arthur dan gwen Club
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A bulan later …

    Morgana bites her nails and waits patiently outside the fitting room. “Are anda done, Gwen?” she asks as she spits out the nails she’s bitten and sighs, shaking her head.
    “Patience!” Gwen’s voice sounds low from inside the fitting room.
    “Are anda trying that dress on atau stitching one? Just put it on and tampil me, for bloody sake!”
    “Wait… ooofff!!” the fitting room rattles a while and Morgana hears something atau someone landing hard on the floor. She hurries towards the room and knocks on it urgently.
    “I’m out… I’m out” Gwen balasa and Morgana stands back, allowing Gwen to step out. The door opens and after a second, Gwen steps out.
    Gwen adjusts the hem of her dress and steps out, carefully. She is wearing a figure-hugging kutang, halter necked dress with sequins and renda completing the hem and sleeves. She comes to stand in front of the bewildered Morgana.
    “What do anda think?” Gwen asks, spinning around.
    “Hmm…” Morgana pouts and tilts her head, examining her friend from puncak, atas to toe. Gwen is getting agitated.
    “Don’t get me wrong, Gwen but…”
    “I know, I know… my tummy’s bulging, isn’t it?” Gwen balasa sadly and goes to sit down oleh the mirror. Morgana walks over to her friend, sits down beside her and drapes a friendly hand over Gwen’s shoulder.
    “Come to think of it, it’s not so obvious, anda know”
    “Morgana…” Gwen trails her name.
    “All right… maybe a little pudge here,” Morgana pinches Gwen’s tampilkan tummy. Gwen giggles and slaps Morgana’s hand away.
    “Just a month, Gwen… and you’ve piled on 4 kilos! What did anda eat?”
    “I didn’t eat much, Morgana. I took care of my food, my calorie intake, and I exercised…”
    “Yet you’ve gained weight?”
    “I think anda didn’t realise what anda consumed because you’ve been happy. anda just went on eating…”
    “Then explain your weight gain.”
    “See? anda can’t, because anda didn’t realise anda had been consuming so much. But I don’t blame you. anda had been happy this past month… so this is natural.”
    “What, piling on weight is natural? This is ridiculous, Morgana! I used to slip into this dress in seconds; now I can’t get inside it without stumbling and falling!”
    “I guess I didn’t need to detik guess who fell a while yang lalu inside that fitting room.”
    “It’s embarrassing Morgana… what would he think of me?”
    “Who? Arthur… Gwen! He can’t even see anda to know if you’re fat atau thin!”
    “That’s not very nice, Morgana” Gwen warns her softly.
    “But that’s the reality, Gwen… he can’t see anda to realise if you’ve piled on weight atau not. Okay, let’s see it in another perspective, yeah… why are anda worried about him?”
    “I wasn’t… I’ll just… feel embarrassed if I have to…”
    “Come across his friends? Afraid they might note the difference and tell Arthur?”
    “Hmm… I wasn’t thinking of that, actually, but now that you’ve mentioned it, this is another possibility too…”
    “This is preposterous Gwen! If they like you, they like you… fat and bulgy and all!!”
    “I’m not bulgy!!”
    “Of course, pardon me! This is just baby fat… accumulated in the wrong place and just needs shedding of course!” Morgana teases. Gwen hits her on the shoulder.
    “Hey!!!” Morgana shouts and rubs her shoulder.
    “I need to shed this extra weight, seriously!” Gwen examines the fat around her tummy and playfully pinches it, much to Morgana’s amusement.
    “Tell me about it!” Morgana looks away and whispers. Gwen shoots up at her, quickly.
    “I heard that!”
    “You need to exercise, girl… and anda better think of doing it before selanjutnya week.”
    “Why?” Gwen is confused. What could be so important selanjutnya week?
    “You don’t know?” Morgana asks, shrugging her shoulder. Gwen shakes her head.
    “Lancelot’s coming back and if he sees anda like this, he’s going to get hysterical… I mean not that it matters to him that you’ve gained weight and all, but he has left this place with a leaner anda in his mind and now when he comes back he may not even recognise you, and…” Morgana rattles on.
    “My point is…” Morgana takes a huge gulp of air. “He’s going to be very shocked to see you!” she completes, looking all anak anjing, anjing eyed at Gwen.
    “He will not!” Gwen argues.
    “Wanna bet?”
    “I don’t care what he thinks!” Gwen argues further.
    “Oh really… anda don’t care if someone like Lancelot can actually see and komentar anda but you’re worried about what Arthur might say; someone who can’t see anda physically? Where’s the logic in that?”
    “There’s no logic there Morgana just…”
    “Ahh, matters of heart, I know.”
    “Yeah, expect me to believe what you’re about to deny, huh?”
    “I just…”
    “Care for Arthur, is that what you’re going to tell me? Come on, Gwen… anda really expect me to believe that you’re just besotted with Arthur? No way!! I think anda feel lebih for him that anda realise… I think I smell the word ‘love’”
    “LOVE!!” Gwen almost fell off the chair.
    “Yes.” Morgana says determinedly.
    “No way!” Gwen shakes her head.
    “Yes way!” Morgana presses on.
    “No, Morgana… no!”
    “Yes, Gwen… listen to your heart!”
    “I have, and I don’t feel anything!”
    “That’s what everyone thinks in the beginning… that’s how it starts!”
    “What’s your motive, Morgana?”
    “Me? Oh, I haven’t got any motive, but you’re lying to me and yourself that anda don’t harbour any feelings for Arthur. Your feelings for him are bloody obvious in your eyes! It’s there, like an open book waiting to be read. And the way anda speak of him… I can sense anda have something special going on in your jantung for him, so… don’t deny your feelings, yeah!”
    “Okay, then why bother dressing up for him? Why does it matter so much how anda present yourself to him when anda know the fact that he’s blind and it will not matter to him what anda wear atau how anda meet him? And don’t give me crap about his friends! They don’t bother anda and anda know that. Give me one good reason why and I’ll keep my mouth shut from now on,”
    “I…” Gwen keeps quiet. She doesn’t know what to say atau how to defend herself from Morgana. Her friend is right. Every word she berkata is right and there’s no denying it. Gwen is gearing up to meet Arthur and has been choosing a prefect dress all morning, despite the fact Arthur will not know what she’s wearing atau how will she look like in this dress. But she doesn’t care. All she’s been thinking is how to impress Arthur and she’s used not just her time but Morgana’s as well to find a dress she’ll be satisfied with. It seemed important that she went to meet Arthur in something presentable. But like her friend just said, even though Arthur will not know how she turns up, that small bit of information doesn’t matter at all. What matters is that she look good for him. Why she is taking the liberty to do all this baffles her. Is it because of what Morgana just said? Is it true she harbours lebih than feelings of friendship in Arthur? Is she in… love?
    “Hello?” Morgana calls and Gwen sighs deeply. Morgana is right. She can see how she feels for Arthur right through her. And she can also spot that Gwen is feeling slightly insecure about her weight issue. Gwen couldn’t believe she piled on weight this quick in just a month. She doesn’t know what went wrong. She isn’t the exercising type but she always kept her weight in check. She never consumes fast atau processed food. And she never indulges in sweeties. So how come she became plump in such a short time? Her weight issues didn’t just cause difficulties in finding proper attire but in presenting herself in the presence of those she knows as well. Even Elyan is astonished with the sudden rise of her weight. It’s been embarrassing for her and that’s why she’s worried sick about Arthur and his friends.
    “Feeling tight lipped, are we?”
    “Look, Morgana…” Gwen starts and decides to keep quiet once more. She really doesn’t know what to say. The lebih she tries to defend herself, the further Morgana will get on with the teasing so it’s best to keep quiet. There’s no way she can win against Morgana this time. Morgana reaches up and flicks Gwen’s nose.
    “Come on, I meant it in good nature. Don’t tell me you’re pissed at me for that?”
    “No, of course not, but…”
    “Agreeing with me?”
    “Not exactly, but not disagreeing either.”
    “Which part?”
    “That I might have feelings for Arthur, but…” Gwen stops Morgana before her friend can get carried on. “It’s not love”
    “Maybe,” Gwen keeps defending her decision. Morgana licks her lips and smiles.
    “Who knows what fate holds for anda both?”
    “You don’t know that…”
    “That’s my point… I don’t know, and neither do you,” Morgana says and puts an end to the conversation.
    Morgana is right, Gwen thinks. No one knows what the future holds for her and Arthur. So far, their paths have crossed lebih often than she has expected and something tells her their meetings aren’t without a reason. Her father’s accident, his blindness, her meeting with him and now their reconciled friendship; everything plays an important role in their respective lives. How and where will they go on from here is a million dollar pertanyaan and one that is plaguing not just her but Morgana as well.
    “Let’s leave the decision in the hands of fate, shall we?” Gwen agrees to put an end to this conversation and pay attention to what matters at the moment.
    “Right, fine oleh me. But my pertanyaan is: will anda accept what the fate holds for you?”
    “I’ll go along with the decision if that’s what I’m destined for…”
    “Even if your jantung is against it?”
    “I doubt my jantung will go against the decision…”
    “You don’t know that, Gwen… no one knows until you’ve reached that moment.”
    “Then we need to wait and see… I’m sure the jawaban to all your pertanyaan will need some patience from all sides.”
    “Fine. But one word of advice, Gwen. No matter what decision anda opt for, make sure anda decide with your heart”
    “I will, I promise” Gwen finishes with a smile.
    Morgana reaches out and hugs Gwen warmly. After a second, she lets her go and smiles. “Now, let’s get anda fitted into something lebih appropriate, shall we?”
