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posted by KataraLover
We all know the step-sister from cinderella that ends up reforming in the sequels. However, many people seem to have criticisms about her because they feel that she shouldn't have been forgiven oleh Cinderella, there was nothing to tampil that she deserved to be redeemed, and that it's ridiculous that she got to be redeemed but Drizella didn't. First of all, I think I need to explain where this idea of anastasia reforming came from. In the original Charles Perrault version of Cinderella, Cinderella's real name was actually Ella. When she became a servant she would sleep oleh the fireplace to keep warm and would have ash cover her. Her step-mother and one of her step-sisters called her Cinder-Slut but the younger step-sister, who was not as spiteful and was slightly lebih sympathetic, referred to her as Cinderella. That is where the idea of making one of the step-sisters redeem herself. But I know the pertanyaan is, why anastasia and not Drizella? What makes anastasia so special? Well, let's take a look at the original film for that answer.

Cinderella (1950)
At first look at the movie, especially since people don't pay enough attention to is, it appears that anastasia is just as horrible as Drizella. However, if anda pay enough attention, you'll see that Drizella is a lot worse than Anastasia. One instance is that when anastasia is playing the flute and gets her finger stuck in one of the holes, she ends up accidentally hitting her sister with the flute below the neck. Drizella clearly sees that anastasia was struggling to get her finger free when she moves away from the flute, but she grabs the flute from anastasia and hits her on the head with it, calls her clumsy, and claims that she did it on purpose. anastasia in turn retaliates oleh hitting Drizella on the head with her flute and says "You always think it's my fault," her mother interrupts them arguing and anastasia says that it's Drizella's fault. It's likely that anytime anastasia does something clumsy atau oleh accident that Drizella taunts and abuses her. It's likely that when anastasia is abusing cinderella it's just her taking out her frustration of being abused oleh her sister (to which her mother does not punish Drizella for) out on Cinderella. I'm not saying that this gives anastasia a good excuse to abuse cinderella because two wrongs don't make a right but I do understand it from a psychological sense. Also whenever their making fun of Cinderella, it's always Drizella who starts it and anastasia just follows to keep her mother's approval (who has raised her daughters to believe that cinderella is beneath them) and avoid taunting from Drizella. Drizella is the one who taunts the idea of cinderella going to the ball first and is the first one to destroy Cinderella's dress, anastasia merely followed, likely to avoid the disapproval of her mother and the taunting of her sister. Drizella is the lebih aggressive one who always starts the fights with anastasia and is the one who starts the taunting of Cinderella. Such as when anastasia accidentally steps on Drizella's dress and Drizella just pulls her dress, causing anastasia to trip and almost fall face down on the ground, humiliating her in front of the prince. Another instance is how anastasia is going over to the mirror to get ready for the Grand Duke but Drizella rudely just kicks anastasia out of the way. anda also can see in that exact scene that anastasia is nervous about the whole thing, likely because it's her chance to find cinta and marry the prince, where as Drizella isn't nervous at all but instead sees it as a way to improve her status, causing her to aggressively push anastasia out of her way to look in the mirror and get ready. Plus if anda notice in the scene where Lady Tremaine tells her daughters about the glass slipper and they start getting ready but they notice cinderella looks strange. anastasia simple balasa "What's the matter with her?" where as Drizella says "WAKE UP STUPID!" tampilkan that Drizella is definitely MUCH lebih aggressive and cruel than anastasia was. I will admit that for a LONG time I couldn't figure out why anastasia reformed but Drizella didn't. But when I think about it, anastasia was the softer and less aggressive one, so therefore she was the logical choice.

Cinderella 2: Dreams Come True
Now we get to anastasia actually redeeming herself, at least in this alternate universe, since the sequels don't exactly have continuity with each other. We see that anastasia is longing for romance and Drizella is akting abusive towards anastasia once again oleh pushing her out of the way so she can use her mirror and ruining Anastasia's ribbon. Her mother again is trying to get her daughter's married off and plans on using Cinderella's ball as an opportunity. She sees both of her daughters as ways to improve her social class and likely doesn't even cinta them, though whether atau not she loves them is debatable.

