arthur dan gwen Club
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    Elyan arranges the spoons and forks on the table, steps back to take a quick look and feels satisfied; he moves over to the cupboard and removes four plates. He closes the cupboard and walks back to the table, setting each plate down in between the arranged cutlery. He wipes his hand on his kemeja and pouts. Something definitely smells good from the dapur and he doesn’t need to be a rocket scientist to know who’s causing it. Elyan walks towards the kitchen. Percival is too busy with his chicken broth to notice Elyan watching from behind.
    “It sure smells good, Percival,” Elyan says, nearing him.
    “You haven’t tasted the cake… you’ll fall in cinta with it.”
    “You know I’m good, don’t you?” Percival winks and stirs his broth.
    “Yeah…” Elyan laughs and slaps Percival’s shoulder lightly. “That anda are, my friend” he adds and walks over to another pot and lifts the lid.
    “Careful, it’s hot, Elyan. That’s my new recipe. Mexican chicken wings,” Percival says, cutting the leeks and dropping them into his broth.
    “Can I have one?”
    “Sure but used the spoon to ikan the wing out,” Percival tells him without looking at Elyan.
    Elyan nods, uses the spoon to take a wing out and immediately bites into the juicy wing, savoring the delicious taste of the spiciness and honey in his mouth. “This is really good, Percival. Where did anda invent this recipe?”
    “It’s my nanny’s actually. She is a Mexican and cooks really well. I added the honey bit for a twist. Is the meat cooked?”
    “It’s prefect… better keep this elsewhere atau I might finish this myself,” Elyan says and licks his hand.
    “What time is she coming?” Percival asks, chopping his celery.
    “In another one jam so…” Elyan trails and keeps his sentence hanging, prompting Percival to look his way.
    “What’s wrong?”
    “What?” Elyan looks startled. He washes his hand and wipes it on his shirt.
    “You look tense. What’s troubling you?” Percival asks again, this time looking at Elyan, straight in the eye.
    “Nothing…” Elyan lies. He is tense and worried, but he doesn’t know why. Somethng has been troubling his mind all day, but what is he going to tell Percival? And his friend isn’t likely to leave the matter alone, at least not until he’s found out what’s bothering Elyan.
    Percival cannot tolerate Elyan’s silence. “Come on, Elyan, I know if anda are worried over something… it’s there for all to see! anda can’t hide it, especially from me.”
    “Nothing, I’m just thinking about…” Elyan trails again. How will he tell him?
    “About him?” Percival crosses his arm.
    Elyan nods. “Yeah, but I wouldn’t say I’m worried about him. It’s lebih like I don’t know how to face him,” Elyan confesses.
    “You know he caused my father’s death, right?”
    “And… it’s bothering you?”
    “It’s the other way round. I am positive it’s still bothering him.”
    “Come on, I think you’re exaggerating this a bit, Elyan,” Percival laughs, shaking his head.
    “No, Percival, I’m not. I put a lot of thought into this matter and up until now, something isn’t quite right!”
    “You don’t like him?”
    “No… it’s not that! Well, I haven’t met him yet, so it’s unfair to judge him now. But that’s another story. What I mean is, when I was informed about Gwen’s relationship with Arthur; I was thrilled. I thought finally she is thinking of settling down. Well, that was until I learned who Arthur is. The news was both a shock and a relief for me. I was relieved with Gwen’s decision to settle down but shocked oleh her choice of man. Never in the world did I think this hari will exist. Never!”
    “So, what are anda going to do?”
    “I don’t know, Percival. I don’t know,” Elyan walks over to his refrigerator and yanks open the door, searching for something. Anything… he just needs to get his mind off the subject.
    “But anda gave your sister your blessing!”
    Elyan closes the door and turns around. “I know, and I hold on to it. I trust Gwen with my jantung and I know she’ll not make any hasty decisions. She’s an intelligent and wise girl and if she sees something in Arthur, then I should make an attempt to understand him as well. He might have been the reason my father died but that doesn’t make him a murderer. It was an accident and that’s how it’ll stand. But what’s been bothering me is this meeting, how will that lad react meeting me… what will this get together do for him atau me?”
    “Does he know the man he ran over that night is your father?”
    “Yes… Gwen told me she had to confess that matter to him and in the beginning it didn’t go down well with him. And that’s why I’m quite worried about this dinner. I think it’s too early to have this meeting… this is all a very bad idea, actually!”
    “Rubbish, I think it’s a brilliant idea,” Percival says, pointing his finger at Elyan. “This will be your chance to get to know the man who is dating your sister. Leave the topic of your father’s death out of this and focus solely on Gwen and anda as well as that guy, what is his name again?”
    “Ahh, yes. Arthur. Find out about him, his family and what do anda expect of him. I am sure he is dying to ask anda all these questions. But please, both of anda need to leave the topic of that accident out of your conversation. This is a feel-good makan malam get together, not a funeral. Understand?”
    “I’ll try.”
    “Do it Elyan, don’t try. DO it! This is Gwen’s life and future we are dealing with and anda wouldn’t want to screw up anything, do you?”