    “I need to find another dress,”
    “No, what anda need is stripes … let’s get anda something with stripes. It will make anda look thinner… come on!” Morgana gets up and pulls Gwen up to her feet before dragging her off to find another outfit.

    Arthur is struggling with his printed tee. He knows he had it on inside out the first time and turned it over before sliding it on the detik time, but now he has it with the front of the tee facing his back. Biting his lips in frustration he tries in vain to remove the tee so that he can wear it properly. The door bel, bell rings.
    “Great!!” he curses himself and walks to the door, with his tee still facing the wrong way. He uses his hand to feel his way to the door as he has left his cane back in his room. The doorbell rings again.
    “Coming… coming!” he says again and finally reaches the door. He feels for the door, slides his hands up and locates the knob and turns it around to unclick it, pulling it back slowly. “Who is it?” he asks.
    “Gwen” Gwen jawaban shortly, standing on the other side of the door.
    “Guinevere!” Arthur gets excited at the mention of the name and immediately pulls it back to allow her to enter. Gwen steps inside and the moment her eyes rests on him, she giggles.
    “You’ve got your tee on backwards,” she says, closing the door behind her.
    “I know, I sensed that… I was still trying to put it back on the right way when anda rang the bell,” he extends his hands to her and she accepts it, leading him back to his room.
    “Let me help.”
    “No, it’s all right. I can manage…”
    “Arthur… I’m not going to rape you. Come on, let me help you,” Gwen offers as they reach his room. Arthur laughs and shakes his head.
    “You never give up, do you?”
    “Not in my dictionary. Come here!” she makes him stand straight and helps to lift his hands up. She then pulls the tee off him and gasps at the sight of his well-built body. Arthur hears the gasp and his face changes immediately.
    “Something wrong?”
    “No… err… I’m fine,” Gwen jawaban shyly. Her cheek starts to colour as she turns the tee into the correct position and slides it over his head. As she pulls it down, her fingers caresses his chest and she watch him stiffen.
    “Sorry,” she quickly apologises and pulls the tee down. She steps back and purses her lips. “There anda go… all ready and set to leave,” she adds.
    “Thanks…” Arthur balasa and using his hand, rakes through his tousled hair. “Can anda hand me my cologne, please?” he asks once done with his hair. Gwen steps up to his dressing table, bends down and looks at all the expensive collection of colognes lining on the table.
    “Which one?” she asks, going through one oleh one.
    “Anything… your choice” he jawaban with a smile.
    Gwen taps each bottle lightly with her fingers before resting on the Paco Rabanne Black XS. She picks it up, opens the lid and nears Arthur, thrusting it into his hand gently.
    Arthur takes the bottle and brings it near his nose, sniffing it. “Excellent choice, it’s my favourite, too,” he balasa and spray the cologne all over him. Arthur is right; she did pick an excellent choice. The smell of the cologne was a combination of both sporty and woody. The outburst of the combination sends sensational feelings throughout her and she has to admit, it almost drowns her. Gwen watches him spray the cologne and when he is done, she takes it away from him and puts it back on his table. “Anything else?” she asks as he walks over to his tempat tidur and sits down.
    “Nothing at the moment,” he says.
    Gwen watches him put on his socks and slips his feet into his shoes. The laces of the shoes were left dangling and she knows he will have trouble tying them up. Just as Arthur is lifting his left foot to tie the laces, Gwen walks over to him, crouches in front of him and grabs his foot.
    “Don’t worry, I’m helping anda with your shoe laces, that’s all,” she jawaban with a smile and slowly puts his foot down on the floor and ties the laces. She completes one foot and switches to another and in a few minutes, the laces were all tied up neatly. She wipes her hand and gets up to her feet.
    “There anda go, all geared for walking,” she says.
    “Thanks… can anda grab me my mantel over there?” Arthur points to his left and Gwen turns to his direction. A puzzled expression crosses her face.
    “Hmm Arthur, I think anda meant your right… the mantel is on your right,” she says and without waiting for his reply, she grabs the mantel from the mantel hanger and hands it to him.
    “Merlin must’ve hung it when I was sleeping I guess…” Arthur takes the mantel from Gwen, gets up to his feet and slips it on. “I’m such a bother, aren’t I?” he asks as he adjusts his coat.
    “Says who?”
    “Aren’t I… after all, ever since anda arrived I’ve been asking anda to get me this and that. I just can’t get anything done on my own at all!” he shakes his head sadly and looks down.
    Gwen closes on him, lifts his chin and smiles at him; though she knows he wouldn’t even know if she’s smiling atau not. But she wants to anyway. “I like helping anda Arthur… I enjoy it!” she says.
    “But…” Gwen presses her finger against his lips, stopping him before he can argue.