We also get to see anastasia fall in cinta with the local Baker but her mother forbids it because she thinks the Baker is beneath her, unfortunately anastasia is too afraid to go against her mother. I think this supports my theory that anastasia did what she did in the original to keep her mother's approval because I think she fears her mother. anastasia is quite timid and of course wants her mother's love, not knowing that her mother is too unfeeling to cinta anyone. anastasia seems to not know what real cinta atau happiness is. She can't even do a real smile because she's never had a real reason to genuinely smile. Her mother always taught her to be fake and plastic. A scene that I cinta that shows her genuinely smiling is when she gives a shy little girl a flower. When she's finally being kind and experiencing real love, she's finally happy and is able to let the true beauty inside of her out.

Speaking of beauty, I think I should talk about hers. Another reason I think she abused cinderella was because she was jealous of her drop dead gorgeous looks. In the original she was portrayed as ugly but in the sequels she's only portrayed as plain compared to Cinderella. The creators berkata they made her head shaped lebih appealing looking and made her smile beautiful. Unfortunately, she's not a conventionally beautiful young woman. She even says in this movie that she needs lebih than just a little help because she's so clumsy and plain. She has her make-over and is feeling beautiful for once in her life, almost like she was a princess and Cinderella. However, she loses her hope when she thinks she sees the Baker giving bunga to a pretty young girl (who is actually just a friend). She feels like a fool for thinking that anyone would cinta her because she's ugly and completely unloveable. She's never had real cinta in her life, not even from her own family (though we don't know much about her father), and for once she thought someone could cinta her but her hopes were ruined. She even says to the Baker when he finds her "Don't look at me! I look horrible!"

It's very true that neither one of them is conventionally attractive, so it's obvious that it wasn't their looks that they fell for. They could see what was inside the other. She saw a sweet, kind, caring, and romantic man who even fought a goat just to save one flower. He saw a woman who deep down had a good jantung and just needed someone to help her see the beauty that's inside. He couldn't care less what she looked like and loved her for who she was, knowing this caused anastasia to finally stand up to her mother, something she had never done before. Plus, I think she's beautiful in an unconventional way but she's even lebih beautiful on the inside, which is conventional.

It's in this movie was we start to see some similarities between cinderella and Anastasia. They both have dreams of happiness but are kept from it because of Lady Tremaine's prejudice (against Cinderella, which keeps her from Charming, and against the Baker, which keeps anastasia away from her happiness), both have an abusive sister, their dresses are ruined and they run off crying, anastasia receives help in gaining confidence and obtaining a lebih attractive appearance from cinderella (much like she did from her Fairy Godmother), both think they will have their happily ever after but their dreams are shattered and cry (Cinderella when she's locked in her room and anastasia when she thinks the Baker is giving bunga to a pretty young girl but is actually just a friend), and thanks to cinta and courage their dreams come true in the end. But they also grow a strong bond with each other because of Cinderella's kindness. cinderella is a very big person to forgive anastasia like that and even try to help her. I think she sees some of herself in anastasia and is grateful for the help she received, so she wants to help others, even Anastasia.

Cinderella 3: A Twist In Time
Once again, alternate universe, since the cinderella sequels don't have continuity with each other. But either way, both sequels have a thing about making anastasia complex, sympathetic, and redeemable. We see that anastasia and Drizella are both forced to become servants to their mother, who won't get off her lazy pantat, keledai to do anything. anastasia is still being abused oleh Drizella, who attacks anastasia just because she put some dishes in the sink. Along with that, suggests that her and Lady Tremaine beat anastasia with a stick, starts a food fight at the palace, constantly insults Anastasia, and even suggests to their mother to turn anastasia into a toad. And people wonder why Drizella was never redeemed? I sure as hell don't anymore!

We see that anastasia still wants cinta and even looks enviously at Charming and Cinderella. She steals Fairy Godmother's wand and accidentally turns her to stone, which she instantly regrets. She now gets a chance to be with the Prince but is also conflicted because she's taking away Cinderella's happy ending. She's been in Cinderella's shoes oleh being treated like her, not only oleh her own mother, but also oleh her sister who is a servant just like her. So she's walked a tahun in Cinderella's shoes, though now she's walking to the palace in one of her glass slippers.

