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This is something that's been long overdue, but finally I can express as to why our educational system is utter crap and why it has absolutely no place in modern society. If anything, I argue that it in fact makes people dumber, and I'll explain why.

Originally, I despised school just like every other kid would. But as I got older and doing lebih research around the internet, I soon realized that our school system is broken and doesn't educate children - atau at least, doesn't educate them properly.
The modern hari school system was founded during the Industrial Age, back in the 19th century. Back then, schools weren't meant to educate children so they can become rich business tycoons in the future, but to make obedient factory workers. Think of it like this: your work for about 50 to 60 minutes, wait for an alarm to inform anda that it's time to rest, anda relax for about 10 to 20 minutes, repeat the process, do exactly as they tell anda to make it, etc. That's the exact same way schools work. They meant to turn us into effective factory workers because at the time, they were necessary for the time period. However, as time went on, we moved passed the necessity for factory workers in favor of entrepreneurs and inventors who changed our world. Unfortunately, while the times and culture changed, our schools have not. Schools barely changed over the years and with the rise of the internet, they became a rather obsolete method to teach children.

One key indicator of how backwards this system is the fact they forget that all children all different, with their own unique talents, passions, weaknesses and disadvantages. Every child is unique who are really good at some things but not so good at other things. But that's perfectly normal. The school system on the other hand arrogantly scoffs at such a ridiculous idea and forces down our throats subjects that we'll barely if ever use in life, and when we do get our dream job, we may not be very good at it since we spent our time studying for a worthless grade instead of perfecting our crafts. Imagine if a doctor gave all of its patients the same medicine. The results will be catastrophic, yet this is happening almost all over the world.
Originally, back in my 9th grade, my Romanian teacher asked us what kind of purpose school served. I answered: "To educate us about several subjects that we can use in the future and forge our own careers with it. If we weren't good at one job, we can use the knowledge from other subjects we learned to our advantage and get a different job." The teacher berkata that it was a beautiful idea, but only now I see how much of a jackass I was. I used to think of school as a sanctuary of education, but now I only look at it as a cesspool that indoctrinates children to become domba with no sense of imagination atau individuality. We all have to adhere to how the system works, otherwise we're declared failures and can't get any jobs. Yes, I do agree that learning about culture, history, literature, other languages, and other such things are necessary. It's just the way they're teaching it to us that's the problem. We live in the age of the internet, when every information we need is easily accessed oleh a simple google search. My father even told me that when it comes to Mathematics, gathering, decreasing, multiplication and division are the only things I'll ever need in life. The rest of the horsecrap they teach us is just a complete waste of time that we won't ever use, not even for programming. I used to disagree with him, but now I see how right he was.
Over these years, the internet has been lebih of a teacher about the world and its many aspects then all 12 years of school ever was. I learned about people, history, art, other cultures, cosmology, religion, politics, music, biology and literature, all thanks to being addicted to the internet. I also researched about sex, how to drive a car and several other things that they never taught us, when they really should. I also watched a lot of internet critics who helped me develop the ability to think critically and pertanyaan everything around me.
Remember what I berkata about schools not understanding the idea of individuality? Well, another aspect they forgot is children who have other problems to deal with. Whether it be abusive parents atau parents who argue a lot, atau children with mental problems, such as depression and anxiety, autism, ADHD and Dyslexia, which makes school a living Hell for them. They're berated for things that they cannot control. Yes, there are special classes for children like these, but most of the time they don't care and only expect anda to have really good grades and pass the really hard exams.

Another problem with our educational system is the fact that it doesn't teach children to become leaders. It doesn't teach how to do anything. It doesn't teach practicality. No fellow high school students I've ever talked to mentioned they ever took an investment course. This is an example of what students need because we all need to save for the future. We are pushing students through many disciplines like Mathematics and History, but forgetting we use about 5 percent of what we have learned in high school in the real world. We need to push students towards practical subjects that develop real world skills instead of what might barely be used in the future.

