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posted by reminisce
anda all have probably gone to a fellow fanpopper's profil and wondered how they made it look to good. Some of us have no idea how to do it. I myself had to asked my amazing girlfriend (link) how she created hers. So, we came up with a great idea to write a how-to article. :D

You can make boring text interesting. :D

You can choose any country for the flag. :D

⊿ ⌔ ⌚ ■ □ ▲ △ ▶ ▷ ▽ ◀ ◁ ◆ ◇ ○ ● ◥ ◯ ☀ ☁ ☂ ★ ☆ ☉ ☎ ☏ ☕ ☖ ☮ ☹ ☺ ♀ ♂ ⚨ ✈ ✌ ✖ ✚ ✣ ❖❝ ❞ ❤ ❥ ❦ ⤴ ⤵ 〒 ﹋ ɣ...
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added by DrBsNumber1Fan
Source: ME!
added by DrBsNumber1Fan
Source: ME!
added by vagos
Source: Credit: oleh Me
posted by Mallory101
Some of anda may have joined fanpop and are new and really don't know much about it. Well, of course fanpop is a fun place to gabung fan klub of pretty much any thing anda like. Many people cinta fanpop and it's really hard to not to like it. So when your joining fanpop stay on a bit and just go to your fave spot and just chill answering picks and videos.

Since there are alot of people on fanpop anda may go to someones profil and wonder what something is like a prop. It will take a little time until anda get a prop (s) but until then just add videos,picks,pictures,quiz questions,links,forums atau articles...
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posted by HannaK
Okay, I don't know if it's just coincidence but I noticed this week that some picks just are, I don't quite know how to describe it, bad.

It just seems that a lot of picks are asked so that they are asked, a lot of them don't have pictures. (that's not very important but I can't help noticing)
But the worst thing is that there are so many typos in the questions. Look, my English is not very good, I make a lot of mistakes but al least I try to make as less as possible. I mean, a lot of pertanyaan are just so wrong, the 'preview' thing that anda get when you've finished making your pick is there...
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Ok, I usually don't make user guides but this one needs to be made. I have seen a lot of picks and a lot of them are boring atau annoying. Here is a daftar of steps to help anda out.

1. Try to have lebih than three jawaban if possible. If the pertanyaan is "Who should Jim be with?" Put, Karen and Pam, and then put an answer like neither atau Katy.

2.Always have pictures for the pertanyaan if it isn't a yes, no, atau maybe question. Pictures bring in lebih fan and make the picks lebih interesting.

3. Try to ask pertanyaan that people haven't already asked and pertanyaan that people will be interested in. Don't make it boring.

Now these are the three golden steps to making a good, quality pick on fanpop. If anda feel I need to add anything, then please leave it in the comments.
Amazondebs had the marvelous idea of making fanpop mad-libs...see the link. This artikel was last edited on 21 October 2008 to try to explain how the game works a little better...

What is a Mad-lib?
Specifically, Mad Libs is a registered trademark of the pinguin, penguin Group (USA). Generally, a mad lib is a kind of word game where the player is presented with a questionnaire, prompting for several seemingly acak types of words. The player fills in the words, then goes to another location to plug the words into the corresponding places in a block of text, which results in a silly, funny, naughty or...
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posted by rookyboy
Do anda ever find when anda make a spot it is always anda adding all the time with the odd add from another user? That even when anda get over 100 fan to the spot its can still be just anda adding all the time. Till one hari anda can't add any lebih atau anda don't want to. I have found this a problem with a few of my spots where it is just me adding page after page of video and links.

So basicly this is just me asking every fan please just go to a spot that hasnt been updated in a while and just add one thing to it please !!! (and i know this sounds like a charity advert lol)
added by Greathand636
Source: Brileyestes
added by chuj123131
posted by emerald_32
hey there! I'm emerald_32, but anda can call me zamrud, emerald atau Em. Today I'll be tampilkan anda a quick tutorial I made on how to upload images.
So I've heard that a lot of users are having problems with the new image uploader. I have to say, it isn't really that complicated. For a 1-2 days it was for me, but I figured it out now. Since some don't, I'll be menulis this artikel for that situation.

Please note that the browser that I use is google Chrome, because it has some built-in plug-ins that are handy when surfing the net and uploading images.

Okay, let's get started. So, I want to upload two images...
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added by 129frence
Source: Joanm11
posted by Temptasia
Why is it on gambar that there are so many lebih tampilan than there are people who rated it? It makes me really sad, because I like to see what people think of the content I add. Now, I realize that there are people who view gambar a lebih than once, but what I don't understand is when some of my gambar have 87 tampilan and only 2 people (one of which is me) who rated it. In the past I used to be guilty of this, however after adding a lot of content I realized that how good it made me feel when people took the 2 detik it takes to rate my content. I mean anda are already there, and anda veiwed it,...
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posted by DrBsNumber1Fan
On the 1st hari of natal my fanpop gave to me,
An evil ikan lumba-lumba, lumba-lumba who's a fan of me!

On the 2nd hari of natal my fanpop gave to me,
2 aquatic friends,
And an evil ikan lumba-lumba, lumba-lumba who's a fan of me!

On the 3rd hari of natal my fanpop gave to me,
3 Gumballs,
2 aquatic friends,
And an evil ikan lumba-lumba, lumba-lumba who's a fan of me!

On the 4th hari of natal my fanpop gave to me,
4 silly penguins,
3 Gumballs,
2 aquatic friends,
And an evil ikan lumba-lumba, lumba-lumba who's a fan of me!

On the 5th hari of natal my fanpop gave to me,
4 silly penguins,
3 Gumballs,
2 aquatic friends,
And an evil ikan lumba-lumba, lumba-lumba who's a fan of me!

On the 6th day...
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added by TeaTopLego11
Source: Galaxy-cat