This movie also adds to the theory that anastasia has never had real cinta in her life. When she keeps messing up when she's dancing with Charming, she seems afraid of what he'll say to her and keeps making excuses. When he's assuring her that it's alright and claims that he's probably just not up to tanggal on the latest dance steps. He showed her kindness and it actually confused her at first because she's never known genuine kindness, which is probably another reason why she was rude to cinderella when she was politely telling her good morning. She unfortunately mistakes kindness for true love. Charming does like anastasia but I think it was lebih of as a friend and not true cinta like he felt for Cinderella.

This also brings up an actually very peculiar but also very unique, interesting, and heartwarming relationship between anastasia and the King. There's a relationship anda never thought you'd see atau even think about. It reminds me of Toph and Iroh from Avatar: The Last Airbender, it's an odd relationship choice but it actually really works. anastasia is once again afraid of having to gain someones approval but it turns out that the King loves that anastasia is a horrible dancer. Why? Because it reminds him of his late wife, she used to step on his feet when they danced too, but he loved her anyway because she took very good care of his heart. He even gives her the Queen's most prized possession, a seashell that they found while walking along the pantai the hari they met. Their hands both touched it at the same time and when their hands touched they knew they had found true love. He helped anastasia realize what true cinta really is and even treated her like his own daughter.

Lastly, her redemption. When Charming brings back Cinderella, Lady Tremaine turns anastasia into Cinderella. So anastasia is about to have everything she thought she ever wanted: riches, a prince, power, jewels, her mother's approval, and now is even drop dead gorgeous. She has everything she thought she ever wanted but she's not happy because she's not herself and she wants someone who loves her for who she is, not as someone else. She's not even sure if she'll be happy atau if she even loves Charming. It's not until she touches his hand and realizes she doesn't, causing her to say "I..... don't..." at the wedding. She reunites cinderella and Charming oleh putting their hands together. She even turns herself back into her true form, saying goodbye to the conventionally beauty she had been jealous of since she was a little girl. She in the end earns Cinderella's forgiveness because that's the kind of person cinderella is. She's lebih of who we should be rather than a relatable person. It's very big of her to forgive anastasia because a lot of people wouldn't. It's not good to hold a grudge and we should learn to forgive those who have caused us pain, whether atau not they want forgiveness atau not, because you'll feel SO MUCH better and you'll be the bigger person. cinderella shows this message perfectly and anastasia feels bad for what she's done but doesn't ask for forgiveness because she knows she doesn't deserve it. That's made clear with how she offers the King back the Queen's seashell because she says she doesn't deserve it. But she's shown to deserve forgiveness because "everyone deserves true love."

Once Upon A Time In Wonderland
Just so anda know, I'm not going to talk about the anastasia Tremaine from the live-action cinderella because there is no complexity atau layers to her. This anastasia Tremaine (played oleh Emma Rigby), I will talk about. She's the only reason I watched this inferior spin-off, though at the time she was just the Red queen and it wasn't until one of the last five episodes that they revealed her to be anastasia Tremaine oleh bringing up that she thought that if the prince had chosen her instead of her step-sister that her mother would of loved her. Coincidence? I THINK NOT! I think it's awesome that they're portraying her as sympathetic and complex even outside of the cinderella sequels. What's odd is that in the original TV series, cinderella actually wasn't one of the main characters and has only appeared in a handful of episodes in all four seasons but anastasia is one of the main characters in the spin-off.

Lady Tremaine continues to cause a lot of emotional problems for anastasia oleh criticizing her for being with the one she loves, saying she knew she wasn't queen atau princess material but that she should have at least landed a nobleman, basically calls her a disgrace, disowns her, and says that when (since she believes that anastasia will come crawling back to her) she comes back to bring a bucket because she'll only be welcomed back oleh being a servant cleaning her chamber pot. This caused anastasia to make bad choices in Wonderland, such as leaving her true cinta for the Red King and not going back to her cinta before the wedding (like she intended to after having detik thoughts), because she felt that she had to prove herself, that she needed someones approval, and feared that she would die a nobody that nobody cared about. She even uses that pain to help her learn magic and for once feels empowered.

