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Wow, ok. It's been five years (oh lordy) since I last wrote one of these, and with a new princess officially in the lineup I think it's high time I revisited my list. Let's do this.

12. Rapunzel

Uuuuuuuuuuuuugh Rapunzellllllllllllllllllll I really wish I liked her lebih than I do. The funny thing is that I actually think she's a great character and she's also one of my most relatable DPs, but despite this she just doesn't do it for me. There are two primary reasons for this. Firstly, she is not a particularly believable character for me. Seriously, no one would be that socially well-rounded after being locked in a tower with only an emotionally abusive pseudo-parent their entire life, but she reacts just fine despite going from near solitude to being surrounded oleh tons of people in the tavern and later in the town. Based on her background, she should be cripplingly insecure, not to mention overwhelmed oleh the huge influx sudden human contact. But no, she is perfectly happy and bubbly, only with a short sequence immediately after leaving the tower where she is unsure if she made the right decision. This ties in to the fact that she is edging into Mary-Sue territory, and I generally prefer flawed characters. Secondly, I don't like Mandy Moore's voice acting. Punzie's voice sounds incredibly modern to me, she even uses "like" as a placeholder, and it clashes with the setting and only serves to further the destruction of my suspension of disbelief that began with her characterization. Sorry for the long rant. Rapunzel annoys me because with just a few small changes to her character she would be sitting way higher on my list. With that being said, let's pindah on to what I actually do like about her character: I cinta her many hobbies and talents. Like seriously, she even knows some astronomy. That is awesome!! I of course cinta how artistic she is, and she is so so so brave to leave the tower of her own volition and defy Gothel to chase her dream. That took real guts, and I admire that. I like that she is allowed to be strong and brave but also feminine. And I cinta that she has badass healing powers. :3 Ah Rapunzel, anda deserve better from me, but alas anda have always been stuck at the bottom of my list.

11. Snow White

*sobs* I wish I could rank Snow higher. She's great. I adore her. Unfortunately, she suffers from some of the same issues as Rapunzel for me. I don't fully believe someone could be that positive and well-rounded after coming out of such an abusive situation, but it doesn't bother me as much with Snow because at least she wasn't forced to live in solitude. I can believe she found friends in some of the other palace staff who were kind to her and gave her hope, and that's the main reason she sits above Punz on my daftar (plus I enjoy Adriana Caselotti's voice akting significantly lebih than Mandy Moore's). The other main thing that keeps her low on my daftar is that we never see her actively pursue her dream. Instead, she sits and waits for her prince to come to her. I much prefer lebih active characters, and as a result Snow is relegated to the bottom of my list. However, I enjoy her unbridled positivity in the face of hardship, and I especially cinta how she marches into the dwarves cottage, takes charge, and bosses them around. Her bossy streak really rounds out her character for me, and I just adore it. I also have a soft spot in my jantung for her since she was the one who started it all, and we wouldn't have any of these ladies without her.

10. Pocahontas

Oh, Poca... She is definitely the princess I have the most conflicting feelings about. On the one hand, I adore her personality and she is one of my most relatable princesses. I cinta how she cares for nature, I cinta how she's so indecisive, I cinta her bravery, I cinta her regal and mysterious air which is rounded out oleh her wisdom and mischievousness. On the other hand, she is a historical and cultural sham and a cliche stereotype (noble savage, anyone?) that the majority of an entire culture finds offensive. If it weren't for this, she'd easily be in the puncak, atas half of my daftar based purely on personality, but I can't ignore the facts, and as it is, it just feels wrong to me to put her anywhere other than low on my list. Her character and film make me sooo uncomfortable, so she's sadly stuck way down here.

9. Jasmine

Jas is cool. I like her. I don't cinta her though. For me I think she just suffers from a lack of screen-time, and that's mainly what keeps her low on my list. She's sassy and sexy which is unique among the DPs and is therefore tons of fun. I cinta that she's bossy, knows what she wants, and isn't afraid to stand up for herself and let others know when they're out of line. Unfortunately, she just doesn't do a whole lot because the story's not about her, it's about Aladdin. Honestly, I liked her lebih in the live action film when she had a concrete goal of becoming sultan. I think if Jas had been the main character of the film rather than aladdin then I would like her a lot more.