    “I don’t find it troubling at all, and… I like doing it, for you. I didn’t complain, did I? So… anda shouldn’t either, understand?” she asks. Slowly, he nods his head. She notices a smile curling up the side of his lips.
    “Good… now, are anda ready?” she removes her finger from his lips.
    “Where are we going?” he asks as he takes the cane from her and slips his arm around her elbow.
    “I’m taking anda for a treat… a surprise” she jawaban and leads him out from his room.
    “Everywhere would be surprise for me Guinevere… I can’t see, remember?”
    “But that’s the truth.”
    “It will not stay like this forever…” Gwen says and Arthur stops in his stride.
    “You know how I feel about my blindness, Guinevere, I don’t intend to have my vision corrected, if that’s what you’re suggesting.”
    “I am not suggesting anything, Arthur… I understand how anda feel about the operation so I would not suggest anything, but… I think it’s time anda stop feeling low about your life and this blindness of yours. It’s a burden, I know, but aren’t anda the one who berkata anda wanted to endure it; to punish yourself for what has happened? If anda have decided to carry on with your pain then anda shouldn’t find any faults in it. Like it atau not, once a decision is made, anda must be man enough to accept the circumstances and lie with it. Feeling low and insecure will gain anda sympathy, but I thought anda hated sympathy?”
    “I do…”
    “Then stop suggesting anda need it! If anda behave like this, you’re bound to gain sympathy from everyone and they’ll start bringing up the issue anda hate the most. You’ll be bothered oleh the thoughts of having your vision corrected, plagued oleh your sympathizers and finally it’s going to drive anda mad. Is that what anda want?”
    “Then it has to stop here and now. This very instant! anda have to set your mind Arthur, anda need to tell yourself what anda want and not what anda have to accept. We can advise you, utter comforting words to ease your unsteady self and perhaps guide anda a certain direction, but the selanjutnya step anda take will have to be yours, your own! anda can ask for help but anda can never ask us to follow you, Arthur. This is your life, one you’ve chosen for yourself, and anda have to man up and lead it. If anda want to stay blind, oleh all mean go ahead. No one can stop you, not me, Merlin atau even your father but make sure it’s what anda want… your own decision! One made in your jantung and not in your head. Understand?” she asks.
    “You think I’m making a wrong decision here?”
    “No, I…” Gwen feels tight lipped. How is she to advise him if his decision is good atau bad? It’s because of what happened to her father that Arthur decides to punish himself and of all people, she isn’t the right one to say anything. She isn’t in the position to say so. She didn’t want him to punish himself but if that’s what he decides, she hasn’t any problem with it either. Call it a tie for what has happened to her father but what is she going to tell him? How?
    “I can’t say anything about it, Arthur, because… like I said, it’s your life and anda must decide what’s good for you.”
    “But from what I heard, it sounds as if I’m actually making one… am I?”
    “What does your jantung tells you?”
    “That I am doing right”
    “Then follow your jantung Arthur …”
    “Does it tell the truth?”
    “Heart never lies Arthur, never will… sometimes our heads may make mistakes but not our heart. It tells us the truth, always will.”
    “So I am doing the right thing then?”
    “Thank you, Guinevere, thank anda so much!” Arthur reaches out and without realising what he is doing, grabs her oleh the arm and pulls her closer to him, embracing her. “Thank anda for enlightening me, thanks!” he says and hugs her warmly.
    Gwen stays stunned in his arms, like being electrocuted. The embrace is a shock and one she didn’t anticipate. But it was warm and she liked it. Slowly her hands crawls up to his shoulder and presses herself closer to him.
    The sudden closeness causes unexpected warmth against Arthur’s chest and he finally realises he is hugging Gwen. Quickly he releases her, his face uncertain while her’s blushing heavily.
    “Errr… sorry, Guinevere, I was a bit overwhelmed, I suppose,” he tries to laugh but his nervousness is obvious.
    “I am sorry, too… oh, look at the time,” Gwen tries to change the topic. “I think we better pindah it atau we’ll be late”
    “Come on,” she says and leads him out of his apartment.

    “Where are we going?” Arthur asks, as Gwen leads him to a restaurant.
    “Patience, Arthur… I’ll let anda know when we get there,” Gwen says as she carefully helps him up the curb.
    “Allright… my life is in your hands,” Arthur laughs and taps his cane along with her.
    Gwen leads him straight, takes a left turn and slows down ahead a restaurant. Arthur senses her slowing down.
    “We are there, Arthur, that’s why I’m slowing down,” Gwen replies.
    Gwen walks slowly towards the entrance of the Sunshine kantin, diner and passes the place where her father was accidentally killed a bulan ago. The owners have replaced the dinding and in place now there have built a air mancur with daffodils around it. Looking back at the place, the air mancur brings back sad memories for Gwen. She recalls the gruesome death her father endured on that unfortunate night.
