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 Annoyed B?
Annoyed B?
[Read Part 1 if anda haven't already:)]

Okay to start off THANK anda GUYS SO EFFING MUCH for those who read it and reviewed. anda all literally made my day<3
I actually am clueless about how many majority shippers are either DS atau NS. Lol, so bare with me if it’s not your ship.
Honestly I have no idea where this story is going,,, so pretty much every chapter is what just comes to my mind, and whatever floats my perahu that day=]

[omg my computer is so screwey right now, its posting multiple times, and it is so slow, so if any multiple chapters occur i appologize for my stupid computer:(]

Thanks again for all the reviews<33


---------------Exactly 50 menit later --------------

“OH MY GOD, IT HAS ONLY BEEN 50 menit SERENA!!!” Blair cried slamming her phone shut.
“Calm down B, at least anda brought your cell phone, that’ll keep anda busy.” Serena sympathized.
“S, I need lebih distractions…AND DON’T anda DARE MOTHER CHUCKER TO FINISH THAT SENTENCE.” Blair yelled making sure she made it crystal clear.
Chuck smirked. It was funny how well she knew him.
“On contraire, it’s not like anda don’t like my distractions.” Chuck gleamed.
“Oh shut up Basshole, I’d rather die then make out with you.” Blair spat.
“Who berkata anything about make outs? That is too childish. I’m surprised Waldorf, I was thinking lebih of steamy ---”
“ANYWAYS…!” Serena quickly interrupted. She did not want to hear about Chuck and Blair’s sex lives. She already had enough from hearing them in the bathroom almost everyday after school.
“Like I was saying, so umm, since we were only allowed to bring two things, what did anda guys bring?” Serena asked changing the subject.
“Easy, cell phone and tweezers.” Blair beamed proudly.
“Tweezers? Why in the fucking world would anda bring tweezers Waldorf?” Chuck asked.
“Because!! Because,,, well I don’t know…. we are stuck in here for who knows how long, and well,….I didn’t know who the other two people were….and I needed something to protect me just in case” Blair sighed breathlessly.
“Protect you?! Lame Waldorf.” Chuck snickered.
“We all know the only danger here is Humphrey, when he bores us all to death. And anda know I’ll be happy to meninju, pukulan that guy for anda anytime Blair.” Chuck smirked starring into her eyes. Dan spun his head around in annoyance.
Chuck was actually surprised when he saw her ceri, cherry lips curve up, and her eyes filling up with joy. And then she let out one of the most beautiful things out of her lips that always mesmerized him. Her laugh.
“Bass! anda really would do that huh?” Blair laughed playing along.
“Of course” Chuck berkata proudly.
“How could anda though? You’re like the scrawniest guy I know, selanjutnya to Brooklyn Boy of course.” Blair smirked.
Dan looked over to Serena, who she gave him an apologetic glance. It was like everyone forgot he was even in the car Dan thought.
“Oh please, I work out with Nathaniel everyday. Tell her Nathaniel.” Chuck demanded.
“Yeah of course, we run 5k a day. But of course after a mile, Chuck would call his limo to come get him, and say he “sprained” his ankle. Every time.” Nate reminded him grinning.
“Yes, now I see how strong anda are.” Blair laughed hysterically.
“Oh really, well could Humpty-Dump do this?” Chuck smirked taking a firm hold of her bare wrists.
Blair struggled out of his grip unsuccessfully.
“Basshole, let go of me.” Blair demanded trying to tampil annoyance on her face. But Chuck could see right through her, that she was enjoying every moment of this.
“No.” Chuck smirked now pinning her down to the seat, her head now laying on puncak, atas of Dan’s lap, akting as though he was a pillow.
“Uhm…I need to…” Dan began saying, who was clearly uncomfortable and fidgeting in his seat. He could smell Blair’s Chanel perfume which was now agitating his nose.
Blair and Chuck could care less, and the truth was they were loss in their own worlds, and their own gazes. It honestly felt like they were the only ones in the world, the only ones in the car, and the only one that could ever make each other feel like this.
He leaned closer to her, his nose touching hers.
He could feel the kupu-kupu yet once again erupt, except this time, he let it out, finally setting it free.
Blair’s doe eyes widen, and Chuck’s satisfied smirk turned into a soft smile.
Nate and Serena were just staring behind them at the two lost couples, them smirking at each other on knowing what was going to happen next.
Chuck’s lips slowly glided towards her mouth like velvet, an ecstatic charge pulling them closer together.
He could feel her jantung beating rapidly synchronizing to his own.
All of a sudden it felt as if an earthquake had just erupted on Blair’s graceful head.
“ACHOO!” Dan sneezed shaking his knee, causing Blair’s head to hit Chuck‘s head, which caused him to fall backwards and hit the side window. It was like a comedy sitcom show, only better.
“DAMN IT! HUMPHREY!” Chuck roared rubbing his forehead.
“CHUCK!!” Serena yelled defending Dan who was sitting there helpless. “Oh, and bless anda Dan.” She added.
“UGHH CABBAGE PATCH, anda got spit on me!” Blair yelled disgusted, wiping her face fiercely with her rok and scrambling off of Dan.
“Sorry.” Dan mumbled, yet again feeling uncomfortable.
“Hey, anda can’t blame Dan, anda guys were the one lying on puncak, atas of him.” Nate chuckled.
“HaHaHa very funny Nathaniel” Chuck spat sarcastically still massaging his forehead.
Blair just sat there, trying to calm herself down as her cheeks burned with embarrassment.
Of course the way Serena is, she tried to break the awkward tension and asked, “So…um we haven’t finished… what did everyone else bring, besides Blair?”
“Baseball cards, and phone” Nate berkata looking down at his baseball collection.
“Cell phone and condoms” Chuck berkata casually shrugging his shoulders.
All four of them turned at him shaking their heads mumbling in the words of idiot….womanizer….Basshole…
“Cell phone, and a book.” Dan berkata clearing his throat.
“A book?” Blair rolled her eyes. “Typical.”
“I brought a magazine, and a phone” Serena berkata smiling proudly.
There was a long silence.
“This is gonna’ be a long day.” Nate mumbled pressing his head against the steering wheel.