8. Aurora

Rose and Jas are right selanjutnya to each other on my daftar for the same reason: lack of screen-time. Honestly the only reason Rose is higher than Jas is because I have lebih nostalgia for her. I owned her movie when I was a kid and I loved her, whereas I never saw aladdin until I got to high school. I lie in the middle of the road in the "does Aurora have a personality" argument. I think she's got lebih personality than some people give her credit for, but not as much personality as some people maintain. What little we do see of her personality I both enjoy and relate to: she's dutiful, shy, likes to daydream, and wants lebih independence but seems reluctant to ask for it. Like Jas, I think if Rose hadn't fallen asleep halfway through the film and/or just generally been allowed to do more, she would be way higher on my list.

7. Ariel

*uncontrollable sobbing* She's not even in the puncak, atas half of my daftar anymore. :((( I'm so sorry Ariel. I cinta you, I really do. I just can't beruang to put anyone else lower. Ariel was my childhood favorite, and for that I will always cinta her. She's so enthusiastic and absolutely fearless in everything she does. I strongly connect with her desire to learn lebih about other cultures and ways of life. Her clumsy exploration of the human world is both hilarious and endearing. Also she's a GODDAMN MERMAID OML. Like, if I had the chance to exchange my voice for a ikan tail would I do it? Heck yeah. What keeps her lower than the rest of my faves is that I don't feel like she learned anything from her mistake, and she never apologized for the mess she made. I'm sorry, but the "I cinta anda daddy" scene just doesn't cut it as an apology for me. This is a strike against her in my book, and is why I can't place her any higher on my list. I still cinta her though <3

6. Cinderella

Cindy is so lovely. I slept on her for so long and I'm forever grateful that I realized my misinterpretation of her character. I used to think she was a bland and boring doormat. Oh how naive... There's a reason why she's the iconic disney Princess. I cinta that she stands up for herself in the small ways she can, I cinta her streak of bitterness that shows how she doesn't just take everything with a smile, I cinta her snide komentar behind her stepfamily's backs, I cinta that she's not infallible (she mistakenly punishes Bruno for something that's Lucifer's fault), and most of all I cinta that she keeps her head up and continues to live her life with hope, kindness, and dignity. She is truly inspiring. It's no wonder the prince fell in cinta with her at first sight. I would have, too.

5. Mulan

Make way for the badass. I don't know what I can say about mulan that hasn't already been berkata a million times. She's brave, determined, devoted, loyal, and has some really amazing character growth. Her journey from an insecure and clumsy girl to a confident and capable young woman is beautiful to watch. She kicks butt, saves her whole goddamn country, and shows everyone that a woman has just as much value as a man. I particularly cinta how clever she is. Her ability to improvise and think on her feet is amazing and makes her my smartest princess. She deserves every ounce of appreciation she gets.

4. Merida

Oh man, it's so weird not having her in my puncak, atas three anymore. Like, anda don't understand, so weird. She'd been in my puncak, atas three from the moment I first saw her movie, and she'd never budged until now. Regardless, I still absolutely adore her. Two words can sum up why I cinta Fanpop's most hated princess: character development. Yes, she starts off the movie as a spoiled brat. oleh the end, I genuinely feel like she's become a responsible princess who understands the gravity of her position and the consequences of her actions. She's ready to put aside her personal desires and marry for the good of the clan, and although Elinor ultimately stops her from doing that, I think that if she hadn't then Merida would've gone through with the marriage in order to fix the mess she made. Then of course there's Merida's apology after sewing up the tapestry doesn't break the spell. It's at this point she really understands what she's done and she completely owns up to her mistake and puts all of the blame on herself. This scene is so moving to me and always brings tears to my eyes. Then at the end we see Merida and Elinor sewing a new tapestry together, something Merida never would have been interested in at the beginning of the film. It's this character growth that really makes me cinta her. I'm not denying that Merida's decision to change her mother was despicable, because it was, but oleh the end of the movie she understands what she's done and she'd never make the same choice again. In addition to all this, Merida's feisty and wild personality just brings a smile to my face. Gah, I just adore my Mer-bear. She's criminally underrated.

