Critical Analysis of Twilight Club
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posted by OCFan123
AHHHH! I just got my C.A.T. Medel! YAAAY! To celebrate, I decided to write an artikel about Breaking Dawn, since im not in school today!
Okay. So I first got Breaking Dawn when I was a twi-hard fan, and I couldnt wait to read it! I was sure it would be great!
Boy, was I wrong.
The book was horrible. Just flat out horrible. I mean, I have read a lot of buku in my life than were not good, but this took the cake. Everything was just "blah"
I mean...characters were out of character, there was hardly even a plot, and I felt like I was membaca a cheap horror novel. I mean, through the whole thing I was waiting for a page that berkata "Heres the REALY story"! anda can guess that didnt happen...sadly.

Now, the beginning starts with Bella whining(what else is new?) about her new car. Eh, nothing special happened, but then we get to Chapter 3...
Now a girl on anda tube diposting 9 vidoes called "The Breaking Dawn Experince" and she mentioned this mistake.
Okay, so Bella is making pancake for Charlie, being the little "good house daughter" she is. BUT then a few sentence later it says that Charlie is scowling into his cereal bowl.
Um...wasnt she just making him pancakes?
First mistake in this book.

Anyway, the wedding was boring. Like "there were bunga everywere" and "Bella looked gorgeuous".
Wow, I felt like I was there!
So after that, nobody else matters. Not Charlie, Renne, atau ANYBODY else. Eh, there just thrown to the side. Bella has Edward now, thats all that matteres.

Anyway, they go on there honeymoon...
anda know? This actually amuses me lebih than it angers me. Because Stephanie Meyer should NEVER write sex ever again!

Just membaca about Bella and Edward making love, made me feel like she was afraid to write it. Edward bites the pillows? Feathers are everywere? Bella has brusies all over her body? She wants him to make cinta to hr again? WTF?
The book started going way downhill from there.

But here is what ticks me off
Bella becomes pregenent.
Okay. Edward is a vampire. Vampire are suppose to be dead.

I could only stare at the page for like about a couple of minutes. Because Stephanie is breaking the rules that she made in her own world. It just doesnt make any sense. At all.

The book goes to Jacob POV! Which of course, I couldnt be lebih happy about, he's my favorit character in the books. And weren't his chapter titles hilarious? They all made me crack up!
Okay, so the book was starting to become good again (thank anda Jacob) but then we see Bella pregnent.

Just picturing how she looked in my head pregent made me dizzy...

BUT Edward, who is desperate for Bella not to die and wants to kill the deamon spawn of a baby, asks Jacob to have sex with Bella for she could have his baby instead.
First of, the Edward we read about in the last 3 buku would NEVER do that! Never. And he should repsect Bella opinion, no go behind her back like that.
And Jacob agrees to do it.
Oh, and Bella was actually touches oleh this.
No comment.

Also, character like Alice, Emmett, Jasper, made like the smallest gust apperence! Characters with great potential, also get throw to the side.
Its just so sad.

Anyway, I was LOVING the chemistry between Jacob and Leah? Who esle thinks they would have been perfect together?
Oh, and Seth rocked! Where the hell has he been the past three books?

Then, Bella gives birth.
I think I almost pucked.
It was literally the worst thing I have ever read! So gross. The baby breaks her ribs and spines, theres blood everywere(and I mean everywere)and Edward has to rip her stomach to get the deamon spawn baby out.
Oh, and the baby name is Rennesme.
Lets pretend that the name is not compltely weird, stupid, and unoriginal.

I thought it couldnt get any worse, but I was wrong. Again.
Jacob the character I LOVE, imprints on Rennesme! Stephanie on crack? What was she thinking? She's a BABY! Its just wrong? Not to mention Jacobs character was WAY out of character after that.

So Bella is now a vampire. Yay. Great. Did we really need like three page of her looking into the mirrior, happy shes so gorgeous.
Its really sickning. Now shes just compltely vain.

Okay, so Rennesme is the perfect baby, Edward and Bella have so much sex that had like nothing to do with the book, blah blah blah.

Then we hear that the Volturi's are coming! I was so excited! FINALLY! Some action!
But we dont get a fight.
We get a confromation.
A stupid, pointless, confromation.
After that, I was thinking about going to Stephanie house and buring it down. Seriously.

So no battle. No fight. Nobody fights to get what they want. At all.
Biggest letdown in the whole book. And there was a lot.

Oh, and Edward calles Jacon "My son."
Who did not throw there book at the wall?
And, then we get the perfect fairy tale ending with the most chessiest line ever "And then we drifted into this perfect peice of our forever."
Gag. Me.
Bottom line, it was just a huge letdown. One of the main reasons I started disliking the series.
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