    “Of course not…”
    “So, better get rid of any negative thoughts from your mind and get your cheerfulness back. I am sure Gwen will appreciate that,” Percival advises and gets back to his cooking. Elyan sighs and thinks back Percival’s advise. His friend is right. This is Gwen’s life, not his. If he treads his steps wrongly, the result could destroy Gwen’s future and her bond with Elyan. And she will not forgive him after that. Elyan shakes his head. No, he cannot have that. Gwen is his life, heartbeat and the remaining bloodline of his family. All he wants is for her to be happy and if she chooses Arthur, if Arthur is the only one who will make her smile, than so be it. Elyan promises himself he will do anything in his power to ensure Arthur and Gwen stays together. Elyan trusts Gwen as she does him. And now he must trust Arthur and earn his trust as well. This is going to be a long night but Elyan is up for it. His mind is still membagi, split on his decision but he doesn’t want to dwell on it for much longer. Let the night be the judge of that.

    “Stop adjusting your shirt, Arthur, anda look stunning already,” Gwen laughs as she waits for her brother to open the door. Arthur looking all tensed up beside her and he’s been adjusting his kemeja ever since Gwen rang the bell.
    “You have no idea how I feel about meeting your brother,”
    “Come on, he won’t bite and he certainly isn’t a monster, so… anda can breathe now.”
    “Haha, very funny Guinevere!” Arthur pouts.
    “You look really cute doing that.”
    “Doing what?”
    “Pouting… I like it when anda do that.”
    “Glad to have amused you,” Arthur says nonchalantly.
    Gwen slides closer and drapes her arm around his and snuggles closer, her breath almost on his skin. “You don’t mean that, do you?” she kisses his neck and leans on his shoulder.
    Arthur sighs. Gwen’s right. There is no point in feeling heated up. This is just a dinner, a request oleh Guinevere to meet her brother. Arthur hasn’t diberikan Guinevere anything in appreciation of the cinta she showers on him and so far she hasn’t asked anything from him either. Until today. All she asked is for him to meet her brother and what kind of a man is he if he cannot fulfill this one request for her?
    “I’m sorry, Guinevere,” Arthur clasps her hand and brings it up to his lips to ciuman her fingers. “I’m nervous, that’s all.”
    “There is no need to be nervous… my brother will cinta anda as anda will him. Now, wipe that worried look of your face,” Gwen says and tiptoes to peck his cheek.
    The creaking of the door alerts both of them and Gwen straightens herself immediately. She didn’t want Elyan to notice the intimacy between her and Arthur, not here at his doorstep. It’s not appropriate and that’s not how she had been brought up. Besides, she knows how Elyan feels about things like this.
    Percival thrusts his head in between the opening with a huge grin plastered on his face. “Hello, Gwen,” he says, stepping out. “This must be our Arthur.”
    “Percival,” Gwen leaves Arthur and steps meneruskan, ke depan to hug Percival. “It’s good to see anda again.”
    “Couldn’t wait to get back here,” he says and releases her, his eyes fixed on Arthur. “Is that him?” he whispers. Gwen nods. “He’s handsome. You’re one lucky girl,” Percival adds, whispering to her.
    Gwen blushes and softly elbows his stomach. “Oooff!” Percival says playfully. Gwen sticks out her tongue at Percival and steps back towards Arthur. She reaches for his hand, clasps it in hers and helps him forward. “Percival, meet Arthur Pendragon.”
    “Hello, Arthur,” Percival extends his hand.
    “Arthur, this is my brother’s friend Percival. He’s like another brother to me too, actually,” Gwen tells Arthur.
    “Pleasure’s all mine Percival,” Arthur smiles and extends his hand. Percival shakes Arthur’s hand warmly. “Wish I could see you,” Arthur adds.
    “One day, your wish may come true,” Percival balasa and Gwen nods in agreement.     
    “Where’s Elyan?” she asks.
    “He’s making sure everything is ready, Gwen. To be honest he is a nervous wreck today. He’s been making sure everything is perfect and spends the selanjutnya thirty menit wondering if he’d done it correctly. His mind isn’t the same as it has been before, Gwen… “
    “Well,” Gwen takes a quick swipe at Arthur and smiles. “He isn’t the only one, Percival,” she adds. Beside her Arthur coughs prompting Gwen to snicker.
    “But I’m sure he’ll be back to himself once he sees you,” Percival says and leads them inside.
    “Watch your step, Arthur,” Gwen warns as Arthur almost stumbles. He nods and continues walking. Percival strides and disappears into the dapur while Gwen helps Arthur to the sofa. “Easy…” she says, helping him sit.
    “Where’s your brother?” Arthur asks, his voice still laced with nervousness.
    Gwen looks around and purses her lips. “I’m not sure… maybe he’s in the dapur atau in his room. Why don’t anda sit here and I’ll go looking for him?”
    “I won’t be long,” Gwen promises and leaves for the kitchen.
    The sudden silence surrounding Arthur is bothering him. Not that he isn’t accustomed to silence; after the accident he’s practically living among it, but today, right now it’s bothering him. He wants to meet Elyan and get the matter suffocating his chest to be done with as soon he can. He wants to speak to Elyan, apologise to him and let him know how he feels. He feels guilty for what happened and until he has sought Elyan’s forgiveness, he will not be able to rest on his laurels.