--------15 menit later----------------------------------------------------------------------

15 menit later they were all in their own little worlds.
Serena was membaca her magazine with her feet up facing the hood.
Dan was membaca his book.
Nate was looking through his baseball cards.
Blair was thinking and cursing to herself in how she got into this mess
And Chuck was looking at his condoms, smirking and imagining when he could use them on Blair.

Suddenly a knock came from the window.
Chuck rolled down the windows where he saw an old man holding 5 paper bags.
“Hey kiddies, it’s almost 9, we sort of forgot about dinner, but anyways, here.” He berkata chucking the 5 intoxicating bags filled with some crumby old sandwich and a water bottle.
“Um excuse me, are we allow to sue anda if anda kill us with this garbage?” Blair politely said, with a hint of annoyance in her voice.
The man just looked at her and grumbled “Just eat up.”
“Oh and oleh the way kiddies, the mall lights turn out in 5 menit so anda might want to take the best out of this opportunity and get some sleep” The man sneered walking away.
“UGH. Serena I’m not eating this crap.” Blair pouted slouching in her kursi pushing the poisonous bag away.
“B, anda have to eat, this is our only meal for today, since we started after lunch.” Serena said.
“Serena! This food is total crap, and mine smells like dead fish” She whined sniffing the blob that was sitting on her lap.
“Mine tastes like spinach...” Nate mumbled nibbling at his meal.
“Could this be any worse!!!” Blair yelled throwing her hands up in the air.
And right at the perfect timing the lights turned off. Filling up the car with a blanket of black ink.
“Oh god, now it’s dark!” Blair moaned.
“Then what’s the problem with that?” Chuck chuckled, his finger twirling around the condom.
Blair jabbed him somewhere in his body. Wherever she got a moan out of him, was good enough for her.
“FUC---” Chuck yelled.
“Language Bass.“ Blair smirked, lighting up the entire car.
“Just because it’s dark Waldorf, doesn’t mean I can’t see that.” He grinned, still holding his ribs in pain.
She rolled her eyes.
“I saw that too.”
Damn it. She thought, how the fuck did he do that?
“Guys it’s only 9:00, what are we going to do for the past few hours. I know I can’t fall asleep now, especially after that….sandwich…or whatever that thing was.” Nate sighed.
“How about truth atau dare?” Chuck beamed wickedly.
“NO!” all four of them yelled at the same time.
“What?! Why not?!” Chuck demanded banging his fist to his knees like a little kid.
“Because anda always turn this into a sex-fest truth atau dare” Dan sighed.
“For once I agree with Cabbage Patch on this, Bass.” Blair sighed again.
“Fine.” Chuck berkata rolling his eyes.
“How about SCARY STORIES!” Serena squealed in delight.
“UH NO WAY!” Blair yelled.
“YEAH!” Nate berkata shaking his head with enthusiasm.
“No way S, anda know how I get…”Blair started.
“Awe poor B, anda can hold onto me the entire time then.” Chuck cooed in her ears seductively.
“Over my dead body.” Blair spat.

