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Let me get this straight; I like all of these couples, and I think they are matched perfectly for one another, so if a couple anda like is in a low spot on the daftar doesn't mean they should not be together. Creating this daftar was definitely very hard, and some if these positions are still very debatable in my mind. I based this daftar based off the concept, the development, realistic aspects, etc.

10. cinderella and Prince Charming
This couple is my least favourite princess couple for a few reasons. Even though in the song "So This Is Love", it shows the two conversing with one another when they are not dancing, he asks for her name, meaning their conversation must not have been very deep, since he did not know her name, and it would be very awkward to spill everything about yourself to a person when neither of anda asked for the other's name. Also, Prince Charming only talks to her because if her looks. It is alright if anda are attracted to someone and then anda talk to them because anda find them interesting and attractive, but he did not care enough to ask for her name, and to find her himself the hari after the ball. Another problem is that they only spend time with each other in that one scene at the ball, and then a hari atau two later, they are married. It's not like they were betrothed a hari after the ball and waited a few months to a tahun and a half to get to know each other, they legit got married a hari atau two after the ball. There is a clear problem with this relationship, and many steps that need to take place in a relationship is automatically skipped over. This is why they are my least favourite couple.

9. Snow White and Prince
This couple has a lot in common with cinderella and Prince Charming; both interact only once before they spend the rest of their lives together, and both couples fall in cinta at first sight. They also barely have a conversation before they spend their lives together as well, but that is pretty much where the similarities end. Snow White is bernyanyi in her wishing well, wishing for a prince to find her and to cinta her, and when the Prince is strolling through the forest, he hears her and enamoured oleh her voice, so he hops over the dinding and i approaches her. After she runs into her kastil, castle and into the balcony, he serenades her, saying he loves her. This is an issue because they pearly have not met before, and he only hears her voice before serenading her. She fixes up herself, and kisses the merpati to send the ciuman to the prince, where the scene ends. The prince does not appear again until the very end of the film, when he kisses her, which is most likely a goodbye kiss, and bows his head in sorrow. She wakes up, hops into his arms, and goes with him to his castle. During the song "Someday My Prince Will Come", Snow White mentions that when spring is here, they will find their cinta to be renewed, and then birds will sing when they wed, implying that she wants to get married i the spring. Even though they do not get married at the end, Snow White implies that she wants to marry him soon, as the film looks like it takes place in the spring time. Like their successor (Cinderella and Prince Charming), they don't really have a relationship, as they are only in the infatuation stage, but anda can tell that they care for each other.

8. Belle and Beast
I know a lot of people are going to disagree with me on this one, but just hear me out for a moment. They do get to know each other, and they do not fall in cinta at first sight, but the time line issues hold this relationship back. Even though the film looks like it takes place within months, the evidence of the film points the timeline in the opposite direction, as the film seems like days instead. This would make the relationship between Bee and Beast really bad. In the first day, he is verbally abusing her and threatening her to gabung makan malam with him, she wants nothing to do with him, she sneaks into the West Wing, he gets upset and almost hits her (but she ducks), and leaves the castle. The hari after he rescues her and she tends his wounds, the "Something There" montage takes place, which makes it seem like so much time has passed, and then the "Beauty and the Beast" sequence happens in the evening. anda see the problem? The concept of this couple is beautiful (the smart beauty and the mean beast spend time to each other to see they have lebih in common then they thought, and the Beast learning to love), but he way they made they wrote the timeline and the relationship makes everything rushed. It is like they are glorifying an abusive relationship, and Stockholm Syndrome, which does not sit well. Just the way that the relationship and the timeline of the film really contradicts the meaning of the relationship and the message if the film, which is why I could not put them higher.

7. Aurora and Phillip
They are higher than the other three because this couple was not as rushed as the other three. Aurora and Phillip are different from their predecessors because they actually plan to get to know each other. Phillip hears Aurora bernyanyi in the forest, and approaches her (a bit too rough, but he had good intentions). They dance with each other for a while, and they end up cuddling, but then Aurora realizes that she has to go back home, he asks when can they see each other again, and she eventually says to come to her cottage later that night; they planned to get to know one another, but others had other plans which took place. After Phillip defeats Maleficent, he rushed up to the sleeping Aurora and kisses her. They reunite with their parents and dance until the film ends. This couple is this low because they only interact once before spending the rest of their lives together, as it is heavily implied that they will get married soon after, since they were betrothed, and Phillip did say he planned to marry her after he talked to his father.

6. mulan and Shang
This couple never gets high on most people's list, and that is because their relationship is not a romantic one until literally the last scene. I like the concept of them being together because Shang is calm and serious, while mulan is outspoken and lively, and they would balance each other out. The problem with this is that for a good amount of the movie, he does not even see her as a friend, and only appreciates and respects her after she proves that she is a good soldier. The obvious reason why this couple is a bit awkward is because she is disguised as a guy for most of the film. anda can tell that she is attracted to him off the bat, and he has this weird feeling about her, which some people think is very suspicious about Shang. During the "I'll Make a Man Out of You" montage, anda see that mulan improves as a soldier, which warns his respect. She saves his life when the Huns attack them, which ultimately gives her an injury. Because did this, the doctor reveals to the army that she is a girl, which is against the law and instead of killing her, he leaves her it int he snow, and they approach the city without her. There really isn't much to base a relationship off of, and they still do not know each other well enough yet, as they did no bond much during training. But at the last scene, he does go to her house, and stays for dinner, and they do get married a bulan later.

5. Ariel and Eric
The placings with this couple and couple #4 are pretty much interchangeable, but for some reason, I do not like the way this couple was executed. I say this because a big portion of her cinta for him came from looks. anda could say that what she saw of him in the boat, she could tell that he is very musical, likes dogs, and the fact that he wants to wait for love, but she only seems to care and mention about his looks, and the points above were definitely not enough information for her to go to the human works to win him over. In that same scene, Eric drowns and Ariel comes to save him. He slowly wakes up to hear her voice and catches a glimpse of her, before she swims underwater, and he is now determined to find her. At this point, he likes her for her voice, and she likes him for his looks. During the three days that they spend together, he learns that she is active and curious, and she learns that he likes goin to the village, and likes riding in the canoes. Since she has no voice, I is hard for them to communicate, and he does try to talk to her. After they both fall into the water, he gets hypnotized oleh Ursula, whom he believes is the girl with "the voice". Then after the wedding is foiled, Ursula is killed, and Ariel gets turned into a human oleh her father, they get married. They barely know anything about each other, and barely had a coherent conversation to get married that quickly. I know we are supposed to look at their actions, but most if their actions describe their physical attraction. So many things could have happened around in both ends, and I do not like the fact that she went through those lengths to be with him; they just enjoy each other's company, and barely learnt anything about each other. anda could tell that they like and belong together, but their relationship is not much better than their predecessors.

4. Tiana and Naveen
Like I berkata in Ariel and Eric's analysis, the placings with them and #4 can be quickly and easily changed. In that short part of "Down in New Orleans", anda see that they do not think much of each other, and they do not interact again until after Naveen is turned into a frog. When he talks to Tiana in Charlotte's room, he lies to her and tricks her into ciuman him, thinking she is a princess, and her being saddened becuse her dream got crushed, wanted the money he promised to her, kissed him and unknowingly turned into a frog as well. Both are angered oleh the other, since he finds out that she is not a princess, and she finds out that he is broke, and for getting them into the situation. When they go im this adventure to find Mama Odie to turn them back into humans, hey learn things about one another that they do not like, and end up despising each other more. After a few near death experiences, both learn that the other is not as bad as they thought, and they develop romantic feelings in the "Evangeline" song. After they almost kiss, she breaks away, and then she teaches him how to mince mushrooms. I like the concept of this relationship, and the message that both Naveen and Tiana need to learn how to balance their lives, and they are the other's half, and they do have chemistry, but their relationship is somewhat rushed and can come out of nowhere. And also Naveen change from being a playboy to a one lady man is not believable, and in reality, could cause disaster.