3. Tiana

Out of all the disney Princesses, I think Tiana deserved her happy ending the most. She worked so hard to get where she was, and her dream was such a beautiful and grand tribute to her relationship with her father. I cinta that she refuses to be beaten down oleh others and I cinta her realistic and no-nonsense attitude. Out of all the princesses I think she's the best role model. Yes, fairy tale endings can happen, but anda have to create them for yourself. I don't see the mean streak in her that others claim is there. Yes, she looks down on Naveen and his lifestyle, but honestly he deserves it in my opinion. He has no interest in contributing to society and only wants to mooch off of others so he can continue to party his nights away. Since Tia's someone who's always been forced to claw her way through life in order to get anywhere, I can see how that would rub her the wrong way. And then, to puncak, atas it all off, she learns that this "no-count, philandering, lazy bump on a log" wants to marry her lifelong best friend. Does he want to marry her for love? Nope! He wants to marry her so he can leech off of her father's fortune and continue to spend his life partying. Yeah, I can absolutely understand why she looks down on Naveen so much, and I think the only reason she's ok with the marriage is because she knows Lottie wants to marry a prince so she can be a princess. Tia never ever looks down on Lottie's atau her other friends' lifestyles, and she is always supportive of Lottie's dream even if it's a bit outlandish for her taste. I cinta her so much. She's a gem.

2. Moana

Yep, when talking about Punzie I berkata I wasn't a fan of Mary-Sues, and yet I will be the first to admit that Moana is the Mary-est of Sues. Despite this, I adore her. The main reasons why I think she's an exception to my rule is that she's so driven (I looove characters who go after what they want), she has the classic hero's journey (love me a good old fashioned hero's journey), and because I'm a sucker for anything to do with the ocean. Seriously, a sea-faring princess is so cool to me, I just can't get over it. Another thing I cinta about her is that she wants to go on an adventure, but she also loves her halaman awal and values what she has there. This is fairly unique among the princesses, and I think it's awesome and relatable. I also cinta that her story has nothing at all to do with romance atau marriage. It's such a breath of fresh air from all the other DPs. Because she's such a Mary-Sue, I wouldn't be surprised if she slips down my daftar a bit later (I have trouble imagining Mer-bear out of my puncak, atas three forever), but for now she is sitting comfortably at number two.

1. Belle

Forever and always my favorite. I relate to Belle like crazy, and she also reminds me of my best friend. She and I connected over our cinta of Beauty and the Beast, and because of that I will always associate Belle with her. Back to Belle herself though: as a bookworm, I of course relate to Belle's cinta of reading. I too enjoy escaping into a story to explore other worlds and meet wonderful characters. I also connect to Belle's desire for adventure, but I understand why she didn't go in cari of it. Her loyalty and devotion to her father kept her in her provincial town, even though she felt uncomfortable and ostracized there. Then, she goes on to give up her freedom and dreams for her father, an incredible act of bravery and self-sacrifice on her part. She had no idea what the Beast would do to her while she was his captive, but she put her father before herself anyway. Belle also knows her self-worth and won't let anyone talk down to her. I cinta her snarky comebacks to Gaston, and I think it's awesome how she never gives the Beast the time of hari until he first shows her he's capable of change. On puncak, atas of all this wonderful stuff, Belle comes off as a well-rounded character to me. She is far from perfect. She impulsively (and stupidly) sneaks into the West Wing even though it was expressly forbidden. Like seriously, I admire her curiosity but what did she think was going to happen? The same is true when she shows the beast to the angry mob. She didn't think things through and as a result sent the whole town marching off to kill the Beast. Afterwards, though, she does everything in her power to fix her mistake, and I cinta her for it. A lot of people are bothered oleh Belle's snobby streak, and while I certainly don't think it's commendable, I like that it rounds out her character. The entire town thinks she and her father are strange and have no interest in trying to understand atau listen to them, so like Tia looking down on Naveen, I can understand why Belle looks down on the townspeople. (Plus, I used to be a snob as well, so I can relate to this side of her. I like to think I've gotten better in baru saja years though haha.) One particularly unique thing I cinta about Belle's story is she's the only DP who spends a significant amount of time getting to know her prince before she falls in cinta with him. The film begins in fall, continues in to winter, and finishes up in spring, so she spent at least three months with the Beast. This makes her cinta for him grow much lebih naturally and believably than any of the other princesses, which I really really like. Plus, I cinta that they connect over their feelings of being ostracized from society. ...This is getting long so I should probably membungkus, bungkus it up, but suffice it to say that I cinta cinta cinta Belle. She's been my favorit for years, and I don't see that changing any time in the near future. <3

