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So sorry this took SO long!!

Female characters today are a far cry from the demure, lady-like heroines of the Classic Age of Disney. They are allowed to wield weapons, they are allowed to lead rebellions, they are allowed to be the brains of the operation. But on the other hand, have we really shed the need to fit every character into a preconceived ideal? Really, I’d say the female characters of today are every bit as idealized as those of the pre-Civil Rights era, simply reflecting our ideals of our modern society, juggling a career, relationship (or entirely rejecting one,) and challenging the ideals of her oppressive environment along the way. And now I’ll get off my soapbox; that took a lot of effort not to start ranting about why I absolutely hate the modern “strong” female archetype.

Tiana is a prime example of the one-woman juggling act often expected of women and their fictional counterparts. However, one thing I find uncharacteristic about her story is that, unlike most, it emphasizes that anda have to set priorities, where most simply emphasize “having it all.”

Positives: Tiana is extremely self-motivated and driven. She takes it upon herself to own her own restaurant and nothing is going to get in her way. She takes on the jobs, she serves the food at Lottie’s party (okay, not much of a sacrifice, but still-) Tiana just does whatever it takes to reach her goals. Tiana can also be very good at problem solving. When Louis got stuck in the pohon trunk, she found that fluffy stuff, whatever it was (I live in pretty much the exact opposite of a swamp) and got him to sneeze in order that they were able to start moving again. She also apparently has raft-building abilities. Tiana is also a very good friend to Lottie. I know we normally extol Charlotte’s virtues for this friendship, but recently I understood just how impressive Tiana’s loyalty is. And really, Tiana is generally loyal. She is still working years later for loyalty to her father.

Negatives: Tiana can be very narrow-minded. Let me ubah that- she IS very narrow-minded. She can think only of her restaurant in her entire young life. She tells Naveen she has never danced, a very common pastime in the 1920s. She clearly works herself ragged. I’m the type of person who becomes momentarily OBSESSED with a subject and then just as quickly devotes my time to something else- Tiana could not be berkata to share that vice. One vice Tiana DOES share with me is that whole “Oh, you’re struggling with that, let me help anda oleh tampilkan anda how good I am at this skill.” Yep, instead of actually helping Naveen mince, she just took the opportunity to tampil off her (astounding, admittedly) skills with a knife. Tiana also can be somewhat- elitist, should I say? Think “When I’m a human being/ at least I’ll act like one.” I mean, what exactly what was wrong with Louis’s dream? He wasn’t a Naveen, who dreamed of using people. He simply wanted “to play with the big boys” (now I have Prince of Egypt stuck in my head.) I think I can speak for all with musical aspirations when I say we are not impressed.

Neutral: Tiana can be pretty sarcastic. She has a hidden truly sassy side and can be quite sharp. Some of her conversations with Naveen once they begin to get lebih comfortable around each other are great examples of this. Tiana is also very devoted to what she loves. Obviously, she loves her cooking. She doesn’t get bored with something easily. Once she finds something she loves, she gives it all her heart. Tiana is also very sensible and not romantic in her outlook on life (well, perhaps she can be that way when it comes to her restaurant, but other than that.) She keeps her mind on what is practical and not on the stuff of fantasy. While charlotte spends her time bermimpi about a prince to come sweep her off her feet, Tiana sits by, disgusted oleh the practical, unfantasized idea of ciuman an amphibian. Tiana looks to dreams that she herself can accomplish and that she can accomplish based on the efforts of herself.

Border: Tiana is unfailingly hard-working. Yep, I bet anda thought that was coming in positives. But, ultimately, it is often also her greatest weakness (that truism is certainly applicable to her.) Just how much sleep does she get- atau lebih to the point, not get? A good work ethic is always a virtue in a person, but Tiana can just take it too far. Tiana is also incredibly determined. This is good because it gives her the drive she needs to complete her goals, but it is also a bad thing because it causes her to be narrow-minded. She often can’t look beyond a narrow scope that leads to her goal. She might ignore the physical toll her actions are taking on her body in order to work that one extra shift because she is so focused on the end goal that she really doesn’t pay mind to the means. Heck, look what she’s willing to do to get the money she needs for her restaurant when she loses her big chance from Lottie.
 Hardworking and realistic, often to a fault
Hardworking and realistic, often to a fault

Rapunzel shows one take on the modern feminine mold which takes a slightly different approach than we are used to seeing currently. Where as many (if not close to all) modern female protagonists are not allowed to be feminine, Rapunzel is allowed to be the heroine of her own story wearing- no, not berwarna merah muda, merah muda (every US gymfan now take a deep breath of relief) but purple. Her weapon is a frying pan. She is allowed to completely maintain her (traditional) femininity and still be the decider of her own destiny.