    Someone clears their throat and Arthur straightens up. “Hello?” he calls out.
    “I’m Elyan, Gwen’s brother,” Elyan tells him, standing in front of him.
    Arthur’s jantung skips a beat. ‘Lord, give me strength’ he prays and swallows hard. “I’m Arthur.”
    “I thought it must be you. Pleased to meet you, Arthur.”
    “Pleasure’s all mine,” Arthur extends his hand and Elyan shakes it.
    “Where’s Gwen?”
    “She’s gone looking for you,” Arthur replies.
    “Oh, she must’ve thought I was in the kitchen. That’s the first place she’ll look if I’m not here,” Elyan laughs. Arthur smiles. “She never changes,” Elyan adds.
    Silence follows as both men keep quiet. Elyan rubs his hand on his hair, unable to think of anything to say atau ask while Arthur looks down; guilt plaguing his jantung and mind. Both want to say something to another, but unfortunately, words don’t get pass the tongue. Both are tongue tied and both wish for the other to start the conversation. But when the conversation finally starts rolling, it comes from another source.
    “There anda are, I’ve been looking all over for you,” Gwen says and runs towards her brother, hugging him in the process. Elyan accepts her embrace and spins around with Gwen in his embrace.
    “And dapur is the first place anda look for me?”
    “Don’t I always?” Gwen tells him the moment he puts her down.
    “I would have been if I didn’t have to take a call.”
    “You’ll be leaving tomorrow and they can’t give anda a moment with me? I think anda better get yourself transferred here, Elyan.”
    “That’s depends on Percival, sweetheart.”
    “I’ll talk to him. He listens to me,” Gwen says and turns around only to spot Arthur sitting quietly, listening to both of them.
    “Oh, Elyan… this is Arthur Pendragon. Arthur, this is Elyan, my brother.”
    “We’ve met,” both say in unison and pauses. Then after a while, Elyan breaks into a laugh followed oleh Arthur. Gwen looks from her brother to Arthur and then back to her brother.
    “So, I’m the late one I suppose?”
    “Come on, I saw him when I came down from my room and guessed that it must be Arthur, so I decided to meet him myself. I didn’t see anda anywhere,” Elyan replies, holding Gwen close.
    “And what did anda both talk about?” Gwen is excited.
    “Hmm… we stopped at greetings. Didn’t have the chance to pursue further,” Elyan tells her.
    “Oh…” Gwen claims sadly.
    “But I’m sure there’ll be plenty to talk about while we have our dinner, isn’t that so, Arthur?”
    “True…” Arthur agrees.
    “Come on, then… let’s have our dinner. Percival can’t wait for anda both to test his food. He has been working all day, trying out his new recipe.”
    “I can’t wait… wait till anda taste his food, Arthur. Percival’s a great cook,” Gwen tells Arthur as she helps him up.
    “I remember anda telling me yesterday. And I’m looking meneruskan, ke depan already,” Arthur says. Gwen smiles, helps him to hold her shoulder and leads him to the dining room.
Elyan keeps his watchful eye on his sister and Arthur as he follows them from behind. Though he hardly says anything, the reaction he shows on his face suggests another. He doesn’t want to jump into any sort of conclusion at the moment. He knows how important this makan malam is for Gwen and how much she is expecting of him. He will not disappoint her but he isn’t sure about Arthur atau this relationship. But like he told himself, he will not make his mind based on what he has seen so far. The guy has hardly berkata anything to him and it’s unfair to characterize him solely based on Elyan’s impression. So he will wait. There is still plenty of time and much to learn from Arthur. Elyan trusts Gwen’s decision and respects her wishes but at the same time he also wants the best for her. His father would have done the same and now after their father, it falls on Elyan to ensure his sister is well taken care of. Elyan is confident that what he does is in the best interest of his sister and Gwen will understand that. He will not hurt her though he will do what he must to see she is not hurt oleh another.
Gwen turns back to see if her brother is following atau not. Elyan smiles and nods, assuring her that he is. Gwen smiles warmly and continues to lead Arthur as Elyan follows quietly from behind.

Gwaine pushes his notebook aside and stretches his arm, feeling the ache all over his limbs as he does so. He stretches his feet and gives out a long loud yawn.
“Gwaine!” Merlin shouts from the window.
“Sorry,” Gwaine apologises as he realizes Merlin is on a telephone conversation with Leon. He gets up, walks barefoot to the kitchen, yanks the refrigerator open, thrusts his head inside and searches for a soda. He doesn’t find one and sighs. But his eyes rests on a bir can and immediately he grabs the can, closes the door of the refrigerator and pulls off the tab of the can. He drains the bir almost to a half and walks back to his work. Merlin is done with his conversation and is examining Gwaine’s work in his note book.
“Sorry, mate… didn’t realize anda were on a call.”
“It’s all right. Looks like Leon is coming halaman awal sooner than expected. His father expects him to be here for their annual meeting.”
“He must have been exhilarated, isn’t he?”
“He is jumping with joy as we speak. He can’t wait to come halaman awal and… he wants to know what happened at the dinner?” Merlin tells Gwaine, leaning back against the sofa.