--------------5 menit later------------------------

Dan was telling them a horrific story about a lady who got murdered in a mall one night. Serena loved the story and kept squeezing Dan’s hand signalling him to continue.
Everyone was on their kursi listening intensely, except for Blair who was holding onto Chuck for dear life and grinding her nails into Chucks hand. It hurt like hell. He could tell anda that. But he loved the pain of excruciating love.
When the story was finally over, Blair was nearly in tears with fear caving in her deep kastanye, chestnut eyes. Her jantung was beating rapidly. Why the hell did Humpty-Dumpty have to choose a horror story about a lady who got KILLED IN A MALL!? Just to scare her and make her look horrible. Blair thought to herself. Well he was doing a pretty good damn job.
Chuck was about to komentar and make a remark on Blair’s tight squeezing throughout the story, when he saw vulnerability and fear escaping through her, which he had always hated to see.
“Hey.” He cooed stroking her cheek.
“It’s over.”
Blair just nodded.
Serena looked over at her pale lifeless best friend.
“Awe B, come here.” She motioned, hugging her best friend.
“How about we do something else, anda know to get your mind off it” Nate suggested.
“That sounds good” Serena smiled. “How about…….OHHH how about Dan read some of……..um….that …book anda brought.” Serena suggested.
“Uh sure., I guess.” Dan berkata clearing his throat turning the page.
“Chapter one…..”

20 menit in the story Dan looked up from his membaca and realized everyone was asleep. He actually wasn’t surprised. During the story he was the only one laughing at the hilarious mathematical science jokes. And if Blair and Chuck were awake they probably would make a komentar on the lines of ‘You’re a freak Humphrey” atau “Is that what all Brooklyn people read, screwed up novels?”
He looked around the black sky room.
There was Nate slouched in his seat, his head resting on the window. Then there was Chuck his hands protectively over Blair’s waist his head to the window, and Blair’s head on Chuck’s broad shoulder.
Then there she was. Sleeping like a perfect little angel. Her golden wispy hair falling around her face. He smiled lightly to himself, and crawled over to her, and just stared every inch of her face. How he got so lucky, he thought. He pressed his lips firmly to her forehead, slightly waking her up. He regretted it automatically. And quickly fell back to his seat, pretending he was asleep.
Serena’s lips slowly opened, and then carefully whispered,
“I cinta anda too.”
Dan felt like time had stopped, and wanted to replay the moment over and over again. He smiled to himself, leaned back and whispered,
“I cinta anda even lebih Serena.”

------3:00 am-----------------------------------------------------------

Blair woke up in the freezing cold car, forgetting where she was for a second. Then once she saw
the shadows of her best friends, and yes she sighed as she hated to admit it, that was including Cabbage Patch too. She just sat there thinking for a minute.
Suddenly a cool draft interrupted her thoughts. Soon it turned unbearable. She flicked her eyes opened, desperately searching for some kind of jacket. She recognized Serena’s Marc Jacob’s cream cashmere sweater below Serena’s feet, and carefully crawled to the passenger kursi to retrieve it.
Dan’s eyes started fluttering open, as he too, the draft was overtaking him. He suddenly saw a figure oleh the passenger seat. His mind went racing last night, praying and thanking God that it was no dream. A soft smile crept to his face.
He slowly got up and went to rub Serena’s shoulders.
Blair’s eyes immediately widened, when she felt an unwanted presence on her behind.
“BASSHOLE GET YOUR FUCKING HAND OFF MY ASS!” She screamed waking up the entire car. Chuck, Serena, and Nate bolted up their seat.
Dan’s eyes flew in shock, when he realized what he had just done.
Chuck immediately woke up in shock from the screaming words “BASS, HAND, and ASS” right away. His eyes immediately scanned for her, then finally saw her perfect body cascading a shadow, with an unwanted hand where he was only allowed to touch.
He followed the soon to be murdered hand, which led up to the unfortunate Humpty-Dumpty.
His eyes burned in rage, and without another thought he shoved his fist up to Dan’s nose.
Dan yelped and cursed in pain when he felt a cold fist slamming against his nose.
Serena jerked her head as fast as lightning. While Nate jumping off his kursi trying to restrain Chuck from beating up Dan.
“CHUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Serena screamed.
Nate was struggling to get a hold of Chuck. Maybe he was actually getting stronger, Nate thought.
“CHUCK LET GO OF DAN!! OH MY GOD DAN YOU’RE BLEEDING!! CHUCK!!!!” Serena yelled in desperation.
Blair just stood there in total shock taking a better look at this chaos.
“CHUCK, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!” Serena piped. “Blair, please?” Serena cried, trying to restrain Chuck while hugging Dan.
“CHUCK!” Blair yelled trying to get his attention. “It’s fine, Humpty was just blind.” Blair berkata trying to calm him down.

After a few menit Chuck had finally calmed down, and Serena found a cloth where Dan could stop the bleeding wound.
“Well that was a good night sleep.” Nate sighed sarcastically closing his eyes and letting his tiredness seep through him.
When everyone had finally drifted back to sleep. Blair shifted closer to Chuck and whispered in his ear,
“Thanks Bass. I never knew anda would keep your promise on beating up Humphrey for me.” Blair whispered locking his hands with hers, smiling lightly.
“Anything, and anytime for anda Waldorf.” Chuck whispered huskily.
He took another deep breath, closed his eyes, and drifted back to sleep never letting go of her hand.


Well that’s it for this chapter! =]
Hope anda guys enjoyed.
 "Thanks Bass."
"Thanks Bass."
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