putri disney DP rp (roleplay)

justinfangrrl posted on Oct 15, 2012 at 10:33PM
Hey~ It's Justin! This is where we Roleplay as the DP characters, their princes, nondisney charactes and even our own made up characters! :D If you want to join, tell me who you want to be, and we can start roleplaying! :)


-Cussing and swearing is allowed, so long as it doesn't get too out of hand. And try not to be rude...
-NO SEX. I'm sorry, but no... x3 There may be younger users on this spot, so no porn, please... Although, there IS kissing, making out, and references that SORT OF incline towards that allowed.
Example: *kisses you, leading you to bedroom*
hee. But let's try to keep it a LITTLE appropriate...

-Try to stay in Character... It may be a little tricky, but do your best. It's okay if you tip their personality a little, but try not to do so in a way that seems absurd. And everything you do as your character doesn't necessarily have to be "by the book". We can do anything we want!

-No high levels of drama. .___. seriously. And don't be rude to our fellow DP rpers.. You're characters may be fighting, but don't really be rude to the rper. If you want, you can just reassure the fellow fan in brackets, if you feel it's a bit awkward. :) Example: *throws cup at Rapunzel* Uughhh.. I hate you! (( Haha, you KNOW I don't hate you, [username]!

-You have to acknowlage that the fellow RPers on here may not be the same sex as their Characters... So if you're a girl rping as a princess, and your characters' prince is actually a girl~ Just remember that it's a little like acting. What is said and done isn't necessarily the thoughts and views or actions of YOU specifically, just your character...

-If you want to talk as yourself, do so with parentheses (( )) or brackets [ ].
Example: *climbs in bed* (( Okay, bye! ))
-Actions will be shown with stars. Example *see what Jasmine is doing, and goes to see her*

Also, when you're speaking as your character, you don't have to put quotation marks. And remember; we're not acting as if we are DP characters chatting on their laptops and electronics; we're acting as if our characters are all in one area interacting. :)

Okay, I've said enough... Sign up for a character, (or even make up your own!) and have fun!

putri disney 638 balasa

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Showing Replies 451-500 of 638

lebih dari setahun yang lalu mhs1025 said…
*Almost says something,but gets dizzy and falls*
lebih dari setahun yang lalu sweetie-94 said…
(I'm so sorry for that I haven't been on here for a while, I'll try to be more active now)

*Hears something, sees someone lying on the floor, sees that the person is pale* I'll go and fix some water *Goes and fixes water, comes back and gives the person water* What happened to you?
lebih dari setahun yang lalu mhs1025 said…
*Comes out of her daze* I...I don't know...All i remember is...I was about to say something and...I fell to the ground. *Gets up slowly*
lebih dari setahun yang lalu sweetie-94 said…
Okay, what's your name? My name is Snow White
lebih dari setahun yang lalu mhs1025 said…
I'm Pocahontas. It's nice to meet you. Thank you for helping me.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu sweetie-94 said…
You're welcome
lebih dari setahun yang lalu mhs1025 said…
What can i do to repay you?
lebih dari setahun yang lalu sweetie-94 said…
I don't know right now, but it's wonderful to have a new friend
lebih dari setahun yang lalu DsnyPrincess said…
Oh hello Snow! Where have you been? I was just showing Pocahontas, Belle, and Mulan some of my things.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu sweetie-94 said…
I've been sleeping and just be in my room pretty much, I got a small depression, but I don't know why I got it though
lebih dari setahun yang lalu DsnyPrincess said…
Well are you okay? Are you feeling better?
lebih dari setahun yang lalu mhs1025 said…
*asleep in her bed*
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lebih dari setahun yang lalu auroraxaurelia said…
Ariel, these are cork screws. *Points to thingamabobs. She/I am very puzzled and feels the need to correct or see if she/I is correct.*