Thank anda for sticking with me through this monster of a DP list! I hope anda enjoyed it and I'd cinta to chat about your thoughts and opinions in the comments. :)
 disney has enchanted us for decades with its beautiful, bernyanyi heroines.
Disney has enchanted us for decades with its beautiful, singing heroines.
As many of us know, Disney Princesses are not always viewed in a positive light. Some people believe them to be passive, codependent damsels in distress. But is this really true? atau does each Princess offer a kind of strength in her own way? Here, I have carefully ranked the princesses in terms of being good role model for young girls. We'll start at the bottom of the daftar so we can work our way towards, in my opinion, disney Princess' best role model. I have spoken to plenty of parents to make sure that I have diverse research and opinions.

9. Aurora

The third disney princess to ever...
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added by JaDangerz
Source: disney
posted by moulan
Once upon a time, there was a man who had a lovely and beautiful lady as his wife. They had one daughter only and her name was Cinderella, who was very dutiful to her parents. But while she was still very young, her mamma died, to the grief of her husband and daughter. After a time, the little girl’s papa married another lady. This lady was evil and haughty, and had two ugly grown-up daughters as disagreeable as herself; so the poor girl found everything at halaman awal changed for the worse.

But she bore all her troubles with patience and grace, not even complaining to her father, and, in spite...
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added by disneygirl7
Source: lio-sun @ DeviantArt
I'm a huge fan of Rick Riordan's books, and I thought this would be an interesting idea! First of all, let me explain anda a bit: there are 20 cabins in Camp Half-Blood, each of them belongs to a god, and their demigod children live in their respective cabins. For example, Percy Jackson belongs in kabin #3 because he's a son of Poseidon, and Annabeth Chase belongs to kabin #6 since her mother is Athena. The 20 cabins are:
#1 – Zeus (king of the gods)
#2 – Hera (goddess of marriage and fidelity)
#3 – Poseidon (god of the sea)
#4 – Demeter (goddess of nature)
#5 – Ares (god of war)
#6 –...
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added by wavesurf
Source: Diana's Pinterest page
added by alexon31
posted by Lavendergolden
Ranking the disney princess eyes
Eyes are considered to be windows to the soul. Eyes are the most important facial feature. They beautify your face and are a beauty trademark to be admired if beautiful. I have aquamarine eyes which I spend time examining them and stare at many other people’s eyes. I decided to rank disney princesses oleh their eyes. And it is unique that I prefer big, wide eyes than small, tiny ones.

15. Mulan’s eyes

I don’t think she’s pretty, and I don’t like her eyes also. They are the least beautiful of other disney princess eyes. They are angled up, almost the V-shape....
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 Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind!
Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind!
Hi everyone, I just watched Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom of the Opera just now. While watching, I noticed some similarities with Beauty and the Beast! Here are my observations.

The Story-line

As anda may know, both stories are set in France, it also has a sad theme in it as it deals with a deformed person name Erik who wishes to be love. Ironically, the penulis of The Phantom of the Opera is oleh Gaston Leroux, who happens to be the namesake villain of Disney's retelling of Beauty and the Beast. The rose also plays a symbolic role in both stories.
Secondly, the Stranger Than anda Dream It scene...
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posted by TheMusicalMolls
I haven't done a ranking in a while, so here ya go. This artikel is dedicated to the amazing animators of disney who gave us wonderful character designs and, sadly, unrealistic hair expectations! (*cries because my hair will never be as cool as DP hair*)

That being said, although every princess has beautiful hair, some manes are better than others. This is my opinion of their hairstyles, ranked worst to best.

