glee Club
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Pairing(s), Characters: Rachel/Puck, Rachel/Finn, glee club
Summary: Rachel finds herself slowly feeling for Puck again while in a relationship with Finn. Yeah, I know, fabulous summary... xD
Disclaimer: I do not own glee atau any of the characters. I do have my own little Puck-bot hidden in my closet though...


The selanjutnya morning Puck made a point to set his watch early, and set it under his bantal so he would be the only one to hear it. So secret agent. He got dressed quickly, grabbed his jacket, and set out walking. He left a note saying he was gonna go grab doughnuts, be back soon, but he also needed time to think. Sticking his hands into his pockets, he set off against the pahit wind.

He loved Rachel. And he was pretty goddamn sure she loved him back. Neither had actually berkata the three words to the other yet, but he thought it would better be if they saved it for once they were officially together. But maybe she actually needed to hear it from him, from his mouth, before they did. Because even if she did cinta him, she cared for Finn too. Maybe, if she for sure knew that Puck loved her lebih than anyone and would do anything for her, she would have an easier time breaking up with Finn, knowing she wasn't leaving him for some one-time thing. But he couldn't just say "I cinta you". The words weren't enough. She need action. Something radical and extreme that would stand out above anything any guy would ever do for her.

Then, as if God himself was listening, the opportunity presented itself. In the form of something he did best. Gambling. He had always known God wanted him to get into Rachel Berry's pants. Now he wanted him to tampil Rachel Berry just how much he cared for her.

In the window of a tourist gift toko was a big bright sign saying:


"It'd be a dream come true if I could go! anda know, actually in New York..."

Thank you your holy awesomeness! Puck thought. This definitely was an one in a lifetime chance. He checked his cell: Six fifty-seven. He hurried into the store and strode to the front desk.

"Is it still possible to get in?" he asked the middle-aged woman who manned the counter.

"Of course," she said, beaming. "We don't start until seven. Just sign your name here, and anda can go sit with the others." What a mom. Puck signed hurriedly, then pulled up a seat. He looked at the other contestants. Two boys who looked like Kurt's soul mates, two college age guys with nervous girlfriends at their sides, and one man around his fifties. Not your usual poker crowd, but Puck would have to go with it.


Forget the details, but oleh eight-thirty, Puck had won! He collected the tickets happily, thanked everyone for a 'game well-played' then sprinted from the store. He skidded to a halt in front of a bakery, remembering his promise of doughnuts, bought a box, then ran all the way back to the hotel. He burst into the sitting room off the lobby, expecting to find Rachel there. She was, along with Quinn. Those two sure were getting along lately. Huh.

"Noah!" Rachel exclaimed. "You've been gone forever! What happened--" but she was cut off oleh Puck picking her up and sweeping her around in circles, ciuman her as they twirled. When he drew back he was pleased to see her flushed and happy. "Wow. Um, nice distraction, but uh," she seemed to have forgotten her sebelumnya anger, "What was that for?" Puck grinned.

"I've done it this time, baby. I've fulfilled your dreams. There's no way anda can't call me King of All Guys You've Ever Dated now."

"Why's that?" He didn't say anything. Just held up the tickets. She looked at them, and her eyes slowly bulged. Eyes the size of oranges, she looked up at him. "How? Where-- what?"

"Wicked tickets, for you, won oleh me."

"Won? How?" He shrugged.

"Oh, just me, some gay guys and a couple of desperate boyfriends plus a poker table."

"You won these oleh playing poker?"

"Pretty hot, right?" Rachel grinned.

"Completely." she kissed him, still red in the face and out of breath. "When are we going?"

"Oh, not us, Rache. anda and Kurt."

"Kurt?" asked Rachel, incredulous.

"Yeah, I thought it would really make the guy's day. anda don't mind, do you?" Rachel smiled.

"No. It actually makes me cinta anda even lebih than if anda insisted on accompanying me." There. The words. Now Puck could relax.