    She looks at Arthur and sighs sadly. Her father wasn’t the only victim that night. Arthur, too, has his fair share of pain from that accident. And it’s pain he will live with for the rest of his life. Arthur clasps his hand around hers tightly and follows her lead as she takes her steps casually towards the entrance. Gwen recalls how much she has changed since the accident. She still remembers how revengeful she’d been towards Arthur. Her mind thought of nothing but hatred for him. She was angry, pahit and filled with wrath for Arthur. She couldn’t bring herself to sympathise with him no matter how many people advised her, because all she could think was revenge. And she was prepared to menyeberang, salib the limits oleh wishing him dead. Not just wish, she was willing to be the one who saw to it! She still can’t believe how crazy she’s been. Never in her life had she wished ill upon anything atau anyone but on the night she lost her father, she lost her senses as well. Her hatred for Arthur actually brought out a lot of unfortunate ill feelings, but thankfully, her every movement was blocked from the beginning. She didn’t know why then, but now, she’s thankful that her actions were halted.
    The accident also gave birth to this new relationship, this bond between two unknown souls. How she got attached to him is a mystery. They were total strangers a couple of months ago, they probably had met before in some corners of the world, god knows, but neither knew they’d menyeberang, salib their paths like this. Neither realized that their destinies are actually written to be intertwined. But like Morgana’s question, what does this hold for them in the future? Gwen has been asking this pertanyaan quite a lot since she met Arthur. She didn’t realize how close she has become with him since the accident and she wonders if he feels the same too. She is supposed to hate him, for God’s sake! How in the world did she start having feelings for him? And where is this bond going to lead them to? And what does this mean? Is it just an attraction between them atau is it sympathy atau is it…. Gwen dreads to think the other possibility but she knows she will still need to come to face it somehow atau other. Is it love, like Morgana guessed a while ago?
    Gwen tosses a quick look at Arthur and she has to admit her hearts flutters each time she looks at him. And when he smiles, her stomach churns crazily, sending gibberish messages to her brain. She feels happy with him and she realises he does too. But, will this work? Will their relationship actually blossom? Arthur and she belong in two different worlds, they are from two different classes and there’s no way she can reach the ladder of Arthur’s class regardless how hard she tries. But if Arthur stoops to her level and accepts her, will they get blessings from their families? She may not find any problem from her side but what about Arthur’s? What would his father say about her and their relationship? He would never approve, she’s assure of that. She has seen enough evidence of his ruthless behavior back in the hospital with Arthur, so she doesn’t stand a chance. But if she gets one opportunity to correct Uther’s view on his son, she doesn’t want it to be ruined oleh him opposing her relationship with Arthur. She wants Uther to cinta his son like Arthur has been thirsting for all his life, and if she gets a one-time chance to see to it, she didn’t want it to go to a waste. Even if it means a sacrifice from her. She’ll give up anything just as long as she sees the smile returning on Arthur’s face. She knows how much he loves his father and Uther is the only family he has. She didn’t want to jeopardize the father and son relationship for the sake of her own happiness. She knows how it feels to be without parents and their cinta though she is lucky to have a brother. Arthur isn’t as lucky as her. He’s been suffering since birth and she doesn’t want to see him suffer further. But if she can correct that, she’ll give up her affections for Arthur in return. And who knows, Uther might have a change of jantung and accept her. Now that would be a feat in their relationship.
Gwen shakes hear head and wonders what is wrong with her. What is she thinking? Why is she considering all these options when there’s nothing valid between them yet? Why is she playing with these thoughts and causing unnecessary anticipations in her mind? This has to stop! He is just a friend, one whom has caused her a big loss in her life but suffers in return as well. She is just sympathising him, that’s all. Nothing else, she tells herself. But, why are the feelings still lingering in her heart? If she is supposed to think of him nothing lebih than a friend then why is her entire body reacting funnily whenever he is around? No, something else is at play here and she doesn’t know what to make of it. Nothing is as it seems lately and Gwen knows whatever happens, there’s a strong valid reason behind it. Her meeting with Arthur, her father’s death, Uther’s resentment of Arthur; everything is playing perfectly into one magnificent movie, falling nicely into its slots. There is still much lebih to look out for and how will all this end up… that’s a mega buck question. Only one man knows the ending and he’s residing up there in the sky, looking down on them with a huge smile.
    “Oh sorry, Arthur…” Gwen smiles in embarrassment as she realizes Arthur’s been calling her for ages.
    “Something troubling you? anda didn’t answer me and I was getting worried.”
    “I was thinking… but that’s not important right now, we are here… come on.” Gwen quickly dismisses the subject and enters the diner. It was just half filled and she liked it. Its best they are not disturbed and if the place is half filled, they will get served rather fast. She walks over to the far end of the room, helps him to his kursi and sits down opposite him.
    “Actually I should be helping anda with your seat, this is quite the opposite.”
