Chelsea Rose

fanpopping sejak February 2010

  • Female, 29 years old
  • Amerika Serikat
  • Favorite TV Show: Tyler Perry House of Pain and a lot others
    Favorite Movie: I cant pick because I have so many
    Favorite Musician: I have alot
    Favorite Book or Author: slash
mosaic daftar

Klub Saya

dinding saya

big smile
joanzark beri saya props untuk my polls
Pleaseeeee.....can anda tell me how can i buy Slash's book? diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
joanzark beri saya props untuk my videos
10 klub in common!!!!!!<3 diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
SRitchieable berkata …
Come and see this: A pohon decorated each tahun in easter eggs! link

And please vote at the Easter Egg club's pick for a new banner and new icon. diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu