fanpopping sejak January 2013

  • Female
  • Amerika Serikat
  • Favorite TV Show: avatar atau Death Note
    Favorite Movie: Shaun of the Dead
    Favorite Musician: evanescence
    Favorite Book or Author: harry potter
mosaic daftar

Klub Saya


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that was...the worst and best ending ever... :,) diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
MomoiroxChan komentar…
It was a bittersweet ending but still a Yume ending :) Because yuuki waited thousand years to sacrifice her life for him, I believe that she can cinta both, but she loves Kaname more!!! Yume forever<3 lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Celestial24Wolf komentar…
It was so sad to be honest I was mad that he died just because arthimes wat ever the name of the weapon............I didn't get it she is a pure blood there is no need for a weapon use ur powers but that's not it yuuki kills herself for him to be revived........great now everone is lonely :( lebih dari setahun yang lalu
purekaos berkata …
hi diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
big smile
purekaos berkata tentang vampire knight
I made a fan club called komik jepang cosplay and creativity. that means its not just cosplay it can be like drawings anda made atau anything homemade having to do with manga! diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
purekaos komentar…
Well I changed it to komik jepang homemade lebih dari setahun yang lalu