“Now, that is something we don’t know, do we?”
“But Arthur is sure to inform us of the outcome when he arrives… so, Leon wants to know everything. From A to Z. Nothing must be left out.”
“Wow!” Gwaine laughs.
“That’s what I thought too,” Merlin laughs.
“I hope everything is going well… this is one opportunity for Arthur to impress Gwen’s brother and hopefully he doesn’t screw it,” Gwaine adds but Merlin isn’t listening. He seems to have drifted off to another world. Gwaine shakes Merlin.
“Wh… what happened? What?” Merlin jerks from his hari dreaming.
“You are not listening to me.”
“Sorry… anda were saying?”
“What’s on your mind first?”
“Yeah right… come on. I have been noticing anda today Merlin. Something isn’t right. I’m all ears if anda want to speak to me.”
“I…” Merlin stops. Should he confess atau should he just deny what’s troubling him and get on with his life? Ever since he came back from meeting Uther, he hasn’t been himself and it’s troubling him deeply. He wants to talk to someone about it and though he decided to confide in Gwaine, he feels terrible troubling his friend; especially when Gwaine is burdened oleh his own share of trouble notably his work. But if Merlin doesn’t confess, he will die. He definitely will die because it’s eating him up.
“Gwaine… I have something to tell you,” Merlin wants to take his chances. “And it’s not very nice, let me warn anda first.”
“Try me.”
“I thought so… carry on.”
“Uther met me yesterday to ask about Arthur and Gwen. He wants to know the extent of their relationship and asks me to investigate about them. He wants to know Gwen further.”
“That’s it?”
“Don’t pull my leg, Merlin. I am sure that’s not all. Uther wouldn’t have called anda to ask just that… and anda won’t look like a ghost with that tiny weeny information. What else did he tell you?”
Merlin knows there is no point in hiding the truth from Gwaine. “He doesn’t approve of their relationship. He hates her, Gwaine. Feels she does not belong to their class and that Elena is far better suited for Arthur than Gwen. He wants Arthur to be with Elena because he promised Elena’s father.”
“Does that old bark know there is a word called Love? It’s a powerful word which unites two innocent souls regardless what race, religion, status atau class they come from. The power that oozes from the word is so powerful until it can drive a person crazy, drive them to the brink of death, does wonders and performs miracles. cinta cannot be denied, neither can it be ignored. Some call it a disease while others call it an antidote, depending on the perspective of those affected oleh it. But the truth is; it cannot be directed. It happens on its own. Arthur and Gwen fell in cinta oleh themselves; no one told them to.”
“He doesn’t believe in love, Gwaine.”
“Then, he’s got a problem, Merlin. He can’t simply ask someone to marry another because he made a reckless and hasty promise to his friend. Who is he to determine who Arthur should marry? Arthur is not a child anymore. That man is an adult and though Uther is his father, he doesn’t have the right to ask an adult to marry someone he feels right atau for the sake of a blasted agreement made when Arthur and Elena are still in diapers!”
“Well, Uther seems to have a different thought about this.”
“That’s bullshit, Merlin!” Gwaine throws his can away in anger. The can clangs on the floor and lays bent. “Uther doesn’t care about Arthur. He cares about expanding his wealth, his empire and getting rich. That asshole is a greedy twat. All his life he hasn’t cared for his son and now he is using his son as a pawn in his scheme. No, Merlin! I can’t buy that… if my father did that, I… I don’t know what I’d do. I’d probably never speak to my old man again. Uther wants the best for himself, not Arthur. And who the hell is he to promise to his friend without the consent of his son? GOD!! Where’s the logic in this?”
Merlin massages Gwaine’s neck, relaxing the latter. “I understand, Gwaine, but who are we? Apart from Arthur’s friends, there’s nothing else we are attached to.”
“So anda agree with that bark?” Gwaine snaps.
“Of course I don’t, but what I mean is, compare us with Uther, that man has a stronger grip on Arthur than we do.”
“I don’t care, Merlin. I haven’t seen Arthur this happy atau smile this much before, and now he does, often. Why? Because of Gwen. She made him smile and I want that to always be there. I will not see it jeopardised because an old bark feels she isn’t their class. What is class anyway? Does Uther belong to the upper class? In terms of wealth and power, maybe, but in terms of morality, no! Gwen surpasses everyone in terms of class and I don’t care what he thinks of her atau what others feel about Gwen. For me, Gwen is Arthur’s and I will do anything to see that this relationship stays.”
Merlin smiles. This is what he likes about Gwaine. He is never afraid of standing up for what he believes is right. And he doesn’t care whom he has to face. “I felt angry when I heard Uther labeling Gwen horribly but I restrained myself because he thinks I don’t know about Arthur’s relationship with Gwen.”
“Yes, he thinks I’m clueless like he is and I want it to remain like that. I want to help them, Gwaine, but I can’t do much if Uther finds out the truth. If Uther is planning something malicious, I want to know, so for that I have to remain appearing ignorant about Arthur and Gwen.”
“That man… how I despise him!” Gwaine slams the table.