3. Pocahontas and John
Originally, Rapunzel and Flynn were my number 3, but after membaca Maryksand's article, I agrees with much of what she said, and the issues with this relationship. John Smith senses someone following him (Pocahontas), and loads his gun to prepare to shoot at the thing. He was going to hop and shoot without hesitation, but Pocahontas was ready. As he pounced, she have him the pose and gaze that he could not resist. When he is about to approach her, she runs off, and he grabs her not wanting her to go. They have trouble understanding each other until the "Listen With Your Heart" song where she understands him😑. They talk about eachother's worlds, and John offends her calling her and her people savages and that they do not know how to use their land. Then she sings the signature song "Colours of the Wind" and his entire perception changes. At the end of the song, anda could tell they want to hold and ciuman eachother with a lot of passion. anda could tell they are but interested in eachother, and like eachother, oleh they still so not know much about eachother. John wants to see her again, so he looks for her and finds her in the jagung fields, where Nakoma finds ou about Pocahontas' affair with John. They learn lebih and lebih abou eachother and their people, and they can no longer deny their attraction for each other, so they make out, but Thomas and Kokuom see them, them Kokuom attacks John, Thomas kills Kokuom, and then the climax takes place. During the "If I Never Knew You" song, they talk about how they feel, and anda could tell how attracted to eachother they are in this song, oleh the way they hold and caress eachother. Then at the climax, Pocahontas saves John's life and stops the war, but unfortunately Governor Ratcliffe did not like this, and attempted to shoot Chief Powathan, but Jihn leaped and took the shot for him. His injuries end up having to cause him to leave Virginia and separates him from Pocahontas. Even though they do have chemistry and they do get to know eachother, their cultural and personal differences would eventually get in the way (Duncan and Courtney from Total Drama). Their relationship does start from a shaky start, and they would have to do A LOT for their relationship to last

2. Rapunzel and Flynn
A few days ago, this couple was at my number 5, then moved up to number three, and about half an jam ago, they went up to number 2, which I am surprised of, since I do not think much if eithe person. They are above most couples because their relationship is the most stable, they spend a lot of time together, and their attraction to one another were not rushed. Flynn enters the tower to hide, thinking no one was there, but gets I Ickes it with a frying pan oleh Rapunzel (was that supposed to be funny?), taking his tas which unknowingly holds her crown that he wants to sell. They come up with a proposition that when he takes her to the lanterns, she will give him back his satchel, and can go their separate ways. Flynn tries to get her to back out, so he can just get his tas and leave, because he is initially selfish, and thinks she is a nuisance. When they reach the pubs, the guys want to hurt him, and she saves him, and they help Rapunzel and Flynn escape when Mother Gothel and the guards are looking for him. After they escape the tunnel, they are surrounded oleh guards, and they fight them off with the frying pan (they are trying way too hard to get a laugh), and bond, just like Tiana and Naveen did. They talk about their past and dreams, and at this point, it is obvious that they like each other. The selanjutnya day, they spend time together in Corona and their feelings grow, and when they reach to the boats, they sing "I See The Light" and declare their cinta for one another. After this, Flynn gets sold out oleh the Sabbington Brothers, Mother Gothel takes Rapunzel back to the tower, and the climax takes place. After Flynn is stabbed, his last words were "You were my new dream" 😑. A hari and a half ago, anda wanted to send her away and were a selfish douchebag, and now she's my new dream? His development is another story. Is it only me that is disturbed oleh their age difference? 8 years! Their relationship is built up right, it was not rushed, and anda could tell they like each other, but I don't see much chemistry between the two that I see with the other couples, which is why I initially had them lower.

1. aladdin and melati
To me, this couple is oleh far the most realistic DP couples. They have conversation, have chemistry, relate to one another, and their relationship is not rushed. melati runs away from halaman awal to live her own life and to get freedom, and as soon as she reaches the town, she immediately catches Aladdin's attention, as she stands out to him in lebih than one way. She ends up in trouble after she gives a boy an apel, apple without paying, and as she is about to get her hand amputated, aladdin comes to her rescue and gets her out of that situation oleh pretending that she is ill. They end up at his house where they talk about their dreams and realize that they both want the same thing. At this point, they are attracted to each other physically and emotionally. They both create an excuse to pindah closer to each other and almost kiss, but then the guards cockblock them, as aladdin gets arrested and melati returns to the castle. They don't see each other again until the "Prince Ali" song, but they both have had each other on their minds the entire time. He creates this lie that he was a prince to impress her, because when he found out that she was a princess, he thought she was laughing at him. melati does not like "Prince Ali, and only talks to him when she sees him without his turban, recognizing him. He used the same mannerisms that he did at the marketplace, so she knew it was him. They sing "A Whole New World" together, and when they reach China, she wants him to tell her the truth, but he says that he is a prince who dresses as a pauper as a disguise, which she understood since she did the same thing. They ride back to her balcony, say goodnight, and awkwardly pindah closer to one another, but Carpet forces them to have a steamy kiss, and then they give each other the "I want anda now" look. He continues to pretend until he is a prince, but after an argument with Genie, he decides that he should tell her, but never gets the chance because of Jafar, who becomes sultan and sends him away, which causes the climax. After Jafar is defeated, they know they can't be together, and he apologizes for lying to her, and she understands why he did it. Her father changes the law, and they celebrate oleh riding the carpet to go somewhere, and there is no indication atau clue about marriage at the end of the movie. I like this couple because their relationship is believable, and anda are rooting for them together and both of them as individuals.

10. cinderella and Charming
9. Snow White and Prince
8. Belle and Beast
7. Aurora and Phillip
6. mulan and Shang
5. Ariel and Eric
4. Tiana and Naveen
3. Pocahontas and John
2. Rapunzel and Flynn
1. melati and Aladdin

I hope anda enjoyed membaca my DP couples list. komentar about your opinions in the couples and the list.
 We meet at a ball, barely have a conversation, and we'd the selanjutnya hari
We meet at a ball, barely have a conversation, and we'd the next day
 We somewhat sing a duet, and in the spring, wedding bells will ring as the birds sing
We somewhat sing a duet, and in the spring, wedding bells will ring as the birds sing
 I want to yell and hit anda one day, the selanjutnya hari something is there, and the selanjutnya hari we'll be dancing all night long
I want to yell and hit you one day, the next day something is there, and the next day we'll be dancing all night long
 We met each other Once Upon a Dream, dance with one another, and reunite as we are already betrothed
We met each other Once Upon a Dream, dance with one another, and reunite as we are already betrothed
 I want to make a man out of you, but now that anda are a woman, definitely not
I want to make a man out of you, but now that you are a woman, definitely not
 Even though I do not know you, I will already make sacrifices for anda because I am attracted to you, and we'd before we have a verbal conversation
Even though I do not know you, I will already make sacrifices for you because I am attracted to you, and we'd before we have a verbal conversation
 I hated anda for turning me into a frog, start to like you, and we'd as frogs when there is nothing else to do
I hated you for turning me into a frog, start to like you, and we'd as frogs when there is nothing else to do
 anda almost shoot me, call my people savages, but anda are so interesting, and anda could no resist the pose
You almost shoot me, call my people savages, but you are so interesting, and you could no resist the pose
 Even though we are almost a decade apart, anda have shown me the light and anda are my new dream
Even though we are almost a decade apart, you have shown me the light and you are my new dream
 anda are so hot, and we have tampil much in common, I will definitely tampil anda a whole new world in my tempat tidur
You are so hot, and we have show much in common, I will definitely show you a whole new world in my bed
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