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posted by UriahA
The detik part of The Covenant attack.

“Phantom #2 hit!” James yelled, “Phantom #2 down!”
“The GTO!” bintang yelled.
“Phantom #1 down!”
“Packie! Star! Nikki!” Kaltag yelled.
“We’re going down!”
Kaltag felt a large blackout. He was also in so much pain. Wait, what? He’s alive?
6 hours later, Nikki woke up.
“Damn… wait, I’m alive!”
Kaltag was sniffing around crashed Phantom #1.
“Kaltags! Over here, dere!”
“Nikki! Thank God!”
The two hugged. Nikki had his ketopong, helm on, but Kaltag took it off. They heard some wheezing.
“I’m coming for you!” Kaltag yelled.
He pulled out another dog. No way of telling who it is until the ketopong, helm is off. Kaltag pulled the ketopong, helm off and saw it was Star.
“Oh my God! bintang I can’t believe it!”
Kaltag jumped on puncak, atas of bintang and squeezed him. bintang was so hurt, that he wasn’t able to gabung the hug.
“AHH! I… I don… don’t know how… I’m… alive. There’s… there’s nothing on… my health meter.”
“Don’t die on me!!!”
bintang managed to stay alive. They heard some screaming from the Pelican.
“Sounds like it’s coming from the cockpit,” Kaltag said.
They got to the cockpit of the Pelican, and Lars was sitting there surprisingly alive. He was sitting there with a stick right through him.
“Lars, you’re suffering, I have to put anda out of your misery.”
“No, I don’t want to die.”
“Lars anda have to. anda have to face your fears. anda will go to heaven.”
“Lars, I don’t want anda to suffer.”
“I don’t care.”
Kaltag found a poison shot, and ejected Lars, making him get of his misery. He would have left Lars alive, but a stick was sticking through Lars. Kaltag got back to Star. He had some explaining to do.
“So anda had to kill Lars?”
“Yes, I did.”
bintang was in so much pain himself. At least he didn’t have a stick through him. They had to set out and leave their aman, brankas place. The Covenant would track and find the 3 survivors. bintang couldn’t walk so he had to be carried on Kaltag’s back.
They found a health pack specifically designed for ODST’s.
“I’ll go get that for him.”
“Wait, Nikki anda can’t! It…”
Kaltag was too late to explain to Nikki. Nikki grabbed the pack, but once he touched it, it disappeared.
“I feel good as new dere! Wait, shit.”
“Nikki, anda can’t carry an ODST health pack. When it’s first touched, it’s automatically absorbed into your body.”
“Deuce me dere.”
“Wait, my Armada got stolen and shipped to Canada! There’s no way that can be it.”
“Oh… what?” bintang asked only half alive.
“Star stop speaking, it’s doing only bad to you. Nikki, stay here and take care of him, I’ll go get that Armada.”
Kaltag got to the Armada and read the license number.
“Holy shit! This is my Armada! Alaska license plate and the license number is 5SMD396.”
Kaltag actually found the keys in the ignition.
“These owners are noobs.”
He started the full size, V8, 4x4 SUV and stopped selanjutnya to Nikki and Star. Kaltag had to help Nikki get bintang in the Armada. The thing is so big. Just then, Star’s jantung gave out.
“Star! Shit!”
Kaltag pulled off to the side.
“I know CPR dere.”
Nikki took his, and Star’s ketopong, helm off.
“Here goes nottin.”
Nikki tried to get bintang breathing for about 2 menit but nothing happened. Nikki pulled back and slammed his head against the window, making it break.
“He’s gone.”
Kaltag put his head on Star. A few tears fell from his eye. One of the tears managed to get right to Star’s face. He let out a few coughs.
“Star! Talk to me, talk to me!”
“Ohhh… Kaltag, I, I, I nearly scored.”
“I… nearly had it.”
“Are anda high?”
“No… are you?”
“Health pack in sight, dere, Kaltag, dere. No two health packs in sight, dere.”
“Alright, help me lift bintang to the health pack.”
bintang was healed and revived.
“Whoo! I’m alive!”
“I could use one myself.”