“Calm down, Gwaine… this is why I was thinking twice about telling you. Imagine how I felt when I heard from him yesterday… my blood boiled, I wanted to slap him yet I was bound. I couldn’t do anything… I kept my anger in check, sealed my misery within the walls of my heart, swallowed the pain and stayed on ground; looking for someone to share my misery.”
“Why didn’t anda call me immediately?”
“I didn’t want to trouble you, Gwaine, that’s why.”
“That’s ridiculous, Merlin… I’m your friend and I am always here for anda as I am for Arthur. selanjutnya time, don’t wait too long, yeah.”
“Thanks, mate.”
“Well, at the moment we can’t do much, can we?”
Merlin shakes his head and licks his lips. “Uther wants to know about Gwen and asked me to find out about her.”
“Why? So that he can chase her out from Arthur’s life?”
“I don’t know, but I will not let that happen… we’ll play along and find out what his game is. Until then we have nothing much to do, I believe.”
     “Hopefully you’re right, Merlin. We’ll wait and see,” Gwaine finishes.

    “The food is splendid, Percival,” Gwen remarks, licking her thumb. Beside her Arthur is still eating his food in silence. Percival smiles and winks at Gwen.
    “Thanks to my nanny, of course. She taught me about cooking and if my parents didn’t want me to take over their business, I would have become a chef,” Percival tells her.
    “And what an excellent chef anda would have become,” Gwen says, scooping lebih chicken wings onto her plate.
    “How do anda like it, Arthur?” Percival asks.
    “It’s wonderful… I have never tasted anything like this before in my life. It’s good,” Arthur says with a smile. Elyan watches him silently. They have been eating for almost half an jam and up until now, Arthur’s conversation has been limited to just a couple of nods, some smiles and jawaban whenever he’s questioned. Apart from that he keeps quiet. It seems as if he’s keeping something pressed in his chest though he hardly shows it on his face. But something else about Arthur intrigues Elyan. Something mysterious and Elyan wants to find out about Arthur tonight. There’s no waiting for another day; he really needs to know about him.
    “Arthur?” Elyan calls, wiping his mouth with the napkin and laying it on the meja beside his plate.
    “Yes… Elyan, isn’t it?” Arthur guesses.
    “That’s right. anda are good, we haven’t really spoken much with one another but anda managed to recognize our voices already?”
    “That’s the bright side of being blind. anda start realizing how important the other senses are,” Arthur says with a smile.
    “Couldn’t have agreed more, Arthur,” Percival clips in.
    “Why don’t anda tell us about your family? I am sure anda know about mine already… I’d like to know anda better,” Elyan invites.
    “There are only two of us in the family, my father and me. My father’s… urmmm, he’s Uther Pendragon. anda would recognize his name oleh now I suppose. He’s a business conglomerate and very well known and all that,” Arthur waves his hand uninterestedly. Speaking about his father always switches him off. “I have completed my Masters in Business Administration. I was planning to pursue my Masters in Sustainable Business before the accident, so I guess now it has to be scrapped from my plans. And… I suppose that’s all there is about me.”
    “And what your career, Arthur? Are anda working right now?” Elyan questions.
    Gwen shoots a quick look at Elyan but he assures he’s being kind with his questions; not nasty like she thinks.    
“I am not working currently because of my situation, but I was attending some interviews before I became blind…” Arthur trails at the end of his last word.
“Why don’t anda work with your father, since he practically owns Camelot… I can’t get it why someone like anda would need to get out there and work your way up when anda have everything presented on the meja for you. Please don’t get me wrong, Arthur,” Elyan tells quickly when he notices a change on Arthur’s face. “I’m just saying this because this is the reality most of the time. It’s always someone like us who needs to work our socks off to be where we are today but someone rich and powerful like you, it’s a different story altogether.”
“I get what anda mean, and this isn’t the first time someone has asked me a pertanyaan like this. Even when I attend interviews, this is the first pertanyaan I’m posed with… so I expected this anyway. My father is rich and powerful Elyan, not me. I have never merited myself to be part of the empire he’s building, nor do I see myself fitting into his fame and glory. Everything he’s built today comes from his own sweat, not mine. So it’s unfair to put me equally with my father. I am my own man and I tend to make a name for myself, from my own intelligence, my own strength and my own sweat. I don’t want to be known as Uther’s son, I want to be recognized as Arthur Pendragon. My own name will be my recognition. And I can only achieve that if I am on my own. I have to start somewhere and that’s why I refused to be part of my father’s empire. I chose companies with new projects because I believe I can work my way up from fresh ideas.”
“And your father is fine with your choice?”
“No, to be honest… no. He hates what I’ve been doing and tries to poke his nose in everywhere I went until it drives me mental. He never gives up, though, and tries his best to set interviews for me to assures I get the job, thinking I don’t know what he did.”
“And anda accepted?”
“No. I didn’t. The last job I attended, I failed my interview on purpose because I knew whom they were getting their instructions from, so… I failed myself. And that’s when it started.” Arthur whispers at the last sentences.
“Started what?”
“The craziness… I got myself in a heated confrontation with my father, drove off to calm myself, ended up being drunk and finally decided to end my life,” Arthur says, his voice dropping low, barely audible. Gwen reaches out and clasps his hand warmly, providing him strength.
