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I remember when we met.
Just three girls, nothing more..
I remember Sky.
A l brunette blond
With hair that went to her
I remember her happy spirit.
I remember how she told us
About naruto and inuyasha
All the time.
I remember when she cut her hair
Short, to her chin.
I remember Erin.
An awkward British girl with
Short blonde hair.
I remember her quirky attitude
And I remember our movie
I remember how she wanted to be
Like Hannah Montana.
I remember me.
A shy Latina girl with shoulder
Length Dark hair and a fragile
Emotional state.
I remember how they didn't
Care that I talked about Pokemon
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posted by Irina92
I met that little girl when I was 4 years old, when I was in kindergarden. We were in the same class and our parents were friends so a friendship wasn't hard to begin. Ada and I would go everywhere together! All hari long we were playing, drawing, finding binatang to take care of, creating plant-cakes!!

Unfortunately, in the middle of first grade I had to pindah out beacause of my mum's job in a small island faaaar away from our village. I could see Tonia just in Christmas, Easter and summer holidays. However we were communicating as much as two kids could! We were sending letters to each other...
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The city sleeps
So silently
Wish I could say the same for me
But I've got this dead ended street
To keep searching

For a tunnel underneath the pahit truth
atau a bridge invisible I won't fall through

And I don't know how much I can keep
Letting anda unravel me
'Cause the lebih anda learn the lebih we share
We were worlds apart and anda see
It was so much easier to be
'Cause now I know what we can't have and it's so unfair

I never meant
Most of those pretty words I said
But I wanted anda to think I did
'Cause telling anda all this makes no difference
It's useless

'Cause those who get to know our hearts the most
They always seem to be the ones we'll never hold


Can't anda see it's destroying me?
I can't stand the closeness
But don't anda dare go avoiding me
It kills me and yet it keeps me going

posted by HaleyDewit
You've got your mother and your brother
Every other undercovers telling anda what to say (say)
You think I'm stupid but the truth is that it's cupid baby loving anda has made me this way (way)
So before anda point your finger
Get your hand off of my trigger ( oh, yeah)
You need to know the situation's getting old
And now the lebih anda talk the less I can say (ooh)

I'm looking for attention
Not another question
Should anda stay atau should anda go
Well if anda don't have the answer
Why anda still standing here
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Just walk away
(just walk away)
(just walk away)

I waited here for anda like a kid waiting...
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So the story goes on down
The less traveled road
It's a variation on
The one I was told
And although it's not the same
It's awful close, yeah

In an ordinary fairy tale land
There's a promise of a perfect happy end
And I imagine having just short of that
Is better than nothing

So you'll be mine
Forever and almost always
And I'll be fine
Just cinta me when anda can
And I'll wait patiently
I'll wake up everyday
Just hoping that anda still care

In the corner of my mind I know too well
Oh, that surely even I deserve the best
But instead of leaving
I just put the issue to bed
And outta my head

Oh, and just when I believe...
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What are anda doing today
what are anda doing later
I don’t know my way through a maze of gray skyscrapers
But I’m willing to learn

If anda want me to I’ll stay just where I am
But I promise just to follow when I land
And anda can take my word for that

You are my Manhattan from the sky
You look so neat and tidy when I’m way up high,
But I know your streets are lined with a fine mess inside
And I wanna come down and walk around your mind.

Once upon an old daydream, that’s what anda gave me
Out on the corner of Broadway and 48th street, on a rainy afternoon
(Well) I could start discovering...
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Guess this means you're sorry
You're standing at my door
Guess this means anda take back
All anda berkata before
Like how much anda wanted
Anyone but me
Said you'd never come back
But here anda are again

Cause we belong together now, yeah
Forever united here somehow, yeah
You got a piece of me
And honestly
My life (My life) would suck (Would suck)without you

Maybe I was stupid for telling anda goodbye
Maybe I was wrong for tryin' to pick a fight
I know that I've got issues
But you're pretty messed up too
Eitherway, I found out I'm nothing without you

Cause we belong together now, yeah
Forever united and...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Once upon a time on an ordinary day
I met this guy who came across my way
He was the only one I could rely on
How could I know I was living in some kind of fairytale

I thought he was mine forever
I thought we ought to be together
Guess I should have seen this one coming

‘Cause I’ve been crying
And I’ve been dying
When I think about the cinta we made
While I’m trying to hide the tears on my face
I wish I could turn back time
I wish I could make anda mine
Once again we would be pasangan forever
We were meant to be together

Now I’m spending my days in the hell anda create
No matter what anda do, all anda ever...
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posted by AdaLove
"Headlines (Friendship Never Ends)"

The time is now atau never to fit the missing piece
To take this song together,
You make me feel complete
We fall into the future,
And through the looking glass
The light shines over our heads and so it comes to pass

To go beyond the surface,
To reach into your soul,
This cinta is not demanding,
My jantung has told me so
I hold on to my hero with faith enough to find,
The power to imagine will keep this cinta alive

Lets make the headlines loud and true,
I wanna tell the world I'm givin it all to you
Lets make the headlines loud and clear
The best things suddenly...
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posted by HaleyDewit
In fairness I was an easy sell
Though I'm embarrassed
To admit it to myself
And the worst part is
You know it all too well
So don't take advantage
Of my transparent shell, no

But anda think anda know what I need
Impossible as it may seem
And I think it's easy to see

I am awake, it's getting late
I'm ino no state to be alone now
Yeah I'm alone now
Come light the api in my room
I think I'm losing all control now
I don't even know how
But I'm in your rip tide
And now I'm inside out

I'm in the corner of the jalan, street acfe
And my jantung is warmer
Since I heard from anda today

