I hope soon women earn as much as men in the U.S. and I hope in 2016 a woman wins the U.S. presidential election!
diposting lebih dari setahun yang lalu
Womens rights to me r......we r equal to men and should be treated as such no matter how looks atau body build she should be able to speak our own and stand strong oleh it never and I mean never crave us women r equally beautiful and all wonderful it's the slutty little bitches who give us rest a bad name I'm a free hard heard loud mouth woman and I dare someone to break me down!ohh and for the stupid girls who believe they can hit their men and not be popped back HA! I don't go for violence when men hit women for no reason is wrong but if ur in a fight with ur man and u get voilent first he has the right to knock the piss out of u same goes the other way if he man hits u out of anger knock him down a peg! We r all strong beautiful women it's about time we acted like it! It's not a hair makeup clothes thing all that stuff can be burned tomorrow and ik that we would survive bc it's not about glamour it's about jantung and soul!lebih dari setahun yang lalu