As it is today, school teaches children to conform. At school, children are taught to obey orders and blindly follow what they are being told. Children are told what to do, no matter if they like it atau not. Children stop trusting their inner voice and conform to what authority wants from them, which tremendously suppresses them and, not surprisingly, makes them depressed and unfulfilled.
School teaches children to be uncreative. Children’s imagination is wild, but school does wonders to suppress it. Children can be incredibly creative, but the Arts are almost nonexistent in most schools around the world, since a career path in the Arts is usually not considered as profitable.

Mistakes help us grow into wiser beings, but school is teaching children to fear failure, as if it is some kind of an evil they need to avoid. Children at school are told to study solely in order to pass exams, and those who fail at exams are looked down upon, sometimes even mocked at, as if they are failures themselves. Therefore, children learn to do their best in order to avoid making mistakes, which only prevents them from trying to achieve any new goals they’d desire later on in life, lest they will encounter possible failure.

School teaches children think play is something bad. Children find tremendous joy in playing, having fun, laughing, doing things for no reason atau goal other than play itself. Play makes their jantung pulsate with happiness and turns their life into a celebration. Slowly, however, as children grow up, they are taught that play is not good, since it’s not something productive, and that they should consider it simply as a waste of time.

School teaches children to associate money with success. It makes them confuse monetary gain with successful living. At school, children learn that the primary goal in life is to earn a good salary, and are being told to sacrifice almost one third of their lives forcing themselves to learn and do particular things just so that they can get a degree that will allow them to work later on as corporate slaves.

Thus, children stop pursuing their passions that would give true purpose and meaning to their lives, and instead do dull things that only burden their psyche and which merely help them to survive but not to truly live.

Want to hear some depressing stories? There are several instances where I attempted to commit suicide all because I got a bad grade in school. I'm not kidding.
First was back in November of 2015, on a Sunday evening when I was at my father's house in the neighboring town of Cuvin. Me and my mother were studying for a really hard exam in Math, and I barely knew a single exercise, even though I studied for them. My mother got angrier and lebih frustrated whenever I didn't know anything, even got to the point of her drooling and her face becoming red. She eventually gave up on me and told me to just flunk the test. After she walked out of the room we were studying, I started crying but tried to keep it quiet. I started to believe I was some kind of failure and that I was a burden to my family. I was crying for fictional characters to be there to comfort me, and I almost ended my life with a pair of scissors from a nearby cabinet. I messaged what happened to my best friend and he calmed me down with a story he told me about an accident he had when he didn't know anything at Math.
The detik happened back in November of 2016, in which I only got bad grades all day. Not helped oleh the fact that those grads were from exams and projects that I worked hard for, so it felt like all my hard work was for nothing, which is what depressed me even harder. I was contemplating suicide all day, and even accidentally told it to my mother. She broke down crying and for the selanjutnya months, we've been visiting psychiatrists and I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety and ADHD.
The third one happened on November of 2017, when I received a bad grade at Romanian for an exam. This time, I almost went through it. I didn't have the guts to cut my wrists, so I cut my shoulders instead. Sometimes, I even scratched my chest until it started bleeding, because I thought I was a failure and I hated myself.
That's what school does to our youth and I'm beyond angry that nobody's doing anything about it. Back in November of 2017, for History class we wrote an essay about the differences between the schools in the past. I pointed out the difference and even the flaws that our system has. The teacher agreed with me, wholeheartedly and everyone else clapped for me. She liked my essay so much that she took it with her, and two days after, two kids entered Geography class to make us sign a petition that will be sent to Congress in Bucharest, to change the Romanian school system to the Finnish one. I was so overjoyed with the news that I instantly signed it. However, over a tahun and a half have passed since then and no news about any reformation. Which just proves that there are some shady and scummy people in congress who don't want change and want to keep us ignorant.