She starts off in the tampil as one of the two antagonists, the other being Jafar (played oleh Naveen Andrews), who are trying to get Alice (played oleh Sophie Lowe) to make all three of her wishes from her true love/genie, Cyrus (played oleh Peter Gadiot). The reason for this is because they need three certain genie lamps in order to change the laws of magic (you can't bring back the dead, anda can't make someone cinta you, and anda can't change the past) but they can't do that until Alice as made all three of her wishes. anastasia wants to change the laws because she wants to change the past and stop herself from ever leaving her true cinta Will Scarlet/The Knave of Hears (played oleh Michael Socha), who is the Once Upon A Time counterpart of The Baker and was actually Alice's traveling companion. She reforms and joins the heroes side. At the end of the tampil she goes from the Red queen to the White Queen, with her White King, Will, oleh her side ruling Wonderland in peace and harmony.

anastasia is an amazing, complex, sympathetic, developed, and tragically underrated character. She's one of my favorit fictional characters and one of my favorit disney characters. I actually cinta her lebih than all of the disney Princesses, except Ariel, of course. I hope I have helped people see that there is lebih to anastasia than they think and that her reforming isn't completely out of no where. Please komentar and let me know what anda think.
I know that most people don’t like Snow White, they either don’t like the princess atau the movie atau even both. I’m not going to try to change anyone’s opinion about this movie but I am going to try and point out what makes this movie important and hopefully I may persuade a few to change their minds.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was Disney’s first movie was premiered December 21, 1937. It was a huge hit and quickly disney became known around the U.S.A. oleh its widespread release in 1938 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs earned four times lebih money than any other movie released that...
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posted by Swanpride
Someone in the disney merchandise department seems to have decided that Belle’s bunga is the rose – a decision I don’t really agree with. Yes, I know, the rose is featured very prominently in the movie. But it’s not really a symbol for Belle; it’s a symbol the need of the Beast to find true love. Which is, btw, the meaning of red roses: True Love. Seeing Belle as the rose, she would be symbolically under glass for the whole movie, and that doesn’t suit her character at all. In fact, shortly after the Beast puts the glass over his rose possessively, Belle flees from the castle....
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All right, here's the results of the Favourite Pocahontas Character Countdown! And also my first article, so take a look at the results and (hopefully) enjoy!

15. Ratcliffe
The bad guy of the movie proves to be the least favourite character of most fanpoppers too. Not surprising, considering he isn't one of the most powerful villains in disney history. He's just greedy and doesn't understand the Indians. Nothing that makes anda hide behind the dipan, sofa with your hands over your eyes.

"I HATE people like him." - fhghu

"He gets on my nerves. Not the best villain either. He's too much of a sissy...
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Alright, confession time: I set out to do this role model countdown with a certain level of zeal that I'm sure surprised some of you, but truth be told: it's part of some deeper research I've been working on for a while.
As many of you, I'm a student of both film and feminism, and I'm particularly fascinated oleh how women are portrayed and have evolved in disney animation. I've been researching and menulis about my findings with disney and feminism for a while, but I wanted to see what anda GUYS, the devoted fans, see in your favorit (or least favorite) heroines. Are they truly good role models?...
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 But Daddy - just one lebih cream-coated yoghurt kismis sponge cake... PLEASE?
But Daddy - just one more cream-coated yoghurt raisin sponge cake... PLEASE?
This idea sort of hit me in the face whilst I was doodling in the back of my French book on Tuesday when I should have been doing a listening exercise about someone wanting to be a doctor. What if Ariel didn't want our world for our rongsokan, sampah and our legs but our marvellous food? That underwater stuff must be dead gross.
I actually started menulis this around a doodle of fat Ariel, but yeah. My French book's at school so improvisation time!

Basically, fat Ariel has gained a lot of weight recently and her father has forbidden her from eating any lebih of this awful barbaric human junk. He's put her...
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 Little did they know, they just had their pantat, keledai handed to them oleh a girl on the first day.
Little did they know, they just had their pantat, keledai handed to them oleh a girl on the first day.