“You planned to kill yourself?”
“Elyan, I think Arthur’s berkata enough,” Gwen snaps at her brother.
“I just want to know about him, Gwen. Unless Arthur minds telling us. Arthur?”
“No, not at all,” Arthur says.
“But anda don’t have to, Arthur,” Gwen tells Arthur. But the latter offers her a smile in return.
“I’ve berkata this a thousand times, Guinevere, it doesn’t hurt anymore… besides, I think Elyan deserves to know what happened,” Arthur assures her.
“Deserve to know what?” Elyan is interested. He leans forward.
“What happened the night your father died.”
“No, please… don’t go there. Not again,” Elyan shakes his head and waves his hand. He is interested in learning about Arthur, not how his father died. Talking about his father will open fresh wounds in his heart, bring back fresh memories; ones he wants to forget.
“No, anda have to know, Elyan. Please. I want anda to know everything. I know it hurts; it’s been painful for everyone, but still I have to clear my conscience. The night I got myself drunk, I wanted to die. I gave up on life because I couldn’t carry on being in my father’s shadow any more, couldn’t break myself free from him. I was trapped, confused and lost. And I didn’t know what to do. Death offered me a solution and I felt I took the right choice. So I drove my car to end my life but God had other plans for me. He drove me to a place and instead of me ramming into the dinding that definitely could have killed me, I ran into a man. I ran over him and crashed against the wall; ended losing my sight instead of my life. I wanted God to take my life but He took that man’s life instead. Your father’s. I was devastated, Elyan. I swear this isn’t what I had in my mind. I know what must be going through your mind… I felt the same. I am your father’s murderer. I took your father from anda and Guinevere. I feel shamed oleh what I did… oleh what happened…”
“Arthur, please stop. Enough…” Gwen whispers softly, tears forming in her eyes.
“No, Guinevere. I have to say this. anda didn’t want to admit it because of your cinta for me, but Elyan’s a sensible man. He will understand. Elyan, I came here tonight… though it’s because of Guinevere’s insistence and I can never win against her, but to be honest, I wanted to meet anda and apologise. I know I deprived anda of a father… a father who brought up two wonderful children and would be proud of them right now and could have been here tonight, having makan malam with us if it wasn’t for me. I took him away from anda both because of my own selfishness and I’m not proud of what happened. Like I told you, I was devastated. I was further freaked when I found out no laporan was lodged against me. I walked out free after murdering a man; as if I didn’t do anything. It was… horrible. I live each hari thinking of the man I killed, the family I left orphaned… I was…” Arthur breaks down. He cannot hold the tears threatening to roll down his cheek any longer. He had kept them in check for far too long and now when he finally found the right person to speak to, he decided to let his guard down. His jantung still hurts from what happened and is still sore from the accident. If he doesn’t tell this to Elyan today, he will never be able to do so. He doesn’t care what Elyan thinks of him, he needs to clarify the situation.
Gwen drapes her arm around Arthur to comfort him, holding him close. She rocks him softly, assuring him kindly. “We understand, Arthur. Like I told anda before, it happened the way that fate wanted it to… there’s nothing we can do about it. Please don’t blame yourself,” she says.
“I am… sorry, Elyan,” Arthur apologises. Gwen looks at Elyan, her own eyes moist. Percival wipes his eyes and sighs, waiting for Elyan to speak.
    Elyan swallows and closes his eyes. A single tear streaks down his cheek and when he reopens them, he can’t find his words. His jantung chokes with emotion and is heavy with sadness. He understands what Arthur has gone through and feels sorry for him but he is human. He is angry with how fate played around him, Gwen and Arthur; bringing them around through the death of a man, their father. Did it require such a heavy sacrifice? Why did it have to be their father? Why can’t it be someone else’s father? Why, Lord? pertanyaan throb his mind until he loses focus. He doesn’t know what to say, where to start atau how to answer Arthur. This is supposed to be a happy gathering, Arthur’s introduction into this family yet it ends up in tears. Elyan sits quietly, his lips quivering, fingers trembling and his mind not quite at peace. Someone squeezes his shoulder. He looks up and smiles sadly at Gwen.
“Gwen?” he says sadly, clasping her hand.
“Elyan… I know how hurt you’ve been. On the hari father died, anda put up a stronger face for me, knowing how vulnerable I am. You’ve kept your pain to yourself and God knows how many nights you’ve cried to yourself to sleep. I don’t have to see anda to know all this; I am your sister, so… I know. And it must’ve pained anda terribly to learn that I’m in cinta with the man who caused our father’s death, though once again anda berkata nothing. Even tonight, meeting Arthur in person must have brought fresh memories of dad, but anda berkata nothing at all. anda understand how important Arthur is to me and are willing to accept him despite keeping those hurts in you,” Gwen sighs. “I am proud of you, Elyan. I am lucky to have anda as my brother and I want anda to be my brother in all my other lives. I would not trade anda for another,” she says and bends down to ciuman his temple. “I just want anda to know I forgave Arthur and I cinta him. He’s who I want to spend my life with. anda and him are my pair of eyes; I need both of you” she adds.