My dream is to one hari pindah to the United States and become an animator, atau voice actor, atau artist. However, school does nothing but hold me back. I suffered from anxiety and depression because of the pressure that school put on me. I was constantly bullied in middle school, and my parents say that this is necessary, when it really isn't. They berkata that if I drop out of school, there's no way I'll ever be able to go to the USA. What's even worse is that I barely have time to my hobbies, such as drawing atau writing, because I'm forced to recite some stupid crap about Romanian atau History that I don't give a damn about! I know about the War in Crimea of 1854, and that the temperature of the Mediterranean sea is influenced oleh the Sirocco wind, but I know jack squat about perspective, how to animate drawn objects, how to pay my taxes, how to create a business, how to open up a checkbook atau a credit card. Seriously, I could get so much lebih done if that accursed Romanian didn't breath down my neck. I want to become a better artist and person; that's why I worked hard in becoming a student at my current Art School. My problem used to be that I have great imagination, but I simply didn't posses the capabilities to draw them. That is until I had enough time to practice at halaman awal during vacations and holidays and now I'm a better artist. However, because I'm nearing the end of senior year, I have to dedicate my time to studying for Romanian, History and Geography to pass some stupidly hard exams in June of this year. So, I have very little time to do the things I'm actually good at. I'm want to draw lebih and become better at it, but school is in my way. I had to delay a rather short artikel of mine for a bulan because of school. Not only that, but Romanian is the subject that I'm the weakest at. I'm forced to take extra-curriculum classes, tests at my house, write essays, watch Romanian dubs, read, etc, until I fully know it, despite not being interested in it. In my opinion, nothing is sadder than wasted potential, but school doesn't just waste my potential, it wastes my life.

Another thing that irritates me about schools are the teachers. Most of the time, they're rather nice people, but the problem with them is that they inform us, not teach us. They make us memorize the info, but fail to make us interested in what they're teaching, besides scaring us with bad grades. However, some teachers simply don't care and are clearly just there for the pay-check. And sometimes those teachers will talk in a boring and tedious way, but when someone famous like an inspector comes to class, they do a 180 and try to look nice, but when the inspector isn't present, then it's the same dull classes, over and over. Made worse oleh the fact that teachers are informed about the inspector coming to class, so they have enough time to prepare to make themselves look good. The problem with this in certain situations is that instead of keeping it as a surprise so the inspector could see the teacher's ineffective way of educating students, the teacher already knows what to do, so the inspector will have no idea what actually happens during periods.

But don't take my word for it, here are some choice kutipan oleh famous and intelligent people who perfectly describe why our educational sytem, from an objective point-of-view, sucks:
"College is a place where a teachers lecture notes go straight to a students lecture notes without passing through the brains of either." - Mark Twain.
"In scool, students cheat because the system values high grades lebih than students value learning." - Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
"Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school." -Albert Einstein.
"School failed me, and I failed the school. It bored me. The teahers behaved like seargents. I wanted to learn what I wanted to know, but they wanted me to learn for the exam. What I hated most was the competitive system there, and especially sports. Because of this, I wasn't worth anything, and several times they suggested I leave." - Albert Einstein.
"Everybody is a genius. But if anda judge a ikan oleh its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." -Albert Einstein.
"God made the idiot for practice, and then he made the scool board." - Mark Twain.

What makes it even worse is that school starts so freaking early that children are forced out of beds, when they need plenty of sleep for their development and growth. oleh forcing them to wake up early, it will only make them lebih tired and bored and thus, will have no interest in the horsecrap that the teacher spews out. Plus, it will only make them lebih depressed and lonely. Made worse oleh the presence of bullies, delinquencies, school shootings, dropouts, etc.

Oh, and lets not talk about the fact that they force us to learn and use excessive words to write essays with, atau that they distort the past to push an agenda down our thoats! Cut us a break...

Is there a way to fix this issue? I'd say it's easier to adapts the Finnish school system, but the problem is that Finland is economically different from a country like the United States, so adapting it to that country atau others simply wouldnt work. I actually came up with a solution myself: after the children learned basic menulis and reading, on the first hari of school, give the children a piece of paper on which they can write down what type of careers they wqnt o have and what periods they want to attend to. After that, the students are only diberikan the subjects that teaches them about the carrers they want to have. I know it ain't perfect either, but it could work in my opinion. If anda disagree with me, that is perfectly fine.

In coclusion, schools are a cesspools of indoctrination that exists turns people into domba with no sense of individuality. That's just my opinion of course. I may be wrong and if I am, I apologize. But this is just something that has been bothering me and I wanted to sharebit with people. Have a nice day!
As usual, Smell ya later!
added by TimberHumphrey
posted by cute20k
1. Dial a acak number and confuse the person who jawaban oleh saying things like;
"Why did anda call me?", "How's Billy Bob?", "Thank's for last night! (make kissy noises in phone", "I'm sorry to hear about your loss (hang up immediately)", "What happened to your mother is horrible! I'm so sorry she had to leave us on that note!", etc.

