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jojumper berkata tentang John Lasseter
hello mr lasseter. my name is athen i am 7. i'd like to komentar on Cars2 i really like the idea of an agency with cars and i thought it was a lot lebih detailed than Cars. and i also like the bit that mater berkata shoot and the thing berkata shoot activated then a parachute came out. that was really funny. thanks for the movie i liked it a lot. diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
jojumper komentar…
Hi there, Athen is my son and wanted to say thanks for the Cars2 Movie. I think that this one will have to be a Birthday gift this tahun :). lebih dari setahun yang lalu
PortoCorsa komentar…
Me and my son cinta to watch the Cars film over and over again and the Mater Toons and while watching them I get lebih and lebih Ideas of making new film atau Toons. Thank anda for this. lebih dari setahun yang lalu