{Not really me. But Its what I think Belle would do/be like.}
lebih dari setahun yang lalu mhs1025 said…
*wakes up with her eyes unfocused* *rubs eyes* I don't feel like myself this morning. But maybe some breakfast will help. *gets up and walks to the kitchen*
lebih dari setahun yang lalu DsnyPrincess said…
*giggles* Oh well when I was a mermaid I never got close enough to a human to ask them what their things were called, so I just asked my bird friend Scuttle! He said he was an expert on humans, but he was wrong.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu mhs1025 said…
*walks into the kitchen not feeling well* *sits down with her head in the palm of her hand*
lebih dari setahun yang lalu DsnyPrincess said…
*walks back to the castle and into the kitchen, sees Pocahontas* Are you okay? You don't look well!
lebih dari setahun yang lalu auroraxaurelia said…
*Follows Ariel back up to the castle and follows her into the kitchen.* Pocahontas?! Are you alright? *Gets a clean cloth from the near by closet and dips it into cold water.* Here, put this on your forhead. *Hands Pocahontas the cloth.* What's the matter?
lebih dari setahun yang lalu mhs1025 said…
*lays down as she puts the wet cloth on her forehead* I don't feel like myself. I still feel dizzy and...*wraps herself under the blankets Belle gave her as she begins to shiver* As of right now,i also feel REALLY cold! *huddles under her comforter for more warmth*
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lebih dari setahun yang lalu MalloMar said…
ROLEPLAY? How did I not know about this?! Can I please be Giselle (Enchanted)?
mhs1025 commented…
sure! (i promised justinfangrrl i'd take over for her) lebih dari setahun yang lalu
lebih dari setahun yang lalu DsnyPrincess said…
(Yay! Another role player!) *Looks concerned for Pocahontas* What do you think she has Belle? I'm still not very good about telling human sicknesses apart!
lebih dari setahun yang lalu auroraxaurelia said…
I'm not sure. She could be coming down with something. I saw a book in the library that might help. I think she needs rest. I'll go get the book and you help her to her room, okay?

{MalloMar, we don't have a Giselle yet. So you can start playing immediately I believe. That's my understanding from when I joined.}
lebih dari setahun yang lalu mhs1025 said…
*gets to her room with Ariel's assistance* If it helps YOU Ariel,i think i may have a tempurature...
lebih dari setahun yang lalu mhs1025 said…
*coughs horribly* I wish Belle found that book alittle quicker... *shivers some more*
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lebih dari setahun yang lalu DsnyPrincess said…
*Looks concerned* Is a temperature a bad thing? *Feels forehead* Wow your'e burning up! *Yells* BELLE!!!!!!!
lebih dari setahun yang lalu auroraxaurelia said…
*Is down the hall from Pocahontas's room. Yells..* I'm coming! *Rushes into room. Places hands on chest and pants a little.* What? *Sees Ariel looking worried. Goes to Pocahontas and feels her forehead, back of neck and forearm.* Fever. *Stums through book. Finds and page skims it. Pulls Ariel away from Pocahontas till she is by the door.* I can't save for sure what she has but I think it may have Scarlet Fever. Ariel you were a mermaid so you haven't been exposed to human illness like we have. Its best you not tend to Pocahontas. *Goes to Pocahontas and refreshes her cool cloth.*

{Couldn't think of a illness. But then I was thinking of little women so... Hope its okay. Probably wasn't what mhs1025 was thinking but there you go.}
lebih dari setahun yang lalu mhs1025 said…
*puts the refreshed cloth on her forhead* *gets back under the covers as fast as she can* Am i going to need more medication besides the kind i have from Grandmother Willow? *coughs*

