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Minnie happened to glance out the window, and noticed it was getting dark outside. She looked at her watch and saw it was almost eight o’clock. “Oh dear I’m going to late for my tanggal with Mickey!” she exclaimed

“Well, anda run along now and have fun on your date. You’ve been so much help today. Scrooge said, he paused then added, “It is getting awfully dark out there maybe I should walk ye to your car.”

Minnie sighed, “Actually guess I’ll have to call a cab. I came here with bunga aster, daisy in her car, and she left…so…”

Minnie started to take out her cell phone to call a cab. While trying to dial the number she didn’t notice what Scrooge was doing. He also had his cell out and was calling his chauffer, “Duckworth, bring around the limo to the main entrance”, he said.

Duckworth, who was in the arcade playing a game, answered, “Yes sir. As soon I beat my high score in this game.”

“No, now!” Scrooge snapped

As soon as Scrooge was off the phone he saw what Minnie was doing. So he gently took the phone from her, closed it, and put it back in her purse. This confused Minnie, “What are anda doing? anda know I can’t toko anymore, I’ve to get a ride over to the Duckburg theater.”

“Dear your ride is already here, just outside the door.” he replied, “I would not dream of letting anda ride in a taxi, especially this time of the night.”

Minnie still feeling baffled walked over to the door and saw the limousine parked outside waiting for them. Very surprised and gratified, she stammered “Oh… t-t-thank you. But I couldn’t ask anda to go out your way for me.”

“It’s the least I could do after how helpful been to us today.” He replied

“That’s right it’s the least we can do for Miss Minnie” Webby added.

Meanwhile at the Duckburg Theater Mickey, Donald, and bunga aster, daisy were waiting impatiently in the lobby for Minnie. bunga aster, daisy wanted to make sure they knew how horrible Minnie had been to her early that hari “She abandoned after she promised she would help me shop, and then I find out she’s dumped me to only hang out with your old miser of an uncle and then…”

Donald was sure if listened to her for one lebih detik he’d explode, so he interrupted her “Oh yes honey that’s just awful. Why don’t anda go and buy us some snacks.” He berkata handing her his wallet.

bunga aster, daisy saw that she no long had a captive to listen to her tragic story. So let out an angry “HMPH!” and stomped off.

Relieved that bunga aster, daisy was gone, at least for a few menit Mickey let out a sigh. Then he said, “What is taking her so long?”

Donald glanced over at the ticket line and noticed that Goofy was standing in it. He called, “Hey Goofy, what brings anda here tonight, is it tanggal night for anda too?”

“Nope. It’s father son night.” Goofy answered

“Really?” berkata Mickey “What movie are anda guys going to see?”

“Um… Some alien invasion movie… It’s real populer with the young people. I don’t know much about it… this was Maxie’s week to pick the movie.” Goofy said

“Hotdog!” Mickey exclaimed, “That’s the one we’re going to see too. Maybe we can sit together.”

Then Donald whispered, “Last week the girls chose the movie, it was a lame romance about vampires.”

Suddenly Max that saw a huge limousine had pulled up in front of the theater. He stared at and said, “Whoa, I wonder what hot-shot celebrity is in there?”

Mickey studied it and noticed a familiar looking silhouette in one the windows. Suddenly he realized it was Minnie’s silhouette. After trying figure out what she doing in a limousine he berkata out loud, “That’s what was taking her so long! She rented a limo and wanted to make big entrance, so she showed up fashionably late!”

Donald, and Goofy, and Max all stared at him and then they started to laugh. Donald still laughing said, “I hate to burst your bubble but that limo is no rental.”

“Well if it’s not a rental what is it?!” Mickey yelled, “She didn’t go out and buy one!”

“It’s Uncle Scrooge’s, I’d recognize that license plate anywhere.” Donald answered

Mickey looked at limousine’s license plate, which read MCCASH. Before he could reply the chauffer, who he could tell was Duckworth, opened the doors and helped Scrooge, Webby, and Minnie out. What he saw selanjutnya horrified him.

Minnie wasn’t exactly looking meneruskan, ke depan to the date, after the fight with Daisy, and the conversation with Mickey. So she tried to put off going into theater as long as possible. “Thank anda very much for the ride, and for makan malam at the mall” She said

“Oh, you’re welcome dear.” Scrooge replied “And thank anda very much for all your help. Now run along and have a good time on your tanggal with Mickey, hopefully you’re not lebih than a wee bit late.”

“Oh, alright.” Minnie berkata less than enthusiastically. Then she bent over, hugged Webby and said, “And you, I’m excited that you’re in this pageant, but remember win atau lose you’re still pretty to me.”

Finally she kissed Scrooge on the cheek, and left. While she was going into the theater she called, “Bye Uncle Scrooge. Bye Webby. See anda two tomorrow!”