    “There’s no need for formality now, Arthur… I am happy to be doing all this,” Gwen balasa and signals for the waiter to serve them. A young man in white uniform approaches them with the menu in his hands.
    “I’ll decide in a bit, thank you,” Gwen tells the waiter and flips through the menu. She bites her lips and looks at Arthur. “What do anda like to have?”
    “Anything anda are having.”    
    “Do anda want me to read anda the menu?”
    “No, I’m good with your choice… anything but not domba shanks please.”
    “All right… hmmm, let’s see…” Gwen purses her lips and taps her fingers at the card, finally finding one of her choice. She searches for the waiter, finds him and signals him to come over. The boy approaches them and waits for Gwen to give her orders. Gwen selects herb chicken sandwich filled with garden salads and mashed potato. Then for desert she opted for cokelat brownie with vanilla ice cream and coffee to go. She gives the menu back to the waiter and turns back to Arthur.
    “Wow… those are calorie-filled foods we have just ordered.”
    “For a day’s indulgence, Arthur… I’m sure anda wouldn’t mind.”
    “I don’t except… Merlin thinks I’ve put on some weight.”
    “Really?” Gwen didn’t see any difference in Arthur from the last time she saw him.
    “Yeah… see this” Arthur points out to his stomach and pinches out his tummy. Gwen raises herself a little to see where he is pointing out. “This is what he is commenting from last week… he thinks my tummy’s bulging out.”
    “I didn’t see anything when I was helping anda with the tee a while ago.”
    “You can’t see the bulge when I’m standing… only when I am sitting down,” he says.
    “Oh…” Gwen looks down on her own stomach and the fat she was so worried about this morning.
    “Actually, Arthur…” Gwen purses her lips and plays with the napkin. “Don’t laugh, yeah… I’ve put on weight as well,” she says and laughs.
    “Yeah… I really did pile some stones. Morgana had some fun times teasing me about my weight and today… I couldn’t fit myself into a dress because it was too tight!”
    “I’m not lying! I swear I put on extra weight and… it’s really funny, Arthur. A dress that I can fit into without any trouble now requires detik thoughts because I’ll be so worried I might rip it apart,” Gwen tells Arthur and laughs. Arthur smiles and shakes his head.
    “You’re unbelievable, Guinevere.”
    “You’re not buying it?”
    “I am… just… the way anda explain yourself, it’s funny.”
    “You can say I am Camelot’s version of she hulk!”
    “Come on, anda can’t be that fat?”
    “You haven’t seen me, Arthur… anda don’t know,” Gwen says and smiles but Arthur’s smile fades. Gwen then realise she has spoken too much. She reaches out and clasps his hand warmly.
    “I’m sorry Arthur, I’m just… I am sorry” how can she be such a fool.
    “No, it is all right Guinevere. I wasn’t sad for my blindness but… I just wished I could see you. Just once, anda know, and I’ll live with that for the rest of my life… just once!” he tells her.
    Gwen feels herself choking. She wants to reach up and hug him but they are in a public place and its best not to draw unnecessary attention. She pats his hand and releases him.
    “Don’t worry… I promise one hari anda will”
    “Yeah, right,” Arthur retorts back.
    “Hmm…” he pouts.
    “Believe me Arthur… anda will,” Gwen says and their conversation is interrupted oleh the waiter returning with their meals. Gwen leans back as the boy sets the meals down.
    “Thank you,” Gwen says after the boy is done with his task. She then turns back towards Arthur. He was still waiting and Gwen knows she has to help him out. There’s no way he can manage the meal on his own. She gets up, circles the meja and picks up the fork and places it firmly on his left hand. She then helps him to fork the salads and leaves him to feed himself.
    “You’re good?”
    “Yeah… thank you” he says and she gets back to her own kursi and starts tucking in.
    After an jam atau so, Gwen completes her meal and pushes the plate away. Arthur is still tucking in. “Is it good?” Gwen asks, wiping her mouth with the napkin.
    Arthur looks up and nods his mouth full with food. Swallowing his salads, he takes a sip of water before answering her. “It’s incredible, we should do this often.”
    “Which one, this outing atau the food?”
    “Both,” he smiles and carries on with his food. Gwen smiles and is distracted oleh some commotion at the reception area. She looks up and finds a couple of men arguing with a waiter over some issue.
    “What is it?”
    “What?” she asks, still looking at the commotion.
    “That noise…”
    “I’m not sure, Arthur, I think someone’s arguing with a waiter,” she tells him.
    “Is it serious?”
    “I don’t know… want me to find out?”
    “No, don’t… just leave it. We don’t want any trouble, do we?”
    “Yup…” Gwen says and turns back towards Arthur.