Like a shadow creek I am gleaming
No chance of...
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posted by HaleyDewit
I know I'm a mess
And anda know it's because of you
I wish I could cause
You the pain anda put me through
It's like I burn out
I should stop playin this game
I could shout it out
'Cause it will never be the same

'Cause behind all the tears in your eyes
I can still read all your lies
I can still feel the pain anda caused into me
And behind all the sorries anda say
I can still hear the betray
I can still feel the desire to make anda bleed

I hope anda are down
And if you're not I'll make it true
It takes so long to forget
And it's all because of you
It's like I burn out
I should stop playing this game
I could shout it...
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I can tell oleh the way you've been yelling her name
That it's lebih than a friendly game
With a smile and a "I'm gonna fight to the death" expression in her eye
You think I'm so dramatic;
Just imagining again
You come to her defence
Insisting that she's innocent
Well excuse me for wanting to be
The one and only lock that fits your key
Oh anda believe there's nothing up her sleeve
Oh baby, well just wait and see

You say that cinta is blind
Well I say open up your eyes
She's a mastermind
She'd cheat and lie to get anda to cinta her
Who's the victim if it doesn't make a difference now?
I'll be gone one way atau another...
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posted by HaleyDewit

And I don't know
This could break my jantung atau save me
Nothing's real
Until anda let go completely
So here I go with all my thoughts I've been saving
So here I go with all my fears weighing on me

Three months and I'm still sober
Picked all my weeds but kept the bunga
But I know it's never really over

And I don't know
I could crash and burn but maybe
At the end of this road I might catch a glimpse of me
So I won't worry about my timing, I want to get it right
No comparing, detik guessing, no not this time

Three months and I'm still breathing
Been a long road since those hands I left my tears in...
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"The Trouble With cinta Is"
Kelly Clarkson

Oooh oooh, ooooh yeah, mmmm...

Love can be a many splendored thing
Can't deny the joy it brings
A dozen roses, diamond rings
Dreams for sale and fairy tales
It'll make anda hear a symphony
And anda just want the world to sing
But like a drug that makes anda blind,
It'll fool ya every time

The trouble with cinta is
It can tear anda up inside
Make your jantung believe a lie
It's stronger than your pride
The trouble with cinta is
It doesn't care how fast anda fall
And anda can't refuse the call
See, anda got no say at all

Now I was once a fool, it's true
I played the game oleh all the...
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What if I told anda it was all meant to be?
Would anda believe me? Would anda agree?
It's almost that feeling that we've met before
So tell me that anda don't think I'm crazy
When I tell anda cinta has come here and now

A Moment Like This
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this,
Some people cari forever for that one
Special kiss.
Oh, I can't believe it's happening to me
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this

Everything changes, but beauty remains
Something so tender, I can't explain
Well I may be dreaming, but till I awake
Have we make this dream last forever?
And I'll...
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well im going
downhearted and hoping
im close
to some new beginning
i know
theres a reason for everything
that comes and goes

but so many people are looking to me
to be strong and to fight
but im just surviving
and i may be weak but im never defeated
and ill keep believing
in clouds with that sweet silver lining

most days
i try
my best to put on a brave face
but inside
my bones are cold and my jantung brakes
but all the while
somethings keeping me safe
and alive


and i wont give up like this
i will be diberikan strength
now that ive found it
nothing can take that away

[chorus x2]
posted by HaleyDewit
Been here before, revolving door
Got up and I don't know what for, anymore
We had the best
And nothing less
But the detik we fell out of step
You up and left

Well this is so you
This is what anda do
You'de rather make do than make up your
What'll it take now
How do I make this matter enough to you

Say your the mess
Say it's a shame
Why cant anda at least pretend
Say I should leave, your over me
Say anything, anything
Say anything, please

What happened to, the plans we made
And that contagious smile upon your face
It's all begun to fade
You used to be so careful with me
Making sure that we would always be
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A little tough love
Never hurt nobody
Never saw this coming
This side of me
I know where you're goin'
With your sugar-laced talkin'
And it wasn't too hard to see

You think anda got me
Right where anda want me
You think anda got the whole story
I think that a proper fair warning
Might serve anda well
So I'm here to tell you

It's not too late
To do yourself a favor
And walk away
Though I know that's never been your nature
By the way, you've put yourself in danger cause you're
Playing with my heart
Playing with my heart
You're playing with my heart

Every good girl's got a real good reason
To believe in breaking
All the...
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Ignorance is bliss
You'd always hear me say
But at times anda can't deny
Those eyes looking your way

Let me begin oleh saying what I mean
It's a crime against the jantung anda know
To be somewhere in between

Well don't be shy
I've got an open jantung and hand
And I just might have to confess just where I stand

Lately anda make me weaker in the knees
And race through my veins baby every time you're close to me
Take me away to places I ain't seen
They say you've got a hold on me:
And I won't disagree

Rock-a-bye my baby
Don't be blue tonight
Oh I'm on my way
And I'm gonna make it right

Cause I've got the feeling
You'll be needing love
And of all the lonely hearts
You're the one I'm thinking of

I've been told it's gonna take an iron hand
To break the mold and stand above all of the rest


I'll be thinking of that evening
When there's nothing for me to do
And I'll be wondering if oleh some slim chance
You've been wondering too

posted by HaleyDewit
Three sisters in one house
That’s how this story starts
One membaca a simple spell
Making them Forever Charmed
Once normal people
Now witches for all time
No evil creature
Will ever end the Halliwell-line

Night falls and it’s starting to get a little freaky
But they can’t avoid their destiny
When all hope is gone they only have one thing to rely on
And that is the Power of Three

Watch the clock thicking
It’s the moment of truth
Whatever magical mess you’re in
The charmed Ones will be saving you
Once they have your back
You’ll never get harmed
They’re the protectors of innocence
And that’s what...
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