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added by winxlove2
posted by winxlove2
I was watching Thro the window.I sold myself.I thot“why I am so ugly??Why do the glamix are my friends??“ Then Voice inside my started to talk
Voice:you aren‘t ugly!
Ginta:Who’s that??
Voice:you don’t even remember my???oh well come back to Anodine! We need you!
Ginta:no!*the voice disappear*
Cindy:what is it ginta??
Ginta:I have to go!don’t come whit my!
Ginta:anodite reborn!*transforms into anodite*it’s my own busyness!!*flys away*
Cindy:what’s wrong whit her??
Hula:beh she will come back!


Ginta:*she is fling like a star*(thinks:what cud happen??I mean Anodine is...
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added by winxlove2
added by winxlove2
added by winxlove2
added by winxlove2
added by winxlove2
posted by winxlove2
 Human Seciurity 1
Human Seciurity 1
My Life Story Part 3

This Part will oleh about Happy things :D Hope anda will like it!well meybe just 1 litlle bitlle thingy…


Well At first! I want to break up whit my boyfriend!Don’t ask why!becouse I don’t now!just don’t like him eny more!and I really aprisiate what he gave to my but I I I just don’t now if I ever did cinta him…I mean we are like couple allread 2 months and we never KISS!!!! That is not normal relasionship!!


Back to the good part! Well I have some kuis for ya! anda must...
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added by winxlove2
added by winxlove2
Source: viria13
added by winxlove2
added by winxlove2
Well This Will oleh My New Cross-over FF :D Hopa ya like it 
One hari The Glamix Grils wur sitting under the pohon and listening to music.Then A HUGE Storm came!
Juliet:wth???the hari was sunny! Storm cudin’t come so fast!
Cindy:this isin’t a normal storm girls!
Hula:if ginta was here she would help us to now who made it!
Terra:well She isin’t here!it’s her problem she left the TGG!!
Meggie:but she didin’t have a chose!She had to become the queen!!
Cindy:guys!*points to some clouds*do anda see what I see???

The girls Get all O.o because they...
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added by winxlove2
added by winxlove2
added by winxlove2
posted by winxlove2
Batter life! part 3

Kris:hey viviennado anda now where is Maya?
Vivivienna:nope!twirl do anda now what stupid wicthy lessons will we have today?
Twirl:*gates a peace of paper whit all the lessons daftar and time*wow we will have to go to all!so Friday Friday Friday!oh here it is!we will have dark magic,posions and-A KILLING LESSON!!!
All fairys in the hall:*goes pale*
Juliet:oh yeah!!*shows rock hand*
Ediltruda:Fairys!You will not get eny %!
Ediltruda: Miss Cocolina!
All the fairies: COCOLINA?!XDDDDD
Coco: Shut up!
Karen: Coco come down! COCO!...
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