    Though Arthur didn’t want any trouble with the troublemakers, trouble seems to be heading just their way. Both the men walk directly at their direction. Along the way they tease and disturb other customers, either oleh eating their meals, disturbing the woman atau oleh stealing what the men wore atau had. And when the customer tries to protest, the men would flash their knives at them. Like atau not, the customers would keep quiet and allow the men to get away with it. They walk on towards the meja where Arthur and Gwen are seated and stops short oleh their table. One of the men, a bald tall man looks down at Gwen and licks his lips. He pulls out a chair and sits down beside her. Gwen turns towards his direction, glares at him and then turns back towards Arthur. The man smiles and nudges his friend, another tall man but with an afro hair style. Both were white.
    “Look at this beauty, Joe… it’s a rare one, don’t anda think?” the bald man seated beside Gwen asks his friend.    
    “She sure is, Karl… delectable, I must say!” the one with the afro hair style says. Arthur drops his fork and taps his fingers impatiently on the table. Karl looks at Arthur and guffaws. Joe joins Karl and laughs.
    “Is this your boyfriend?” Karl asks, tilting his head, still looking at Arthur. Gwen turns at Karl again, still glaring.
    “Yes, is there a problem?” Gwen asks shortly. She hears Joe laughing loudly beside Karl. She shoots him a sharp look and then back at Karl. Karl waves his hand in front of Arthur and finds out about his blindness. He removes his hand and smiles, shaking his head.
    “This… this blind creep is your boyfriend?” Karl asks and both the men laugh loudly.
    “What’s your problem huh?” Arthur asks angrily, slapping his hand on the meja hard. The sudden whack on the meja stuns the men as well Gwen but she’s glad Arthur did it. She is getting annoyed with the ruffian’s behaviour. The other customers become alerted to the commotion as well.
    But despite the stun, the men aren’t intimidated oleh Arthur’s anger. They seem, in fact, amused oleh him. “Ohhh… look! The blind man is angry!” Joe remarks and continues to laugh. He slaps Arthur’s shoulder and Arthur shrugs him away angrily.
    “Leave us alone!” Gwen warns and reaches out to ask Arthur to kerang down but Arthur is already losing his patience. Joe continues to play with his head. “Hey!!” Gwen shouts at him but he isn’t one keen on listening. He continues to tap Arthur’s head.
    “Leave before I call the police… out now!” Arthur warns them but they continue to laugh.
    “You… you’re going to call the police? How are anda going to do that, I wonder! anda can barely dial any number let alone see those numbers… and anda are going to call the police!! This is a joke, mate!!” Karl says and pats Arthur’s shoulder but Arthur swipes his hand away.
    “Ohhh… look how angry he is…” Karl says and laughs, looking at Joe. He then turns towards Gwen’s direction and licks his lips again. She winces at his sight and turns away.
    “What about you, sweetheart… are anda going to call the police?” Karl asks and plays with Gwen’s curls but she slaps his hand away.
    “Get away, will you… just leave us alone!” she shouts in frustration. But Karl still plays with her curls and she slaps his hand away. “Leave me alone!” she shouts again.
    “Leave her alone!” Arthur shouts and gets to his feet.
    “What do anda see in that, sweetheart?” Karl points at Arthur, gets to his feet and circles Gwen’s chair, trailing his hand along Gwen’s shoulder. She slaps his hand away in anger.
    “Don’t touch me!!” she shouts at him.
    “Aren’t anda listening?” Arthur shouts again and Joe reaches out and grabs Arthur’s throat oleh force, choking him.
    “Arthur!!” Gwen shouts and gets up but Karl holds her down, pining her back to her seat. “Leave him alone!” Gwen shouts and tries to release herself from Karl’s grip. But Joe’s grip was like an iron grip and he is hurting her as well. The other guy is still choking Arthur and Gwen notice Arthur is struggling to release himself from the man’s grip.
    “Arthur! Help… please help us!!” Gwen shouts but no one seems to be brave enough to help them. Everyone is as petrified as Gwen and Arthur are. There were terrified expressions on every customer and staff around and Gwen doesn’t blame them. She would have done exactly the same if anyone else was in her place. “Let me go!” Gwen tries to peel the Karl’s grip but when Karl didn’t seem like budging, she bites his hand. Karl shouts and releases her. Gwen gets up and rushes toward Arthur. “Let him go,” she shouts and hits Joe with her bare hands, pounding him.
    “Get her, Karl!!” Joe shouts and Karl circles the meja and comes to grab Gwen oleh her waist, pulling her away.
    “Arthur… Arthur, help me!” Gwen shouts for help.
Arthur struggles and the man releases him just to meninju, pukulan him straight on the face. Arthur crashes against a meja behind him and falls down, blood seeping out from his nose. Gwen screams and kicks herself free but Karl holds her tightly.
    “Look at your boyfriend now… isn’t he a pity!” Joe says, looking at Gwen. “He’s a joke!” he adds.
    “Let him go… please!” Gwen screams again. The owner of the Diners enters the diners and watches the scene unfolding in front of him in horror.
