Gabriel Scott Johnson ubah - Exit historical view

On December 18, 2009, seven-month-old Gabriel Johnson was abducted by his mom, Elizabeth from Tempe, Arizona. She took him to San Antonio, Texas in her grandfather's car and they stayed in two hotels.

Gabriel was last seen with Elizabeth on December 27, 2009. Gabriel's dad, Logan McQueery got some disturbing text messages from Elizabeth, who told him that he wouldn't see Gabriel again and that she murdered him.

Elizabeth left San Antonio on a Greyhound bus without Gabriel, leaving her grandfather's car behind. She was supposed to appear in family court on December 28, 2009 for a custody hearing, but she never showed up and a warrant for custodial interference was issued.

On December 30, 2009, Elizabeth was arrested at a youth hostel in Miami Beach, Florida. She was charged with custodial interference, kidnapping and child abuse. She claims that the texts she sent to Logan were falsified to upset him. When asked about Gabriel's whereabouts, Elizabeth said that she gave him away to a man and a woman that she met in a park in San Antonio.

At the time of Gabriel's disappearance, he was being considered for adoption by a couple, Tammi and Jack Smith; however, Logan refused to terminate his parental rights stating that the Smiths were trying to force him to agree to the adoption. 

Tammi and Jack Smith are considered suspects in Gabriel's disappearance and the police thought that they might be withholding information about where Gabriel is.

In February of 2010, Tammi Smith was arrested & charged with forgery, custodial interference and conspiracy to commit custodial interference. She maintains her innocence in Gabriel's disappearance.

Logan McQueary was granted full custody of Gabriel in March of 2010. He hired a private investigator who believes that Gabriel is alive and was either given away or sold by Elizabeth to another couple in San Antonio.

In May of 2010, Elizabeth reportedly confessed to murdering Gabriel during a jailhouse interview with a police detective. In June of that same year, she was ruled incompetent to stand trial and spent three months in court-ordered treatment and was later found competent to stand trial.

In 2012, Elizabeth was convicted of custodial interference and unlawful imprisonment, but the jury was unable to reach a verdict of the kidnapping charge. She was sentenced to five and a quarter years in prison and got credit for serving three years. She was released from prison in July of 2014.

As of 2023, Gabriel remains missing and his case is being investigated as a kidnapping/homicide.