Web 2.0 favorit Web 2.0 site

goalstopper posted on Feb 23, 2007 at 05:11AM
my favorite is youtube. i just like the community aspect of it.

Web 2.0 6 balasa

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lebih dari setahun yang lalu Ketzel said…
A link to a Grupthink (my favorite site) topic:

What is your favorite web 2.0 application/web site?

lebih dari setahun yang lalu GirlieGolfer said…
My favorite other than Fanpop now, is Squidoo.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu mrk said…
My faves are Twitter, Joost, WordPress, MyBlogLog.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu djnuttall said…
I enjoy Squidoo,Myspace,and Hi5. I like interacting with people.
lebih dari setahun yang lalu mook said…
I find squidoo annoying, but I love stumbleupon and esnips. Hopefully fanpop will be good (just joined today)
lebih dari setahun yang lalu alesianlarken said…
I love Hi5..i love to be participate in discussions..