“I cinta Guinevere, Elyan, but…” Arthur pauses. “But if anda feel I am not worthy of your sister, then I’ll be happy with whatever decision anda make. I will not hold any grudge against you,” Arthur tells him.
“Arthur!” Gwen is surprised oleh Arthur’s sudden move. ‘What in the world is he doing?’ she thinks. “What are anda talking about?”
“No, Guinevere. This is the right choice I have to make. What I did… there’s no forgiveness for that and I am ashamed of it,” Arthur chokes with his words. He clears his throat. “I understand the pain of losing a parent in our life. Especially when they are taken away from us oleh force. It can be devastatingly painful.” Arthur’s word chokes again. He swallows and sighs heavily. His selanjutnya words are going to hurt Guinevere and him but he still has to say it. “And I am blind Guinevere. I can’t offer anda happiness. I can’t provide anda all things your brother would have hoped for. I can’t be the man your brother probably has in his mind… my blindness stands in the way of everything, so…” against he pauses as his voice begins to croak.
“Arthur, please don’t do this to me again,” tears well in Gwen’s eyes. Arthur surely doesn’t mean what he says? Is it because Elyan asked him pertanyaan about his career? Is Arthur challenged oleh that? “We’ve discussed about this before and anda promised, Arthur! anda promised!” Gwen pleads.
‘Gwen’s right. I promised’ Arthur thinks and holds his head. ‘What am I doing?’ Arthur asks himself. ‘This isn’t why I am here? I came to apologise and I did it so, why on earth am I giving up on Guinevere again?’ Arthur thinks frantically. ‘Is it because I feel guilty? atau it because Elyan questioned me about myself?’ Arthur thinks again. ‘But I cinta Guinevere. I can never live without her and why should I give her up? Just because I feel guilty? No, this is wrong. This isn’t fair for Guinevere. I have to correct this’ he thinks, clears his throat and looks up again. He wipes his tears and takes a breath.
    “Elyan… I am sorry. I have to rephrase what I did say before. I know what I did and I am sorry, though it will not bring your father back from the grave. But I am sorry and I am still haunted oleh that accident. But I cinta your sister, and though I am blind, I will promise anda this. I will not let my blindness stand in the way of our happiness. I will provide her with love, trust and the everlasting happiness for which anda may have hoped. I will not disappoint anda atau her. This I promise. I will work and ensure there’s a roof over our heads and food on the meja everyday. I am blind but my strength, my will and faith isn’t, so… I’m seeking your blessings, Elyan. Guinevere and I will not be happy if anda give her away without your blessings. anda are the one we care about and your decision is all we look for.” Arthur puts in bravely.
“I am sorry for hurting anda with my words, Guinevere. That was an idiot speaking. I wasn’t myself just then, but I am now. anda are my heartbeat and if anda leave atau if I let anda leave, I’ll die. Simple as that. I will die. So, I want anda in my life. It’s all I ask of anda and your brother,” Arthur finishes and leans back against the chair.
Percival raises his brow and looks at Gwen proudly. He likes Arthur and he doesn’t care if Elyan likes him atau gives his blessings atau not because he already gave his. Gwen couldn’t find another young man like Arthur for her life, not matter how atau where she looks for. Arthur’s kind, honest and he fits Gwen perfectly. And he loves her. What lebih can a woman look for in a man?
“You cinta my sister?” Elyan speaks, after a long silence.
“Yes… lebih than anything in the world,” Arthur tells him confidently.
“Don’t take this personally, but… anda berkata anda will work to keep Gwen happy, but considering you’re blind, how do anda plan to do that?”
“I understand what anda mean. I can use my father’s wealth to provide lifelong happiness for Guinevere, but it’s not what I have in mind. Like I said, that wealth is my father’s and I have no rights over it. I will keep Guinevere happy with wealth I’ve earned myself. Because that’s what Guinevere wants, too. And I know, no matter how little I provide, she’ll still be happy because it’s ours. So, I guess I have answered your pertanyaan Elyan. I may be blind but I will never seek my father’s help, no matter how tough our life gets. There’s always a solution to our problems; and Guinevere and I will seek our own jawaban when the chips are down.”
“And anda plan to stay blind all your life? I remember Gwen telling me your blindness isn’t permanent… thinking of getting that sorted? Again, this isn’t personal, but I don’t expect my sister to be your aid atau eyes all the time though she has no problem doing it. If your blindness isn’t permanent, I think it’s fair that anda could least unburden her with your… anda know what I mean. Don’t get me wrong Arthur, any brother in the world will want the best for his sister and I’m only human. I’m not asking much.”
“I understand and you’re right. Anyone in your shoes, well, if I had a sister and if she comes with a blind man I’d be asking exactly what anda asked. My blindness isn’t permanent and I am considering an operation, but… with my own money. My father offered to help and I denied him because I don’t want to owe him anything. But I will consider to get operated on once I’ve collected enough money for the it.”
“You are… but I thought anda berkata anda prefer to stay blind?” Gwen is stunned.
“I was going to, in honour of your father but… I want to see you, Guinevere. And I want to take my chances,” Arthur replies, biting his lips.