12. Tiana

I find Tiana's hairstyles quite disappointing. As the first black princess, and being absolutely gorgeous at that, the animators could have done lots of cool things with letting...
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posted by PrincessAyeka12
 Princess Ayeka
Princess Ayeka
Behind the Screen name: Princess Ayeka is a character from Tenchi Muyo an anime tv series. PrincessAyeka12 - apparently PrincessAyeka 1 to 11 were already taken on fanpop as well as the stand alone name without the number at the end.

Gender: Female

Country: UK

About me: I'm an only child with two loving parents. I'm looked after and sheltered (spoiled). I'm loyal to my friends. I'm the diplomat of the family. I don't take sides, I'm neutral. Online I have my own opinions but they're not set in stone. I have an interest atau curiosity for knowledge about DP and other fandom atau cultural topics, I...
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Since it's halloween soon I decided to write a few artikel relating to that, they're actually pretty much the same, this one is about the scariest moment in each DP Movie, the other one will be my puncak, atas 5 atau puncak, atas 10 Scariest DP Movie Moments, haven't decided yet which one I'll do, but I'm leaning towards puncak, atas 5 at the current moment. Anyway so I hope you'll enjoy this article

Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs: The Forest Scene

It's feels kind of strange to start off this artikel with imo probably the scariest animated moment and one of the scariest movie moments (I don't like horror movies),...
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So I really, really, really cinta the disney Princess dance sequences, particularly with the waltz, as I find it to be so sweepingly romantic! The animasi of the dance, the way the dress twirls with the women, the romantic and powerful score in the background, the gorgeous scenery in the background and the usually gorgeous dress worn oleh the princess... I cinta everything about these sequences! That's not to mention the tampil of romantic cinta developing. I am very much an old soul so I really cinta the process of "courting" which often included the man taking the woman out to dance atau dancing...
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So yesterday I wrote about my favorit songs, today I'll write about the 10 best scenes, originally I was planning on only doing a puncak, atas 5, but I felt that it was too little so I decided to do a puncak, atas 10 list, like with the songs I cinta all the scenes in the movie so placing them wasn't so easy, but I hope you'll like this artikel anyway

10. The Funeral Scene

This scene is so sad yet so beautifully animated and I couldn't resist putting this one on here since I lost my grandmother just a few days ago, but even before that this has been one of the most beautiful scenes in the movie aswell as...
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If the disney Princesses were Housewives on Wisteria Lane, which house would be theirs? [If anda are a Desperate Housewives fan, I included who lived there from the tampil if anyone did.]

1. Snow White: 4350

This house is a nice beige color, between white (her skin) and yellow (her skirt). It has a gazebo style balcony that fits perfectly for her and her prince to dance around and sing to each other in. [Martha Huber/Felicia Tillman/Andrew VandeKamp]

2. Cinderella: 4354

This house is a beautiful big blue house, just like her beautiful big blue(ish) dress. It's like a palace but still with...
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://joleenalice.tumblr.com/post/120011430390/ariel-the-sea-witch-swapping-costumes-and
This is a series I'm starting, I did some research, I'm not gonna say I was 100% thorough, and tried my best with each princess. Some of them were easy, some were harder than others. I won't talk about Anna and Elsa because 1. I hate to say it but it's hard to pin Elsa anywhere and 2. The less princesses to write about, the easier for me. Let's go.

Snow White-Earth
She was difficult because she shows aspect of water, api and earth. Ultimately I went with the latter, Snow White is motherly, practical and the most grounded classic princess. She's doesn't have her mind in the clouds as much....
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added by pikadash
Source: i forgot
posted by avatar_tla_fan
My opinions on Rapunzel have changed a lot. When I joined Fanpop, she was detik on my list. Eventually she moved up to first. After that, she made a bunch of drops, until she eventually reached the eleventh spot on my list. So I've gone from loving her to death to disliking her. Oh, well. I might as well explain why I dislike her then.

I dislike Rapunzel mostly because she's an overdone character and I feel like she's shoved onto me a lot as a character. You're supposed to see her as this amazing character who is easily relatable because of how she has many hobbies, and well rounded,...
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