Noah was amazing. He was marvelous and unbelievable, and at this moment, Rachel knew she wanted to be with him. She had already known it, but this just confirmed it. She had to break the news to Finn. She was anxious to be with Noah, and she knew he was too. Sometimes she felt his eyes on her and Finn when they all hung out together, and it hurt her to look back at him, knowing all she would see would be jealously and suffering.

When she told Kurt about the tickets she actually had to catch him as he fainted. When he awoke a menit later, he didn't breath for so long he passed out again. The selanjutnya time he woke up, he asked Rachel if she was toying with him. She told him she wasn't. He lay back on the pillows, eye closed. He took in a breath. Then they shot open and he shooed her from the room so he could prepare. Apparently preparing to go to a Broadway tampil took all day. Rachel left, smiling. For the past two days she kept thinking this was the best hari of her life. Today it was. If she lived her life like this, she was gonna have a pretty amazing one. She animatedly talked about it to Quinn as she got ready that afternoon after a long shower. She had become and pretty decent person to talk to, even if often times she was still crabby towards her. It was just like having Oscar from Sesame jalan, street as a friend. He had always been Rachel's favorite. When Rachel was little and she would be getting ready for another dance, drama, atau voice lesson she would warm up in front of the show. She hadn't seen it in a while.

"Afterwords Kurt wants to celebrate with a drink-- I can't imagine he wants to get drunk again after last night, that was horrid, just a tad tipsy in after Broadway fun. It's what everyone does. He's been cooped up in his room all day; he won't let anyone in. Except Mercedes. I bet he's gonna look fabulous. He was so psyched when I informed him, I think it's been his main objection in life since the play began to see it in New York. Noah's so sweet." Quinn smiled grimly. "What?"

"You need to break up with Finn soon." she told her bluntly. Rachel's face dropped.

"I know. I also know it's better to do it sooner rather than later. I just hope..." she sighed. "I just hope he finds a better girl than me. One who won't abandon him like this." Quinn avoided Rachel's eyes, and instead played with the fringe on her jacket. "I mean, I feel terrible about this. Sometimes I feel like the biggest idiot, leaving him like this, out of nowhere. It feels completely unreal. A couple of weeks yang lalu I never would've even thought about it. But Noah..." she sighed. "Then Noah happened, and it was BAM! I just feel so horrible, bringing it up so suddenly."

"You know..." berkata Quinn, "I could give anda a reason so it wouldn't be sudden." Rachel stopped attacking the zipper of her dress, trying to pull it up the last few inches of her back.

"What do anda mean?"

"I could... I don't know, I could," she sighed. "I could, anda know, ciuman him atau something, and anda could walk in on us and get all mad and do your stalking off thing. After yelling you're done with him, atau something." Rachel stared. It was almost tempting. For a second. But then,

"No. I wouldn't do that to him. It's still cruel. He never even would've cheated, and I'd hate to have him carry the guilt for that. Especially if it wasn't his fault. Plus, it would give the illusion anda still have feelings for him." Rachel went back to tugging at the zipper, so she didn't see the blush that filled up Quinn's cheeks.

"Come... on! anda infuriating... little..." Rachel grunted as she made stabbing yanks on the zipper.

"Need help?" Quinn asked.

"It would be appreciated." Quinn got up and began jerk the zipper, and after a few unsuccessful attempts, it gave way and zipped neatly to the top.

"When was the last time anda wore this?" she asked, surveying the unusually sophisticated white renda dress Rachel wore. The strong v-neck drew attention to her bust and the waist was loose enough to look comfortable and easy, but still classy. It fitted her figure perfectly once the zipper was in place.

"Last year, when I met Barack Obama at a convention of his."

"And anda wore... this?"

"I wanted to make a good impression. The man was going to be, and is, our president, anda know."

"You knew that last year?"

"I had a hunch. Plus, sixth sense." Quinn actually gave a little smile. "Now!" Rachel announced, rounding on the mirror. "Onto the locks!"