Positives: As we have discussed time and again on here, Rapunzel has a plethora of positive traits. Where do I even begin with Rapunzel? Okay, I’ll start with this one- Rapunzel is very brave. It took a lot of guts to leave that tower. Not just because the outside world was an entirely new territory for her, but also because of what Mother Gothel had put her through her whole life. Rapunzel had been told her entire life that she wasn’t good enough to last in the outside world, but Rapunzel left anyway. It was also brave of her to take a stand against Mother Gothel in the end, again because of all that Gothel had manipulated her to believe about herself. What was most brave of her, however, was when she was willing to give up her freedom to save Flynn. She was willing to give herself up for the good of Flynn. Rapunzel is also ridiculously intelligent. She is able to teach herself to read and win at chess. She also can find very practical uses to problems. Rapunzel is also very resourceful. Look at all the hobbies she was able to take up in her time in the tower! She pursues many artistic ventures, such as painting, paper mache, and guitar. She also, however, finds many different outlets for her energy. She climbs, bakes cleans the tower (in 15 minutes!?), reads, and plays games with Pascal.

Negatives: Rapunzel has often been criticized for a lack of flaws. One negative, however, is her insecurity. Due to how Gothel has undermined her, she lacks the courage of her convictions and is easily scared, especially when she first leaves the tower. She can’t be confident in her decisions and, especially after she first leaves, she goes back on her judgment quite a bit. Rapunzel is also quite naïve. I know many people say this is caused oleh her time in the tower, but I disagree. Rapunzel always believes that people are going to be good to her. She knows Flynn will take her to the lights and won’t take advantage of her. She believes that oleh pleading her case, she can make the pub thugs do what she wants. She also believes Mother Gothel was right all along and will take her halaman awal to care for her again.

Neutral: Rapunzel is very artistic and creative. She covers the walls of her tower in her spare time, obviously. For someone who spend her entire life trapped in a tower and only has factual buku for reference, she certainly seems to have plenty of inspiration! Rapunzel is also a romantic. Not only does she believe in ideas of one true cinta and happily ever after, she has a whimsical and idyllic look on the world. She believes that one experience catching a man off-guard with a frying pan means she can take on whatever it is the world has in store for her. She also is certain that she can appeal to the pub thugs’ better side in bernyanyi about how it is her DREAM to see the lanterns. She is determined that the lights mean something to her. Rapunzel is also someone who prefers the journey to the destination. When she berkata she was scared because she was worried the lights weren’t going to be everything she hoped they would be, I remember just being so blown away that somebody had actually put that feeling I had into words. Rapunzel actually enjoyed the journey on her way to the lights better than the lights themselves.

Border: Rapunzel strives to see the better in people. Like with Snow White, many times this becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, because she just charms them so much that they are willing to gabung her side. She does this with the Pub Thugs and Flynn as well. We all know that at first, Flynn was just going along with Rapunzel to get his tas back. He even tried to convince her not to go at all. However, he eventually comes to cinta her. However, this can lead to gullibility from her and she can end up being used. This is shown when Gothel comes to bring her back to the tower, and she follows her unquestioningly. This part of her nature can also lead her to be easily disappointed and broken, like when she saw Flynn “sailing” away and was brought back to the tower. Rapunzel also seeks approval from everyone. Again, while this leads her to find the good in so many people, it can also lead her to doubt herself and do what she is not comfortable with. We see this harm her throughout the entire beginning of the movie. She stays in the tower and lets herself be used oleh Gothel for her hair. She also doubts herself when she very first leaves her tower. She is constantly going back and forth between “This is fantastic!” to “I should never have done this.” When Gothel finds her in the woods, Rapunzel again begins to doubt herself. Rapunzel also feels that her entire outing was wrong when she returns to the tower and Gothel gets a hold of her again. It’s so sad to see Rapunzel’s development and newfound freedom and independence come crashing down around her. Rapunzel’s need for affirmation can hurt her.
 Intelligent, romantic, but in many ways (understandably) damaged
Intelligent, romantic, but in many ways (understandably) damaged

And now we come to the princess I’m using as the excuse for this incredibly late article. I watched this movie recently for this article, and I’ve got to say, I was actually impressed with brave and Merida. I definitely think Merida is diberikan way less credit than she deserves. Merida may be a bit difficult to do, seeing as the movie is focused around her growth, development, and change, but there are definitely parts of her personality that are staples of who she is as a person.