10.The Chinese Recruits vs. Themselves
What can be said? This is a hilarious battle that poor mulan started that resulted in a big pile up at the end. But it's not a serious battle, nor is it significant to the movie in any way. It's just a fun little fight.

"Hilarious, but not really significant. :P" (aiemerrysirius)

"This is pure silliness." (tigerranma)

 Townsperson: I just got my pantat, keledai kicked oleh a stove.
Townsperson: I just got my pantat, keledai kicked oleh a stove.

9.The Servants vs. The Townspeople
Probably the most comical fight in disney history. Each of...
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 Another bun, yay!
Another bun, yay!

10.Tiana's bun from building site
Many people dislike this hairstyle, I have no idea why. Maybe because they, I don't know, wanted to see her hair LOOSE at once. But no, we got another - BUN, yay!

And the person who was really persistent to eliminate this one is: TigerRanma, so I gonna include some of her komentar for this one.
 "If anda don't like my bun, one out of 20, I will kick anda with this hammer"
"If anda don't like my bun, one out of 20, I will kick anda with this hammer"

"I don't like buns that much. She's dressed all casual in this scene. Would've been nice to see it loose here for a change instead of all the buns."

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9.Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Finally, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves gets last place. I'm sick of it winning first place everytime. This film is so overrated and overappreciated.

.....Most people berkata Snow White's voice was annoying and the songs were bad. That's all I have to say. I refuse to write any lebih hatred about this film. From now on whenever I write artikel I'm just automatically going to put Snow White last, atau not even bother including it in countdowns, as it's going to lose anyway.

"ANd I hate Snow White's bernyanyi voice! Horrible!" (skypirate)