They got back on the road. After about 3 hours of driving, 10 prowlers came into sight.
“Damn it!”
“I have an idea!” bintang said.
“You’ve never had a good one,” Kaltag joked.
“Screw you.”
“A freak like anda should be neutered.”
“Anyway, how about Nikki and I grab an SMG and we stand on the running boards of this thing, have the rear windows down, and we hold on using the handles inside the car and we api he gun with our other arm. Nikki on Right, me on left, because I’m a lefty, and Nikki can deal either way.”
Nikki and Kaltag were looking at bintang totally stunned.
“Star, anda are genius! Nikki, get in the back and do as bintang told you.”
“Youse are the Colonel dere.”`
They fought off 8 out of 10 prowlers, the rest retreated. A few Phantoms came in. The Phantoms, of every car in the world, track down Armadas.
“Ahh, shit.”
“Kaltag, there’s an alley, but we won’t be aman, brankas for long though.”
Kaltag turned into the alley.
“We have to move.”
“I can’t leave my Armada again.
“You have to.”
Kaltag kissed the Armada goodbye and left sadly. He meets up with it again 2 months later. They saw an air field with multiple Cessna’s.
“Holy shit, look at all these planes!” bintang said.
“A Cessna is not big enough to handle this kind of suspense.” Kaltag said.
They turned the corner.
“Wow, a 737 might be large enough.”
“Do youse remember how to fly one dere?”
“Shit! Balto gave me pilot lessens but I can’t remember.”
“Hey, remember I flew that luar angkasa craft? I might be able to fly this.”
“I’ll get a ladder so we can open the door!” Kaltag said.
“Ok, Nikki, anda fill the plane. I’ll make sure the aircraft is good.”
bintang looked at engine #1.
“Looks fine to me.”
“The tank is full, dere.”
“Ok, cool.”
Kaltag came back.
“This is all I could get.”
“Alright, wait a minute.”
bintang got a tow vehicle and pushed the aircraft back.
“Alright, now board.”
The trio boarded and taxied to the runway.
“Alright, we’re clear for takeoff,” Kaltag said.
“Alright, I’ve never flown a 737 before.”
“Ok, I believe the flaps need put to 55%.”
“Alright, let’s see, oh.”
bintang accidentally made the aircraft go full speed.
“Shit, that’s not right!”
The takeoff was good.
“Wait, that’s impossible, we need flaps.”
“I guess it doesn’t need flaps.”
“That’s weird.”
An enemy Phantom came in behind them. A Grunt jumped on to the plane opened the door to the plane, which shouldn’t open during flight and, jumped in. He closed the door, then started to run around and coward as if he were in combat. The Grunt ran into the bathroom, went, and then came out.
“Ahh, better.”
The Grunt started attacking. bintang tackled the Grunt and licked it all over.
“Dog germs! Someone help!”
“I loved that Grunt! And anda took him from me!” a Brute said.
The Brute tackled Star, and wrestled him.
“Get off of him!” Kaltag yelled and he jumped onto the Brute.
“Die, Brute!” Nikki said.
They managed to kill the Brute.
“You best not have killed my gay brother!” another Brute said.
“Man, I know how that feels, dude.”
“It pains anda doesn’t it. Wait your brother’s gay?”
“No, but my brother has been assassinated a few times.”
“Aww, that sucks.”
The Brute and Kaltag had a good conversation. bintang and the Grunt started.
“So how’s life?”
“I hardly make money, I live in a house the size of my pack.”
“That sucks man, I thought I had it bad.”
“At least anda have money.”
“Hey, can youse send down a Jackal dere?” Nikki asked.
A Jackal came and jumped in.
“How are youse doing?”
“I’m good.”
“Cool, dere.”
Just then, a Brute Chieftain came in and slung the Brute, Jackal, and Grunt out of the plane.
“Star, anda distract him! I’ll make sure he doesn’t pengumban, sling that Gravity Hammer, and Nikki will try to kill him.”
“Got it!”
bintang jumped and bit the Chieftain, then ran out. The plane was small, but there were only 4 rows of seats, where an official airline 737 would be filled with seats. At least bintang had a little bit of room to run. But out of nowhere, he was struck.