“What’s happening?” he asks and one of the waiter steps closer and in hushed voice, explains what has happened. “And anda all didn’t do anything?” he asks again after listening to his waiter’s explanation.
“They always come around sir… they create chaos and get away with it because they are armed,” the waiter explains, in hushed voice.
“This is ridiculous! They probably have done this before and maybe get away with it but not with me, and not anymore” he says bitterly and immediately fishes out his phone and dials for the enforcement.
“But sir if the police come, they’ll come looking for you,” the waiter warns and the owner pats the waiter and assures he isn’t worried about them.
“I am not worried… look at them, look at what they are doing. Would anda stand oleh and watch if someone from your own family is being harassed like that? No, I can’t watch it. I’m calling the police and if they want to deal with me later, oleh all means go ahead. I’m not worried,” he says and moves to a corner to speak with the inspector.
    Arthur rolls to his side and wipes his nose. Joe walks towards Arthur, using his feet he turns him flat on his side and places his feet on Arthur’s chest, pressing him.     “Like it?” he asks and laughs. Arthur pushes the man’s feet and tries to get up but gets kicked in the stomach instead. Arthur groans in pains and falls back flat on his back. The man smiles, turns around and walks back towards Gwen. Karl is still holding her tightly despite her kicks to get free from him. Joe cups Gwen’s face and leans closer. “We like you, sweetheart, and when we like someone, we don’t leave them be… so what do anda say we head someplace quiet and enjoy ourselves,” he says with a sly smile. Behind him Karl sneers.
    “Over my dead body!!”
    “You’re no use to us dead, sweetheart!” Joe balasa and leans closer to ciuman Gwen but she kicks him as hard as she could at his groin. The man clutches his private parts and steps back, his face reddening in pain. He kneels down and looks at Gwen in horror. Karl, still stunned oleh the scene, loosens his hold on Gwen. She takes the opportunity and frees herself from him and runs towards Arthur.
    “Arthur?” she cradles his head against her and wipes the blood from his nose.
    “Gwen… are anda all right? Run, Gwen… get out of here,” Arthur warns her.
    “No… not without you”
    “Forget me, just go…”
    “No, I won’t leave anda arggghhhhh!!!” Gwen shouts as Karl grabs her hair and pulls her to his feet.
    “Arghhhh… leave me…. leave me alone!” Gwen shouts again as Karl tries to hold Gwen tightly.
    “Gwen… Gwen!!” Arthur shouts but the man whom Gwen had kicked earlier, crawls towards Arthur and pounces him back on the ground, choking him.
    “You’ll be sorry anda met us!” Joe says and chokes Arthur.
    “Arthur!!!!” Gwen shouts. “Help… help us please!!” she pleads as Arthur loses his fight with the man.
added by EPaws
Source: staystrongandliveyourlife
added by EPaws
Source: Brightporclain
added by EPaws
Source: mellystumblr
added by EPaws
Source: hedingtopigfarts
added by EPaws
Source: marstark
added by EPaws
Source: obliviousarthur
added by EPaws
Source: letseyx
added by EPaws
Source: Archaeologist D
added by EPaws
Source: Yavannauk
added by EPaws
Source: Sunday Telegraph
added by EPaws
Source: Yavannauk
added by EPaws
posted by RosalynCabenson
Part 7: link

Sorry that the sebelumnya parts are so short I try to make the last chapters loner but Idk break is over and I have to prepare for grad finals.
only don't want this left unfinished.
Thanks for your komentar btw =)

Revelation Part 8

In the Morning Merlin woke the King early.
“What’s the matter?” Arthur asked.
Merlin informed him that Gaius has finished his research on how to defeat the undead army of Morganas.
“There’s a weapon. A sword bathed in dragon breath. It can destroy the undead.”
Of course Gaius didn’t research anything. It was time for Merlin to reveal Excalibur to...
continue reading...
posted by kbrand5333
Part 65: link


    It is past midnight and Arthur and Gwen are finally in Arthur’s car, which has been lovingly decorated oleh Merlin and the lads with streamers and bir cans, the windows painted festively. Arthur only sighed when he saw it, mentally noting that he’s going to have to get his car washed. Again.
    “Are anda going to tell me where we’re going?” Gwen says, shifting in her seat. “Or at least if it’s very far? This isn’t the easiest thing to sit in, anda know.”
    “It’s not far,” Arthur smiles,...
continue reading...
added by DarknessToLight
added by EPaws
Source: Brightporclain
added by MISAforever
Storyline: Arthur dies and leaves Gwen heartbroken and alone. However, he comes back to life and gwen gives birth to a child and they rule over the kingdom :)
added by VampyreFey
bradley james
malaikat coulby
bradley james
malaikat coulby
added by VampyreFey
malaikat coulby
bradley james