"I only like Heigh Ho...
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This is the results of a countdown I did it's not my personal opinion if it was than it would be completely different but I agree with the puncak, atas two anyway don't get upset this isn't my opinion this is what the people of fanpop think though I completely disagree with alot of this some of the animasi was terrible some were okay some were good though unfortunatly Snow White and Tiana are not on the daftar because they have no sequels but I bet they would be good if they did I cinta all disney sequels except for THAT HORRIBLE POCAHONTAS SEQUEL
 12.Belle in enchanted natal I completely disagree with this I think she looks okay but people think she was poorly animated
12.Belle in Enchanted Christmas I completely disagree with this I think she looks okay but people think she was poorly animated
 11.Aurora in enchanted Tales I disagree I think she looks great but people think she looks like fanart and not a good one
11.Aurora in Enchanted Tales I disagree I think she looks great but people think she looks like fanart and not a good one
 10.Belle in Belle's Magical World I agree she has looked better she's still beautiful in this movie but as alot of people includeing me have berkata the animasi is poor
10.Belle in Belle's Magical World I agree she has looked better she's still beautiful in this movie but as alot of people includeing me have said the animation is poor
 9.Jasmine in The Return of Jafar the animasi isn't that good but she's still beautiful but fanpop thinks she dosn'tlook like melati
9.Jasmine in The Return of Jafar the animation isn't that good but she's still beautiful but fanpop thinks she dosn'tlook like Jasmine
 8.Ariel in Return To The Sea I think she's still beautiful but I think she looks the worse she looks OLD but atleast she looks good for her age
8.Ariel in Return To The Sea I think she's still beautiful but I think she looks the worse she looks OLD but atleast she looks good for her age
 7.Cinderella in Dreams Comes True she is still beautiful but bad animasi and that her lips are red when in the original they were a natural pinkish persik color
7.Cinderella in Dreams Comes True she is still beautiful but bad animation and that her lips are red when in the original they were a natural pinkish peach color
 6.Pocahontas in Journey To A New World the animasi looks okay dispite the horrible story I guss people voted for her because she left John Smith atau whatever
6.Pocahontas in Journey To A New World the animation looks okay dispite the horrible story I guss people voted for her because she left John Smith or whatever
 5.Jasmine in The King of Thieves the animasi is okay she looks like a lovely bride her and aladdin finally get married but people thought she didn't look like melati
5.Jasmine in The King of Thieves the animation is okay she looks like a lovely bride her and Aladdin finally get married but people thought she didn't look like Jasmine
 4.Jasmine in enchanted Tales she looks absoutly gorgeous she almost looks as good as the original good animasi but some people on fanpop found something off about her
4.Jasmine in Enchanted Tales she looks absoutly gorgeous she almost looks as good as the original good animation but some people on Fanpop found something off about her
 3.Mulan in mulan 2 the animasi was good she looks gorgeous plus she finally gets married but some people thought she didn't look like her original self
3.Mulan in Mulan 2 the animation was good she looks gorgeous plus she finally gets married but some people thought she didn't look like her original self
 2.Cinderella in cinderella 3 A Twist In Time I agree with this spot for her she looks gorgeous some people think she looked lebih beautiful in the third than the original movie I think her hair looks gorgeous when she's banished and is on the perahu
2.Cinderella in Cinderella 3 A Twist In Time I agree with this spot for her she looks gorgeous some people think she looked more beautiful in the third than the original movie I think her hair looks gorgeous when she's banished and is on the boat
 1.Ariel in Ariel's Beginning I agree she looks gorgeous almost as good as the original some think she look even prettier than the original she won the spot as number one looking the best in sequel truely gorgeous
1.Ariel in Ariel's Beginning I agree she looks gorgeous almost as good as the original some think she look even prettier than the original she won the spot as number one looking the best in sequel truely gorgeous
This is the results of a countdown I did it's not my personal opinion though I agree with most of the results but not all of the results please keep in mind I didn't make the daftar the people chosed it their all beautiful but their(except for Snow White Aurora and cinderella in her first and detik film but in the third she's heroic) not damsels in distress they don't wait for their prince to save them they try to rescue themselves they can slay their own dragon they can dream their own dreams their not like cinderella sitting in a dark old dusty ceiler atau Snow White and Aurora waiting for a prince to come and save them they rather rescue themselves.
 9.Aurora she's considered the least heroic because she's a damsel in distress she barly did anything except waited for her prince and sleep
9.Aurora she's considered the least heroic because she's a damsel in distress she barly did anything except waited for her prince and sleep
 8.Snow White she's considered slightly lebih heroic than Aurora probably because she has lebih personality than Aurora but she didn't do anything heroic just waited for her prince to come
8.Snow White she's considered slightly more heroic than Aurora probably because she has more personality than Aurora but she didn't do anything heroic just waited for her prince to come
 7.Cinderella she's not heroic at all in the first and detik but is very heroic in the third she's willing to fight for her prince and her happily ever after and doesn't wait around for someone to help her
7.Cinderella she's not heroic at all in the first and second but is very heroic in the third she's willing to fight for her prince and her happily ever after and doesn't wait around for someone to help her
 6.Jasmine she's heroic in the series she saves aladdin and Genie and distracts Jafar while aladdin tries to steal the lamp but fanpop thinks she's not heroic because she didn't save anybody in the movie
6.Jasmine she's heroic in the series she saves Aladdin and Genie and distracts Jafar while Aladdin tries to steal the lamp but fanpop thinks she's not heroic because she didn't save anybody in the movie
 5.Belle she's heroic for she saved the beast and her father but fanpop think her heroicness is lebih in words and she's a damsel in distress in the serigala sceen
5.Belle she's heroic for she saved the beast and her father but fanpop think her heroicness is more in words and she's a damsel in distress in the wolf sceen
 4.Tiana she's one of the very few princesses who actually kills the villian but people think it was an acident rather than on purpose
4.Tiana she's one of the very few princesses who actually kills the villian but people think it was an acident rather than on purpose
 3.Ariel she the very first heroic princess she saved Flonder from being eaten oleh a hiu and Eric twice and killed the minions and in the broadway version she killed Ursula but they think the other two are lebih heroic than her
3.Ariel she the very first heroic princess she saved Flonder from being eaten by a shark and Eric twice and killed the minions and in the broadway version she killed Ursula but they think the other two are more heroic than her
 2.Pocahontas she stoped a war and the hate between two different worlds and saved her true cinta but there is one who is lebih heroic than her
2.Pocahontas she stoped a war and the hate between two different worlds and saved her true love but there is one who is more heroic than her
 1.Mulan we all knew she would win from the very beginning she saved her father her cinta intreast the emperor and all of china and killed the villian she's definatly the most heroic
1.Mulan we all knew she would win from the very beginning she saved her father her love intreast the emperor and all of china and killed the villian she's definatly the most heroic
For sure, all Disney’s girls have amazing hair, but some are better than others. Here they are in order voted on fanpop:
 Cute, black and short
Cute, black and short

