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added by bama287
added by xsparklex
There are several reasons why I hate and will always hate season 8 but I’ll just stick to the main reasons here in this article. One of the main reasons why I hated this season is simply because there are two characters that I think ARE THE WORST CHARACTERS EVER and they are Christy and Billie Jenkins not to mention the fact that there was hardly Leo at all and he was one of my 5 main favorit charmed characters of all-time.
I hated and still hate Christy and Billie Jenkins mainly because I felt they were useless characters and just taking up valuable screen time away from the ones that...
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It’s not easy for me to admit this but I didn’t cinta Paige at first but eventually she grew on me and I grew to cinta her like I did Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Leo.
    Why didn’t I cinta Paige at first? I thought that Paige was just a replacement for Prue and that there wouldn’t be the same chemistry between Piper, Phoebe, Leo, and her like there had been between Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Leo for the first three seasons and years.
    Paige is the one that truly changed because she went from thinking that she was a mortal who was adopted to finding...
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added by pictureposts
added by KarinaCullen
added by LilyPad2404
Source: fom french magazine: Arthelius
added by flowerdrop
Source: Made oleh me - flowerdrop
added by tubby2002
added by tubby2002
added by PrueTurner61
added by xxshannen1xx
added by xxshannen1xx
added by haley_scott
added by haley_scott
added by sb0830
Source: Piper Halliwell
added by chel1395
Source: Warner Bros
added by chel1395
Source: Warner Bros
added by chel1395
Source: Warner Bros
added by chel1395
Source: Warner Bros