. "You're Gwen! From TOTAL DRAMA!!", they'd spew. Gwen was sick of it. All of it. Not only that, but her boyfriend, Duncan, had broken up with her. "Anything to get Courtney off my back. Sorry, toots.", he had said. What an awful way to break up.
"At least he didn't do it over the phone.." the Gwen thought, out loud.
"Hey, Gwen, what are anda doing out here?", she heard a voice say.
She turned around to see Geoff, one of her fellow competitors from Total Drama Island.
"Nothing, really. Why are anda out here? It's really early in the morning."
"I should ask anda the same thing. I thought I'd take a walk, anda know. Bridgy-Bear broke my heart, and I really need some time to think about where I went wrong.."
"I'm really sorry about anda and Bridgette's break-up. I know that anda really liked her. anda guys seemed like a match made in heaven."
"Why do anda seem so sad?"
"Oh, anda didn't know? Duncan broke up with me, like, a week ago. The only reason he did it was to make Courtney leave him alone, too."
"That guy really doens't know what he's missing, does he? Well, he'll feel really bad when he realises what a catch anda are."
"Thanks Geoff, anda really cheered me up.", Gwen smiled.
"Wanna walk with me?"
"Sure, I was going that way, anyway."

As the two made their way through the woods, they started talking about their former dates.
"Bridgette was always so sweet. And she could always forgive me even was I was akting like a complete asshole."
"Duncan was always the best person to joke around with. I bet the guy couldn't be serious if his life depended on it. That was what I liked about him"
"Bridgette was kind of bossy, sometimes. She was, like, the man of our relationship, sometimes."
"Duncan would always check out other girls in my presence. It got really annoying after a while.."

As the two talked lebih and more, Gwen noticed two things. One of them being that Geoff had managed to sneak his arm around her shoulder, and the other being that the wood chip path that she was used to was no longer under their feet.

"Geoff.. Where's the path?", Gwen looked around. All she could see was trees.
Geoff looked at the ground and shrugged, "Oops. I guess we got distracted and walked off of it."
"That means we're lost!"
"Aw, c'mon. How big could these woods be? We'll find our way out, eventually."
"Geoff, there are BEARS in these woods!"
"..Oh, now I see were you're going with this."
"If we don't find our way out, we'll probably be eaten.", Gwen sighed.
"Those bears are probably lebih interested in marshmallows than they are in us.", Geoff laughed.
"Cracking jokes in a serious situation. anda remind me of Duncan."
"I thought anda berkata that's what anda liked about Duncan." Geoff smirked.
"Shuddup.", Gwen blushed.

The two continued to talk while they tried to find the path and avoid the bears.
Gwen wasn't really worried about finding her way back to camp, in fact, she hoped that it would take a long time to get back to camp.
She liked being with Geoff. He understood her.
And it wasn't long before Geoff started to feel the same way, Gwen had guessed, because she found herself in his arms in no time.
She stood on her tiptoes, and just as they were about to kiss--
"Oh my god! Please tell me you're getting this on camera!", Chris yelled to his camera crew/search party.

Gwen was pissed off. Chris had ruined a perfect moment for her. She had her hands clamped into fists. "Can't anyone get some privacy around here!" she shouted as she stomped past the camera crew and followed the path which hr and Geoff had just missed oleh a few feet.
Geoff wondered if she was really that mad at Chris, atau if she just didn't want anyone to see the dark red blush that had engulfed her pale face.