2. Look up acak statements in foreign languages and recite the statements to those who speak the language.

3. Post a acak artikel like this.

4. At walmart atau somewhere similar, go up to an obese woman, atau a man for extra affect, and wish them good luck with...
continue reading...
Reasons why being a guy is so much easier than being a girl.
1.First off anda aren't sick once a month.
2.You can't get pregnant so anda aren't the one stressed on birth control , anda do it and that's it.
3.You don't have to spend hours picking an outfit.
4.You don't have to spend hours putting your make up on.
5.You don't have to spend hours making your hair to stay decent.
6.You get ready to go out in just 30 menit tops.
7.You pee standing.
8.Your parents don't tell anda at what jam to be halaman awal when anda in high-school.
9.You can sleep every night somewhere else than halaman awal as a teenager cause your parents...
continue reading...
Hi! :)
Here are the puncak, atas ten to impress the guy anda like, just out of my personal oppinion, only try what anda want to try, my sources are personal expirence as a woman:
10. Respect the men, example: no its not just a game, its football/soccer and its lebih important than breathing to most guys. ;)
9. ....but don't be too suck up-like.
one of my friends heard her crush loved chickens according to the guy, so she was thrilled when she got invited to his "Amazing" party, I was really happy for her and asked her wheather she'll like to borrow a fiver to buy acessorie for the party, but she berkata thanks...
continue reading...
added by Rodz
Source: desktopnexus
added by 050801090907
added by spongefan612
added by ShaclowStalker
added by 27-5
added by angel_cake
1. Cognitive Dissonance - the idea that when we hold two conflicting thoughts atau beliefs, we unconsciously adjust to make one fit with the other. My social psychology professor gave an example of a student who values studying all the time, but celana panjang longgar, celana panjang off when it comes to their favorit televisi show. So the student tells herself that watching the televisi helps her study later when it really doesn’t. However, telling herself that helped her eased the anxiety.

2. Hallucinations are common - one third of people laporan experiencing hallucination at some point in time. Similarly, normal people...
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posted by OmegaLeader
101 things to do when your bored~
Original link

1. Look up urban legends, and/or ghost stories in your town. Investigate!

2. If anda live in a city with public transport (bus, train, subway), plan a trip using the transit system. Take some friends along for company, atau just enjoy the ride and people-watch!

3. Get yourself a roll of quarters and find a video arcade.

4. Strike up a conversation with a total stranger.

5. Learn to tie sailors’ knots.

6. Volunteer. It’s fun and you’ll get good karma. :o)

7. Hang out with old people. They have great stories and sometimes need the company.

8. Perform...
continue reading...
1.people excpect anda to be good all the time and stay the same

2.Your friends get jelious when anda hang with other people.

3.more people then anda think hate anda and think your stuck up.

4.If your a mean populer person people might ditch you.

5.People talk about anda behind your back because your selfish and think your the best thing in the world.

6.The teachers know not to put anda with your friends because anda talk to much.

7.You hang out with alot of people but lebih then 90% of them are just hanging out with anda because your popular.

8.If your a populer girl and anda have had afew boyfriends some people will start calling anda a slut.

9.If your a populer boy and anda have had afew gilfriends people will think your a player.

10.if anda had a good friend and then anda became populer they might stop hanging out with anda because they think there not good enough.
I believe in my jantung that we shouldn't have to change atau selves atau stop following our dreams just for someones approval because this is our life and they have to live theirs if we have a dream that our jantung is at then we need to go after it and ignore those haters because they'll make anda stronger.For example if anda want to be a singer be a singer,If anda want to be an Artist be an artist.If anda want to be different and original than be original because anda have to fulfill your dreams.If anda stop because of haters ,you will never feel happy atau complete and you'll let the hater win oleh giving...
continue reading...
posted by Me_Iz_Here
There are a lot of creeps on Omegle. Whether you're just bored, trolling, atau being a creep, anda will definitely run into a pervert on Omegle. So here are some comebacks anda can use.