Scrooge was so surprised oleh the kiss, that he didn’t say anything. He just waved to her. Webby waved and called back, “Bye-bye Miss Minnie! Thanks for helping us!”

When Minnie walked into the theater she saw Mickey standing there, glaring at her. She berkata “Sorry I’m a few menit late. I lost track of time. Hopefully we didn’t miss too much they always do run those previews for a long time.”

Mickey didn’t say anything in till they were seated. Then he whispered, “What the heck was that?!”

“What was what?!” she whispered back

“What were anda doing outside?!” Mickey snapped

Before Minnie could answer the usher tapped her on the shoulder and said, “One lebih word outta anda guys, and you’re outta here!”

For the rest of the movie Minnie, who had no interest in sci-fi horror flicks, was deep in thought. Even after she got halaman awal that night she lay awake in tempat tidur for hours unable to sleep. Her thoughts raced back and meneruskan, ke depan between Mickey and his video-game obsession, bunga aster, daisy and how self-obsessed she had become, and the up-coming pageant.

That night at the Quackson house, after finally getting Vicky into bed, Laura sat at her computer and downloaded all the foto that were taken of Scrooge and Minnie earlier. After examining them she said, “Oooh, these are perfect! They just require I tiny bit of editing.”

Meanwhile at McDuck Mansion, after tucking Webby into bed, Scrooge got on his office computer to research pageants. As he researched them his fascination with them grew. But there were two things he could not understand; why parents encouraged such rambunctious behavior in their children, and why people would spend so much money on something that clearly brought them no profit. Finally after several hours on the computer he fell asleep with his face on the keyboard.

He slept-in the following morning, since there was no alarm clock in the office to wake him. At about ten o’clock he woke-up to, “Good morning sir. I believe it is almost time for the… um… Mother Daughter Luncheon. Would anda like your breakfast here the office atau at the table?”

Still feeling drowsy Scrooge opened his eyes and saw Duckworth standing in the doorway with a breakfast tray. He grumbled, “Just put it on the meja I’ll be out shortly. Um… is Webbigail awake?”

“Yes sir, Miss Webbigail is up dressed and has had her breakfast.” Duckworth answered

Later that morning at Minnie house, while she was getting ready to leave for the luncheon, she heard a knock on her door. When she answered the door she saw Mickey standing there. Still unhappy about last night she berkata coldly, “Oh hello Mickey. Thank anda for the date.”

Mickey, who was also angry, said, “What’s the idea bringing a another guy to our date?!”

“Bringing another guy to our date?!” Minnie exclaimed, “I did not bring another man to our date! Uncle Scrooge was kind enough to give me a ride, after bunga aster, daisy left me at the mall with no ride!”

“What?!” Mickey yelled, “Daisy berkata anda left her to be with him! And were anda two kissing?!”

“I just gave him friendly ciuman to thank him for makan malam and the ride!” She explained, “It was not romantic!”

“Dinner?!” he exclaimed, “That old penny pincher actually bought anda makan malam ?! So anda must be going out with him, he must be your boyfriend!”

“Yes, the old penny pincher actually bought me dinner. It was under four dollars…. But, still I thought it was sweet him, since he hates to spend. And no he’s not my boyfriend.” She replied, “Are implying that anda have a problem with me spending time with any man other than you?”

“Only really rich ones.” Mickey snapped

Minnie berkata arrogantly, “So what you’re saying is I can have male friends, but not wealthy ones? Am I right?”

Quickly realizing that what he had berkata sounded stupid, Mickey stammered, “Um… n-n-no that’s not what I meant. Oh, never mind. Look, How about we just forget about last night? We can go out just the two of us, I’ll take anda to the mall for lunch and maybe we can hit the arcade.”

Minnie was furious, “Mickey Mouse! I can’t believe anda get upset at me for taking a ride from a friend to our tanggal last night, and now your idea of a tanggal is going to the arcade! All anda think about are those stupid games.” She paused and then added, “Besides I already have a sebelumnya engagement.”

“Previous engagement? What is it?” he asked.

“Well as Webby’s coach I’ve been invited to attend the Mother Daughter Pre-Pageant Luncheon.” She answered

“Coach? Mother Daughter Luncheon?” he berkata feeling confused

Before Minnie could reply they heard a car horn beep. When they turned and looked they saw Scrooge’s limousine parked in front of the house. “Oh there’s my ride. Gotta go, good-bye Mickey.” Minnie berkata as she ran down the porch steps to the waiting limo.

Mickey stood on the porch watching her get in, and before he knew it they were gone. He sat on Minnie’s porch for a while thinking about what had just happened. Wondering what he had done to deserve this. Finally he got in his car and drove away.
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