Saturday night. New York City. New club. Puck's heaven. The downside (the very, very, big downside) was the absence of Rachel, but he could deal, knowing she was having the time of her life, watching a Broadway musical with the gay kid. Plus, tonight, he could really get wasted. Last time he had contained himself from any alcohol, not only for Rachel's sake but his own. He wanted to remember his times with her. But, tonight would be different. Puck could go all-out; chugging beer, watching the strippers (just because he was in cinta didn't mean he stopped enjoying the good things in life. Rachel still had crushes on tons of male musical leads; that meant he could still stare down the lovely half-naked ladies).

Rachel snuck away from Finn for a menit to say goodbye to Puck before heading off to the show-- a goodbye that didn't involve much speaking. She squeezed his hand and gave him a grin before hurrying back out to an impatient Kurt. Her smile almost made Puck reconsider his decision on the strippers, but decided to go with it anyway. As long as no one told her.

A little while later, everyone else was ready to spend another night clubbing. Puck wore a plain white t-shirt and leather jacket. Simple, yet... irresistible. He even cocked his head and raised an eyebrow scathingly at himself in the mirror before heading out.


It was even lebih beautiful than she had ever imagined. Noah had won them pretty good seats too-- the third level of seats, front row, center. The whole theatre was huge. Glamorous. Every speck shone and glimmered, every piece of china and emas polished perfect. The seats were a deep purple velvet, although not itchy, like she usually found velvet to be. Soft and smooth to the touch, it even smelled good.

They sat for nearly a jam (Kurt was obsessed with arriving early) before the lights began to dim, and musik swelled from the orchestra. Rachel edged meneruskan, ke depan in her seat. It was time.


These New York strippers were way classier than the Lima ones, Puck thought as the pole dancers proceeded to what pole dancers do. Although way lebih extreme than he had ever seen. New York was getting better and better every minute. Quinn had sat with him for a while, but after half an jam she got up huffily, muttered something about needing a glass of water, and hurried off. Puck scarcely mumbled a goodbye, for his thoughts were elsewhere than her need for a drink. A chick who looked like one of those Jane Adams girls had chosen him as her selanjutnya target, and was beginning to get to the good stuff.

When she finished Puck sadly stuffed some money in her gloved hand before she sauntered over to her selanjutnya lucky contestant. He checked his cell for the time and decided it was time to break out the beer. He ordered multiple bottles and a single shot glass, as to work through everything slowly. How great, he thought as her twisted open the first, to enjoy the simple things in life in the times of couple-y drama.


A while later Quinn somehow made her way back to him. Finished with his first bottle and halfway through the second, not much yet as to how he was feeling. Quinn glared disapprovingly at his table.

"Why are anda getting drunk?" she asked him crossly.

"Because I can, mom." Quinn didn't crack a smile.

"Rachel's going to be so excited when she and Kurt get back from the play. She's going to want to tell anda all about it, in detail. You're gonna be too wasted to know her name."

"Since when are anda concerned with how Rachel's feeling?" Quinn shrugged, looking at her hands.

"I-I'm not."

"Uh, I think anda are. I also think that you," he pointed a finger at her, "are actually beginning to like the girl."

"I am not! I-- I just-- I sympathize with her. Plus she's still one of the only kids in glee club who actually acts normal around me. But," she glowered at Puck, "I don't like her."

"Whatever anda say, princess. I'm still getting drunk."

"Well, I won't be staying."


"Fine." she swept up and away, her dress swinging around her knees. Puck smirked. She was so friends with Rachel.


Rachel pondered over the fact if anda consumed enough alcohol to get drunk, the selanjutnya day, would anda remember everything before it happened and nothing after, atau would anda forget everything that took place the sebelumnya night? The google Ask on her phone didn't help matters.

"Oh Rachel, just dive into it," Kurt told her, twiddling with his empty blackberry wine alat pendingin, pendingin glass, making the ice jingle, "I certainly won't be participating in any heavy consuming of alcohol this evening, but anda haven't even diberikan it a shot."