(that's fine)
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lebih dari setahun yang lalu auroraxaurelia said…
No, your Grandmother Willows bark is all the medicine we will need. Bascially we need to break your fever. So you must drink water and have hot chicken broth. Rest. Keep your head cool and draw the heat to your feet. *Sits on edge of bed by Pocahontas's feet. Uncovers them and proceeds to rub them.* This should help draw the fever down. I had Scarlet Fever when my mother was alive. She told me what to do as she helped me get better. *Smiles at Pocahontas and puts her feet back under the covers.* Bundle up and I'll be back in a bit. *Turns to Ariel.* I'll be back in a moment if she needs anything come get me. You've been exposed enough. Don't go into the room. *Smiles and exits room to get what she needs.*
lebih dari setahun yang lalu DsnyPrincess said…
*Still looking confused, but beginning to understand* Okay *Waits in the hall*
lebih dari setahun yang lalu mhs1025 said…
*looks at the thermometer* 101.1 degrees...that's awfully high! *puts the thermometer down and looks at Ariel* I didn't know our tempuatures can rise so much just to fight off a simple infection! *smiles at herself before turning back to Ariel* Belle is only trying to protect you. Because of your past,she wants you to continue being well and full of all the human-being life as much as possible. *lays back down as she waits for Belle*
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lebih dari setahun yang lalu auroraxaurelia said…
*Returns with hot water, clean cloths, and broth. Goes to Pocahontas's side.* What was your temperature?
lebih dari setahun yang lalu DsnyPrincess said…
She said it was 101.1 degrees even I know that can't be good!
lebih dari setahun yang lalu mhs1025 said…
*coughs horribly again* *puts her hand on the front of her neck with her throat in a huge amount of pain* Oh... *coughs again* The pain... *continues coughing*
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lebih dari setahun yang lalu auroraxaurelia said…
*Quickly puts some of Grandmother Willow's bark into some hot water. Lets it steep a little.* Here sip this it should help. *Turns to Ariel.* No that is not good.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu mhs1025 said…
*sips the hot water mixed with medication* *puts the cup down* That was refreshing,but i'd also love some tea. When i was in England,i was introduced to it by my dear friend John Rolfe and his house-keeper.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu DsnyPrincess said…
*Face brights up* I know how to make tea! I can actually be useful and make you some! What kind do you want?
lebih dari setahun yang lalu mhs1025 said…
Just any kind would do since i'm in THIS condition. Be sure to add sugar,honey and lemon though. *looks out the window* As much as i hate to say it Belle,if i caught this illness back home,i'd probably be dying right now... Or maybe,just maybe,i'd already be dead...
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lebih dari setahun yang lalu auroraxaurelia said…
*Pats Pocahontas's head with the damp cloth.* Maybe. I don't know what kind of medicine your people have but your Grandmother Willows bark is sure to be of help. I do agree with you a little though. *Refreshes damp cloth.* Here have some of the broth I brought. They say chicken broth does wonders.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu mhs1025 said…
*sips the chicken broth* *eyes get big* This is AMAZING! I HAVE to recomend this to my people when i get back home to visit!
lebih dari setahun yang lalu mhs1025 said…
*finnishes the broth and puts down the dish that it came in* About the other kinds of medicines my people have,they also have special kinds of medicines that heal wounds. Shall i tell you more?
lebih dari setahun yang lalu auroraxaurelia said…
*Arches eyebrows. Intrigued.* Yes, I would love it if you did.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu DsnyPrincess said…
*Finishes making Pocahontas's tea, and rushes it back to her* Here's your'e tea! I love feeling use full so if you need anything else I'm here to help!
lebih dari setahun yang lalu mhs1025 said…
The shaman,who connects with the spirits,is also a medicine man. (i'm not sure if that's true) When we almost went to war,he painted bear claws on the men's chests using a special kind of paint,in-which was the medicine! (i'm making this up as i go along,so please no bashing) Speaking of shamans,OUR shaman can connect with the spirits by using smoke! He makes a fire and does his magic! Anyways,our shaman did that in case they got hurt-badly or not.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu mhs1025 said…
*realizes Ariel came into the room* Oh! Thank you kindly Ariel! I do apologize for my non-sence! I was just telling Belle about our shaman and other different kinds of medicines we have back home.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu auroraxaurelia said…
*Smiles at Ariel. Has a pondering face.* Hmm... very interesting. *Thinking to self in silence. Distracted in a corner with her/my thoughts.*
lebih dari setahun yang lalu mhs1025 said…
*sips her tea* *puts the tea-cup down and looks at Belle concerned* Is everything alright?
lebih dari setahun yang lalu auroraxaurelia said…
*Shakes her head to clear her thoughts.* Oh, yes yes. I was just taking in and thinking over what you told me.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu mhs1025 said…
You looked troubled. Like something was bothering you.
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lebih dari setahun yang lalu auroraxaurelia said…
Nope. Just thinking. *Goes over to Pocahontas and feels her forehead.* You feel cooler. Maybe.... Hopefully your fever is breaking and will soon be on the recover. *Turns to Ariel.* That tea looks good. Did you by chance make more than one cup?
lebih dari setahun yang lalu DsnyPrincess said…
*Smiles* I made a lot I'll go get more! *Fast walks to kitchen*

(Whoo 500th reply!)
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