Stranger: Horny?
You: Yes.

Stranger: ASL.
You: Sorry, I don't speak American Sign Language.

Stranger: 17 M looking for horny females
You": 85, M, looking for other gay men.

Stranger: Wanna chat with hot girls? Go to "Babesofomegle . com"
You: No thanks I don't feel like seeing whores like you.

Strangers: Wanna fuck?
You: How the fuck are we gonna fuck if you're so fucking far away and I'm not gonna fucking tell anda where I fucking live so we can fuck acak strangers.

Stranger: anda like dick?
You: Yes, I do like Dick. He's very nice. I don't get why people make fun of him for his name.
You: anda ARE talking about the person, right?

Other ways are to just repeat the same thing over and over again, atau copy everything they say.
Of course, guys, u don’t have to do ALL these things, just a few on the daftar would b nice =P..hahaha

45 things a girl wants but wont ask for:1. Touch her waist.
2. Actually talk to her. ( somewhat true )..:)
3. Share secrets with her.
4. Give her your jacket.
5. ciuman her slowly.

Are anda remembering this?

6. Hug her.
7. Hold her.
8. Laugh with her.
9. Invite her somewhere.
10. Hangout with her and your friends together.


11. Smile with her.
12. Take pictures with her.
13. Pull her onto your lap.
14. When she says she loves anda more, deny...
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posted by MarMar_XigLux
“ Killing someone with a spoon is not bad, but I prefer the chainsaw it's faster.”
~ Serial Killer on spoons

You found out anda hate someone. No, not just hate. anda FUCKING hate them. No, not just FUCKING hate them, anda wanna strangle them until their head pops off then shove it down the loo but then it'll go into the sewers and then the police/the fuzz/cops/pigs/gorillas will be like, all, "omfg wutt iz goin on why iz der a hed in me toilet" and then they'll find you're fingerprint on them and be all "haha we fund woo it was it was [insert name here] and then anda be like "omgomgomg" and then...
continue reading...
posted by KilledbyanAngel
Tomorrow is Valentines Day, so here's an artikel - How to Say "I cinta you!" in 51 different languages!

1. "I cinta you!" (English

2."Ek is lief vir jou" (Afrikaans)

3. "أحبك" (Arabic)

4a. "Ես սիրում եմ քեզ" (Armenian)

4b. "Yes sirum yem" k’yez (Armenian - Phonetics)

5a. "Я кахаю цябе" (Belarusian)

5b. "JA kachaju ciabie" (Belarusian Phonetics)

6a. "Обичам те" [i](Bulgarian)

6b. "Obicham te" (Bulgarian - Phonetics)

7. "Et vull" (Catalan)

8a. "我愛你" (Chinese [traditional])

8b. "Wǒ ài nǐ" (Chinese [traditional] - Phonetics)

9. "Volim te" (Croatian)

10. "Miluji tě"...
continue reading...
okay, penguins are amazing, so i'm making a daftar why everyone should think so too!

10) cuz they are cool (literally), i mean, they live on ice flows
9) flying is overrated anyway
8) dude, they can swim!
7) they waddle
6) they're always dressed for the occasion
5) the guys care for the eggs (awww! devoted daddies)
4) they upchuck their food (and they don't think it's gross)
3) they waddle...oh, i already put that, didn't i?
2) they have a tv show! (the penguins of madagascar)
1) because they are PENGUINS!!!! nuff said
20. Yoruichi Shihoin from "Bleach" Cool, Smart, fast, strong and she can turn into a cat, Yoruichi is the bomb. Even her former student Soi-Fon loves and respects her.
 The MASTER of female shinigami.
The MASTER of female shinigami.

19. Kushina Uzamaki from "Naruto" The mother of the main character Kushina get's little time in the sires cause she's dead but that doesn't stop her from being totally kick pantat, keledai in life.
 The red hot-blooded habanero.
The red hot-blooded habanero.

18. Mana from "Yu-Gi-Oh!" My favorit Yu-Gi-Oh girl...Fun, pretty and AWESOME. Mana is one of the strongest and few girls in this sires about guys.
 The original dark magician girl.
The original dark magician...
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