hey can anda do me a favor go to Les Miserables picks and pick nick jonas as a good Marius i would really appreciate it
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Just thought anda should know that tickets for the phantoms 25th anniversary in october are on sale on the 4th of July. anda can get the tickets from the phantom of the opera website :) Ramin and Sierra will take the lead roles :)
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Happy Birthday to the penulis of the orignal phantom story - Gaston Leroux, 142 years young. Thank anda for the musik of the night and your soul shall be remebered in each performance of the 1986 musical ^^
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Doing a massive revamp on my youtube playlists, including my hopefully 666 song playist tribute for this speacial POTO year, up to 154 songs atm, dreadful I know. Please help oleh checking them out and making suggestions, lebih palylists to come. youtube name - MissPhantomMania
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