Danielle Peazer Club
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added by Miraaa
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added by Miraaa
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added by 241098
added by Miraaa
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added by 241098
Source: Tumblr
added by Vamp_Fan_25
Well, now it's official..Payzer is over..
The ship that we never excpected to end..
The most adorable couple ever..
A cinta that started from the X-Factor days & ended after 2 whole years...

But what happens with Danielle now..
Danielle is a gorgeous girl, a great personality & An amazing dancer.

She will always be in our hearts no matter what.
We will never forget her. For some of us she will be our role model for a long time.

Danielle has still a special place in our hearts.
And that will never change
Finealy the cut couple of Danniele peazer and Liam Payne have bought a house together and moved in together! Liam says: " It's way different than sharing a room with the boys, if I get it messy she will have a of at me"! Liam also explains " she doesn't get jealous of other girls rather than be bugged about it so she's fun to be with" Liam always try's to talk to her in spare times and when possible. So after touring the to happy couples will be settled! We cant wait what will happen selanjutnya with this cute couple!
added by Miraaa
Source: Deviantart
added by Miraaa
added by BrilLiam
Source: WeHeartit.com
added by Miraaa
Source: http://peazercurls.tumblr.com/
added by infinitedreams
added by 241098
added by Miraaa
Source: Tumblr
added by Miraaa
Source: Tumblr
added by Miraaa
Source: Tumblr
added by Miraaa
Source: Tumblr
added by Miraaa
Source: Tumblr
added by Miraaa
Source: Tumblr