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X5's and Transgenics If all the X5's were in a tug-of-war, with the males on one side and the females on the other, which side would win?

8 fans picked:
Neither, they'd just keep tugging back and forth, and back and forth...
 shomill posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu
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shomill picked Females:
The guys are good, but Max is the best of all of them.
posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu.
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shomill picked Females:
Okay, we seem to be at a crossroads here as to who would win...
posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu.
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joose32 picked Females:
No offence to the guys but i think Zack is the toughest out of the x5s and Max kicked his ass :D
posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu.
last edited lebih dari setahun yang lalu
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shomill picked Females:
Sweet!!! Another Zack fan like me!!! lol
posted lebih dari setahun yang lalu.