"If anda think it's so unenjoyable, why should I?" she asked.

"Because it's really quite intriguing the first time around, something a few people under the legal age of twenty-one should experience."

"So you're saying it's awful, but I should try it anyway?"

"Well, I wasn't exactly keeping track of my drinks last night, atau a few months yang lalu during my first experience, but I can control yours so anda don't get... too out of hand." Rachel bit her lip.

"Fine. But only if anda do keep that promise." Kurt gave a little smile.

"Of course. And not that I'm promoting under age drinking, I just believe... to be blunt, Rachel, it rather sucks."

"Kurt, are anda saying I should try this atau not?"

"I do not recommend it on a daily basis, believe me, I know, but just once. I think that you, specifically you, should try this."

"So," Rachel ran a hand through her hair, "So. anda are not expressing an opinion that says every teen under the legal age should, but you're saying that I should?"

"Yes. I'm sorry that took so many words to explain." Rachel huffed.

"You're very confusing Kurt. But why?"

"You're drowning in reality Rachel. You're constantly worrying about the present, and the future. Especially the future. Live a little." Rachel eyed him.

"Fine. Fine, I concur."

"Excellent." Rachel scanned the wine list, the bir list, asked for recommendations from the bar tender, before ordering a stroberi margarita. Kurt actually looked on in envy as the handsome, dainty beverage the color of those perfect sunrises anda rarely find in the city was handed to Rachel on puncak, atas of a paper napkin. Rachel's eyes widened at the sight.

"Well. Certainly looks delicious."

"It does." sighed Kurt.

"Sip?" she offered before taking it herself.

"Gladly!" he took an eager gulp, and smiled to himself.


"The best." he told her, handing it back. Rachel sniffed it. "Go ahead." She took a long gulp.


"Man!" Puck yelled to the club, although no one was listening to the drunk high schooler in front of the strippers.

"I love strippers! They are awesome!" Still no one answered. "They're... amazing." he muttered to himself as he sloppily poured himself another glass, spilling some bir on the sleek leather seat. "Whoops." Quinn walked over to him, for the... what was it... hundredth time, atau something around there...

"I see you're having fun." she told him coldly. She looked upset. Her eyes... were... puffy. Maybe she had had some allergic reaction to her eye stick... lip shadow...

"Fun? Baby, I'm having such an awesome time, I'm not even on the planet anymore." Quinn nodded.

"That's great, Puck. anda know, I was really hoping anda would... I really needed," she heaved a great sigh. "Never mind!" she made an clearly agitated noise. "Dammit, I just don't care anymore."

"That's right, babe, don't care. Don't care about anything. It's the best way to get on in life."

"I wish it was that easy." she turned and started to walk off, but stopped when a new, loud, cheery voice reached Puck's ears.

"Noah!" Rachel half ran, half stumbled toward his kursi and threw herself onto his lap.

"Rachel!" he cried in equal joy. She looked so hot. Her hair now flew loose and wild, and with her dress she looked like some rebel bride. Sexy.

"I had some drinks with Kurt," she giggled. "Some is a bit of understatement." she whispered in his ear. "He was gonna take me halaman awal but I told him I wanted to see anda before anything else!" Puck grinned at her.

"Cuz anda cinta me?" She beamed down at him.

"That's right!" she said, a little loudly, causing his ears some discomfort seeing as she her face was inches from his own. "Cuz I looooove you." She kissed him eagerly, harder and lebih passionate than she ever had. She wrapped her short legs around his waist dirtily, not caring if the pressure caused her dress to hike up. He boldly thrust his hands upon her thighs, extremely enjoying the whole thing, when Finn showed up.
season 1
season 1
added by swimchick
Proof that glee klub are traditionally full of some good drama. I know it has nothing to do with the show, but the peanuts are so cute, I thought I'd share.
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The part that's glee related starts at 2:10 ;)
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