“I’m hit!”
The Chieftain struck bintang in the chest leaving a bad injury. Nikki got on the Chieftain, stabbed it in the neck, then Kaltag finished it off.
“Here’s a health pack.”
“Pedal to the metal!”
bintang got in control, then put the 737 at full throttle.
“Come on! Can’t this thing go faster?!”
“It’s an everyday 737. It can’t lebih than 600 miles per hour.”
“Shit! Do we have enough fuel to get at least California?”
“Yeah, we do.”
“Frigate inbound! Everyone strap up!”
The pergat, fregat blew in their path.
“I’m loosing control!”
Kaltag took over.
“Come on, Baby!”
Engine 1 went out.
“Engine failure!”
“Come on! Come on!”
Engine 1 let out an explosion, making all of the left side of the aircraft give out.
“Shit! We’re going down!”
“At this rate, we’s are not going to make it to California dere!”
Seeing all the intense crap going down, bintang passed out.
“I’m single handed, Nikki hold on!”
“Warning! Warning! Oxygen low!” the defense system said.
“Lord, I never went with Balto to go deep sea diving! Please tell me these helmets help us breath!” Kaltag said.
One of the wind shield glasses broke.
“Was that a yes atau a no?”
bintang gained consciousness thanks to the helmet. Kaltag looked up with a smile.
Kaltag managed to get the plane up. There was only about an inch to spare.
“Kaltag! That was amazing!”
“This plane’s going to go down within 20 minutes.”
“Wait, I’ll check to see if there are any airports around,” bintang said
“737-800 about to go down, any airports within 50 nautical miles?”
“This is ….. Region ….. Port ….. me your ….”
“I’m sorry we have bad signal, repeat the airport.”
“Ryde ….. Gional …..airp …..”
“Ryde regional airport. Am I correct?” Kaltag berkata before bintang could say anything.
“Yes sir.”
“Alright. Are anda within 50 nautical miles?”
“Our ….. Dar ….. Is ….. T ….. stro ….. Enough! Tell ….. anda ….. Pos …..”
“Um, we’re over snow right now! I can see power windmills!”
“You ….. Wit ….. 35 ….. Naut ….. Iles.”
“Alright could the airport except a 737?”
“How m ….. ple ….. Are ….. It?”
“Only 3.”
“Wha ….. Del?”
“It was going to be a future Continental 737-800.”
“Oh ….. I ….. not sure if ….. Can …. The ….”
“There’s ….. to ….. We ….. Emer ….. On.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“We …. Turning ….. Lights on. They ….. Be blue ….. red.”
“Ok, thanks.”
Kaltag was at a low altitude. It was also extremely foggy, and every so often, there would be a mountain. Soon enough, Kaltag saw blue, green, and red lights.
“There it is!”
Kaltag landed and hardly missed the final landasan terbang, landasan pacu exit. He pulled into a parking space.
“Alright we are bringing a ladder vehicle. What’s wrong with your plane?”
“Mechanical difficulties.”
The anjing got out of the plane.
“No offence but I was expecting humans. And I didn’t expect anjing in luar angkasa suits.”
“Yeah, we’ve been genetically enhanced,” Kaltag said.
“Do anda need your plane repaired?”
“Yeah, we need to get to California.”
“Well, we proudly welcome anda to the small town of Ryde, Canada. The repair will take a while.”
A news flash came on.
“The Covenant has stopped attacking us. With a lot of Asia, most of Europe, and half of North America destroyed, they just stopped. I’m Robert Nail, CNN.”
“Well, no hurry.”
The anjing spent the night at a small 6 Motel. That night Kaltag a bad dream.
“No get away from me! No, no!”
In his dream, Kaltag was struck oleh a Chieftain.
“I’m down, shit!”
bintang woke up to the racket. He got on puncak, atas of Kaltag to see if it would sooth him in his dream.
“Yes, mercy! Jenna! Oh, how I cinta you! Oh yes! Thank you!”
bintang thought about what could be happening in Kaltag’s dream.
“Dear God!”
bintang got off him.