9.Snow White: last as always. People don’t really like her hair “black as ebony tree” probably because of its shortness. Although cute, her hair can’t really compare to others because there’s not much to do with, can’t make any hairdo of it, it can’t float on wind and it always looks like mass of something, not hair.
 Blond-brown with bangs
Blond-brown with bangs

8.Cinderella: Another girl with short hair. We never really figured out is her hair brown...
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posted by disney_prince
Main Spot:

The Official disney Princesses:
link from link (1937)
link from link (1950)
link from link (1959)
link from link (1989)
link from link (1991)
link from link (1992)
Pocahontas from link (1995)
Mulan from link (1998)
link from link (2009)
link from link (2010)
link from link (2012)

Disney Princess related:

Additional disney Princesses / Heroines:
Alice from link (1951)
Wendy from link (1953)
link from link (1953)
Maid Marian from link (1973)
link from link (1985)
link from link (1994)
link from link (1996)
link from link (1997)
link from link...
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posted by princecatcher93
 I ship Ship and Water
I ship Ship and Water
So, I got this idea from the amazing CRaZy_rawR's. I'm a crossover and I like menulis crossovers.None of them are the meriam couple.
L = cinta Relationship: Like Belle and Adam, Ariel and Eric
F= Family Relationship: Like Elsa and Anna
FR = Friend Relationship: Tiana and Charlotte
ER = Enemy Relationship: Me and anda guys jk! mulan and Shan Yu.
Okay anda ready?

My Little Ships

Snow White and Naveen: FR
Ship Name: Snow Frog
I don't know why, but I think Snow and Naveen would be great friends, both enjoy each other. They would be great friends, her with her sweet sass and him with his sexy sass. I...
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It's been discussed lately which princess is lebih Mary Sue-ish. Belle, Snow White, Rapunzel, Cinderella... all these have been mentioned. I'm ashamed to say that I berkata (that sounds strange) that Rapunzel was the most Mary Sue-ish princess (though I also berkata there was a far marge from her to a Mary Sue).

I wish we would stop talking about which princess is the most Mary Sue-ish, because none of them are. In this artikel I'm going to try and prove it. I'll daftar some flaws they have, and I'm going to name what I think is their fatal flaw. I'm dividing these artikel oleh era, because I need to...
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added by cheerswag813
added by JaDangerz
Source: disney
added by tiffany88
Source: disney kubah, vault
NOTE ♥ This is not necessarily my personal opinion but the majority of Fanpoppers' choices.

9. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Despite its lack of appreciation on Fanpop, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs remains an iconic film praised for its groundbreaking animation. Before Snow White, animasi in America was used primarily for silly short stories and propoganda. It was considered absurd when Walt himself first embraced the idea of creating a full-length, animated feature film. Critics all thought that no one would ever take a simple, overstretched cartoon seriously on the big screen....
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added by princesslullaby
posted by dimitri_is_hot
I'm sorry, I was really lazy so I photoshopped quickly and some not at all. Even I disagree on some of them. Well, let me know which celebrity anda think could play a disney princess!!!

Liv Tyler as Ariel
I think that Liv's face is fresh and she can rock the red lipstick and the hair.

Rachel Mcadams as Aurora
Rachel's lips and blonde hair reminded me of Aurora. They also both have the same body type.

Natalie Portman as Belle
I'm not sure what it is, maybe it's the feminine traits.

Scarlett Johansson as Cinderella
Scarlett's lips and eyes make me think of Cinderella.

Nicole Scherzinger...
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