Positives: Merida is fearless. Now, I’m not going to go with “brave” here because “brave” has lebih to do with facing fears. And we’ll get to that in a moment. But Merida is strong, confident, and determined in everything she does. Think about when she climbed the api Falls. Think about all the wild rides she took. Think about when she followed the wisps. Merida “laughs in the face of danger,” to quote Simba. Merida, in the end, however, is also very brave. She stands between her mother and her father, as well as between her mother and Mor’du. She even gets injured in her attempts to save her mother from her father. She also has to stand down the fighting clans in the hall while her mother is turned into a bear. She also must accept responsibility for the wrongs she committed in the end to turn her mother back into a human. Merida is also very crafty. Honestly, I don’t think I would have put together the “Eldest of the four clans” and “I’ll be shootin’ fer ma ohwn hand!” (Sorry, it’s just too fun to spell phonetically.) (But that also might mean that I’m just very stupid.) Argh, I know there was at least one lebih I had for this after I watched the movie, but I can’t remember it now! I guess I should have taken notes, haha! She does also distract the guards when she sees one noticing her mother. Also, I’m assuming she was the one who came up with the shadow puppets and voice amplification her brothers used to get the men on a chase while she snuck her mother out.

Negative: Merida certainly had plenty of flaws, though I must admit, that’s part of why I enjoy her so much! Merida, especially at the beginning, is very defiant and rebellious. Now, there is a difference between being independent and defiant, and I’d say Merida definitely crosses that line. While Merida certainly is independent, she is also disrespectful and blatantly defies her mother. “I’ll NEVER be like you!” and “I’ll be shootin’g fer ma ohwn hand!”, even though that is probably my favorit line of the movie. Even in her quieter moments, such as when she pulls her hair out of her wimple, she certainly shows her displeasure. Along with that, Merida has quite a temper on her. How can anyone forget the scene where she rips the tapestry and is hacking notches into her bed? Again, along with being defiant and intemperate, Merida is very stubborn. She is always determined to have her own way. She does whatever she can in her power to stop the marriage, even if it involves causing conflict and, again defying her mother. Also, in the beginning of the film especially, Merida is not the most responsible. This can be displayed oleh her constant cries of “It’s NOT mah folt” (I’m really getting carried away with this- in case any of anda out there are Scottish, I cinta the Scottish accent and just find spelling out phonetically fun!) But, yes, she is often trying to detract blame from herself until the end of the film when she finally accepts what she did was wrong (if she’d just done that earlier, her mother would have turned into a human so much sooner!) Also, Merida can be very selfish. Think about when she could hear her mother was audibly in pain and all Merida could ask about was whether she had reconsidered the marriage. Merida even accepted that she had been very selfish when she defied the laws when she was speaking in front of the clansmen.

Neutral: Merida is very adventurous. She seeks it at every chance, such as when she climbs the Crone’s Tooth and drinks from the api Falls and her constant riding. She follows the wisps to try to find her fate and works carefully to get the witch to do what she asks of her. Merida is also quite a tomboy. She is honestly the only princess I would truly classify as a tomboy. She rejects all of the princessly duties that her mother expect from her. She chooses to do everything that is typically classified for the men in her society. Merida loves riding and archery. Merida is also surprisingly eloquent. She had a very good speech prepared for Elinor when she was talking to Angus, and also was able to speak very well before the clansmen, even before Elinor was prompting her. Her speech when she apologizes is also very touching. It’s not something often pointed out, but Merida is quite well spoken.

Border: Merida can also be a very literal thinker. She can take things as their word. When she hears “Fate be changed, look inside, mend the bond torn oleh pride,” Merida believes the witch means Merida needs to stitch up the tapestry. This, in itself, is not necessarily a bad thing, but it does not always serve her well. This leads her down the completely wrong path until the very end of the film when her time is almost up. Merida is also independent. Independence it itself is a very good thing, but, like I berkata earlier, this can often lead to Merida’s defiance. She wants to be free to find cinta in her own time and not to be forced into a marriage of which she wants no part, which, as if we haven’t learned from practically every other DP movie, is a very admirable viewpoint. However, she is so determined to get her way that she is blind to the consequences of her actions. This not only leads to her conflict with her mother but also almost plunges the clans into war. While independence in itself is very admirable, Merida is independent to the point of defiant.
 Independent, often to a fault
Independent, often to a fault

Again, I’m so so SO sorry that this artikel took so long to get posted! But I also want to thank anda for this experience. I feel that I’ve really come to view all the princesses in a different light from it and that I gained a greater understanding of them all.

 This is why I started spelling everything phonetically
This is why I started spelling everything phonetically
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