Elyan smiles. The dark awan which shrouds his jantung slowly clears away. He is satisfied. He understands him better and is proud of him. Gwen will never be happy with anyone other than Arthur. She chose well. And Arthur has passed almost half of the trials of life. The other half awaits him after he marries Gwen; that is something he will face with his wife. And if he needs Elyan, he will be there to help him. “Thank you, Arthur,” Elyan tells him.
“But… what for?”
    “For clearing the air about my father’s death, for being honest, for respecting us and importantly, for ensuring Gwen’s happiness with you. I like your character, Arthur, and I like your guts. anda need that to stand against this cruel world and being blind doesn’t make it any easier too. So I am proud of anda for what anda have just said. And…” Elyan looks up at Gwen beside him. He smiles at her. “You have my blessings, Arthur. My sister is lucky to have you. Welcome to the family, Arthur.”
Gwen covers her mouth in happiness. Elyan smiles and without another word, she hugs him. She kisses him on the cheek as Elyan embraces her too. “Thank you, Elyan… thank anda so much.”
“I’m sorry for putting anda in a tricky situation, Gwen… all this was unplanned, but I’m happy we got through it. anda will never find another man like Arthur. I’m so proud of you,” he tells her.
    For Arthur, the news petrifies him. He can’t believe what he’s heard and it takes a shake from Gwen to bring him back to reality. When he first arrived, his thoughts have been heavily involved with the accident and how will he be able to meet Elyan. But now, not only did he clear his conscience but he also manages to convince Elyan about his relationship with Guinevere. He is happy, free, and now he can focus solely about making his lady cinta happy. There is a lot of work to be done and he can’t wait to get started.
    “Arthur, anda are doing that again,” she tells him, squeezing his shoulder.
    “Sorry, Guinevere… will help me get up, please? I want to go to your brother.” Gwen obliges, helping him to his feet. He walks over towards Elyan who is on his feet as well. Arthur refuses Gwen’s help and slowly finds his way to Elyan and catches the outstretched hand of Elyan. He smiles and sighs. “Thank you, Elyan. anda have no idea how much all this means to me… thank you,” Arthur says.
    “Pleasure’s all mine, brother-in-law,” Elyan tells Arthur and pulls him close to embrace him. The hug surprises Arthur but the warm hands around him makes his jantung soar. He circles his arm around Elyan and both men stand hugging each other.
    Gwen closes her eyes in happiness and Percival comes around the meja to stand beside her. She opens her eyes, turns towards Percival and smiles, leaning against his shoulder as he drapes his hand around her. She looks up and feels her jantung lift in happiness. Her father must be smiling down on them; she can feel him here, around them. She knows she had his blessings the hari she fell in cinta with Arthur. ‘Thank anda Lord, thank anda father’ she prays in her jantung as Elyan and Arthur laugh together. Things are beginning to look rosy for them. Nothing can go wrong now. Nothing at all.

“Goodnight Elyan, Percival,” Arthur bids his farewell as he and Gwen prepares to leave.
“Goodnight, Arthur,” Percival says.
“Take care, Arthur, and have a aman, brankas journey home,” Elyan tells Arthur and turns his attention at his sister. “And anda better get halaman awal early,” he adds with a teasing smile.
“Elyan… I know how to take care of myself,” she replies.
“Guinevere, he’s your brother and you’re still under his care, remember?” Arthur interrupts her.
“Wow, look what we have here? So now you’re on his side?” Gwen playfully retorts.
“Looks like it, sweetheart,” Arthur says.
“That’s not fair…” Gwen shakes her head. Elyan and Percival laughs while Arthur just smiles.
“I will be back soon as I send him home, Elyan.”
“Take care…” Elyan tells them.
“Bye,” both Gwen and Arthur bid goodbye and start off as Elyan and Percival go back inside.
“Those things anda said, Arthur… they were really sweet, anda know. No one has berkata anything like that for me. Made me fall in cinta with anda again.”
“I mean it, Guinevere. I didn’t say it to get your brother’s approval though I’m relieved it’s all done and settled.”
“So am I… now we can concentrate on other things.”
“Other things… what’s on your mind?”
“Your operation, of course. Do anda know how thrilled I was to hear anda say anda are considering the operation? Merlin, Gwaine and Leon will be happy when they hear this. I am so happy! Thank you,” Gwen says.
“Oh, that’s all?” Arthur balasa without interest.
“Why? What’s on your mind?”
“Well, I was thinking since anda have my spare key… when will anda actually pindah in with me?”
“Move in with you? Are anda crazy? Elyan will rip my head off… all that will have to wait.”
“Wait for when?”
“After the wedding.”
“Does everything have to wait after the wedding?” Arthur asks, his voice teasing.
“Yeah… hey! What are anda thinking huh?” Gwen playfully punches Arthur’s shoulder as the latter laughs. “You are naughty!!”
“So, what… no! Everything, and I mean everything will have to wait until the wedding,” Gwen stands her ground.
“Oh…. Such a spoilsport,” Arthur pouts again. “You just killed my mood.”
    “Really? Well let me refresh it.” With that she cups his cheek, leans closer and plants her lips on his, plunging herself into a beautiful and sensuous ciuman under the bright moonlight.
cinta it.
bradley james
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