“Shit, the Chieftain, he’s back! Ahh, I’m nearly dead!”
“Let’s see, I need something dog shape that’s not me.”
He saw Nikki making out with the air.
“Nikki is a heavy sleeper.”
He put Nikki on his back, and carried him to Kaltag. On the way, Nikki was biting on bintang ear.
“This is awkward.”
He put Nikki on Kaltag. Nikki started making out with Kaltag. Since Jenna was on Kaltag’s dream, he joined the making out. bintang flicked both of them, and they stopped. bintang just hoped this isn’t being taped, otherwise both of them would kill him. The both of them were making so much noise. bintang put headphones on, and turned on Metallica’s “That Was Just Your Life.” But his iPod died. Nikki and Kaltag woke up. They were laying there looking at each other for a minute. Then, out of nowhere, Nikki jumped off Kaltag and freaked out. Kaltag also freaked out.
“Dude, anda were sleeping with Star!”
“I know, I do’s not know how I got over dere, dere.”
“Wait, holy shit please don’t tell me what I think really happened.”
“What? Oh God, I was making out girl in my dream, dere.”
“I was making out with Jenna.”
They looked at each other totally stunned. bintang pretended he was asleep.
“Were we making out with each other?”
“What’s going on?” bintang asked as if he just woke up.
“Star, did anda do this to us?”
“Do what?”
“Don’t act innocent! Did anda make us make out on accident?”
“You two made out? You’re gay.”
Kaltag grabbed bintang and pinned him to the wall.
“Did anda make us make out!?”
“Yes, I’m sorry I didn’t mean for it to happen!”
bintang busted out crying.
“Nikki, give me your knife.”
Nikki tried to grab for his pisau but it wasn’t there.
“It’s not here.”
“Star! Where is it!?”
“I don’t know, I swear!”
bintang was heavily crying. Kaltag thought of all the happy moments they had together. He let go of his grip and hugged Star.
“It’s ok, stop crying.”
“I don’t think I can trust you. anda might have the knife.”
“I don’t, ok.”
Kaltag rubbed Star’s back.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you.”
Kaltag took Star’s ketopong, helm off, and licked his tears away. They coupled again.
“I’m sorry, Star.”
bintang stood there coupled with Kaltag.
“I found my knife, dere! Oh, youse two made up.”
They would not uncouple. After about 2 minutes, Kaltag took his arms of Star. Although bintang wouldn’t let go.
“Star, anda can let go.”
“I don’t want to.”
“I’m going to bed.”
“Can we cuddle?”
“Look whos is talkin’ about being gay, dere.”
bintang and Kaltag laid down on the other bed. bintang gripped Kaltag even harder.
“Did I tell you, I cinta you?”
“Star, I can’t breath!”
bintang let off a little bit.
“Did I?”
“I can pretty much establish that.”
bintang put his head against Kaltag’s chest, forgetting that the suit was made of metal.
“Hey, since The Covenant isn’t attacking us anymore, we can take our suits off.”
“Youse are right dere.”
“Yeah, let’s do it.”
They all took their suits off. Kaltag and bintang laid back down cuddling.
“Those suits block the stream of cinta that runs through me when I hug Kaltag, oh, how I miss that,” bintang said.
“I missed it too.”
bintang rubbed his head on Kaltag’s chest.
“I cinta you, Star.”
“I cinta anda too, Kaltag,” bintang berkata when his mouth was covered oleh Kaltag’s chest.
Kaltag pulled the blankets up. hey were covering Star’s head. They will get back to flight tomorrow.

I didn’t expect a there to be a series of this covenant attack.
The Alpha and Omega characters part with the Balto characters.

bintang was out walking in drizzle.
“Damn, I hate rain!”
He got back tot the house. Master Chief was there.
“Bob, seriously.”
“Never mind.”
bintang went in.
“I’m going to kill anda rasta!” Kate berkata in her sleep.
In her dream, she was trying to kill these things that look like Grunts but she didn’t know what they are.
Kate jumped up.
“You ok?”
“I’m having dreams that I’m not aman, brankas now that Humphrey’s...
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