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anime Which do anda find yourself loving more?

41 fans picked:
 bouncybunny3 posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
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Dewheart picked Females:
Most of my favorite characters do tend to be girls. That's probably just because being a guy makes me biased. Not all my favorite characters are girls though, but at least my top 5 probably are.
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Cerudays picked Females:
I tend to like the female characters more that have traits I can relate to. Not sure why... maybe it's because I'm a girl and I like seeing characters that act like myself or people that I know. *shrugs*
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perryperry picked Females:
Most of my favourite characters are girls, and just like Cerudays said I like characters that I can relate to more.
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They're really about equal... It only depends on a character's personality for me; I don't give a care about gender.
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MCHopnPop said:
Hard to say,they're equal for me,it always depends on the characters personality for me. Don't really mind on the character's gender-if I like that character,I like them.
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EmoSasuSaku picked Males:
Most of the animes i watch have more guys in it~
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Both.... Gender doesn't matter
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Jamie38459 picked Females:
Girl Power :3

Ok yea, sounding immature. But still, I tend to have WAY more favorite female characters than males cause honestly I don't watch that many animes with male protagonists and the ones that I do watch with main males I just can't enjoy them most of the time :(
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Why not both???
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mizorewannabe picked Females:
omg!!! MIZORE!! yes i do love mizore
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zanhar1 picked Females:
Lust, Beatrice, Medusa. My top 3 favorite anime characters ever are all women. There are exceptions of course; I like Hetalia's Poland.
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Narusasu4EVER picked Males:
Males <3 i like some females too!but most of the times it's a percent of 80% males to 20% females in every anime i watch!
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dontmindmeyo picked Males:
Both in all honesty. I just went with males since my all-time favorite fictional character is male.
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Katherine1517 picked Females:
Generally, I seem to like more female characters, but there are a great deal of males that I love, as well.
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hetalianstella picked Females:
Though most of my ultimate favorites are males I can count more of my favorite females overall :P
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IllusionDolls picked Females:
Same as Stella.

I think that I overall like more females because I generally find it easier to make a connection with female characters.
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